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The BIS is going to sacrifice the U.S. dollar in favor of a global currency.

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posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 07:28 PM
Yes, it's a race to the bottom....and then technically, when the dollar went below 84.0....looms lower

edit on 14-8-2014 by GBP/JPY because: Cause Jesus can be my King anytime....what He did....

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: TheBandit795

WRONG, Completely WRONG

When someone doesn't understand international politics, he or she simply assumes theories where non exist.

Because he or she, thinks in small ways, thinks on individual level, thinks that Putin and Bankers and Obama are like relationship between simple people on the street.

They are not like you and your neighbor on the street. They don't stop talking just because one side or both are a$s$s.holes

I will explain in detail now.
edit on 14-8-2014 by FootBig because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: TheBandit795

I have a degree in Economics. My father is a banker in one of the French Banks in Europe. I know all about currency as debt, private Ownership of ECB and FED and all about BIS

Here is what is actually going on.

Those articles you posted quote words of Gorbachev who is a globalist sell out. Russian media and Putin always portray Gorbachev in negative manner, this has been going on for last 8 years. They hate the guy. He does not represent Russian viewpoints.

Those articles you posted say Russia is a member of BIS, this is completely false, Russia is not any kind of decision maker in BIS, Russia is using BIS for Trading and Funds transfers, Autos, Food (well no food trading anymore), OIL, you name it.

When other countries governments want to buy from Russia, they use payments through BIS. What is Russia supposed to do, SAY NO TO THE MONEY AND TRADE

These articles you posted say Russia has a central Bank, yes they do, but not a central bank controlled by BIS or anyone, nor does it print Ruble with interest attached the way FED and ECB print money.

Those articles you posted say Russia took money from IMF during collapse of 1990s, Yes, Yes they did, and EVERY PENNY WAS RETURNED, Russian Federation owes nothing to IMF at this point.

Those articles you posted insinuate that Russia is buying US bonds manufactured by FED. This is so laughable that I can't even type straight. This is simply untrue. In fact FED IS BUYING FED BONDS, they are buying their own paper.

Those articles you posted mention that Kissinger is friend of Putin, LOL, Kerry of USA was also friend of Putin until Putin got him to get Russia into World Trade Organization which made Russian goods easier to trade. And what is Kerry / Putin relationship now, in the toilet.

Putin is using the western puppets to make Business life for Russia easier, the moment they won't let him anymore, he will drop them like a sack of bricks.

Those articles you posted point to demise of US dollar and rise of SDRs, well guess what, Putin was at that time trying to make sure that if Western Powers take down the dollar and replace it with SDRs for international trade, that Russian Ruble also is part of that, which would elevate value of the Ruble on international trade.

LOOK THE PROBLEM YOU MOSTLY UNEDUCATED PEOPLE HAVE is not realizing that Russia although not submitting to overall philosophy of Western GLobalists, still has to do business with them, just like China does, its all fake smiles, from everyone.
edit on 14-8-2014 by FootBig because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 09:17 PM
What some people don't understand is that the inner circles of some of these shadowy groups work with unknown aspects of reality, their methods of manipulation are a timely honored acumen, you don't have to believe it but know that these people DO believe esoteric arts that the general public knows nothing about, and it's easy to notice the influence if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Let's talk about the seemingly bizarre reality of Monarch Programming, Mk-Ultra, the insidiousness of these groups can not be underestimated, knowing historically what they have done and what they have funded.
A great deal of black projects are obviously heavily involved in matters normally considered pseudoscience by mainstream scientists, yet we know they have had all kinds of programs tied to that, and we're gonna believe a government notorious for keeping secrets when they tell us they have stopped all such inquiries. It's laughable.

Or maybe you have noticed their profound obsession with all kinds of esoteric dates?
The escalatingly ritual like TV events watched by millions of people?
People don't know these things so they don't believe, but these people certainly do, in fact they even seem diabolical in their endeavours, it's a terrible thing and their machinations just through the 20th century has cost the lives of untold millions of people.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: FootBig
a reply to: TheBandit795

WRONG, Completely WRONG

When someone doesn't understand international politics, he or she simply assumes theories where non exist.

Because he or she, thinks in small ways, thinks on individual level, thinks that Putin and Bankers and Obama are like relationship between simple people on the street.

Like you and your neighbor on the street.

I will explain in detail now.

Big.. we don't need theory, we have history to work with.
The relationship is indeed complex, and has been explained
by surely smarter than you and I combined.

It being twenty minutes and counting since your explanation
yet to come-- The explanation will be made by those money
gods as they remove our wealth, lying about it as usual.
I expect no less from them because they know no other way.
It's simple actually-- because they're all simply psychopaths.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: derfreebie
Big.. we don't need theory, we have history to work with.
The relationship is indeed complex, and has been explained
by surely smarter than you and I combined.

It being twenty minutes and counting since your explanation
yet to come-- The explanation will be made by those money
gods as they remove our wealth, lying about it as usual.
I expect no less from them because they know no other way.
It's simple actually-- because they're all simply psychopaths.

Explanation provided in Detail, feel free to disagree or agree, I am going for lunch.
This is conspiracy web site after all. So it makes sense that people here think even the air they breathe is conspiracy.

Although.....Chemtrails come to mind

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 09:36 PM
I dont believe for a second the US isnt the main head of the hydra... NWO is *New World* Order, not New *World Order*. The New World has always referred to north america.

Thats not to say that they're not all pawns in the game, I just think that the US is the main character. Its currency was designed to eventually collapse but I think the nation will make a comeback considering its physical assets (existing technology, military, manpower)... it'll be necessary in securing order out of the chaos it created.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: TheBandit795
Putin following bankster orders.

How can you possibly post what I am quoting, with a straight face.

You posted a link, and named it Putin Following Banker Order

and when I click on the link, I get article where Putin argues for the collapse of PteroDollar which IS THE SOLE THING that allows Federal Reserve to print almost unlimited dollar amount without Hyperinflation setting in and starting a civil war in US.

Western Bankers hammer is the United States Army, if US collapses and that army has no paycheck, the bankers are at the mercy of Russia and China.

I can't believe the conclusions you would come to.

Is it true that everyone and their cousin is preparing for End of Dollar, yes it is true. But if Russia and China were under control of western bankers, they wouldn't be their most serious competition now with new BRIC's IMF.

If what you claim is true, the NEW IMF created by BRICs would have at least some ownership traced to FED or ECB

there is none

The fact that western media is not even mentioning new IMF and when they do, it is brief and silly. That alone should tell you something.

What you really should be asking yourself is this.

What if The East, kicks western globalis butttt, and then becomes in 20 years the new monster to fight,

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 11:53 PM
This is a fantastic idea and I completetly agree with everything you said here. The problem is the people in control don't want that to EVER happen because they would no longer be viable ( I believe they aren't viable at all anyways and never will be , but I'm not in charge
) Complete slavery and worship to the god mentioned on US currency is the goal. ( Not the real god btw, their god ) a reply to: Cogidubnus

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:15 AM
Good Point~

Two more come to mind - and each one points to each of us as the source of balance ~

The Fifth Interview

UBUNTU Contributionism

To live in service of truth, you must first identify the layers of deception that encompass you. This is the equivalent of deprogramming. It is central to the Sovereign Integral process. Then you can live the words and ideas that arise from this internal field of truth that is inside you and nowhere else. It is completely unaffiliated with anything that is a feature of the Hierarchy. This is because what is truth is singular (sovereign) and universal (integral) at the same time. No organization can contain that. Only you can.
- Excerpt from Chamber 8 Philosophy


posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:17 AM
First of all, please respect your fellow members here on ATS instead of using a condescending tone.

As for the rest, prove that the Russian Central Bank is not a member of BIS. That they have already paid back all money they borrowed in the 90's.

As for Putin and Kissinger:

Good evening! I am very happy to see you.

First of all, I want to congratulate you on receiving the title of Honorary Professor of the Diplomatic Academy of Russia.

You are more than just a long-time veteran of diplomatic service and related work – you have been involved in global politics for nearly your entire life. You have many friends in Russia – our foreign policy veterans, and people who always follow your assessments of developments in the world and various regions with great interest. So presenting you with the title of Honorary Professor of the Diplomatic Academy of Russia is fully justified.

I recently had a talk with Henry Kissinger. I meet with him regularly. I fully share this consummate professional’s thesis that close and trusting interactions between Moscow and Washington are particularly important in periods of international turbulence.

This was the tenth time they had held met over the years, Peskov said. The two men have often traded compliments, with Kissinger calling Putin “extremely intelligent” in a 2007 interview with Time magazine.

And of course they still have to do business with each other, and still do. But the articles have shown that the conflict is a manufactured one. One that was supposed to happen in Syria, which failed. Then they resorted to using the Ukraine.

a reply to: FootBig

edit on 15-8-2014 by TheBandit795 because: Added more kissinger/putin links

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: FootBig

How can you possibly post what I am quoting, with a straight face.

Where am I posting what you are quoting?

You posted a link, and named it Putin Following Banker Order

and when I click on the link, I get article where Putin argues for the collapse of PteroDollar which IS THE SOLE THING that allows Federal Reserve to print almost unlimited dollar amount without Hyperinflation setting in and starting a civil war in US.

Western Bankers hammer is the United States Army, if US collapses and that army has no paycheck, the bankers are at the mercy of Russia and China.

How do we know they don't control Russia or China. Even if you dismiss what I've posted. Russia and China's central banks still are members of BIS and China has a member in the board of directors.

If what you claim is true, the NEW IMF created by BRICs would have at least some ownership traced to FED or ECB

That's what we have to figure out.

there is none

Then prove it.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: TheBandit795


Shoulda closed 'em down when we learned they financed everyone in WWII - Britain, Germany, Japan, France, the USA....

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: FootBig

originally posted by: TheBandit795
Putin following bankster orders.

How can you possibly post what I am quoting, with a straight face.

You posted a link, and named it Putin Following Banker Order

and when I click on the link, I get article where Putin argues for the collapse of PteroDollar which IS THE SOLE THING that allows Federal Reserve to print almost unlimited dollar amount without Hyperinflation setting in and starting a civil war in US.

No, that is wrong.

It's not a petrodollar. The petroleum trade is small compared to the bond trade. It's the deep liquid market in dollar based securities, whether issued from the USA or elsewhere, which supports the use of the dollar.

The Fed is able to print dollars now and not cause inflation because the velocity of money is getting lower and lower because of increasing inequality---rich people save money. The potency of money supply to cause inflation is the product of the quantity of money times its velocity.

People have been freakishly screaming about "hyperinflation" for 6 years now, and inflation's been at 1-2%. For good growth, including middle class wages, 3-4% inflation would probably be better. That's not hyperinflation---high inflation starts at 10-15% and hyperinflation at 50%.

Empirical evidence shows that actual economists and the Fed have been right, and hyperinflationist conspiracy theorists are wrong. Not only that, but illogical. They start from the premise of banker's control of the world and then believe that the bankers are interested in simultaneously inducing economic collapse and hyperinflation. The two things that bankers HATE HATE HATE are "losing money" and "losing money". And economic collapse == "losing money" and hyperinflation == "losing money".

They are in it for the money!! They want stable deregulated finance and low inflation (and no prosecution for insider trading) because that's when they make lots of money.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: TheBandit795

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:51 PM
this is what i don't understand. we have enough people here and enough resources, natural and otherwise, that if the economy were to collapse, we could just start making our own new money and material stuff and charge whatever was fair price. we could build our own plants to make our own stuff and basically be perfectly fine. why do we have to rely on other countries materials, when we could do all of that, ourselves? we can grow our own food, drill our own oil, create our own machines, and so on. there's really no reason to just sit here and go bankrupt and lose all our food and what not, when we have the capability already, right now.

that is a real head scratcher. think about it.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 05:19 PM

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) (in French, Banque des règlements internationaux (BRI)) is an international organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks".

B.I.S. and Member Nations

Up to date list.

And interesting is most current and recent military actions are in non-member countries !!!

( Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, etc. etc. )

( Africa Nations etc. etc. )


posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 05:32 PM
Once oil begins to be priced in a currency other than the USD, two things will happen:

1) Eastern Government reserves of USD will be dumped overnight causing a worldwide depression.

2) The US will start a major war, which could easily spread to the rest of the globe to bolster its economy. This will be vain and fruitless attempt to spend its way out of the problem and re-assert its dominance as the reserve currency of the global market place.

If and when this happens, bend over and kiss your assets goodbye. The only thing that will be of value is food, water and bullets for you rifle or buckshot for your 12 gauge.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: mekhanics
a reply to: TheBandit795

Money is not the root of all evil.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
1 Timothy 6:10King James Version (KJV)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: TheBandit795
First of all, please respect your fellow members here on ATS instead of using a condescending tone.

As for the rest, prove that the Russian Central Bank is not a member of BIS. That they have already paid back all money they borrowed in the 90's.

As for Putin and Kissinger:

If I was Putin, I too would meet with Kissinger and wine and dine him with best food, just so I get a glimpse of what Western Strategists are thinking or trying to fool me with.

World of politics is complex, you are simplifying it to the point of useless.

You are moderator paid to post, I am not going to now research for 2 hours papers to prove to you that Russia has no decision making authority in BIS and that Russia has payed back everything to IMF.

Readers can do the research if they are interested.

Actually here you go : Straight for the mouth of Evil Horse Himself

Russian Federation Completes Early Repayment of Entire Outstanding Obligations to the IMF

It seems to me, that Russia and Putin being against western world domination and Globalist takeover, have good support on ATS, and now some people are trying to sour the milk by trying to paint Russia as same as USA.

This is just another bunch of wrong data.

It seems like, if can't get people for USA, then get people to think Putin and Obama are same people.
edit on 15-8-2014 by FootBig because: (no reason given)

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