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Police arresting fast-food workers and their supporters outside McDonald's headquarters

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posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: terriblyvexed
I'm going to get burned for this, no one likes cold hard truth, but if your working at McDonald's, you are in a entry level job.

If you want better wages get a better job.

I know,I know, but the rich people are keeping them from getting an education, and leaving them to poor to find better jobs.

I'm so sick of hearing about corporate greed, if you don't like your life change it.

Yeah great but they still have the right to protest with out the tyrannical state sending the police in to break up opposition.

The issue here is not entitled youths but the state breaking up protests and restricting freedom of speech.
edit on 22-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Not if it private property.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone
a reply to: crazyewok

Not if it private property.

Thats fair enough then.

They should of kept there protest on public property.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Agreed, I have no problem with peaceful protests but the protesters should not get too upset when they break the law.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: terriblyvexed

It's not about that. An entry level job should pay a wage that a human can live off of. They make billions in record profits. Why can't they pay someone enough to live basic instead of having to get on food stamps or take 2-3 other jobs? It's called greed. They should care about people and be glad that these people helped them make the profits that they do and pay them a living wage. That's the problem, though. They don't see these people as 'people'. NO! They see them as animals who help them get their profits. Animals is all the working class are because if the corporations seen them as human then they'd have respect for humans and want them to live a good, happy life. Again, GREED and seeing people as animals. It's all about to get balanced out, though. I think [people will start hunting the elite with hunting rifles/sniper rifles. I would not be surprised.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: SearchLightsInc

originally posted by: terriblyvexed
I'm going to get burned for this, no one likes cold hard truth, but if your working at McDonald's, you are in a entry level job.

If you want better wages get a better job.

I know,I know, but the rich people are keeping them from getting an education, and leaving them to poor to find better jobs.

I'm so sick of hearing about corporate greed, if you don't like your life change it.


This is the most stupid and ridiculous thing i read on ATS often.

Get another job. I DIDNT REALISE THERE WERE SO MANY WELL PAYING PROFESSIONS! Those people working for minimum wage must be either LAZY or STUPID to realise that they could be making a living wage if they just closed their eyes and BELIEVED that there were better paying jobs waiting for them.

"Im so sick of hearing about corporate greed, if you dont like it change your life"

Great suggestion, how should someone working at McDonald's set about changing their lives? Im DYING to know the big secret people like yourselves hold.

It's very easy to get a better job.

Scroll down just a little farther, and you'll see that i give a great example of a good paying job, and anyone can do it.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Fylgje

But the customer ultimately will be stuck with the bill for those wages.

I hate McDonalds, but if I chose to eat there,I don't want to have to choose something from the $10 menu.

There are no skill jobs, they shouldn't make the same as a skilled laborer.

I was a welder making 16 an hour, if I still had that job, and a burger flipper, was making as much as me, I'd be po'd.
I had to learn a skill, and work my way up the latter,I didn't keep my entry level job, and protest about money.

I moved on. That's how life works.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: terriblyvexed
a reply to: Fylgje

But the customer ultimately will be stuck with the bill for those wages.

So Min. wage isn't enough to make a living; people have to apply for federal or state assistance to make ends meet. Who pays for that? The taxpayer...

As an employer with a small workforce in my business; I would much rather pay even entry level positions a fair wage and reap the benefits of loyalty, hard work, and not have my employees steal from me. My business takes a "team" approach!

This old cliche is truer than you probably are capable of understanding. There is a cost to worker exploitation.

"Pretend to pay me and I'll pretend to work"

But McDs and WalMart doesn't' care...there are so many desperate people in the work force they will take anything offered in the way of employment.

Im glad you were able to improve your economic condition but your arrogance will someday need to be paid off in a karmic manner. Be prepared!!
edit on 22-5-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Ok, y'all win.

I say let's do this everyone should make 20 bucks an hour.

Then when the price of everything goes up will just take all the money from rich people, and spread it around.

Nothing can go wrong with this plan.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: terriblyvexed
a reply to: olaru12

Ok, y'all win.

I say let's do this everyone should make 20 bucks an hour.

Then when the price of everything goes up will just take all the money from rich people, and spread it around.

Nothing can go wrong with this plan.

Thanks for coming around to the reasonable side of taking the greed, corruption and exploitation of the American working man, out of corporate America and making it a more level playing field for those that actually do the ****in work.

edit on 22-5-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: trig_grl
If they would cut the executive pay packages in half, maybe they would be able to pay these workers a livable wage. How much do these executives really need? Some of these executive salaries and packages are ridiculous. Without the little guy serving up the hamburgers and keeping their stores running, McDonald's is nothing.

When are corporations going to start having some heart and start valuing their workers? They don't give their workers any credit for helping them be successful.

workers have never been valued as much as you say they need to be....why?....they are a dime a dozen at that level. management and owners have known that for a long time. keep voting for republicans in all of the local , state, and federal elections to keep it that way....why do i say that?.....because they care about the people of wealth and their wishes, not the retched common workers

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: crazyewok
There are corporations and banks that pay dam good money for speech. How dare these people speak out freely without paying for it. They need to go the correct route and pool up a few billion dollars and buy some politicians to put into office.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: terriblyvexed
The problem is that the globalists turned us into a "service sector economy" and moved a lot of manufacturing to China to reap more profits. As long as our government is held hostage by wall street, nothing is going to change.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: SpaDe_

It's this simple, if it wasn't for minimum wage or organized labor, workers would be paid much less than what the minimum wage is now! Organized labor keeps wages of non-union shops up because those shops don't want to deal with union bargaining. Get rid of unions, and you can bet your last dollar wages across this country will fall.

Learn to work for what you think you deserve instead of demanding it from people.

How many skilled and highly educated people are out of work that deserve a higher pay? How do you explain corporations closing industries with good paying jobs in the United States for poverty wages over seas? The argument about entitlement doesn't hold water. The hemorrhaging of jobs going overseas for cheap labor is a testament to the fact that corporations wouldn't blink an eye to drop salaries and hourly wages in the United States. Minimum wages and unions are the only safety net for workers.

There's a difference between feeling entitled to be paid an outrageous amount of money than asking to be paid a fair livable wage for a hard hours work. You talk about entitlement, lets put the shoe on the other foot. Most of upper management feel like they're entitled to be paid outrageous salaries and benefits due to their position and responsibility. But I think many people can relate to people who work on the ground floor of a company who have the years and experience behind them, to outperform and make better competent business decisions than some upper management. Just because you have a college degree or trained skill, doesn't mean you're competent enough to do your job!

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: SpaDe_

How many skilled and highly educated people are out of work that deserve a higher pay?

Do they deserve higher pay? Maybe. Should they be entitled to it? Absolutely not! Having a higher education, or a certain skill set does not equate to instantly being entitled to making X amount of money. First you have to wrap your head around the fact that people are not entitled to anything, and that they have to make the necessary changes to get what they want in life.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: SpaDe_

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: SpaDe_

How many skilled and highly educated people are out of work that deserve a higher pay?

Do they deserve higher pay? Maybe. Should they be entitled to it? Absolutely not! Having a higher education, or a certain skill set does not equate to instantly being entitled to making X amount of money. First you have to wrap your head around the fact that people are not entitled to anything, and that they have to make the necessary changes to get what they want in life.

If a business is going to hire an adult that has to support themselves, they should be required to pay a wage which allows that to happen. That's the basis of minimum wage laws. The fact that minimum wage has dropped to only being worth about 33% of what it once was doesn't change that fact.

As for not being entitled to anything I happen to agree with you. I decided on what I wanted to do in life and got an education for it which involved obtaining multiple degrees in tech fields. Employment opportunities for me don't exist however. My skills have no local value and I'm not paid enough to make moving a viable option. My last job involved teaching the subjects I know at a college and guess what? It still paid minimum wage for a job that required degrees+years of experience. I held that job for 3 years and minimum wage was the highest it ever paid (usually it paid less than that).

The problem is that the jobs simply don't exist anymore and the employer system is downright exploitative. The conclusion I've reached is that there's really only two viable types of jobs available. The first is government employment, there you're not enriching some jackass at the top of the company but instead are improving the country (the downside being, government employment should be limited to control the size of government). The second is self employment, that's what I'm trying now. The idea of making an employer $500,000/year in profit and the employer giving $15,000 back to me is simply BS as it should be to everyone. If the so called job creators aren't going to pay decent rates then we should simply do the jobs ourselves without them.

Enriching someone else at your own expense is slavery. Self employment is freedom.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

You are a prime example of what I am referring to. I commend people like you for making the effort necessary to get what you want out of life, rather than demanding it. The road to successful self employment is a tough one, but if you have what it takes it can be very rewarding.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: SpaDe_

From where to you get the warped idea that people are entitled to nothing?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: terriblyvexed

BS and no they will not. The billionaire owners need to take home a little less of the fortune. They're still gonna be billionaires......that's the screwed-up thing about it. They could pay people a living wage so that they could have a better, happier life, -and the owners wouldn't even know the difference financially!!! THE OWNERS NEED TO LESSEN THEIR TAKE-HOME PROFIT!

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Yes, you are right in that our manufacturing base has declined over the last few decades, and most of the jobs available today are in the service industry. One has to wonder why we are giving so many of those jobs away to people who come over the border illegally. I get tired of the sanctimonious talk about how Americans won't do those jobs. Illegals doing work for less does drop the wage rate. Ironically, in Mexico, those same jobs are available for even lower rates.
But this really is a lesson in relativity.
We have someone who says we should get jobs that pay more. Well, what jobs pay more and how do you get them? When people say that execs should have their pay cut and distribute among the regular (read:proletariat) it comes out to quite a bit less than would make any difference in today's economy.
My dad once gave up his bonus and had it redistributed among the workers. So what is 10,000 divided by 200. It comes to 50 bucks each. Now it doesn't sound like so much. In the 60's it would have seemed like more.
So, since my Dad was the President of the company at the time his pay would have been more than other executives, but even in the late 90's he did not have an exorbitant salary.
So if you take that model and have all the execs of McDonalds redistribute their pay among the proletariat workers, do you think it is going to make any more difference than it did when my Dad did that in the 60's? Basically, what that did, was to make the workers love my Dad and my Dad be a good guy. But if you try to legislate goodness, like the Progressives are trying to do, you are going to fall flat.
So now, let's get back to what an Executive does to get paid, and what a worker does to get paid. Execs typically have longer hours and have more responsibility. Do you imagine that any Exec is going to want that job if he get paid the same as the proletariat who is flipping burgers? Now what has happened to our "get a better job" thing? If the Marxists in our country want to level all the pay, they are going to cause a loss of incentive to do anything more than flip burgers, and there will be no incentive to do things like real engineering and things which require scientific or mathematical knowledge. When my dad was redistributing his bonuses and having a regular profit-sharing program and 401k and a very nice healthcare package, he was in the lab developing metallurgical patents which made the company money. He had to use a lot of stuff like trigonometry and calculus.
So do you think he deserved a higher pay than someone who filed invoices in the filing cabinet?
Granted, our government bailed out these crooks in Goldman Sachs who had giant bonuses bigger than the average person makes in a lifetime, and this is what makes people angry, and rightly so.
By the way, the Tea Party was AGAINST all the BAILLOUTS OF GOLDMAN SACHS and LEHMAN etc. But we had people in the government who were paying back all their buddies. That is what we call crony capitalism. And if you lived in the US then, and you paid taxes, you paid for that bailout. Did you get anything back for it? Oh, wait, we got Obamacare back for that didn't we. We got Nancy Pelosi telling us that we had to pass bills before we can know what's in them.
Congress didn't read the PATRIOT ACT either for that matter. And that includes a lot of Democrats.
So I wonder when was the last time Nancy Pelosi redistributed any of her paychecks around to the lower masses? I bet never. Oh yah and I heard she hires non-union workers too. Armchair Progressives in power always give themselves more dessert while trying to convince us we all ought to be doing with less for the Common good of all. And this is what's really going on with Agenda 21 where the Elites have convinced the proletariat that they have to do with less to save the planet while they fly around in their private jets and have mansions on the ocean.
So while the real good people like my Dad voluntary share with their employees, these Armchair Progressives are taking as much from the taxpayer treasure as they can get their filthy hands on, while telling the rest of us what we have to do(and that would include buying now ridiculously expensive insurance from greedy corporate interests).

Now, if you work in government you can get paid more than if you work in the private sector. And if you ever thought those people in the DMV were sourpuss, just wait till everybody is that way because all the private sector jobs dried up.

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