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Where is this Muslim England I keep hearing about?

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posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:30 AM
Countless time I keep hearing (mainly from Americans) that Muslims have overrun the UK and there is Shari law everywhere and all white christian Brits live in constant fear....

Well I actual LIVE in the UK.

I live in the town of medway in Kent, Kent is the immigration hub due to its connection to Europe.
Im a 30 minute drive from London and have friends in south and east London.

Im not seeing this Muslim Britain?

Granted my area has many Muslims of Turkish and Persian decent and they are all pleasant people who I have gone to school, university and worked with. No Sharia law inflicted on me and I certainly haven't been attacked or abused by them for being white and christian!

In London of course there are some area (Deptford and Hackney come to mind) you dont go into but isnt that the same as anywhere in the world? New York Certainly had some rough places I was told to stay clear of! But most of London I have felt safe and never been intimidated.

I think this Muslim Britain is confined to one or two streets and certainly is not representative of 99.9% of the UK!
edit on 10-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

Maybe Bradford and other places in Yorkshire (Leeds for example), Manchester has one large multicultural area as does Birmingham.

I'm not taking any side, just saying that you need to realise London and Kent are not the only places in the UK.

-- I should add I don't think it's representative of 99% of the UK either, but it's slightly bigger than a few streets.
edit on 10-5-2014 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:50 AM
Here is a break down of the numbers in England and Wales.

Number of muslims has roughly doubled in the last ten years to 2.7 million.

Muslims have been getting naughty in Birmingham schools. 06.html

There are many muslims in the old cotton towns of the North.

There have been many muslims living in the UK for many years. Who do you think started the local convenience stores in the UK, but Pakistanis (Paki shops)

There are probably many muslims living near you but because the women don't wear burkhas and the men topis you dont notice.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: mr-lizard

Haven't been too Leeds but visited York and Birmingham many times. Of course there were a few estates I would not venture near but overall never had a issue.

But again were is there not city s area in the world that have dodgy parts?

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:51 AM
From what I've seen most of this rhetoric comes rrom UK sources. What are we over here supposed to think of all the stories of divisiveness? Thanks for a different view.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: ispyed

There have been many muslims living in the UK for many years. Who do you think started the local convenience stores in the UK, but Pakistanis (Paki shops)

There are probably many muslims living near you but because the women don't wear burkhas and the men topis you dont notice.

Yes there are many Muslims in my area. Many Persians and Turks. But they are polite nice people who all work (IE in corner shops) and so why would I have a problem with them?

If they are not trying to blow me up or force Islam on me I dont see a problem.
edit on 10-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: JewelOfDenial
From what I've seen most of this rhetoric comes rrom UK sources. What are we over here supposed to think of all the stories of divisiveness? Thanks for a different view.

Well with news paper sensationalism sells.

You wont put on the front page a quiet ordinary street with nothing wrong.

If I went by America New papers there are terrorists round every corner and commie lurking in every shadow in the USA.
edit on 10-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:58 AM
I live in Windsor, 20 miles from London, it's next to Slough and Slough has turned into a centre for Muslims, so much so that even KFC is now halal. No sign out the front warning you, just a small plaque in the wall.

I have Muslim friends, I have noticed over the years how they have become more intense with their religion, praying far more often, going to Mecca etc.
I have also noticed how they hated it when lots of Polish people moved to the area. They thought their culture was being diluted.

I don't see sharia law - who wants to see people stoned to death or body parts cut off etc. but I see lots of people pushing for more and more for Islam. Women having to walk 5 paces behind men, them not being allowed to work or go out without their husbands - it must be so awful to be treated like that.

Mohammed was a prophet but how come he had an 8 year old wife???? How can anybody condone that? Would they be happy for their daughter to get married at that age?

edit on 10-5-2014 by SoEpic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

They might want to build a mosque and call to prayers at 5am in the morning. That might bother you. LOL

English people can get very intolerant of noise.

You might be happy about it.

I live within a muslim community in India. They are really cool here.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: mr-lizard

i live in birmingham (england) - i'm baffled when people say the uk is under any kind of sharia law

the people who have power in the uk are those that are wealthy - same as anywhere i guess

however people choose to split a population into groups there will always be diversity within those groups - the bigger the group the the greater the diversity

in my experience any group will contain the good, the bad and the ugly - in fact i think any individual will

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:03 PM
Well my local 'Indian' takeaway is run by muslims .....

It's next to my shop, so I sometimes have a chat with them. They quite like Christmas (especially all the decorations and lights)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

My guess is that stories are blown out of proportion (ie propaganda) and instead, there are certain enclaves.

For example, in the US, many cities have a "China Town". If you go to one of these "China Towns", almost every store and sign is in Chinese. They will sometimes take up entire city blocks, not small areas.

Many neighborhoods in the US are ethnic (religious) specific. Blacks, Hispanics, Russians, Jews etc. And often times those areas cater to those populations.

And then theres the whole "theyre trying to impose their laws on us".

From what I understand, the specific laws would only affect them, Moslems.

Much in the same way there are Jewish courts in the US known as Halakha. The Amish are governed by their own additional religious laws as are the Mormons.

For those British who just dont like the immigrants, well, think of it as karma.

For centuries of invading, attacking and occupying the majority of the world's nations.

edit on 10-5-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: gladtobehere

For centuries of invading, attacking and occupying the majority of the world's nations.

Yeah USA Karma a bitch aint it

Dont throw rocks in class houses!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:10 PM
The 100 Years Plan is coming soon. Imagine what is going to happen in America and Europe when every single Muslim unites. Yes, over 90% of Muslims are unaware of this plan. However, imagine how their minds will change when all of their religious leaders say, "This is the Will of Allah." Do you really think the Muslim who is your friend will remain your friend when their religion has just declared you an enemy?

But time will tell.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: mr-lizard

Haven't been too Leeds but visited York and Birmingham many times. Of course there were a few estates I would not venture near but overall never had a issue.

But again were is there not city s area in the world that have dodgy parts?

I'm in Scotland originally from Edinburgh where we have a large Asian population but growing up I didn't feel that they were intimidating or trying to inflict sharia law. There were and are areas within the city well known to be mostly Asian but they are vibrant places full of colour and to me a great place for food. I'm sure from visiting Birmingham myself that these cities do have larger Asian/Muslim communities and it has been documented that race riots have occurred in the midlands. I think for a large part the media and mainly the tabloid media in Britain sensationalises these events to create a reaction. FEAR we better fear the unknown, rather than integrate and get along.

I'm also disturbed and curious as to being, I assume a grown man, that cannot venture into certain areas? I agree caution must be taken and it isn't a good idea to be hanging around places you stick out like a sore thumb but in all my years I have walked through some of the roughest places in the UK without any major issues and at times late at night and drunk.

If you mean predominantly Muslim areas I kinda find that a tad racist to assume you would not be welcome.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:24 PM
All you are hearing is the outspoken crazy minority yelling and rambling their piece from the rooftops

Of course you aren't going to hear from the Anti-sharia folks because they aren't as loud

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Where is this Muslim England I keep hearing about?

Probably right next to the Muslim Germany I keep hearing about.

I remember one politician from our Christian Social Union Party (CSU) saying on TV how there are certain areas in Berlin where "you can't go out at night" (because of criminal Muslims).
I went out jogging 10 minutes later in that exact neighbourhood... no problem.

There are problems with our imigration-laws, and I'm not really a friend of any religion, but there are far greater problems with our system overall.
And that's what this kind of scaremongering is really about... its an easy distraction from the real problems.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:40 PM
The Fox News crowd believes what ever they are told. They think shiria is law is invading the US lol. The most anti Muslim nation is passing Muslim law... Yea right. Lmao

They believe way worse then that tho. Like Obama care is bringing back decapitations.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:52 PM
I think by now most people should be aware of the long term and short term aims of the MSM are. So this creation of a fearful community to close ranks at outsiders is there to divide and conquer/ keep the mass from finding a common ground. These images hold no real truth such as most people from belfast/falls road are seen to be irish terrorists but we are not/ black communities are now portrayed as gangsters but the vast majority are just angry for being kept at the bottom of the system. I could go on and on but the idea is the same. So the best way to deal with these is not to buy the papers, dont watch the channels (ratings collapse), and spread your own views of truths by mouth. But then again i think its illegal to loiter so you will have to be quick

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: mr-lizard
a reply to: crazyewok

Maybe Bradford and other places in Yorkshire (Leeds for example), Manchester has one large multicultural area as does Birmingham.

I'm not taking any side, just saying that you need to realise London and Kent are not the only places in the UK.

-- I should add I don't think it's representative of 99% of the UK either, but it's slightly bigger than a few streets.

I live in Leeds, Beeston, the most populated area for Muslims in Leeds and I see no "Muslim England"

All I see is a Corrupted, Propaganda driven Britain, hell bent on destroying the image of Muslims to justify their atrocities in other countries and keep the dumb subdued and distracted from the real issues.

I have mates in Bradford and have lived there for a short while due to work and would honestly say more than 80% of the none Muslim population would tell you that it isn't how the media are portraying them areas. I'm guessing the % obviously, but it's not like I talk about football or porn, in person i speak about this # constantly. For an example of how much Bradford is untied just look at the recent polls there with the Respect party that George Galloway is fronting, the proofs in the pudding mate.

On a slightly off topic subject it annoys me how Halal meat has randomly become a subject of conversation lately, people popping out of the woodwork with their racist opinions. But they only have opinions because the media are giving them one. An example would be the recent story about Subway who stopped selling bacon and started serving Halal meat. What Subway did was integrate their business model to suit the consumer basis, nothing more & nothing less. Yet the media are saying that "Muslims make Subway take bacon off the shelves" - So due to the majority of the public's blind faith in our media outlets, they have taken it as gospel and started to boycott Subway. . . Sorry but this is just #ing insane. Rational thinking has been replaced with "THIS IS WHAT YOU THINK"

Like anything, come to the place before coming to the complete acceptance to what the high paid, agenda driven, white collared, higher class, probably an ass hole journal who is only pen pushing what their companies sponsors are telling them to.

There's 1.3 billion Muslims on planet earth, just like Christianity, Sikhism, Jews, Jedi's, Buddhist - There might be a few hundred thousand/million + proper ass holes who give their religion a bad image, but that doesn't justify categorizing the whole 1.3 billion. . . Which is what the media and now public are doing.

I wont deny that some parts of Islam law is #ed up, but when people are saying that Muslims are enforcing their ways upon us and then been a total hypocrite and saying that halal meat and the Burka, as an example, should be banned, that's just absolute hypocrisy at its finest. We keep our laws, they keep their culture, if they can not adapt then leave - Everybody is happy. The recent media attention to halal meat, burkas, sharia law or what ever is just a distraction and people are lapping it up, it's not a real #ing matter.

On a final note, I feel safer walking near woman in a Burka, eating a Kebab, than walking near a Police Officer.

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