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Anyone watch Survivorman Bigfoot?

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

Les is the man... He has forgotten more about survival methods, and nature than most of us ever knew in the first place. If he says he encountered something he can't explain I believe him. This is his livelihood. He's not going to sacrifice his credibility over something like a bigfoot hoax. In regards to the show... I didn't see it but it seems that it fell under a new producer who wanted to make it more of a reality show. Will probably be passing on that show just like I passed on the real mermaid show...

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 02:45 AM
Les said that one time when he was alone and filming in Alaska he heard an inexplicable sound that he only likened to that of a primate. It was nearby and watching him. It shook the tree several times after howling and then bolted away when he went to grab his camera.

Do I think he had an encounter with Bigfoot? Yes. Not with the camera crew etc. nearby of course, but solo I definitely think he heard one. Bigfoots are extremely vocal when they want to be.

I've had Bigfoot experiences firsthand and know they exist. When the world gets overpopulated they are inevitably going to be found out. The government won't be able to hide them forever.
edit on 27-3-2014 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:15 AM

Les said that one time when he was alone and filming in Alaska he heard an inexplicable sound that he only likened to that of a primate. It was nearby and watching him. It shook the tree several times after howling and then bolted away when he went to grab his camera.

Do I think he had an encounter with Bigfoot? Yes. Not with the camera crew etc. nearby of course, but solo I definitely think he heard one. Bigfoots are extremely vocal when they want to be.

I've had Bigfoot experiences firsthand and know they exist. When the world gets overpopulated they are inevitably going to be found out. The government won't be able to hide them forever.
edit on 27-3-2014 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

In terms of Human activities to wilderness ratio in the pacific northwest there seems to be a massive amount of optimism on Bigfoot.

Given the pacific northwest is estimated to have an area of circa 251,000 Square miles this is relatively small given that people have captured multiple pictures of cryptid bipedal apes in the Congo (1.5 million square miles-Bondo/Bili Apes) with less population density.

If people can take a multiple good picture of a Florida panthers, you would expect at least 1 of bigfoot given it's propensity to howl at people, break trees and throw boulders ( activities which the Florida panther doesnt undertake)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 08:59 AM

The government won't be able to hide them forever.

What do you think the motive is for "the government" to hide the existence of a north American primate? Just curious.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by BigFrigginCamaro

Seeing as they are a government that governs only a massively religious country, they are hiding the fact that there is a missing link. Bigfoot proves evolution and disproves biblical teachings. If they let it be known that Bigfoot exists, then it "In God We Trust" seem more like "By God We Were Fooled".

At least, this is what I've gathered through my own research.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 04:02 AM
Didn't it take full parties searching almost 60 years to find and prove pandas exist? Now that was for pandas... they are not exactly the most elusive creature out there. A big foot that is supposedly decently clever and actively trying to hide and avoid people I can see going undiscovered for a long time especially in areas where people really don't venture out into. There are large areas that people have barely searched or even been to due to the harsh terrain. Japan has one of the highest population densities in the world and yet 83% of Japans surface area terrain is sparsely populated due to the mountainous terrain, most of the population only lives in 17% of its surface area. A small Bigfoot population in Alaska and Canada I can see going undiscovered for a very long time (Remember Canada has a larger land area then the US but only 1/10th of the population, and most of that population is only in the southern 1/3rd).
edit on 31-3-2014 by halfmask because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2014 by halfmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by BigFrigginCamaro

Adding to the other response to your question, the logging and development industries would take a HUGE hit if people suddenly knew there was an endangered and intelligent primate that could virtually be anywhere in NA. I remember estimates as high as $400 Billion annually would be lost and the government wouldn't be able to build its secret, remote facilities, such as HAARP, as effortlessly.

Also, Bigfoot might prove evolution, as CrypticCryptid said, but it might also prove that humans have had their DNA tampered with at some point in history. Bigfoot seems MUCH more evolved for terrain here on Earth than humans in every way possible + has thumbs and hugely advantageous stature and strength. So why aren't they the dominate ones on this planet? A possibility is that Bigfoot is what we were, eons ago, before our DNA was intelligently changed by someone else and we were GIVEN the ability to build knowledge and create civilization.
edit on 31-3-2014 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by TheLegend

This would even more so disprove the bible. If our genetics were tampered with, it would mean that Earth isn't the special pearl we're all told it is. What more, it means that there has (or had to be at one time) an advanced non-human race of beings that created us rather than a single omnipotent being. Same coin different side, thanks Legend.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:58 PM
I will say that the involvement of Todd Standing has absolutely ruined the show for me. I really admire Les Stroud, and think he is sincere in his mission, while I believe that the former person has perpetrated numerous hoaxes in the past. I will say that I believe the majority of people in the bigfoot community, those "in the know," also agree with me. All it takes is looking at this man's "evidence." Clearly fake. Definitely nothing unique about it at all. Well, the shots of a supposed bigfoot head, one with a blinking eye, are somewhat novel when compared with typical hoaxes, but they are obviously not real, considering there is absolutely zero movement...aside from the blinking eye, which moves incredibly slow and looks like a bad attempt at using animatronics.

I don't think any of this has been proven to be a hoax, as that is quite difficult to do with any evidence, so I am just giving my opinion, which is aligned with the opinions of others who have been around the community for a while. I will admit I haven't watched the show, if it is even out yet, although I probably will catch it on TV at some point, so I cannot attest to the methods they will use.

I estimate that the chances of capturing a bigfoot on film using the methods as seen on the show "Finding Bigfoot" are infinitesimally minute, mainly because of the nature of these animals in general. Like my sighting, most take luck, being in the right place at the right time, and that is what occurs in the majority of sightings worldwide. It makes sense when you figure the number of researchers out looking for bigfoot is quite small, so the odds of any one of them having a sighting is relatively low. But with the rest of the population, where any number of millions of people can have a sighting, the odds go way up.

So random people will have more sightings than actual researchers. So going out searching for bigfoot, using any method, is still not going to prove fruitful very often. It is my opinion however that one can increase their odds substantially by purposefully placing themselves in specific locations and scenarios, although there will always be an essence of randomness to the whole thing. But simply traipsing through the woods is not likely to get it done, as the majority of the time the animals will flee.

If you were to analyze the thousands of sighting reports one thing would become obvious fairly quickly...That is that the majority of sightings occur because the sasquatch doesn't realize the person is there. If they know you are heading in their direction, they seem to do one of two things: either they will flee, which is the usual course of action in my opinion, or they will hide behind something, or in thick brush, and will remain virtually motionless. It is incredibly difficult to see one of these animals, or anything of an earth-toned color, when it remains absolutely still against a background which it blends in with. People could easily walk within feet of a bigfoot and not realize it. I don't know how often this occurs, but I'm sure it has happened sometimes in the past, and will continue to happen in the future.

So I have yet to see their methods on this particular television show, but unless they are approaching the problem in a novel way, I would not expect them to get much in the way of results. And remember, for the network airing this program it is all about ratings, not finding bigfoot. Actually finding bigfoot could actually hurt their ratings, as the entire premise for the show would be gone, lol.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Shepard64

The answer is yes. Humans are so egotistically stupid.

I can honestly say that with Les Stroud on the case of "bigfoot" he's going to finally prove or disprove the existence. He's doing an amazing job and he's only one of three "celebrities" that I would ever want/care to meet in real life.

There are reasons human beings have always been scared of things...
1. that go bump in the night
2. tell stories about boogey men
3. that there are Native American tribes with sasquatch stories

Most of the bigfoot "reality" TV like Rangerdanger points out is #ty and makes it look doubtful. Les Stroud seems to be a pretty stand up guy that wants to figure it out.

The big thing I really worry about - if he proves they exist there are going to be TONS of retarded f@#king scientists rushing into the wilderness to find and study these things. On top of that, there will be a bunch of arsehole sportsman looking to tag and bag one. If he makes contact, it's going to be bad for the remaining bigfoot.
edit on 20-4-2014 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Destinyone

Survivor man doesn't have a camera crew. It's just him alone.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: Shepard64

I like Les Stroud and the survivor man series, but don't care much for The Todd Standing's Muppet show.

Anyway here's the video..

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 11:49 PM
Episode 2

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:03 PM
I watch the show, Les its a good guy at least in my eyes and If i was to choose between Les and Bear in a real survival situation hands down i would choose Les, Bear probably would make me kill myself before any rescue because of his stunts LOL. Now about Bigfoot thats something else, people tend to believe Bigfoot is more animal than humanoid, at least science take this aproach, What would happen if you knew Bigfoot is more intellygent than you or me and most of the human race? and its more related to Ets than animal or human? would that change your perception of Bigfoot?

Nobody has come with conclusive evidence of Bigfoot because like i said its more related to Et's, thats why nobody have found a body or better video evidence, Yes Bigfoot is real, but its not what science think it may be and Bigfoot hunters believes to be.

Somebody put the example of Pandas and Gorilas from the Congo, yeah its good example but again when they were searching for Pandas and Gorilas there wasnt any internet, any cell phones with cameras any termal or nightvision, the technology was in their infancy , they were few expedition crews and what they have was a camera if they were lucky, no maps no google earth , some provisions and some stories relalted to this animals.

So if Bigfoot was animal indigenous to earth I think we should have already find where they hide, what they do, how many are they, what they eat, what social behavior they have , the problem is Bigfoot is not indigenous from Earth , the live in remote places, when humans have some sighthing Bigfoots tends to walk away, if humans pursue them thats when they make noises and throw rocks, they do this so we think its an animal a bad fearsome animal that could make us harm and they would let them been seen if humans are persistant a glimpse so the person who see it would petrified to death, actually they would watch us and not interact with humans, thats a rule they have, no real interaction with us. Oh by the way yes Bigfoots have technology more advance than us.

Thats the bottom line.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 03:28 PM
Damn, they take down those videos with the quickness. I posted the video, and a day later I come back and it's private all of a sudden.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: TheLegend
The government won't be able to hide them forever.

Why would The Government have any interest in keeping them hidden? Are they working for the government illegally or something?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Why would The Government have any interest in keeping them hidden? Are they working for the government illegally or something?

They are hide and seek world champions! Just think of all the covert operations they can handle, you can't even get a clear picture of them.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Shepard64
What do you all think? Could a Bi pedal ape species live in remote regions of North America?

Yes, why not?. Though NA would be a surprising place to find such a thing and far less plausible compared to other areas around the world where such things are claimed to exist. None of them have any evidence to back them, or seem likely.

Could it have eluded a solid sighting for all this time?

No, it would have been genuinely (physically) confirmed long ago if it exists in NA.

When you consider that the modern rash of sightings began with very likely hoaxes in the 50-60's...has since spread out to include sightings across the entire continental USA...making it one of the most widespread large mammals in NA with breeding populations spanning the country...yet not one physical molecule has turned up to indicate such a thing physically is obviously a cultural/sociological phenomena. The bogus claims and pseudo science of researchers combined with hoaxing that is still rife further takes away credibility.

It's interesting who has teamed up with here, his new partner has very little credibility even within bigfoot circles.

edit on 27-4-2014 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 07:54 PM
I dunno, but I think Stroud is sincere and not credulous... and the second episode... well, Todd Standing has everyone shouting hoax and that one clip that looks like a Muppet is easily dismissed... at first glance, but really, that second clip of the hairy man/bigfoot made me do a double take.

I had heard Bigfoot was real from some Anthropologists in the 80's... that was interesting, but not definitive, and reading all the material and accounts over the years really pushed me into the "maybe... but who knows" camp.

This latest Stroud effort and Standing's work... I'm pretty convinced... even with all the hoaxing I'm certain has been done, there is something there. If true, this will be pretty big for science.

We already know humans have a larger family tree than was thought and our cousins were living contemporaneously with us... now it's looking like a giant form is around now. Huh...

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 05:07 AM
I was interested to hear about his encounter and it did seem like a credible event, and then his bigfoot special was announced it was even more interesting.
Then it was with the "expert" tod standing so it turned out to be a joke, what next will he go hunting with freezer boy?

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