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the purpose of satanic entertainment?

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posted on May, 3 2014 @ 08:20 AM

Why are they producing entertainment like this?

I have wondered if it actually is good. In Kabbalah they talk about the ego and that it grows and grows until you attain "a point in the heart", which is a spiritual awakening. Could it be that the people who produce these videos are trying to gain as much wealth and power as possible but that there is another layer to it? Maybe they are working for the good of humanity, trying to enlighten humanity spiritually? This makes me think about the dollar bill and the founding fathers of America, and also the statue of liberty.

And this quote by Plato:

Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.

I do think that on the surface level the satanic entertainment industry is all about gaining wealth and power. And the political situation in the world is moving into less and less liberty and more and more tyranny and slavery for most people. But there is another layer to it all. All of this evil is in fact spiritual enlightenment. The founding fathers of America set up a system where people were free to follow their greed with almost no limits. This would inevitably lead to a dark and oppressive future, which they knew. The intellectuals behind the Age of Enlightenment were also aware of this. We are in those dark oppressive times right now. Liberty is decreasing globally. But this evil is what enlightens people. It has to go downwards before it goes upwards.


And no this is not obvious and banal. Just look at the people on this forum. A vast majority do not see anything good with the development of the world, the conspiracy, the elite etc.

So who is right? The Jew or the Muslim, that remains the question...

One of the main reasons I stopped going to meetings for Sunni Islam is that a sheikh (leader) was moaning about how the situation for Muslims wasn't good in my country and that Muslim countries used to be at the forefront in science but no longer are. And their attitude towards Jews and Israel. And the fear in the tone, which reminded me a lot of people on conspiracy forums. After having philosophized about 1984/Brave New World and read some about Kabbalah I didn't feel that those meetings and people resonated with me.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

Unlike any time in the past, many sectors of the world's population are search for answers that never were allowable questions before unless you want a close association with a burning pile of wood. It is a time of freedom and exploration of mind if not in ravaging Earth's mantle or your neighbor's holdings and his wife.

Yes, you can say there is so much nonsense and evil out there, and so it is. But one thing that is certain, no longer is there a strangle hold on open thinking as there has been in the world when religion was king and queen. A new age is definitely upon us and it is almost too late.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:41 AM
Ah, the Great Brain Robbery. We know this. My answer is both Yes and No. It is produced in sense and manner to serve a hidden goal, but even the producers rarely know what this goal is. Paradoxical I know, but still makes sense if you know the mechanics behind. I gave my best to explain some of them here. Zeland's work is worthy to read if you really want to understand this mechanics. If I can use some thermodynamic laws for metaphor: The work done by humans is direct value of the heat and pressure of their surroundings. Control the surroundings, control the human. The Matrix is more or less like a refrigerator. Well, the door is opened for now, shall we get out?

-Your ragged friend, the Bartender

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

There are many ways to look at the pyramid.

It can represents:

The pyramid of power that humans use to control each other and feed/parasite on each other where a few ones feed on many. This is an ego (selfish) demonic behaviour that will bounce back at them when the time is right.

The strive for man to reach god where an opposite downward pyramid create the Merkaba.

To hold back the darkness and not let everyone see it for their own eyes will only prolong the collective insanity. The first step in fixing a problem is to realize the exact nature of the problem without fear and look for solutions that do not have that nature.

edit on 3-5-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:47 AM
Let's assume the "illuminati" symbolism is intentional.

Inserting it into the video would provide a) visual appeal b) a subtext to generate even more "chatter" about the video bringing even c) more people to watch the video.

I don't think there's a need for any "satanic" [sic] explanation; it's just basic marketing.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

Why hide it when other bands just come right out and play the part?

Catchy tune, these guys have...

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:44 AM
One thing that comes to mind is an argument that "If people could bargain with Satan and achieve fame and fortune, why aren't people doing it?" The fact of the matter is that there have been several high-profile artists that have either alluded to or outright admitted to being involved with Satan or various demons, resulting in their current fortunes and fame. These artists aren't the only people involved in such things, of course. You also have top media producers, government employees, industry leaders... The wealth and power is there, the general public just chooses not to relate it to involvement with supernatural forces.
I think the reason we are seeing this imagery everywhere now in movies and music is a sort of conditioning. StallionDuck said above, "Why hide it when other bands just come right out and play the part?". This is true that some bands do come right out with Satanic imagery and lyrics, many even directly promoting worship of Satan and hatred of Christianity. However, what you have to consider is the intended audience. You won't see millions of screaming teenage girls going to some Gorgoroth show, for example. The mainstream Satanic music (ie Kesha, Rihanna, etc.) appeals to its own group of people, just like any other outlet. Soon enough, this Satanic imagery is going to become "cool" or "trendy", and in its own way, will be leading people away from Christ.
You did raise another interesting question. "Maybe they are working for the good of humanity, trying to enlighten humanity spiritually?". I've said a few times before that I'd be considered something of a theistic Satanist, in that I don't believe Satan is "evil", but rather a positive influence on humanity. What is clear is that much of this popular imagery has an anti-Christian aspect to it, but the question is why? Is it simply to lead people away from Christ, or is there more to it? Is it leading us to some currently unseen point of consciousness, or some revelation of historical knowledge? The imagery means something, but what exactly that is is the question. Why the pyramids? Why the owls? Why the covering of one eye? All of the stuff we are seeing came from somewhere, a time thousands of years ago. What we should be doing to try to understand this phenomena is going back and looking at instances of this imagery being used in the distant past, ie ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, etc etc.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Let's assume the "illuminati" symbolism is intentional.

Inserting it into the video would provide a) visual appeal b) a subtext to generate even more "chatter" about the video bringing even c) more people to watch the video.

I don't think there's a need for any "satanic" [sic] explanation; it's just basic marketing.

now a days this is true but what about all the hidden stuff from the 80's and 90's that wasn't overtly in your face??

and even behind that overtly in your face there is deeper symbolism thats more obscure in some of them.

one i can remember off hand someone showed me was the little wayne video wheres he's on the creepy old bed with 2 girls. the camera moves around and he moves his head just right to make a triangle out of the foot of the bed with his head right on top of it OVER AND OVER.

id also be willing to consider the too end bed posts jachin and boaz. I'm not sure which one is which but one post is a white girl the other is a black girl. one represents worldly delights and other represents the higher spiritual plane.

this girl with the big ass butterfly covering one eye is rather obvious to me so idk if its on the blatant side or what.

idk im not gonna do a complete breakdown of the whole thing but to me this is a good representation of a video thats trying to be blatant about it and get all the sales and marketing from todays hype but i also feel like it holds true to the old ways and has alot of hidden symbolism in it. sort of a hybrid if you will.

please forgive the choice of video but this one really stuck out to me.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: trollz

I've said a few times before that I'd be considered something of a theistic Satanist, in that I don't believe Satan is "evil", but rather a positive influence on humanity.

Well lets see, what are Satanic cults known for? Animal and sometimes human sacrifice, self..self...self!
The bands are about drugs, pornography, self gratification of any and all kinds.

True Christianity, difficult to come by, what but is it known for? Kindness, caring for others, Caring for the sick, the needy, widows and orphans.!

Anyone who spouts the Satanic bible and the live and let live moto, well I see examples in real life, I have not seen any person who professes to follow satan who is not harmful to themselves and others.
edit on 3-5-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: trollz

I've said a few times before that I'd be considered something of a theistic Satanist, in that I don't believe Satan is "evil", but rather a positive influence on humanity.

Well lets see, what are Satanic cults known for? Animal and sometimes human sacrifice, self..self...self!
The bands are about drugs, pornography, self gratification of any and all kinds.

True Christianity, difficult to come by, what but is it known for? Kindness, caring for others, Caring for the sick, the needy, widows and orphans.!

Anyone who spouts the Satanic bible and the live and let live moto, well I see examples in real life, I have not seen any person who professes to follow satan who is not harmful to themselves and others.

The Satanic bible/Anton LaVey thing is not Satanism, it's just some guy who wrote a book full of anti-Christian rants. You mention animal and human sacrifice, but have you read the Christian bible? God himself ordered mass sacrifices of both people and animals! So by your logic, either God is evil too, or human and animal sacrifices are an ok thing.
Yeah maybe some people see Christianity as being known for kindness and such, but there are more sides to the picture. Hitler was known for doing positive things among certain groups of people during certain points in time. The point I'm trying to make is that just because Jesus came here and told us all to get along and love one another doesn't mean he actually had positive intentions. How many cult leaders told their followers they were all loved and valued before taking advantage of their ignorance?

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 12:55 PM
A better example of what I called satanic entertainment might be this:

The marketing that was mentioned was part of my point. Pyramids and such might complicate it somewhat but it might still be the same. And since these things are among the most money generating things on the planet my point of two meanings would still be valid in my view, even if the producers only do it for pure marketing purposes. A lot of people in the production chain probably have lower desires than spiritually enlightening humanity as incentives. However Jews are said to be the owners of much of these industries, and what are Jews and what are they doing? Are they simply greedy and corrupt as a lot of people make it out to be? My point is that I think they are not. However, a vast majority of the people in the production chain are. Just like kings never fight wars themselves... Of course someone is ending up at the bottom of the game. I feel like I'm one of those. But I believe the whole thing is metaphysical and that's why I don't hate these people.

I believe that people like Bill Hicks and Alex Jones actually help the Jews, and that that is a good thing for everyone ultimately. Take something like bitcoin or VPN as another example that I believe shows the same properties. Jews either set these things up, as "honey pots", or they infiltrate them. And then the opposition is crushed and they come out on top.

edit on 19531Sat, 03 May 2014 13:19:43 -0500201443pAmerica/Chicago2014-05-03T13:19:43-05:0031 by introspectionist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: trollz

You mention animal and human sacrifice, but have you read the Christian bible? God himself ordered mass sacrifices of both people and animals! So by your logic, either God is evil too, or human and animal sacrifices are an ok thing. - See more at:

Yes I have studied the ancient texts and read the bible through many times over. My point is what is good for us as a society not who is evil. Which behaviors are better as a builder of humanity.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 01:01 PM
Wtf are you guys on...

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: 3u40r15m

infromation man.... its some killer sh!t want a hit?

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 01:42 PM
Everybody is fighting a war. Trying to make a little more money so that you can feed your children a little better food or whatever noble goals you might have, it still is a war and the sum of all the individual wars of humans inevitably leads to this:

The Jews that own the "satanic" entertainment industry, have understood that. They want us to get there as soon as possible so we can move through it. Ripping off the band-aid rather than slowly pulling it off. I don't know if Jews or Muslims are right, what philosophies are right, and so on. But when I hear a Muslim leader moaning about Muslim countries not being top achievers in science and about their view of Jews and Israel I think about things like that scene from A Scanner Darkly and I feel like something is missing. Here's another one for you:

edit on 44531Sat, 03 May 2014 13:44:14 -0500201414pAmerica/Chicago2014-05-03T13:44:14-05:0031 by introspectionist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 07:35 PM
If this is off topic please just ignore:

1. Not all "Illuminati" or "Magickal" or "non-Christian" symbolism is "satanic" ... i.e. there are more than two options available for most people in the world in terms of mythos and symbol sets.

2. "Satanic Ritual Abuse" also known as the "Satanic Panic" of the 80s and 90s has been shown conclusively to be virtually non-existent, i.e. there is no coordination national or international underground secret society of "satanists" that conduct ritual sacrifices of animals, humans or anything.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
If this is off topic please just ignore:

1. Not all "Illuminati" or "Magickal" or "non-Christian" symbolism is "satanic" ... i.e. there are more than two options available for most people in the world in terms of mythos and symbol sets.

2. "Satanic Ritual Abuse" also known as the "Satanic Panic" of the 80s and 90s has been shown conclusively to be virtually non-existent, i.e. there is no coordination national or international underground secret society of "satanists" that conduct ritual sacrifices of animals, humans or anything.
Substitute "satanic" with "demoralizing". I mean anything that controls the minds of people to lower their vibration. My country is very demoralized and low vibration. I think that happened for a reason. The first reason is because someone gained wealth and power, and marketing/mind control played a major part there. What I'm speculating about in this thread is that there is another layer of purpose behind why people in my country all sleep around, drink heavily etc. when it wasn't always so. One reason might be to destroy this country from within, i.e. subversion, which is very likely. That might be to usher in a New World Order ultimately, which might be a good thing even though it looks awful on the way there. I also speculate that it has other reasons, as I said to spiritually enlighten humanity. All this demoralizing makes the ego grow, i.e. evil, i.e. "Satan". I feel miserable most of the time because I have no contact with my family, which I believe is to a large extent a result of the mind environment I grew up in. And I feel miserable a lot of times when I see all the hot girls acting like sluts but I'm rejected and alone. However I think there is a positive side to all this. When I grew up I was labelled weird, not normal etc. Later it was speculated I might have Asperger's. I now view all that as a blessing. Not fitting in with all the demoralized shallow people was a sign of sanity. And I have come to view rejection as a blessing even though I don't always feel that way. Maybe all this demoralizing makes your ego grow, makes you miserable, but only up until a point. At some point you begin to look at all the demoralized people and don't care about not fitting in, about being rejected, but rather with compassion. What happened there?

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: introspectionist


Reference Nietzsche's "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." So, in the sense that satan means "adversary" ... yes, point taken.

I don't disagree with you about a systematic attempt to keep the American and world public on edge, anxious, afraid, angry, etc.

I'm sorry you're having a rough go of it personally. Don't give up on finding and building a support system of other people.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: introspectionist
...the purpose of satanic entertainment? Why are they producing entertainment like this?

I mean, after all, show business is just a distraction. In ancient Rome, the poet Juvenal describing the political power scene of the day said, "Panem et Circenses", Bread and Circuses". Meaning, if you keep the masses fed and entertained, they are less likely to kill or even notice their invisible handlers. So it all boils down to the elite and the demonic force that is behind them.

Insider Exposes Hollywood's Satanic Underside

Sound, in keeping with all other forces of nature, is not biased toward the production of beneficial or destructive forces. The ancient Chinese were well aware of this, realizing that music compositions exert significant transcendental influences upon humankind, and hence upon the planet. The Chinese believed that musical tones were but one physical manifestation at an inaudible superphysical sound which governed the cosmos. Depending upon the combination of musical notes, rhythms and instrumentation, music possessed the ability to either enhance the spirituality or the darker side of humanity.

The metaphysical aspects of music is too vast a subject to be dealt with here, it has only been referred to because during the 1920's, British Intelligence acquired control of a behavioral sciences laboratory in Frankfurt, Germany. Like the ancient Chinese, the lab researchers had concluded that the psychological profile of large segments of the population could be modified through the form of music to which they were subjected.

These German researchers relocated to America during the 1930's, forming the Radio Research Institute at Princeton University. Their efforts were coordinated with the Columbia Broadcasting System, whose chief executive officer was career intelligence operative William Paley. Today, the entertainment media is dominated by a few transnational companies thereby rendering it easy to control the types of music to which nations are subjected. The central body responsible for the oversight of the global mind-control network is the London-based Tavistock Institute.


originally posted by: introspectionist
So who is right? The Jew or the Muslim, that remains the question...

Religion is NEVER right...

If the truth is what you are after, religion is the very LAST place you'll ever find it.

Seek God if truth is what you seek, He is real, religion is NOT.

So no matter what religion they hide behind whether it's Jew, Christian, Muslim, whatever religion or lack of, if they all learn from and live by a Satanic Bible, Talmud or other Satanic books, the people are evil. It's really simple. Call these people whatever they like but if they walk like a duck ...

Satan's Secret War on Humanity

As my readers know, I suspect that most "competing" groups/ideologies actually have been created or subverted by a single force: a satanic cult, the Illuminati (Sabbatean-Frankist Jews and cabalistic Freemasons.) This clique is empowered by a cartel of cartels, beginning with world central banking, based in London. It uses MI-6, the CIA, the Mossad and other "Intelligence" agencies as instruments and controls the media and most politicians.

How They Control the World

We need to see current events in a new way. The conflict is NOT between countries or religions or "civilizations." The conflict is between the people and most of our "leaders" -- government, media, religion, education and business -- who owe their position to this extremely powerful and evil cult. They are traitors.

Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World?

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:01 AM
This is much bigger than just "satanic" entertainment. Both sides of wars are controlled by the same banks. Why? Again, is it pure greed or are there higher motives? Even if it is pure greed I think it does serve a higher purpose automatically, as a force of nature. But I believe there are people who are not acting simply out of greed but have spiritual motives. Zionists for example, such as those at the Federal Reserve or Goldman Sachs. Are they simply greedy? If I'm not mistaken you have to or had to be Jewish to get a job at Goldman Sachs. One has got to wonder why. I also happen to believe that any and all opposition to the Jews actually helps the Jews. So anything that is fearful of the way things are and wants to fight for their own way (compare with fear and desire in for example Buddhism) helps the Jews, which ultimately helps all humanity. This includes:
David Icke
Alex Jones
Bill Hicks
George Carlin
Rock music
drug culture
Above Top Secret
the White Pride movement
Red Ice
Coast to Coast AM
the whole truth movement
anything alternative or underground
all crime
all opposition
all rebels
all revolutions
the Nazis and the neo-Nazis
the Muslims
the Christians
the New Age movement

The list goes on and on...

 words=the+transfer+agreement l+street

If the elite has such power over the Internet, then why is it overflowing with conspiracy theories and fearmongering? Why is there very little of the opposing opinions, the opposing arguments? Arguments for the New World Order for example? I don't know. Either very many people are fearful and in opposition of it all and very few in favor of it. Or those who are in favor of it don't use these forms of media. Or maybe the establishment know that all of the fearful stuff and all of the opposition actually help them rise, and therefore use their power to either produce opposition or they let the opposition be and maybe even control the media landscape and thus the mind of humanity to actually have a bias towards the opposition, and maybe limit a lot of information that is truthful and without fear. If so, then why? Well, as I said, maybe the opposition helps the establishment. What is then the right path? To stop having fear and to stop all kinds of fighting? Personally I think not. I think all the fear serves a good purpose. Thus Satan is Lucifer, the light bearer.

I believe this is what the movie the Matrix is about. The conspiracy that we all feed, i.e. we all are "batteries" to, is the matrix. But it's part of the spiritual evolution of humanity and the cosmos that the machine world and the matrix grow into existence, becoming stronger and stronger, tighter and tighter, until people begin to question what is going on. I believe Asperger's is one manifestation of this. At one point you might have a spiritual awakening. That is what in Kabbalah is called "a point in the heart". That is portrayed allegorically in the Matrix as this:

There's talk in the opposition of "shills", and about why the "Illuminati" or the Jews would want to leak information about themselves and their power to the masses, through things like the Matrix movie, Alex Jones or all the pyramids, eyes etc. in music videos (which may or may not be pure marketing...). Some say it's all so they can have a good laugh at the little helpless slaves once they have absolute power, the Jester. ( I believe that there's more to it than that. The Jews want to help humanity and there are trails for us at the bottom to follow for us to reach higher too.

someone said "to free yourself from the trap, study the trap"

That's the Gnostic path, i.e. the path of the truth seeker, one of several paths towards liberation. So studying conspiracies and mind control is a spiritual thing. Conspiracies, mind control and surveillance have a lot to do with spirituality.

One very interesting psychological/spiritual phenomenon that I have noticed is that if you begin to be interested in all these things, "weird things", such as conspiracies, mind control etc. you are quite likely to either lose friends or repel any prospective friends and/or partners. Go on a dating site or into a bar and start talking about conspiracies and mind control and the girls (or guys) probably will be repelled. Try being interested in beer drinking and football instead and see what happens. I believe it's not so coincidental that psychiatrist have their DSM bibles with things like Asperger's in them. However the rejection by women, in my case, is a very interesting psychological phenomenon. Maybe related to this quote from the Bible:

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

I find that this thread connects to the other thread I posted recently, entitled "sin and be popular, or be good and alone?"

Do you want to be these guys:

or do you want to be Neo?

Another very interesting aspect of all this is the concept of "as above so below" or "as within so without". Could it be that your entire outer world is a projection of your own mind? That the matrix and the machine world are projections of Neo's mind? Imagine that history is an illusion. Imagine that your own mental state determines the progression of the New World Order, the conflict between East and West, the development of a third world war, nuclear wars etc. Just imagine that all of the bankers and governments, the Jews, Israel and all of this stuff is a projection of your own mind... I do believe more in spiritual work than politics. But politics probably serves a purpose too. How does it all work? I have no idea. Politics is probably work that for the most part makes the machine world, the matrix, a manifestation of the ego, grow stronger, tighter. And then eventually that leads to the birth of a Neo, and then you no longer point finger towards "TPTB" and similar things, but rather look inwards and see what you can work with on yourself. Maybe that is what distinguishes a Sunni Muslim from a Jew, an extrovert from an introvert. I don't know anything. The search continues...
edit on 59531Sun, 04 May 2014 05:59:57 -0500201457pAmerica/Chicago2014-05-04T05:59:57-05:0031 by introspectionist because: (no reason given)

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