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Freaked by Fluoride!

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posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by JonButtonIII

Exactly! Well put



posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:21 PM
The Nazis put flouride in the concentration camps' drinking water to keep the Jews docile and weak.

"When the Nazis under Hitler decided to go into Poland, both the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel, and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plan to communize the world. ..."

“the Nazi concentration camps used fluoridated water to suppress the will and vigor of inmates. This appears to have been during the 1930s and was the first known example of fluoridated water supplies for a specific population.”

So either the US government is souping us up so were nice and malleable for the New World Order that they want to instate, or they're really dumb.

I have not drank hardly any flouridated water. My mother is very aware of these things, and kept me away from them when I was very little. The flouridated water that I did drink at one point made me very sick. And all the symptoms were symptoms of "Flouride Overdose". If you asked me I'd say that I want this medication out of my water and my toothpaste.

Just my thoughts.


posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Hey man, just my 2cents, there is a difference between distilling and boiling. Also boiling fluoridated water INCREASES the fluoride content

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 07:13 PM
anything could be harmful if you took large amounts. fluoride has been proven over and over again to be good for us. large doses, and i mean like swallowing 10 tubes of tooth paste would only harm you.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:45 PM

anything could be harmful if you took large amounts. fluoride has been proven over and over again to be good for us. large doses, and i mean like swallowing 10 tubes of tooth paste would only harm you.

FALSE, FALSE, FALSE. In fact just the opposite has been shown. Again:

"So What's the Truth About Tooth Decay?

The truth is that more and more evidence shows that fluorides and dental fluorosis are actually associated with increased tooth decay. The most comprehensive US review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years.18 It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF (decayed, missing and filled teeth). What it did show was that high decay cities (66.5-87.5 percent) have 9.34 percent more decay in the children who drink fluoridated water. Furthermore, a 5.4 percent increase in students with decay was observed when 1 ppm fluoride was added to the water supply. Nine fluoridated cities with high decay had 10 percent more decay than nine equivalent non-fluoridated cities.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.19 In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,20 while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occured in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.21"

Source link and more info:

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I forgot to mention that Fluoride is added to certain foods we are consuming as well. (cheerios has a lot)

The only difference is those products aren't forced onto us. We have no choice where we receive our running water and in some places across the states it has become illegal to live "off the grid".

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:47 PM

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

The issue isn't whether you've NOTICED adverse health effects. The issue is whether adverse health effects have happened.

Harvard found that fluoride lowers IQ in developing children (and probably also in adults). The study can be found here.

Now the question is: would you notice a reduction in your IQ? How could you tell if it happened when you've zero basis for comparison? Because you've been drinking fluoride your entire life, you have zero idea how smart you would/should have been had you completely abstained.

So yeah, in short, the "I never noticed any health problems" argument is a complete wash.

The study is a complete wash.

Did you bother looking at the levels of fluoride the children were exposed to?

All were above the safe minimum in drinking water and the average amount was around 9mg/L

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Notheycant

I've often wondered about the safety of fluoride in my water. After a lot of research and after taking into account arguments and facts from both sides, it boils down (no pun intended) to this:

1. Too much fluoride is poisonous.
2. Too little or no fluoride is of no benefit.
3. The correct amount of fluoride is beneficial to dental health and is not hazardous to your health otherwise.

Therefore, most voters and local governments will opt for #3 since fluoride is a very inexpensive way to significantly improve the overall dental health of the population. It boils down to achieving a "big bang for your buck". If fluoride were more expensive, you can bet it would get voted down more often simply on the basis of cost.

That being said, I personally would rather not have any added chemicals (including fluoride) in my water. This is because I can afford to go to the dentist twice a year and I maintain a good dental hygiene routine at home. I use toothpaste (with fluoride) and brush after every meal and before bed- so I usually brush 3-5 times a day. I also use floss and mouthwash once a day. So getting back to the point, I would rather not have fluoride in my water because I just don't need it.

But while I would prefer to not have fluoride in my water, I understand why it's in my water. I realize that my dental health routine takes time, energy, and money. I realize that most of the population probably can't afford to go to the dentist twice a year (if ever) and they probably don't have the time (or money) to maintain a dental routine similar to mine. That's why there's fluoride in our water... because most people need it for their own dental hygiene. It's not because of a conspiracy to control our minds, it's really just about dental health.

If you're looking for a conspiracy, the conspiracy should be about why most Americans can't afford to go to the dentist. Why does a 30 minute checkup plus cleaning cost $200? Why do x-rays cost $250? Why does a cavity cost $300? And don't get me started about the ridiculous cost of braces... I have friends with kids that pay $5,000 per kid for braces. And braces aren't essential... they're just cosmetic. The cost of dental care... that's the real conspiracy here. Fluoride? That's just the tip of the iceberg of the American Dental Conspiracy.
edit on 21-3-2014 by JACKb007 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2014 by JACKb007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:50 PM

reply to post by Notheycant

Dont worry, good effort man great vid snf

btw I boil all my water before drinking

and I live in England

edit on 20-3-2014 by BoovDawg because: (no reason given)

Boiling water does not remove flouride. Just so you are aware.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:51 PM
Look at this article on the negative effects of fluoride:


Fluoride is a highly toxic substance. Consider, for example, the poison warning that the FDA now requires on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. or the tens of millions of people throughout China and India who now suffer serious crippling bone diseases from drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.

In terms of acute toxicity (i.e., the dose that can cause immediate toxic consequences), fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. This is why fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests like rats and insects. It is also why accidents involving over-ingestion of fluoridated dental products–including fluoride gels, fluoride supplements, and fluoridated water–can cause serious poisoning incidents, including death.

The debate today, however, is not about fluoride’s acute toxicity, but its chronic toxicity (i.e., the dose of fluoride that if regularly consumed over an extended period of time can cause adverse effects).

Although fluoride advocates have claimed for years that the safety of fluoride in dentistry is exhaustively documented and “beyond debate,” the Chairman of the National Research Council’s (NRC) comprehensive fluoride review, Dr. John Doull, recently stated that: ”when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began.”

In this section of the website, we provide overviews of the scientific and medical research that implicates fluoride exposure as a cause or contributor to various chronic health ailments. In 2001, the union of scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Headquarters Office in Washington D.C. stated: “we hold that water fluoridation is an unreasonable risk.” The research in this section helps to demonstrate why EPA’s own scientists reached this conclusion, and why a growing number of health professionals do so as well.

The primary concerns with fluoride’s impact on human health can be summarized as follows:...............

See rest of article here:

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by AlienView

Look at this article about the negative effects of oxygen

There's a caustic substance common to our environment whose very presence turns iron into brittle rust, dramatically increases the risk of fire and explosion, and sometimes destroys the cells of the very organisms that depend on it for survival

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by sephyrhoads

That is a complete myth and has been debunked time and time again. Nazi's NEVER used fluoride in water. Ever.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:59 PM
I will be you anything that people without fluoridation are dumber than people with it. I work in the country, and most people here get their water from wells and they tend to not be the brightest people around.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:20 AM
Fluoride freaks me up?

Fluoride dumbs me down.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:46 AM
Strange how many are saying fluoride is 'safe and effective' when there's a POISON CONTROL WARNING on the back of the tube.

Meanwhile, you're supposed to let young children only use a pea-sized amount and spit it out afterward, and the G-D commercials show a nice inch-long strip of the stuff on your toothbrush, encouraging you to use as much as possible.

And all that fluoride is going down the drain, along with all the fluoride rinses and everything else, right to your local water treatment plant, where almost none of it is removed before it's fed right back to you.

Maybe it's no surprise that the most hapless and clueless population on the planet, unable to stop their war-mongering psychopathic 'leaders' is the one with the fluoridated water supply, banned in most countries in the world for obvious reasons. They read the studies and they don't consider saturating their entire populace with a poison a generally good idea.

Notice Americans: Your lousy teeth are being caused by your outrageous sugar intakes!

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:01 AM

reply to post by BoovDawg

oh wow... I have moved to the city and water is dreadful.. I can really smell the chlorine/fluorine... anyway...only today, I boiled the water and filled my glass bottles up and put it in the fridge for drinking.

only due to taste and it does taste better after it has been boiled!!

but that is good to know that boiling it will remove the poisons.

Boiling water generally kills the bacteria, it DOES NOT REMOVE minerals, endocrine mimickers and heavy metals of which at last count I think there were 756 or more different type in Toronto tap water. Letting water stand for 24 hours will generally get rid of the chlorine, but it will not get rid of the fluoride.

Boil your tap water down in a pan and take a look at the scummy muddy crap let in the bottom, that's what you're injesting, just not as concentrated ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 05:05 AM


reply to post by BoovDawg

oh wow... I have moved to the city and water is dreadful.. I can really smell the chlorine/fluorine... anyway...only today, I boiled the water and filled my glass bottles up and put it in the fridge for drinking.

only due to taste and it does taste better after it has been boiled!!

but that is good to know that boiling it will remove the poisons.

Boiling water generally kills the bacteria, it DOES NOT REMOVE minerals, endocrine mimickers and heavy metals of which at last count I think there were 756 or more different type in Toronto tap water. Letting water stand for 24 hours will generally get rid of the chlorine, but it will not get rid of the fluoride.

Boil your tap water down in a pan and take a look at the scummy muddy crap let in the bottom, that's what you're injesting, just not as concentrated ;-)

Cheers - Dave

The only time that boiling water removes minerals is when it evaporates and leaves them behind
and then there's no water to drink

I have a humidifier evaporator thing in my house. After about a month of being filled with regular tap water and used to humidify the air some, it had this white powdery stuff that had built up where the filter was. After cleaning it out it made my hands all swollen and red, and they got a rash. Wasn't fun.

I could never find info on what had caused it nor what the material was but whatever they're putting in the water over here is definitely not good for you. Or me. Or my hands.
edit on 22-3-2014 by sephyrhoads because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2014 by sephyrhoads because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by JACKb007

So I stated in my previous post that while I understand why fluoride is in our water, I would prefer to not have it in my water. I found this article:

It says that boiling water actually concentrates fluoride and doesn't remove it. It also says to avoid tea and chewing tobacco as these can have fluoride/fluorine in them as well.

If you really want to remove fluoride from your home water supply, your best bet is to install a reverse osmosis filter - preferably a whole-house system so all of your water is purified. The article says that reverse osmosis systems can be unaffordable, but this a very subjective statement... for some people $100 is unaffordable and to others $10,000 is unaffordable. I've researched whole-house reverse osmosis systems and they generally cost $2,000 to $6,000. However, you can buy the smaller type that just sits under your kitchen sink for $200 to $1,000 depending on the brand and quality. So the kitchen sink type can be affordable.

So it's not impossible to remove most of the fluoride from your life, at least at home:
1. Buy a reverse osmosis water filtration system.
2. Buy natural toothpaste that doesn't contain fluoride.

I'll probably get a reverse-osmosis system for my kitchen sink later this year. I'm just no looking forward to the maintenance (new filters, etc.) and regular expense that comes with it. But I am looking forward to a higher IQ and bigger raises at work as a result of my improved performance. The system will easily pay for itself because theoretically, all of my decisions will be better and smarter once I get the system installed. From better performance at work... to better decisions at the grocery store... and better luck in Vegas.

Joking aside, has anyone else installed a reverse osmosis system in their house to get rid of fluoride?
edit on 22-3-2014 by JACKb007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:18 PM



reply to post by BoovDawg

oh wow... I have moved to the city and water is dreadful.. I can really smell the chlorine/fluorine... anyway...only today, I boiled the water and filled my glass bottles up and put it in the fridge for drinking.

only due to taste and it does taste better after it has been boiled!!

but that is good to know that boiling it will remove the poisons.

Boiling water generally kills the bacteria, it DOES NOT REMOVE minerals, endocrine mimickers and heavy metals of which at last count I think there were 756 or more different type in Toronto tap water. Letting water stand for 24 hours will generally get rid of the chlorine, but it will not get rid of the fluoride.

Boil your tap water down in a pan and take a look at the scummy muddy crap let in the bottom, that's what you're injesting, just not as concentrated ;-)

Cheers - Dave

The only time that boiling water removes minerals is when it evaporates and leaves them behind
and then there's no water to drink

I have a humidifier evaporator thing in my house. After about a month of being filled with regular tap water and used to humidify the air some, it had this white powdery stuff that had built up where the filter was. After cleaning it out it made my hands all swollen and red, and they got a rash. Wasn't fun.

I could never find info on what had caused it nor what the material was but whatever they're putting in the water over here is definitely not good for you. Or me. Or my hands.
edit on 22-3-2014 by sephyrhoads because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2014 by sephyrhoads because: (no reason given)

Yeah, that's the crap in the water, concentrated in can create on helluva problem and health issues.

I do a lot of work with hydrogen electrolysis and catylists. If you put a pair of electrodes in chlorinated water and apply a DC voltage, say 5vdc to 12vdc, you'll make chlorine gas and that of course will kill you and the water will go all muddy. If you use spring water, the water in the cell will go all brown/red and muddy, because of the minerals in the water but if there is no chlorine, no chlorine gas. If you use distilled water, the water stays perfectly clear (using 304/316 stainless steel electrodes and I have never had a problem with carbon sputtered copper electrodes) and you get lots of hydrogen and oxygen.

So that little test tells you what crap is in tap water and basically there are a lot of minerals in spring water (which is to be expected). What's the best thing to drink? Oxygen aerated distilled water and if you don't have the O2 or aerator, plain old distilled water because then you don't add anything to your body that you don't expect to be there.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by JACKb007

My parents used to have one. It was amazing. Besides the whole house having this filtration process the water itself was so much softer. Whenever I washed my hands they felt like they still had soap on (hard to describe)

They moved so hopefully the new house will get it as well



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