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You think you know fear, you don't know fear, not a clue

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 04:39 AM
LET ME BLITZKRIEG YOU, I hate unnecessary story

I had a difficult childhood, suffered a lot, was abducted and tortured by ETs as adult (that part is a hazy but real)
Was diagnosed with malignant cancer, had to beat it, made a thread about it.

Went from financially stable to almost destitute for a while. Thought about suicide few times. Had and still have negative experiences with the government due to outspokenness.

Was stalked and hunted by a Kodiak, felt what it was like to be prey.
Never used drugs, EVER, never abused alcohol.

SO WHAT DO I FEAR.....DEATH ???......TORTURE ???........DISEASE ??.......none of the above.

I fear that it looks increasingly likely according to my research, that evil acts are simply dismissed on the spiritual side as necessary part of the functioning of the physical universe. I won't write "holographic physical universe" because that is complicated for most people.

I who try to be a do-gooder will simply be forced to acknowledge the blindness and lack of awareness of evil people, once on the "other" side.

While a murderous and evil person will simply acknowledge his/her blindness and lessons learned once in the energy form after physical death.

AND IN THE END, WE ARE EQUAL GOODY BUDDIES, one was a victim, another a killer, and we are simply supposed to leave our baggage in our past physical life.

What of Justice, What of Right and Wrong
edit on 30-4-2014 by RadiationAndCancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 04:55 AM
just quickly for the people who would ask:

studying Near death and out of body experiences, points to pre-set life where events are known in advance, pointing to life where choice is an illusion and where all parties agreed to experience the kind of life they are experiencing

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

I would still be more fearful being trapped and slowly burnt to death, or eaten alive by an animal.
As there is a much higher probability of this compared to an alien abduction.
I also believe this evil exists due to being an under evolved race, who is unable to see the bigger picture as a collective.


posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: OpenEars123

I am glad you wrote that. It reflects opinion of vast majority.

The reason you fear being burnt alive or eaten alive is because you had a relatively comfortable life. I am just being objective, I am not trying to insult you.

As 11 year old, I already knew Traditional HELL is not real, because regardless of the suffering, person quickly adapts to it, and even if Satan upped the ante every time, eventual diminishing returns would kick in

Experiences teaches me to fear that there is no ultimate justice, that this reality is hiding something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and WEIRD and not even applicable to our physical lives.

It would mean in essence, that even in death, there would be no justice as we understand justice.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:31 AM
Allow me to disagree with your viewpoint strongly. Having had an NDE, I realized that things are not at all pre-set but the *probability* that they will turn out a certain way exists because of the path they are taking. We do have the power to change certain things and depending on our power and influence, the only change we may be able to accomplish in the grand picture could perhaps only be found in our own entourage or corner of the world. So we try to make our own corner of the world a safe, good, and happy place. Some of us feel the necessity to speak out when injustice in society rules because that may be the only thing we can do in the bigger picture of life on earth.

As for the evil ones ending up the same as the good ones in the afterlife, I certainly was not shown that they end up the same at all. After my life review and meeting all my old relatives and friends, I knew that there was an order to things and that I definitely was not in command. I was shown several levels of heaven and as well the utter lost outcome for those who do not deserve to be there.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:51 AM
Fear my friend is a matter of perspective, and totally unique to the person feeling said fear. Too say people don't know fear is just untrue. True Christians are very much AFRAID of burning in hell for eternity. Parents for the most part have very real FEARS regarding there children, I could go on and on but the point is you just have a very different perspective of fear shaped by your experiences and what you think you know. This is not an attack on you, you have the right to your belief's and opinions. I just believe you are wrong that's all.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: danielhanson420

well yes different opinions of fear

but I am talking about Greater Fear, or rather the ultimate fear. THE HORROR

If I told you that you will burn in hell for being a bad man, that's one thing, but what if I told you will burn while the evil person will live in heaven. That's HORROR, that's worse than just fear of burning.

That would be adding injustice to fear.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: aboutface

Your NDE sounds very good, I like it.

Unfortunately you are 1, I am talking about NDEs spanning thousands of reports, and in those reports it is suggested that indeed everything is pre-set.

Who gets to experience what, what role, good and bad.

That's the problem with afterlife I am having, I suggest you start reading great many NDE and OBE reports

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer
a reply to: aboutface

Your NDE sounds very good, I like it.

Unfortunately you are 1, I am talking about NDEs spanning thousands of reports, and in those reports it is suggested that indeed everything is pre-set.

Who gets to experience what, what role, good and bad.

That's the problem with afterlife I am having, I suggest you start reading great many NDE and OBE reports

I have looked into many NDE, and they do not say, what you say, that they say.
Because of your bad life experiences, you think you will for all eternity live in hell, while those that abused you, are going to get away with it.
You are wrong about that.
You are going to get your revenge, trust me.

edit on 30-4-2014 by john666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2014 by john666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer
a reply to: aboutface

Your NDE sounds very good, I like it.

Unfortunately you are 1, I am talking about NDEs spanning thousands of reports, and in those reports it is suggested that indeed everything is pre-set.

Who gets to experience what, what role, good and bad.

That's the problem with afterlife I am having, I suggest you start reading great many NDE and OBE reports

The pre-set part is that I was born into an environment that will allow me to undergo certain experiences for my development, just as everyone of us is. How we handle it is through the choices that we make. How we turn out is through the choices that we make.

Why do you feel I should read up on it more? Are you feeling the need to invalidate my experience? Must you pass arrogant judgement on us all as the title of your thread suggests? It's unfair of you to invalidate any feelings of fear we all may have. There is no competition to see whose life experience is worse or better.

We are not pre-set to be good or evil at all. We are the ones who make the choices we decide about on our life's path. I am sorry you had to go through cancer. When your time comes to leave this earth, you will be judged, and now is the time for us to reflect and to correct what mistakes you and I may have made. There is mercy in abundance freely given to us, because if we rely on justice-only at the end of the road, not one of us would make it. However in the judgement, there is no defense as the raw truth is laid bare, both the good and the bad that we've done including our motivations.

I would encourage you to take a break from those reports as you seem to have focused on some unknown part of them which, I feel, is leading you in error. I had the experience because I truly searched long and hard and sincerely went knocking for answers. My experience was a blessing and an answer. It has given me inner peace even though life is hard and the tests sometimes cruel.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Okay, let's consider our lighter parts indeed go up with what we perceive or know.
Case A) You are only this body and will only be in the next body when this bodys inner life forms aren't united enough anymore. When you harm someone, he will again less likely help others in a long chain, coming back to you in this life and even reaching out within all that is, to your light body.
Nothing is completely separated. We can manipulate "electricity" and magnetic waves after all, if we have money/time/no related laws.

Case B) Within infinity of either time or room there had to exist something that some day lets you perceive somewhere -> you are this body. But since there is infinity, you also exist elsewhere or again in the future. Meaning you are most likely in us at once. Thereby any damage done on someone else is damage done to yourself. You simply do not notice, because what you currently perceive - the senses and memory only lets you perceive this with this body.

An advice to you, RadiationAndCancer: question the meaning and usage of words

I distance myself from words like fear or justice. Describe things as they are, in your mind, not with words.
Tho, you might have noticed "evil" being related to situation / past / wisdom / not knowing. The above after death karma examples are few of many.

And no need to "acknowledge" evil. Become one with it. Exchange wisdom and knowledge. Tho, it requires many keys of wisdom and time. We all have our limits. And do not share knowledge with those who don't have the wisdom to use it without harming too much. A killer can also be a wise person, though. If preventing more negative influence than is caused.

Btw, did you survive a chemo? Is it possible?
edit on 30-4-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

You won't know fear until you have a bad trip with the spirit molecule. It heals though.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

Events cannot be know in advance, friend. And no fear is needed, for these pre-set lives and pre-set afterlives are but crutches for those who hobble through life. You have been through a lot and endured by your own strength and willing. You don't need crutches.

Near-death is just that: near death. True death is permanent.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer
just quickly for the people who would ask:

studying Near death and out of body experiences, points to pre-set life where events are known in advance, pointing to life where choice is an illusion and where all parties agreed to experience the kind of life they are experiencing

Actually, that entire concept (that each "soul" chooses its life ahead of time) is a scam that predators have invented to get a complete pass on preying on others while in corporeal development. It might work for some of them ("hey, it was what you wanted to happen to you, even if you don't remember making those arrangements") but there are those of us who won't be allowing those *ssholes to get away with that scam. There's some serious work going on "over there" to fix this latest rash of bullsh*t being perpetrated by the bastards who think they can get away with ruining the lives of others by inventing philosophical arguments like this one. Let's just say that when these idiots cross over, there are folks waiting for them.

Don't buy into the "we all plan our corporeal lifespans ahead of time" nonsense. We don't. That's just another ruse that some are trying to work as a way of getting away with the unspeakable nastiness they inflicted upon others, including murders and all sorts of bad stuff. I would imagine that these jackasses are uncomfortable with the idea of those they've preyed upon waiting for them as they feel death approaching.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer
a reply to: OpenEars123

I am glad you wrote that. It reflects opinion of vast majority.

The reason you fear being burnt alive or eaten alive is because you had a relatively comfortable life. I am just being objective, I am not trying to insult you.

As 11 year old, I already knew Traditional HELL is not real, because regardless of the suffering, person quickly adapts to it, and even if Satan upped the ante every time, eventual diminishing returns would kick in

No, the reason he says he fears being eaten alive or burned alive is because those fears trump the ones you have fabricated about yourself.

Lets be honest, you were not tortured by aliens your whole life, Kodiak didn't hunt you like prey, and people who truly suffer terror don't go flaunting it nor do they EVER try and trump everyone's suffering with their own story.

True victims of suffering gain insight to what suffering is and they usually do not lord over other's suffering with their own. In fact, most victims rarely even speak of their own trauma.

What we seem to have here is a basic online troll. Or worse, someone looking for attention.

Even the way you describe your suffering comes off like someone who has never known pain upfront before. Very shallow, very empty and very void of any weight. In fact, it seems much more likely that you are a young person who is bored and looking to stir up a forum to help entertain yourself.

Tell me where I am wrong...and please, continue.

edit on 30-4-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer

I won't write "holographic physical universe" because that is complicated for most people.

Oh no no no sir. here on ATS you will find a multitude of people who know all about the Holographic Principle. Unless you mean the Holographic Universe. Either way, both are subjects very well understood by many here.

Heck, we can even go into Bostrom's simulation argument if you feel like sharing your "research".



posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer

SO WHAT DO I FEAR.....DEATH ???......TORTURE ???........DISEASE ??.......none of the above.

I fear that it looks increasingly likely according to my research, that evil acts are simply dismissed on the spiritual side as necessary part of the functioning of the physical universe.

Annnnnnnd just to be completely say you have been hunted and tortured by aliens and you don't fear that. But you fear that after we die all "evils" are dismissed as a learning experience?

So, physical pain and mental torture mean less than your fear of some reality-truth that on the other side of death we all transcend our mortal doings and learn from them without our shells?

Am I correct?

When we die, we lose our petty need for revenge, blindness to differences and lose all form of blame. But you want to keep yours so you can judge and damn those who did evil in this reality?

Oh ya...that seems like a legit fear. Sure beats the heck out of seeing a loved one brutally murdered, or losing a child, or seeing war first hand, or dealing with a disease...ya...totally legit.

Oh come on! If that is what your "soul fears" I urge you to metaphysically "grow the hell up".

edit on 30-4-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: aboutface

There is mercy in abundance freely given to us, because if we rely on justice-only at the end of the road, not one of us would make it. However in the judgement, there is no defense as the raw truth is laid bare, both the good and the bad that we've done including our motivations.

I really do believe in this .. for me is so True.

Note: Your signature.. wow:

While it`s sad that our legs just go all the way up and make a butt of themselves it seems worse when the shoulders do it too.

edit to aboutface: offtopic: I was not offended, I Love it.. very Intelligent observation

edit on v20141411America/ChicagoWed, 30 Apr 2014 11:16:17 -05002 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Offtopic: My sig was merely an attempt at humour. Hope you weren't offended.

Back on topic. OP, have you left the thread? I would like to read your reply to the responses you received.
edit on 30-4-2014 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: OpenEars123
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

I would still be more fearful being trapped and slowly burnt to death, or eaten alive by an animal.
As there is a much higher probability of this compared to an alien abduction.
I also believe this evil exists due to being an under evolved race, who is unable to see the bigger picture as a collective.


I agree with your view and I think some people are playing a mind game with yin/yang thinking that it is equal light/dark on earth. It is not from my point of view and if it can be more dark than light then it can also evolve to more than light than dark.

The light/dark being equal is a mind trap keeping souls from spiritually evolving.
edit on 30-4-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

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