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Reality, A Projection Of Human Thought?

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posted on May, 20 2014 @ 11:35 AM
I read an article once, which proposed the theory that our perceived reality, (everything that surrounds us) is simply an embodiment – a 3d projection of our thought patterns.
And that nothing exists that hasn’t been “thought up” in someone’s mind. (I think other threads here on ATS have mentioned it too?)
I can’t actually remember where I saw the original article, maybe I just thought it up?? LOL but, I remember at the time, kind of dismissing the idea as too – far fetched for me?

Recently however, I’ve started to notice some stuff!
Like - how some people just seem to be “lucky” all the time.

Some people just seem to have the “right thing” happen to them at the right time, the right opportunity presents itself just when they need it and so on.
Other people are stuck with “bad” luck. Staggering from one crisis to the next, beset by problems. Always struggling with health, money and relationship problems. Never seeming to get a break when they need it.

The “lucky” ones always seem to have a really positive attitude! (and why not!!!)
“Oh, it’ll be alright! Something will turn up....” (and it inevitably does!)
The “unlucky” ones seem to be more... negative/depressed? (and why not??! LOL)
“Oh, this ALWAYS happens to me... Why can’t I get a break for once??”

But what if..... It’s the POSITIVE ATTITUDE which CREATES these opportunities? I mean actually physically creates the conditions and material items to enable the positive thoughts to manifest in positive physical circumstance.
What if they MAKE their own Good Luck?
What if being negative and/or depressed actually physically creates a negative energy which manifests in negative physical realities being formed? What if they MAKE their own BAD LUCK?

It would end up in a “catch22” type scenario where some people would appear to be just lucky!
and others would appear to be unlucky! When in fact they are creating their own luck with their state of mind, their thoughts and attitudes.

This got me thinking, “OK, is there any evidence for this?”
I mean REAL physical evidence that thoughts can manifest in actual physical/material reality?
How would we know? Where would we look? Who has the most “measurable” thoughts? Who “thinks” BIG?? Who has the biggest imagination and wildest thought patterns???

Then it struck me.
Children have the wildest, most vivid imaginations. They haven’t been conditioned by our adult perceptions of what reality MUST be. They can have “imaginary” friends if they like. They can Dream big!

It was at this moment that a chill ran down my spine, when I remembered the scary (and VERY REAL) dreams I myself had as a child. The shadow in the corner, the monster in the closet, the creature under the bed...

What if ghosts/monsters/demons/shadow people/aliens etc are actually real, but are simply the physical product of (over-)active human imaginative thought patterns?
What if we, as humans, and more likely as human children, create these “beings” ourselves in our own minds?

Oh, and what about Poltergeists?
Ever wondered why they ALWAYS seem to centre around a young child?
Couldn’t possibly be that the young mind was capable of physically creating the disturbing phenomena, could it?

edit on 20-5-2014 by Gordi The Drummer because: punctuation

edit on 5/20/2014 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title...

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

What if we, as humans, and more likely as human children, create these “beings” ourselves in our own minds? -

If you've never seen a spirit before then you might think that. I have. At times the same ones reported by many others that came before.

Thats the reality. Heres the projection…

edit on 20-5-2014 by intrptr because: correction

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 12:19 PM
So does positive energy create positive thoughts,


do positive thoughts create a positive energy pattern

If the former, where is that energy coming from?

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
Philip K. Dick

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: SlimBoom

LOL - I LIKE that Slim!

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: acacko
So does positive energy create positive thoughts,


do positive thoughts create a positive energy pattern

If the former, where is that energy coming from?

The more negative a person's outlook, the less likely they are to be surrounded by positive events.

The energy of the universe and of the mind are symbiotic. It can become a positive force, or a negative one. Personal choice. The more you dwell on something ( focus your intent), the more energy is created.
I personally think this is a big part of the principal behind miracles.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer
I read a book a long while back that said poltergiest stem from a child's imagination, like the child creates an imaginary friend and somehow(can't remember how) it takes on a life of its own and usually only follows the child around till a certain age. If I recall correctly the book was titled, mysteries of the unexplained.


posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:21 PM
Yeah, reality is a projection of human thought and perception.

We have all been conditioned to think and perceive things in a controllable and predictable fashion for the fun and profit of others so they can have fun while we are exploited without consciously realizing that we really aren't having much fun at all.

Conditioned thought patterns and perception.

Like 1984, the movie....

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Lichter daraus
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer
I read a book a long while back that said poltergiest stem from a child's imagination, like the child creates an imaginary friend and somehow(can't remember how) it takes on a life of its own and usually only follows the child around till a certain age. If I recall correctly the book was titled, mysteries of the unexplained.


No imagination needed. According to Amy Allen, and other mediums, a poltergeist is real energy that is formed using the negative energy of others in a particular location. They become a real evil spirit that reeks havoc in the lives of the people who are causing their manifestation, and anyone else that lives with this person.

A lot of activity takes place in households where there are adolescent teens, or adults that argue all the time, or under enormous amounts of stress.
It isn't some 'made up' childhood friend.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Your topic fits well with my thread here, for those who are interested in looking further into this subject:


edit on 5/20/2014 by sled735 because: typo

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: sled735

Well see maybe I just recalled it incorrectly, because what you said sounds much more familiar to what I read.


posted on May, 20 2014 @ 02:38 PM
I recently tested this theory with some interesting results but I cannot seem to repeating consistently which means it is most likely just dumb luck.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 04:02 PM
Exactly, it's all about vibration. That's the Law of Attraction there and what I believe to be a form of manifestation.

If you are in a low vibrational state, that includes your thoughts and emotions, then you will attract adverse situations and things to yourself, if you're in a high vibrational state then you will attract favorable situations to your self.

Simple. So, gain conscious control of your thoughts and emotions, peeps! And you'll have a better chance at creating the reality you want to live in.

Also, interesting that I'm seeing this topic reiterated in different ways in multiple categories here on ATS. . . very interesting indeed.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Your topic fits well with my thread here, for those who are interested in looking further into this subject:


Thanks Sled, that looks interesting!
I'll go take a look-see.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 03:36 PM
So here are a few really simple question.

If the entire human race ceased to exist on this planet - would the reality of the planet and all other life on this planet continue - without us?

If so - then how much really, is reality dependent upon human thought?


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: CirqueDeTruth

Interesting point Cirque.

I'm guessing that, since the earth was here, in existence, before life evolved on it...
and that other lifeforms were evident prior to human life...
That the Earth would "revert" to a state that existed before human thought started to effect it?

I couldn't begin to say whether anything created out of human thoughts would remain after we're dead and gone. I guess if the energies were still there... then the creations could still remain, but if the energies "died out" with us, then so too would the creations?

This is gettin' deep! LOL

Do we think that other animals could create reality with their thoughts too? Or is it just us?

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:22 PM
Ahh, reality. My favorite subject. The delusional illusion of our senses.

Here's the thing about reality, it cannot be trustingly described as energies of any polarity or by degrees of subjectivity. I can state with complete confidence that my reality is a wholly negative place. One of selfish desires acted upon by confused individuals. I can also confidently state that my actions spring from a wholly neutral energy field. I gave up a long time ago presenting a "positive energy" to this reality as it has shown itself useless and damaging.

Does this mean reality is negative for all? Of course not. Does this then mean that my reality is somehow different from your reality? That's impossible in the physical sense, but not the human social sense. What is shows is the subjective reality of humanity is based on perspective. To describe it in terms of an individual's energies is wholly ridiculous. My energies are not negative, yet the reality I am presented with is. How can such a divergence exist when it is our 'energies' that perpetrate our realities? Only en mass and coordinated can our individual energies manifest themselves in the physical.

When we build the image of our realities in our mind, how do we do it? The biological merges with the metaphysical. The tangible merges with the intangible. The physical environment we exist in is absorbed by our senses, interpreted by our brains, and manifested in our minds. That manifestation is not accurate, nor is it consistent. Let's use our sense of sight as an example of how we build a mess up reality we think is real. Light enters two eyes, is bounced around, 99% of that light is filtered out, INVERTED, and combined to produce a 3D representation of the environment around it. We all know the saying "don't believe everything you see." Yet we take what we see as real because we can interact with that light, we can modify it, thus modifying our perceived physical reality. And we use that as the basis of what we call "real."

So the fleshly mass of our brains in interpreting the visible light properties of the matter around us and constructing an image so that we may function within said environment. It's a fantastic leap of faith we take to say our reality is real. It is the basis of our physical reality, and it is no more real than Middle Earth when you read Tolkien. What is real about the physical realities we build is the consequences of interacting with them with the insufficient knowledge the senses provide. Of sticking your hand in a dark box that you think only holds a pair of shoes, but is actually the home of several scorpions.

When we add the preposterous notion of energies into the mix, we're placing a sort of faith in ourselves that our energies can manifest more than the physical environment can offer. What we're really talking about here is human social reality. The law of attraction, nothing more than cult-think in my mind, is offering a semi-positive spin on the manipulation of that social reality. I say semi-positive because it is tainted by selfishness. It's positive message is a cloak covering the personal desire of an individual's benefit. I don't intend that to be a blanket statement, as I believe some truly work for the betterment of all, I just think they are few and far between, and for the most part are completely unaware of how their "energies" truly interact with their "realities."

When speaking on reality, you must first define the reality of which you speak. Humanity builds billions of realities every second of every day, but we do not construct all that the greater reality encompasses. Humans perceive much less of that greater reality than we are comfortable admitting. The most we can hope for is an accurate representation of our current social and physical environment and trust that our interpretations of said environment don't lead us to a box of scorpions.

I'd clean this post up, and attempt to elaborate more, but my reality is telling me my fish is done.

Cuddos to the Philip K. Dick quote above, now there was a man who was trying.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:47 PM
It's not so much a "projection," as it is a realization. And it's not just a result of human thought, but the thoughts and perceptions of every living thing on the planet (or universe, if there's anything living out there). It's a conglomeration. Billions of intersecting perceptions.

From the individual perspective, however, reality doesn't exist without you (me) in it. When I die, the universe will cease to exist, as least as far as I'm concerned, and that's all that really matters.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 06:27 PM
Only just stumbled on your thread Gordi.

Funny how you started this thread looking for an answer, and the 'universe' heard you, and provided you with an answer to positive and negative thought forms affecting our immediate personal space when I demonstrated the dowsing rods, and the unzipping and zipping up of a persons aura, just 10 days later on Cumbrae hey!

Spooky or what????? Mwahahahaha!


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Yet another "synchronicity" Jane!
Nice one.

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