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Vaccine mafia forces Chilli's to cancel autism awareness fundraiser

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posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow, way to put words in someone else's mouth. It seems a pretty reasonable policy to me to help out parents in dire financial need. People making over $50,000 a year are, in my experience, usually pretty well off and should be able to fend for themselves. The charity makes it clear they don't give money away for frivolous stuff like Disney World trips or trampolines or swing-sets. I'd rather see my money go towards providing meals for families in need or paying for medications or doctor's bills for parents who are in real financial distress.

I am not putting words in their mouth. That cynical tirade-- implying that families with autistic children are greedy and frivolous-- is a direct quotation from their website. I find it strange that you seem to think that there are medications and doctor's bills to be paid. Wouldn't that mean that the money goes straight back to the evil medical establishment that caused the autism in the first place? Or are you admitting that the medical establishment is legitimate, and the anti-vaxers wrong?

If you want a free trip to Disney World or some fancy toys for your kids, there are other charities for that. If you want to really help a family in need, then maybe this charity is the right place to go.

Actually, I expect that this charity is about to be audited. Then we will know where the money really goes.

Also, I still fail to see why the vaccine industry feels so threatened by parents looking at all sides of this issue before deciding to vaccinate their children. If their science is so rock solid, you would think they should have nothing to worry about.
- See more at:

It is not the 'vaccine industry,' it is public health officials. Widespread vaccination is necessary to maintain 'herd immunity.'If you have done any research into the topic you will know what that means. The irony about the anti-vax movement is that it is primarily an upper middle class thing. Because they live in safe, hygienic environments and can afford to indulge in dietary and 'alternative medicine' fads, affluent people can afford to skip vaccinating their children. This means that Waldorf and Montessori schools are filled with children who lack herd immunity. This is where scourges not seen in America and Europe since the last century will reappear with a vengeance.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by DJW001

This is where scourges not seen in America and Europe since the last century will reappear with a vengeance.

objection your honour..the plaintiff is just making stuff up

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:45 AM

reply to post by DJW001

This is where scourges not seen in America and Europe since the last century will reappear with a vengeance.

objection your honour..the plaintiff is just making stuff up

Are you saying that vaccinations have not resulted in a dramatic decrease in cases of polio, rubella and other diseases that were common 200 years ago?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:48 AM
here is the typical pro vac type swindle

Does a new Danish study disprove the old Danish studies concluding that there is no link between vaccines and autism? Not so fast there…

...The observation that they made was that the incidence of autism remained fairly constant during the period of time that thimerosal was used in Denmark and that the rise in incidence of autism beginning in 1991 continued even in the group of children born after the discontinuation of thimerosal. The authors noted that thimerosal-containing vaccines were gradually phased out, which means that a gradual decline in autism incidence would be expected if there were a causal link between thimerosal and autism; instead they observed autism incidence continuing to increase.

ah, but it looks like the timerisol is still around

But what may be even worse is the fact that many people falsely believe that thimerosal is not even included in vaccines anymore, which is leading them to blindly allow them to be administered to their children. And the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA have continued to provide dubious and misleading information on the subject, which the mainstream media has been complicit in spreading over the years.

But the FDA explains, in no uncertain terms, directly on its website that thimerosal is still added to certain vaccines. For this reason alone, it is crucial that parents who choose to vaccinate their children ask for an ingredients list for each and every vaccine before allowing them to be administered to their children.

"While the use of mercury-containing preservatives has declined in recent years with the development of new products formulated with alternative or no preservatives, thimerosal has been used in some immune globulin preparations, anti-venins, skin test antigens, and ophthalmic and nasal products, in addition to certain vaccines," writes the FDA on its Thimerosal in Vaccines

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Danbones

So? The amount used has decreased. What is your point?

Edit to add: What does that have to do with Chili's?
edit on 8-4-2014 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:51 AM


reply to post by DJW001

This is where scourges not seen in America and Europe since the last century will reappear with a vengeance.

objection your honour..the plaintiff is just making stuff up

Are you saying that vaccinations have not resulted in a dramatic decrease in cases of polio, rubella and other diseases that were common 200 years ago?

your read my post containing your quote
thats what im saying

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 08:12 AM



reply to post by DJW001

This is where scourges not seen in America and Europe since the last century will reappear with a vengeance.

objection your honour..the plaintiff is just making stuff up

Are you saying that vaccinations have not resulted in a dramatic decrease in cases of polio, rubella and other diseases that were common 200 years ago?

your read my post containing your quote
thats what im saying

I'm not sure what you're saying. On the other hand:

Falling vaccination rates are now an urgent concern in public health. Measles incidence dropped 99 percent after the vaccine was introduced in 1963. Between 2000 and 2007, the United States saw an average of just 63 measles cases per year, and almost all of those victims brought the disease into the United States from abroad. In 2013, however, the incidence of measles tripled. Unlike in previous years, the majority of the victims contracted the disease here in the United States, meaning that measles outbreaks are now a serious national problem. It could get worse. Vaccination rates in the United States remain at about 90 percent, but in the United Kingdom, where vaccination has fallen below 80 percent, the disease is once again endemic.

I'm not making things up.

According to this article, there have been 19 cases so far this year, not in Bangladesh, but New York City.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by DJW001

No, telling people to ignore the actual research about vaccines and instead believe emotionally charged lies about vaccines is spreading lies about vaccines. - See more at:

I'm guessing you are part of the vaccine clergy and don't understand vaccine science. I can tell by the hopelessly weak way to are trying to make your point.

Vaccine side effects are well known and documented on the vaccine package inserts. I guess you must know these risks and are OK with your kids taking these risks. You've read what they're injecting your kids with right? Babies can't describe what's wrong with them but I'm sure you must be paying attention or has your faith blinded you?

Allow me to assist. Bio-available aluminum is present in most vaccines as an adjuvant (it's listed in the vaccine insert as aluminum phosphate). Aluminum is known to set off a systemic reaction of the bodies immune system. This reaction will occur regardless of the presence of vaccine. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin which is mostly removed by the liver when ingested. When injected directly, the metal is distributed throughout the body, and causes a pronounces response. Do you know the science behind the aluminum adjuvant? I thought not, because it's not been studied and no one else does either. It was developed in the 1920's by trial and error.

Pharma is a massive profit machine. They market hard to get you to make decisions that are not in your best interest. It's working.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass

People that spout how important vaccines are understand absolutely nothing about the science behind them. Thanks for your post as you are very correct. Alum (aluminum) is used in the DTaP vaccine as an antigen aka adjuvant. It stimulates an antibody response in the body. You can get the body to mount an antibody response against anything injected into. Why the scientific community sees no dangers in inject adjuvants into the body shows how compartmentalized and skewed their thinking and scientific approach really is. Ive studied the whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine quietly thoroughly and probably (not to sound conceited) know more about it than most doctors. Also people need to remember most doctors are not immunologists and they are not researchers. Most pediatricians are taught in medical school basically what vaccines treat what childhood diseases and that's about it. A lot of doctors really don't understand the immune system let alone how vaccines work. You can't necessarily blame them as they have a lot to learn and even more to remember in their schooling. Vaccines are such a small aspect but an important one in their training. It's like nutrition. Plus all their guidelines they follow are put out by trade organizations not scientific bodies. The American Association of Pediatrics is a TRADE organization funded by Bloomberg and the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Anyways, they are working on vaccines to stop people from smoking, vaccines to treat depression etc. If you can think of it they are probably working on a vaccine. It's disgusting actually. We understand very little about the immune system….probably less than 3%. It's a very complex and intricate part of the body. I was just reading a medical study on the effects of nutrition and anxiety/stress on the developing fetus. It's evident that maternal anxiety and stress can have deleterious effects on the growing fetus that can lead to changes in neurodevelopment up to and including possibly autism. If something as what we think is benign and trivial as stress/anxiety in the mother can affect a growing fetus' brain anyone that thinks vaccines both in the mother and the baby are benign need their head examined. It's ridiculous!

Take the DTaP vaccine….basically they take the Bordatella Pertussis organism and take parts or toxins from it and inject that into the body to stimulate the humoral immune system. These "parts" are called filamentous agglutinins, hemagglutinins, etc. They take pertussis toxin as well. But there are so many complex parts and pieces of a bacteria and these frankenstein scientists are choosing only a specific few. For example, ADT is a toxin secreted by the pertussis bacteria. It is THE TOXIN that causes whooping cough by attaching to the cilia in the lungs. It is not in the vaccine so even if children get the vaccine they are not immune to whooping cough only the vaccine induced epitopes. Also whats worse is if they get the naturally acquired infection their body has an even harder time clearing it. Whooping cough despite the very rare case of fatalities in children is a benign childhood disease. Same with measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by DJW001

"Emotionally charged lies about vaccines" huh?

I guess since there's nothing but emotionally charged lies behind the anti-vac movement, that would mean they would have no chance of winning any cases in a court of law. The fact is; Vaccine courts in the US and abroad regularly award judgements to parents claiming their children got autism from vaccinations. These stories are just buried and suppressed by the MSM and the vaccine industry.

Also, a recent FDA vaccine insert was forced to acknowledge autism as a possible "adverse event" which can be caused by the vaccine. If there's no "real science" behind the anti-vac claims and its all about "emotionally charged lies", I doubt the FDA would feel the necessity to include autism as one of the possible adverse effects of a vaccine.

You also made a big deal about how thimerisol has been largely eliminated from vaccines in recent years. This wasn't done voluntarily by the vaccine industry. This is a direct result of the anti-vaccination groups educating the public about the dangers of the stuff they've been putting in vaccines for years. Without these "evil" anti-vaccination groups, thimerisol and a host of other bad stuff would continue to be regular ingredients in the vaccines we put into our children. The anti-vac groups are also responsible for the vaccine injury courts to compensate people injured by vaccinations. Unfortunately, its the government paying out the awards, not the drug companies so they face no penalty for putting out a dangerous product. It will only be after the government is forced to shell out millions in compensation for bad vaccines that they may be forced to take some type of action which may directly affect the drug companies.

Believe it or not; Americans becoming educated as to the dangers of vaccinations and making informed medical decisions about vaccinating their children actually results in a safer world in which the most damaging vaccine additives are removed from the market.

edit on 4/8/14 by FortAnthem because:

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:10 AM
This was a good thing by Chili's really sucks there but...this was a good fundraiser. It's too bad they caved in.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:48 PM


Science is nothing but a whore to whoever is paying the bills and it seems nobody can trust any of these studies anymore.

So sad but so true. It's the same in other sciences as well, such as the climate change argument, or allowing chemicals in our foods, and on and on it goes. Whoever has the deepest pockets will have the loudest voice, and our well-being is the last thing on any of their minds.

edit on 8-4-2014 by Rezlooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

And so we go from the merits of the "charity," to a justification for anti-vax propaganda , to an attempt to divert from evidence that the pro-vaxers are right in predicting the return of formerly controlled diseases to an attack on science in general. That's how these threads always go, isn't it?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:40 PM
This is simply a marketing ploy folks. Nothing more.

"Raising money for Autism Awareness"? Who the hell, in this day and age, doesn't know what autism is? What is the goal of raising awareness of it anyway? Does it help anyone with it? (NO). Does it help spawn research into what is causing it? (NO). Does it help pay the salaries of some 503c that does neither of the above? (YES). Does it get people to patronize a business promoting this "awareness" so they get all feel-goody by spending their money at a place and thinking it makes any kind of difference? (YES)

How about this. How about we ask a restaurant to run a "People need to STFU about # and actually start doing something about it" awareness campaign.

Also - I saw the story on our local news concerning Chili's. The report claimed that they backed down from sponsoring this particular charity after "getting bombed on their Facebook page with people outraged because the charity sugggested a link between autism and vaccines".
Sounds to me like the Rx-mafia up to social-media tactics

edit on 8-4-2014 by TXRabbit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I guess since there's nothing but emotionally charged lies behind the anti-vac movement, that would mean they would have no chance of winning any cases in a court of law.

Are you insinuating that courtroom decisions are based on hard scientific data and are never won by emotional appeals? In any event, this has nothing to do with whether or not giving money to an anti-vax organization would actually do anything to help people who already have autism. Why doesn't Chili's give money to a summer camp for children with autism? That way, families that make the median income, $50,000 per year, could have six weeks a year when neither partner needs to be performing care giving functions.

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