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Louisiana creates database to determine which citizens may become a "risk to the state"

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:26 PM
This sounds downright Orwellian; Louisiana has put together a database to track all of its citizen's information and use that information to determine who may become a "risk to the state" in the future by costing it government money or having a risk of incarceration later in their lives. They say their intent is to "intervene in that person's life" to prevent bad things from happening.

Louisiana Creates Database of Citizens Who Represent "A Risk to the State"

The Comprehensive Person Profile, developed by software company SAS, uses information from every agency of state government to compile personal data entries on Louisiana residents which are centralized on one database.

Originally set up to combat fraudulent workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance claims, the program was expanded to create a “centralized data warehouse” that allows “every agency within state government” to both submit and access data on every person within the state.

The purposes of the database, in the words of Broadwater, are to “detect fraud” and to identify people who are “a risk to the state down the road based upon the information we know about the individual,” enabling authorities to quickly identify “an individual who is going to be at risk of incarceration down the road,” a process that sounds an awful lot like ‘pre-crime’.

Broadwater remarks that the state having such a treasure trove of information about each individual will allow authorities to “intervene in that person’s life”.

Information Liberation

Makes me wonder what all information they'll be using to determine who needs "intervention". What's really scary is how different administrations (left or right) may set the criteria for who may become a "risk to the state". This sounds like they may end up sending innocent people who have committed no crimes off to reeducation camps to make sure they think the way the state wants them to think and obey those in authority.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

"intervene in that person's life"

That's enough to make me against whatever they want to do. No government should be intervening to that degree. Cops intervening in a domestic abuse situation, fine.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: ScientiaFortisDefendit

Yep, at least when you call the gubment for help, you have no one to blame but yourself when they show up, shoot your dog and take you away in chains.

Now, they can just show up on their own, shoot your dog and take away your family and send you off for reeducation all because some computer program told them to. Its government oppression digital style.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

I am sure it is for their own good.

"But it's for your own good." - C. S. Lewis on Tyranny

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:10 PM
I was going to say something clever about how its a database of bankers and politician given its a database for people considered a risk to the state till I read this bit

"an individual who is going to be at risk of incarceration down the road "

heh...there goes my idea...they are immune from incarceration. law enforcement is only for the poor and middle class to deal with who have no influence.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem

Originally set up to combat fraudulent workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance claims

Sure it was, that's just how they got it funded in the first place.

Well this is one of the scarier things I've heard in a while. Reminds me of what Aschroft's DoJ, DARPA, etc had in the works until it was *supposedly* defunded in 2003. Remember TIA (Total Information Awareness)?

EFF: TIA: Systems Overview

Who the hell thought this logo was a good idea?

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:28 PM
Here is my thinking on this. I hate to even think the gov't spying is a good thing, but if they are just using data they already have. Like DMV records, tax records, welfare records you are already in the system and it isn't exactly spying.

Lets say a computer program finds that John Doe is on welfare and medicaid. John Does tax records show no earned income but DMV records show John Doe registered a brand new cadillac escalade.

They might look at that and see a possible welfare fraud.

I find it funny it was set up originally to detect fraudulent workmans comp and unemployment claims. So only on the people who had at least worked at some point. Not any mention of welfare fraud.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 01:19 AM
This is the beginning of being arrested for crimes you may be about to commit.....
This is a declaration of WAR on annulment of the constitution as well....

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: ScientiaFortisDefendit
a reply to: FortAnthem

"intervene in that person's life"

That's enough to make me against whatever they want to do. No government should be intervening to that degree. Cops intervening in a domestic abuse situation, fine.

That's some scary talk from the government. Lemme guess; They will want to put chips in these people? The gov is trying to scare the people who are questioning them. They're trying to stop the people from getting any power over them. These traitors should be arrested immediately.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Fylgje

originally posted by: ScientiaFortisDefendit
a reply to: FortAnthem

"intervene in that person's life"

That's enough to make me against whatever they want to do. No government should be intervening to that degree. Cops intervening in a domestic abuse situation, fine.

That's some scary talk from the government. Lemme guess; They will want to put chips in these people? The gov is trying to scare the people who are questioning them. They're trying to stop the people from getting any power over them. These traitors should be arrested immediately.

They should not be arrested - prisons are already overcrowded with low-level weed dealers. They should be... something else...

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 12:55 PM
I'd like to see the racial breakdown of this list made in the deep south, Louisiana.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: tinner07
Here is my thinking on this. I hate to even think the gov't spying is a good thing, but if they are just using data they already have. Like DMV records, tax records, welfare records you are already in the system and it isn't exactly spying.

Lets say a computer program finds that John Doe is on welfare and medicaid. John Does tax records show no earned income but DMV records show John Doe registered a brand new cadillac escalade.

They might look at that and see a possible welfare fraud.

I find it funny it was set up originally to detect fraudulent workmans comp and unemployment claims. So only on the people who had at least worked at some point. Not any mention of welfare fraud.

It may be information they already have, but there are some machines which just shouldn't be built.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: FortAnthem
That guy in the video is one, scary, sick puppy. He's one of that group of individuals who want to be able to put you into a computer into one neat little group or the other.
He believes that check-marks in boxes determine your fate as a human being. He believes that he and his computer are qualified and capable of making decisions about your future without any input from you.
I listened once as a school administrator explained all the "at risk" factors in a young relative's life. Having never spoken more than a dozen words with the young man, this administrator had "looked at the records" and decided that the only thing that would keep him out of jail was to medicate him with a legal, mind-altering substance. Fortunately for him, his guardians removed him from that atmosphere and moved him to one which would challenge his mind rather than change his perception of life.
A pox on him and his "intervention" crap. He's got a buddy in one of the military contractors who wants to run the re-education camps. Won't that be a bonanza for their child sex slave trade?

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