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Obama administration begins stealth bailout of Detroit

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posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 10:50 PM

reply to post by 200Plus

I appreciate a coherent thought out response and I thank you. You disagree with me but thats ok.
One question I have is you said the unions that priced Detroit out of business are run by OWD. What unions are those?

Teamsters and United Auto Workers (UAW) or do you want the Local numbers?

I say priced Detroit out of business because a kid with a GED and no skills does not warrant $60+ an hour to sweep a floor. But union wages must be met in union shops. I was offered a job at Chrysler when I was 19 (Mill Wrights Apprentice) starting out at $35 an hour and that was just during the 90 day probationary period. It went up when I was accepted into the union (ie paid my due). I had already enlisted in the Army so didn't take the job. Besides, I had already worked for a union for two years and the experience left a bad taste with me.

Life wouldn't be much fun if people always agreed. It's how we handle our disagreements that make a difference

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Bassago

How is this possible? What happened to the idea of federal independence in the US?

I thought the US federal structure was competitive federalism, which doesn't allow financial equalization within your states - like we have here with our cooperative federalism, or on a bigger scale within the €Z, aka fiscal centralism.

Well, there goes one more thing I used to admire about the United States...

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by beezzer

So the taxpayer is going to bail out a city mismanaged for decades of leftist policies?

This sets a bad precedent where Obama can now bail out any city he desires for just about any reason.

Pretty much. Of the cities that appear to be folding most are blue from what I see.

Hopefully Dallas-Ft Worth won't ask for a bailout or Obama will have a stroke.

I don't think they have this type of problem but pension plans are slippery devils regardless of who's running them.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:24 PM
Crooks come in all shades but their most favorite hue is politician blue. Bottom line people at the top cant keep their hands out the cookie jar. They give deals to their corporate pals etc etc. Obama just does what his people tell him to. I figured they wanted a black guy to be president when it all went south to give all the closet racists a reason to come out en masse. Im not calling you racist for not liking obama and saying he is a failure as a president becaue I agree with you. It is however a predominantly white system and always has been and he operates withing the framework and legal precedent of the many presidents that came before him. Whole country is in a slump. Decades of bad social policies.....only 8 years of a black president. I dont want to argue. Dont shoot the messenger. Power corrupts people of all races, and sociopaths seek it out relentlessly.
edit on 16-4-2014 by rustyclutch because: ..

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by ColCurious

How is this possible? What happened to the idea of federal independence in the US?

I thought the US federal structure was competitive federalism, which doesn't allow financial equalization within your states - like we have here with our cooperative federalism, or on a bigger scale within the €Z, aka fiscal centralism.

Well, there goes one more thing I used to admire about the United States...

While I initially blame this on the POTUS it is most likely much deeper than that. By this time most of us realize it's the big money interest that are in control of the US (and world), those with control of the Fed, the IMF, world bank, etc. Their goal is to level the US until we have parity with most of the rest of the (third) world.

Give us some time, it's possible we will be able to stop this at least within our borders but it's going to be painful. Being in the EU I'm sure you're aware of similar situations aka Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. You may have a harder time fighting it than we do as there is less firepower among the general population there. Wish it wouldn't come to that but fear it will in the end.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:57 AM
I am very happy about this. As long as that money goes right into the pension fund and is used to pay the men and women who earned it. Those people deserve that money.
I have a sneaky feeling though, that it will be wasted.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by 200Plus

But KY hasn't gotten the money that Detroit has. And most people in Ky take care of themselves. I know. I've been all over that place. To try and claim that everyone lives in shacks and blah blah blah is horse#. At least the vast there grow gardens and hunt. You know what's odd? Almost every major drug dealer caught here where I live is from Detroit. It's easy to change shoes....

As far as bailing out Detroit? Hell no. That place is worse than any 3rd-world country. I've never seen anything like it. Facts are facts and truth may hurt.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 09:51 AM


Nice racist attitude by a couple of the members in this thread. If blacks get into charge everything will fail. Maybe it's time to remind them of their place in this country and get to the back of the bus.

reply to post by buster2010

Exactly what I am talking about.

So you would deny that most cities on the verge of bankruptcy are majority black cities?

It is not racist if it is a fact. I am trying not to be racist,
never mind white guys cant say anything without being racist.

deny ignorance but get the special on sand at wal mart to stick your head in

Like the blacks were always in charge and drove these cities into bankruptcy. Usually the only reason a black gets voted into office is because the people of the city finally got fed up with the old white boys spending their cities into bankruptcy. When you make ignorant comments like it's the blacks that bankrupt cities when they get into charge then you do sound like a racist. So you may want to look outside because your load of sand should be arriving by now.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Fylgje

One - I never claimed everyone lived in shacks

Two - not every meth producer in KY is from Detroit I promise you

Three - yes hunting/fishing/growing is more prevalent in Kentucky. Food doesn't grow on concrete and rats are harder to hit than deer

I didn't mean to offend people in Kentucky with my post. I was trying to convey the point that Detroit's problems are more about liberal policy and fiscal ineptitude than they are about race. Kentucky and Detroit both lack jobs so both have poverty was the main jist I suppose.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:00 PM
The problem was caused by "business as usual corruption" the politicians thought that they had a bottomless well of taxpayer money to use and abuse.What they didn`t count on,because it`s never been done before, is that the taxpayers abandoned the city and moved to greener less corrupt pastures,which left the politicians with a very shallow well to dip into to fund their ongoing corruption and theft.
The politicians thought that there would always be enough taxpayers to rape for more money they never imagined, even in their worst nightmares, that so many taxpayers would just up and leave.
of course nobody will be held accountable and a new bunch of thieves will be put in charge to continue the theft and corruption on even a grander scale, now that they have the federal governments pocket to pick.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:20 PM
Well what that means, Obama to bailout Detroit, are they going to get free ACA too, 100 millions doesn't fix anything when the spending is on going, if you spend more than you make you are always in debt and that is what is going on with most states in nation, no enough taxable income coming in.

America's politicians has sold America to foreign interest and now is nothing else for the American people to live the American dream is nothing but a nightmare and getting worst.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Maybe I'm missing something here but um.......
finally starting to FIX broken America one city at a time - and people are COMPLAINING about it?????? Really?

I have to be missing something. I just have to.

Else faith in my fellow American's has just plummeted to a negative number in the trilions.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: sarra1833

Actually he is not fixing anything, he is using Tax dollars to keep the pension fund afloat, it has nothing to do with job creation of bringing new jobs to help people get out of the welfare.

The federal $100 million is being described as “blight remediation,” but it allows the city’s new managers to reshuffle more cash into the city employees’ pension funds, which were looted by city and union officials for several decades.

In other words we tax payers are to pay for the corruption and thievery of the politicians and past administration of Detroit that ran away peoples money.

This 100 millions will only fix the pension fund problems for a few days.

edit on 17-4-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Thank you for clearing that up for me
You put it into perfect perspective.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: sarra1833

Thanks, it is actually sad, that Detroit once a well off city and supported the working class with a growing economy is now facing so much problems, but as usual the population get the blame when the politicians ran away with the people's money for years.

Even when manufacturing is still the main economic provider it hardly helps the growing financial problems.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: 200Plus

gee wonder why cops don't want to go into some areas, especially at night? it's called DANGEROUS. same goes for ambulances with good cause. people actually SHOOT AT AMBULANCES TO KEEP THEM AWAY (mostly using illegal guns so don't try for the "we need gun control" about it). a friend who has worked on ambulances was once bragging on "how many bullet holes" his ambulance received going to try to save someone. it would seem that criminals don't like it when someone tries to save someone they want to die. i rather suspect it is the same for cops, only more so since cops have their own guns.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: generik

I know why they drag their feet for some calls. I know being a cop in Detroit is a dangerous job.

That being said, it is their job. If they spend 20 years avoiding their job because it's dangerous, how can they justify a retirement check?

I am sure professional dog walkers don't like getting dog$&%^ on their hands, but it happens eventually. It's a hazard of the job. Don't like the hazards, find a new line of work.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 02:11 AM
I have been to Detroit one time in my life. It was in the middle of December of 2012. I was stuck there for 22 hours waiting for a Greyhound bus (though it really only ended up being around 12). The bus station had nowhere to eat except for one vending machine which only took change, and no change machine.

In my time there I saw things that I never once in my life expected to see in a city in America. Growing up I was poor, I lived in some bad areas. Nothing was like Detroit though. The sidewalks were blocked off because of falling concrete danger from the buildings. The streets weren't safe to walk in broad daylight, if I wanted food I had to hire a tax to go to a restaurant a block away. To go from the bus station to a car picking me up in the bus stations waiting area I had to get an armed guard to walk outside with me and go 30 feet from the door... he kept his gun drawn the entire time and allowed zero time to loiter (as in, I couldn't even hug my dad hello... the guard said to move and do that somewhere safer).

Detroit was a great city once, the people that built that great city were promised pensions as part of their wages. They deserve every dollar they were promised. If those pensions aren't honored no one will be there to rebuild the city. If Detroit is unable to handle it, then the state of Michigan needs to step in and do it. If the state is unable then the feds need to come in.

This goes beyond partisan bickering. No city in America... no city in a first world nation should be in the shape Detroit is currently in. The people who committed the crime are long gone, there is no restitution there. Rather than blame the people for electing poor management and seeking to prosecute people that can never make amends why not focus on fixing it?

I don't like bailouts, we should have let the banks fail and dealt with the consequences but this isn't a private corporation, it's a public trust. The people were screwed by their local government. The checks and balances failed, and the government acted maliciously towards the people at every level. They deserve better, and the state/feds have the ability to do better.

I swear people here have the attitude that Detroit should fail in order to punish voters for voting Democrat. Are you really so bitter and partisan that you think those of a certain political ideology (which doesn't even make up everyone in the city) deserve to have their retirements ruined out of pettiness?
edit on 18-4-2014 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

If Detroit is unable to handle it, then the state of Michigan needs to step in and do it. If the state is unable then the feds need to come in.

That's an interesting take on it anyway. So you believe that because greedy and corrupt city managers,mayors, and councils have bankrupted Detroit so badly that the rest of the state or even country need to bail them out? Just because those guilty parties are "long gone?" I believe not.

The checks and balances failed, and the government acted maliciously towards the people at every level.

There is some truth to that, the willful underfunding of pension funds in order to divert that money to sustaining decades long failing budgets is a big one. Those people may belong gone as you indicated but many could be located and prosecuted. Never going to happen though with Obama and Eric Holder in charge, will it?
edit on 636am3232am92014 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: 200Plus

BRA, you just got OWD!!!

Fizzle yo drizzle dizzle, you dig Bra?

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