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Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada

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posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: raymundoko

Not the epistle , a 1500-2000 year gospel of Barnabas was recently found in Turkey, its now at Museum of Ankara.

Not researched but read...

Iranaeus (130-200) wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity.

edit on 10 7 2014 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 04:59 AM
Those numbers seem astronomic. And we have no proof or evidence to confirm this story. No photos of mass graves , no remains nada. I mean this is enough bodies to be a holocaust. I know something draconian has been going on with missing children for a long time but this seems a bit preposterous. I am very skeptical. I remember Johnny Gosh , there have been thousands of Johnny Goshes since , gone without a trace.

Blame it on Aliens

edit on 10-7-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: glend

I was reading your source when I noticed this:

...this article was taken from

I immediately hit the back button, I recommend that you do the same.

A few years ago I lost my marriage, my job and I completely gave up on life.

I began to spend massive amounts of time studying, at times I stayed up all night searching and reading.

I was determined to learn the truth about life.

One of the most important keys I learned was that religion always lies.

I KNEW that God was real because I had experienced several undeniable miracles over many years.

Everything was pointing towards one conclusion: religion is a counterfeit created to steer us away from the truth about God.

I learned that you MUST rely on your own personal experience if you really want the truth.

That is where you come to a place where you KNOW instead of just believe.

I believe that this is the key to true enlightenment.

Once you begin to have supernatural encounters with God, your beliefs actually become knowledge.

Too many spend their entire lives studying religion or seeking enlightenment instead of going to the SOURCE or trying to connect with the very meaning of life and the creator of the universe.

I am 100% convinced that Religion is being used as a form of mind control and ultimately causing souls by the millions to end up in hell.

Below are a couple examples of encounters people have:

Praying all night in the mosque, he asked God to help him. Suddenly he felt drops of oil falling on him and even smelled its fragrance, he says. He claims another time he heard an audible voice telling him to read a Bible—an abomination to a Muslim. “We would not touch a modern-day Bible,” he says. “This voice immediately put a desire in my heart. It is so vivid, so clear, so overwhelming. Still today, I could not forget that voice.”

For example, one man in a nation hostile to Christianity says he heard a voice telling him, “Find Jesus, find the gospel.” He didn’t know what Jesus was—a chair, a tree, an animal? But the voice told him exactly what city and house to go to, so he traveled for two weeks, arriving directly at the door of one of only three believers in the city.

Why Revival is Exploding Among Muslims

I had a real encounter with an evil spirit once; and only He could save me from the evil grip. You see, one of the rooms in our house had been known to have an evil spirit occupant. Many including my brothers and aunt had seen the spirit in the dark form of an ugly man. I was not a true believer of evil spirits and stuff that they were talking about. I did, however, have a rather strange experience when I spent the night in that room.

One fateful night, it was quite different and that thing got hold of me entirely. My whole body was paralyzed and the only body parts that still worked were my eye balls and my mind. I thought then that I was in real trouble this time. The feeling was awful and I was in the dark void completely.

In desperation, I called out bismillah imanirohim (from the Islamic religion) and then tried to recite omitoufut (from the Buddhism religion), but none of them worked. Finally, I cried out “Jesus, please help me!” and instantly I was freed and I made a quick dash out of that room. My parents sold that house a few years later.

Muslim encounter with Jesus

There are many other sources that confirm this as well:

Also the info Verum1quaere gave was good as well, just be VERY careful whenever looking at Seventh Day sources and the SDA offshoots such as Seventh Day Remnant.

Like most other religions, the SDA movement has been infiltrated by the Vatican and has become a cabbalist cult.

There is far too many doctrinal errors such as Jesus is an Angel, ‘soul-sleep’, SDA is the only ‘true church, blah blah...

I suggest that you ALWAYS check out your sources before spending any time reading.

Otherwise you are GOING to be deceived.

Here is one very good example:

Rome's Islam - YouTube

The video is excellent and I recommend it BUT it is hosted by Seventh Day Remnant.

This is an SDA offshoot that uses heretical teachings about the trinity.

But the video is good so many times a bad source will give some good info.

Another example: How the Vatican created Islam

Same as above, truth but coming from an unreliable source (Seventh Day Remnant).

This is good as well: The Prophet, by Alberto Rivera

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 11:03 AM
You got hoaxed buddy...look at the source. BIN.

a reply to: glend

Edit: And again, your OP is a hoax. Check your sources in the future. That court is fake and makes up it's own evidence. He is a known hoaxer and you apparently fall for hoaxes as you linked another hoax site about the gospel.
edit on 10-7-2014 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: glendPope Francis was being prosecuted by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels

The "International Common Law Court of Justice", huh?

A European version of Sovereign Citizens/Freeman on the Land/etc etc. It's like Elvis Presley being posthumously prosecuted by the local Parent Teacher Association for sacrificing hamburgers to Baal.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: dreamingawake

An ardent satanist does want to distroy all God's creation... everything that is dear to God. The distruction of a childs innocent in such a way that it will ruin the happines of that child the rest of its life is probably a better way to hurt God than to kill it. Anton LeVay, the creator of the church of satan is a traitor of his own belief or was a lier. Do not be naive and do not underestimate real satanists, they are liers and cheats just like an image of the serpent they worship.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: MurgatroidVery wise words Murgatroi, thanks for sharing. Was thinking about this last night, really don't need written words to confirm my belief. Islam wasn't created by Rome as it doesn't empower Rome as does Paulinity and Rome was all about power. However of all Gospels, Gospel of Thomas seems truer to my heart than anything else. Keep well.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

Don't be so quick to call everything that doesn't fit in your paradigm a hoax.

More Irish mass graves likely to be found, warns Archbishop of Dublin ....

The Archbishop of Dublin called on the Irish government to establish a fully-fledged independent inquiry into secret graveyards for infants and mothers consigned to nursing homes run by the Roman Catholic church in the last century.
Dr Diarmuid Martin, the second-highest ranking prelate in the country, said only an independent commission of investigation with judicial powers could address public concerns in the wake of the discovery of a mass grave of infants and children found in the grounds of a convent run by the Bon Secours order of nuns in Tuam, Co Galway last week.

"The indications are that if something happened in Tuam it probably happened in other mother-and-baby homes around the country," Archbishop Martin told state radio. "That's why I believe we need a full-bodied investigation."

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 03:08 PM
From the child abuse recovery article, that spreadsheet the've linked is a fantastic resource. Granted a lot of links are newspaper articles but it's very well researched and covers many shocking stories, most I'd never even heard of like 'The Guinea Pig Kids' which I now intend on watching. I'd say for the argument that the Catholic Church is broken and no longer fit for purpose that link is as good as any other.

Catalogue of Catholic Church Abuse

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 03:40 PM
For anyone wanting to delve deeper into this subject I recommend checking out Sled's thread here:

Also the documentary 'Unrepentant - Canada's Genocide' is a MUST see.

It is THE smoking gun on this topic as far as I am concerned.

I HIGHLY recommended watching it...


Unrepentant took nineteen months to film, primarily in British Columbia and Alberta, and is based on Kevin Annett’s book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust. The entire film was a self-funded, grassroots effort, which is reflected in its earthy and human quality.

"...This documentary reveals Canada's darkest secret - the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. This never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his own church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools. Aboriginal children in residential schools tortured, flogged to death, deliberately electrocuted. Thirthy-three mass graves found in Canada."

Canada’s Holocaust: Genocide In Church-Run Schools

This systematic program of destruction and genocide against Native Americans was very real in both America and Canada. Unfortunately, unless one is Native American or has researched Native American matters, most people are completely in the dark about it all. They have no idea. It's never discussed in school, and when something is exposed, it just receives media black out.

Did the Illuminati Exterminate Canadian Indian Children?

Backup copy of Unrepentant - Canada's Genocide can be found here.

edit on 10-7-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 04:16 PM
Can anyone direct me to the forensic reports on these mass graves? Has any forensic evidence been presented?
I have no doubt that there are mass graves because the infant/child mortality rate was extremely high, especially in institutions such as these. However, a "mass grave" doesn't always mean that murder was involved. In the US there were epidemics of various diseases that hit and killed thousands of children, even those able to get the best medical care of the day. I would imagine that these facilities couldn't afford the best care so even more of these children died and the only way to safely dispose of their bodies was via a "mass grave."
I've tried looking at a few of these links but have yet to see any scientific evidence of the claims being made in the form of forensic studies of the bones.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
Can anyone direct me to the forensic reports on these mass graves?

How about some pictures of them at least?

Has any forensic evidence been presented?

None at all, as they have none.

I've tried looking at a few of these links but have yet to see any scientific evidence of the claims being made in the form of forensic studies of the bones.

There is no scientific evidence for them, most are stories blown out of proportion by a well known hoaxer, with some people here pushing his known hoaxes.
edit on 10-7-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 06:06 PM
Nope, your link is a hoax from bin. No gospel of Barnabas was found. The oldest one is from the 16th century.

Also, Barnabas was found with the gospel of Matthew on his chest, not his own. You're so gullible.

a reply to: glend

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

Has any forensic evidence been presented?

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: diggindirt

Has any forensic evidence been presented?

Obviously no evidence at all, when you keep push a hoax that has already been shown to be a hoax here!

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

The wording below titled below "How ones man's claims threaten the success of Truth and Reconciliation" is saying it all ... that Kevin Annett prefers to make war over peace. Which is unfortunate. It is true that Canadian settlers and settlers around the world whether they where Christian or not, did commit grievous acts against the aboriginal people who already lived here. Of which this has been acknowledged as wrong and certainly much work has been done to rectify the past.

There are wiser websites that depict positive movement forward. I appreciate the Truth and Reconciliation, so much better than being hidden from history.
- Truth and Reconciliation
- They came for the Children written by The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2012)

The link "Canada's Holocaust: Genocide in Church Run Schools" the skeleton pile is not human: it is Bison kill. The picture can be found on the website called: Endangered Species of the animal kind.

Truth and Native Abuse
How one man's wild claims threaten success of Truth and Reconciliation.
By Terry Glavin, 30 Apr 2008,

The terrible reality

It has lately become routine to hear Annett defended along the lines of, well, he may be wrong about some things, but at least he is bringing this terrible history into the light. Or he is forcing us to confront a "Canadian holocaust" that the news media in this country finds too hot to handle.

This is not true, either. You could fill a steamer trunk with clippings of articles about Indian residential schools that have appeared in Canadian newspapers in recent years. There have been stories about the chronic sexual abuse in the schools. There have been reports from criminal trials. There have full accounts of the policies and laws and regulations that were intended to employ the schools in a project of churning out obedient regiments of brown-skinned white people.

There were front-page stories a century ago, too. In 1897, senior Indian Affairs officials started blowing the whistle on the cavernous, shoddily-built, creaking institutions, pointing out that you couldn't have built more efficient incubation vectors for contagious disease, and for mass death, if you tried.

Back then, P.H. Bryce, the Indian department's chief medical officer, conducted a study of 1,500 children interned in 15 different Indian residential schools across Canada. He found that one in four of the children never made it out alive. A separate study of the Kuper Island school found that four of every 10 children sent there over a 25-year period never survived to graduate.

This is sufficiently damning. It is not necessary to assert, as Annett does, that infectious diseases were deliberately employed as part of a plot to "cull" Canada's aboriginal population. Everybody knows what happened. It is no secret, and is not even a secret that there are mass graves.

This is not a revelation.

From the late 18th century until well into the 20th century, wave after wave of epidemic diseases rolled through Indian villages across the Canadian prairies. The sicknesses swept over the mountains, down through all the valleys of the western slopes, up and down the West Coast, and up and back again.

At the time of the first smallpox epidemic, almost a third of the aboriginal people in what is now Canada lived in the tribal territories that came to be called British Columbia. Then there was smallpox, measles, chickenpox, diphtheria, influenza, mumps, tuberculosis, and typhoid. By the 1950s, the countryside was a vast, forested necropolis.

This is not a hidden history.

A landscape of tombs

This history lives on in the epics handed down in the oral literature of the aboriginal peoples, and in the horrific first-hand accounts of settlers and missionaries. It survives in fur trade journals, colonial correspondence, newspaper accounts, hospital records, Indian residential school studies, and sometimes in the very shape of the land itself.

There is hardly a cove or a bay in the 1,500 sea miles between Victoria and Gingolx where you can put a shovel in the ground without unearthing human bones. In the interior, anyone who has spent any time traversing the territories of the Stlatlimx, the N'lakapamux, the In-Shuck-ch or the Secwepemc will have noticed the tumuli, the overgrown burial places, the forlorn little cemeteries. And you will hear the stories from the people themselves.

You don't even have to leave town. In almost all the reserve villages remaining around Vancouver and Victoria, you will see that beside the old churches, there are plots filled with simple wooden crosses, or sometimes just mounds, where crosses may once have been. Now and then you will even come across rusted and gnarled pieces of iron sticking up out of the ground, from what's left of the graceful, wrought iron crosses of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

These graves come from the times when the sick died so quickly and in such numbers that it's a wonder the few survivors could bring themselves to bury the dead at all.

Indian country, as we used to call it, is a vast landscape of tombs. And the dead are still there, among and between the houses of reborn, thriving villages, and among and between the crumbling ruins of mission chapels, church-run tuberculosis hospitals, dormitories, and residential schools.

edit on 10-7-2014 by lonewolf2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

Thanks for the drive by shooting!

SO.....Where is the hoax?

Did you even watch the video so that you know what it is that you are refuting?

Frankly, this is what the country now requires from our leader with regard to the disappearance, death, and dumping of 800 infants and children from the former mother-and-baby home in Tuam and for every other mass grave on or near the grounds of every other former mother-and-baby home throughout Ireland.

To that end, the Taoiseach should, without delay, declare the Government’s intentions on the scope, speed, and plan of analysis for a full-scale national inquiry into how (at best) several hundred infants and children died of entirely preventable ailments while in the so-called care of State-funded, Church-run homes, in which the Church and State co-operated in incarcerating pregnant women and girls simply because they were unmarried.

At worst, we may be viewing systemic instances of infanticide and/or neglect not just at one such home but repeated throughout others, because the people paid for and tasked with caring for these vulnerable but ultimately invisible children regarded them as sub-human because of their non-marital status.

Once again, the world watches on with incredulity to hear that several Irish government ministers, not least former children’s minister Frances Fitzgerald, have known of these mass graves, have known of the brutal circumstances of the deaths of those dumped in pits rather than interred in proper graves for some time, and yet once again the regime can find no words of horror, remorse, compassion, or explanation, and worse, seem intent on minimising any investigation to the status of an “interdepartmental inquiry”, ie a superficial slew of imprecise reports.

Tuam mother-and-baby home is a scandal of church and state

edit on 10-7-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: lonewolf2

It is not necessary to assert, as Annett does, that infectious diseases were deliberately employed as part of a plot to "cull" Canada's aboriginal population.

There is tons of proof,in the form of paper trails, of the strategy of deliberately planting blankets that were disease ridden at the residential homes. And, even though there were trained nurses, (nuns) and doctors and priests that knew all about contagious disease, there is photographic proof that they deliberately placed sick kids right next to well kids.

They also endured electrical shock, force-feeding of their own vomit when sick, exposure to freezing outside temperatures, withholding of medical attention, shaved heads (a cultural and social violation), starvation (as punishment), forced labor in unsafe work situations, intentional contamination with diseased blankets, insufficient food for basic nutrition and/or spoiled food. Estimates suggest that as many as 60% of the students died (due to illness, beatings, attempts to escape, or suicide) while in the schools.

Punishment for the crime of being born Native Indian

A Church State Pogrom of Racism, Cultural Genocide and Physical, Sexual and Psychological abuse

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: lonewolf2

It is not necessary to assert, as Annett does, that infectious diseases were deliberately employed as part of a plot to "cull" Canada's aboriginal population.

There is tons of proof,in the form of paper trails, of the strategy of deliberately planting blankets that were disease ridden at the residential homes. And, even though there were trained nurses, (nuns) and doctors and priests that knew all about contagious disease, there is photographic proof that they deliberately placed sick kids right next to well kids.

They also endured electrical shock, force-feeding of their own vomit when sick, exposure to freezing outside temperatures, withholding of medical attention, shaved heads (a cultural and social violation), starvation (as punishment), forced labor in unsafe work situations, intentional contamination with diseased blankets, insufficient food for basic nutrition and/or spoiled food. Estimates suggest that as many as 60% of the students died (due to illness, beatings, attempts to escape, or suicide) while in the schools.

That is correct. Not denying what happened, indeed did happen. It is, as I stated in the last post that amendments and apologies have and continue to this day occur. If you had skimmed further down into the following paragraphs of the article I quoted from the article you would have read that there is a significant paper trail.

As regard to your claim that those responsible for the care of this children knowingly plant contaminated equipment in to kill off the remainder children is outlandish. More likely the contamination was through ignorance of how virus and bacteria is transmitted, pure exhaustion and lack of finances and human hands to assist with sanitation.

One has to look into the conditions, the knowledge of how disease spread and even the pure scale of a particular epidemic. Ignorance of the causes of these diseases and how they were transmitted helped spread them into port cities. The outbreak of an epidemic almost always coincided with the arrival of a vessel full of sick passengers.

The second factor had to do with the native population. Since they had had no contact with the germs of these diseases, they had no natural defences against them and so formed an ideal reservoir for the multiplication of the responsible bacteria or virus.

Europe 18th century introduced inoculation against smallpox, not long after the inoculation appeared in Canada as smallpox continued to kill many thousands of people especially the 1885 smallpox epidemic. Smallpox is highly contagious and easily transmitted from one person to another. The virus enters the body through the mouth and nose. Some infected people show no symptoms and don’t know that they are contagious. People who have come into contact with infected people are now walking around the city and spreading the virus.

Canada poor and less educated residents reject the public health measures of inoculation. Many simply refuse to be vaccinated and riots ensued. As small pox rampaged on the extent of the catastrophe taking 3164 lives, 2117 of whom were children finally sobered Canadian's, and began to accept the sanitary authorities and the clergy.

Poor hygiene, urban overcrowding and malnutrition all encouraged the outbreak and spread of the illness. Thanks to better living conditions and the discovery of antibiotics, TB has been contained. Unfortunately it persists in endemic form among certain disadvantaged populations such as Canada's native peoples.

Epidemics have had a great impact on society, preoccupying whole communities and making severe demands on the abilities of individuals and their societies to cope with the crisis.
edit on 10-7-2014 by lonewolf2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: lonewolf2

Seriously? Excuses. Excuses!

Here in the USA there were groups of people, like the "neighborhood watch", that rounded people up for a sniffle or a cough because of the fear of contamination. My grandfather died in a TB camp.

Everyone knew sick people were to be quarantined, and there were laws, crazy laws!

There are photos of nurses standing over obviously sick children in Residential School classrooms, sitting right next to the healthy ones. There are memos on the record, outlining the strategy of using contaminated blankets to "Kill the Indian".

Stop protecting the Vatican! They have been evil to core mobsters since their inception. They need to be exposed so that they can be stopped.

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