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UFO Sighted After Malaysian Flight MH370 Disappearance

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posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 02:25 PM
This is telling. Unidentified planes can fly over Malaysia? Is that it?

And the military force of the country will remain on its arse?


posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:31 PM
When NORAD was still using radar all over the arctic and northern Canada my father was stationed in a small town in Manitoba, he would basically over see military procedure at one of the radar stations. The amount of 'UFOs' that they reported on a daily basis, even in the middle of now where was quite a bit.
Anything that doesn't reply, or comply with the people at the radar screens is considered a UFO, a bird, a balloon, a military craft can easily be a UFO.
Now, I like to keep an open mind here, so who knows, maybe it was your typical UFO. At this point it's very strange what is going on.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:37 PM
I'm kinda curious about that object China spotted with it's satellite.(Satellite took the photo on sunday). The image that had everyone thinking it was the crash debris.
When the Vietnamese went to check it out there was nothing there, China come out and says the images were released by mistake....

I think they said that object was 72 feet long...Didn't really look like a boat, could have been something else
edit on 13-3-2014 by Blahable because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:39 PM

Aliens Are living Among Us, Says Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Well they sure aren't living in the Crimea at the moment that's for sure.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by gortex

I stated that that information was for those of you that are open to the idea of channeled messages. That is obviously not your case, so simply disregard and keep your negative declarations to yourself.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:09 PM
They are citing the situation in Uraine as the reason they brought the cosmonauts and astronaut back to Earth.

But what if that's really not why They did? What if this is related?

Citing this as a reason makes me believe it was not planned? Does anyone have more info?

ETA: And this: ISS Live! will be retired in two weeks. It's not connecting now for me?
edit on 3/13/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by awakehuman

Thanks for posting that video. Medvedev let the cat out of the back years ago, didn't he?

Yet there are few who paid any attention to what he actually said. There was no reaction whatsoever from any US official; total silence.

The situation in the Ukraine is full of unknowns and the reason for this conflict are not known to the general American public. For those of you who only believe what's on the news, good luck with that.
edit on 13-3-2014 by antoinemarionette because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:14 PM
A ufo really. Could explain why Washington wants us to believe the plane kept flying, because the alternative story is it vanished in its last radar plot not far from where a Ufo was also reported. Watch the cover stories and spin doctors come out now. I read one media article which tried to argue its perfectly naturally to have a larger passenger jet disappear and never to be found again with no trace. What are these people smoking?

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:39 PM

reply to post by gortex

I stated that that information was for those of you that are open to the idea of channeled messages. That is obviously not your case, so simply disregard and keep your negative declarations to yourself.

Deny ignorance is what we do.

It's how we think. It's how we talk. It's how we listen.

Ignorance is the social disease of history. Is the evil that men do, the reason history repeats, and the cause of intolerance.

We deny it. it's not welcome here. Within these boundaries, it has no strength.

Here, ignorance is denied.

Ashtar Command is the epitome of ignorance , there are over 200 people missing feared lost and the link you posted is claiming they are safe and well and being held by Ashtar as a bargaining chip , whats more they are happy with that situation .

I have every right to air my "negative declarations" when ignorance of that level is being displayed , Ashtar Command isn't real but the pain that the families of those missing people are going through is , the statement from Kathryn May is fantasy and bringing real people who are going through this situation into that fantasy is wrong

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:56 PM
Malaysia's air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said military radar detected an UFO

Like the last 6 days didn't prove already that the Malaysians cannot detect **** on their radars

If the Malaysians/Vietnamese etc. would be so great with a complete radar coverage of the area we would not have a lost plane in the first place and wouldn't have this discussion.

All I read the last few days from so called "officials" whether they were Malaysian, Vietnamese or Chinese was more or less nonsense.
Wait, tomorrow they report having sighted Santa Claus in Indian Ocean and the next day someone will retract this information and say it was actually closer to Australia. (And the Chinese will release new images of Santa Claus, but this time above Beijing....and then the next day say it was wrong....he was actually sighted over Singapore.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by gortex

Your sentiments are illogical and absurd.

First of all, how do you know that this message it is not "true"?

Because it doesn't fit into your narrow paradigm of what you think reality is?

That seems the very definition of ignorance to me.

Yours is not the only reality available to humankind... and I thank God for that!


posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by strongfp

Thanks for your story about your father's sighting.

There are millions upon millions of stories like that but the official story is always 'they're not real!!!'.

When a witness presents an eye-witness account of something they saw, it is legally sound in any court in the Western world, especially for multiple witnesses.

But the objects we see in our skies are always, fake, fantasy or false reports from deranged people - no matter how sane or stable that person or persons may be.

We're being visited people. Time to wake up to the obvious.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 07:24 PM
Yeah 3-4% chance maybe! Lunatics

That dude that "walked into a UFO" - Travis Walton - was "abducted" for 5 days. Others I've checked up on were less than that, a "few hours later" they found themselves at X, Y, Z. What's the longest known abduction period? For now as I say I found Travis' experience at 5 days, so MH370 has surpassed that amount of time or would've re-appeared the day just gone...

Well the US Gov seem pretty certain its in the Indian Ocean. But for every minute it's location is unknown the UFO abduction theory remains in the realm of possibility, and there's nothing wrong with speculating that. Not like we can all just hop in a plane and go actively search the area ourselves...

Encountering a UFO on an East - West track at an altitude of 35,000ft is very likely, it happens, there are numerous reports from pilots out there about it. The US Gov know that, the M.O.D. of the UK know it, hence why they always gave that "if its not a security threat" bulltwang and probably most of the world's military know it. Whether they know more than that, such as, these things make planes disappear, is something I'm less sure of.
edit on 13-3-2014 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 07:25 PM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Exactly. Nothing (unless it's designed for stealth) can hide from the radar. If all of a sudden a plane turned off it's transponder, the radar would still "see" them. ATC might loose them, but I'm sure the military's of the nations in the area had it on their screens.

Not so easily. The range is higher with the transponder, and without it, it is unclear to anybody what any random 'blip' is or which blips go together.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by awakehuman

I understand that the pilot and co-pilot were reptilian arab terrorists.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 08:43 PM

I believe "UFO" in this context refers to the lack of identification of the "flying object" detected. They might even be suggesting that it was potentially flight MH370 on their radar.

UFO should refer to exactly that in any context. Unidentified.
Thinking of anything other but an unidentified flying object when hearing 'ufo' is a semantic error.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 10:10 PM

reply to post by gortex

Your sentiments are illogical and absurd.

First of all, how do you know that this message it is not "true"?

Because it doesn't fit into your narrow paradigm of what you think reality is?

That seems the very definition of ignorance to me.

Yours is not the only reality available to humankind... and I thank God for that!


What's going to happen when the world leaders don't sign the peace treaty? Will the "hostages" be happy then?

There was an interview of an Australian passengers wife who tearfully said that she didn't know how to break the news to her 3 year old son that daddy was missing.

And you post that utter insanity about the missing passengers happily being held as hostages and that the world's leaders are going to declare international peace and hold month long celebrations? Seriously? Does it still sound reasonable now that you've had a chance to think about what she said?

When they locate the wreckage and determine the most likely cause of this disaster i hope you go back and reread what you posted and then book yourself in to talk to someone.



posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by gortex

I have to agree that, because its too early, unfounded claims are in bad taste.

I just like to note a kiwi on an oil rig saw a fireball, and that there were reports of meteors in the area during that time frame; aside from what the Malaysian military tracked flying around there.
edit on 13-3-2014 by reject because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Kalixi

You don't know what happened.

Neither do I.

My post was a theory among others. I never said I believed it.

Sorry you didn't care for it.

Tant pis, as they say in France.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by antoinemarionette

Your sentiments are illogical and absurd.

That's rich coming from someone posting Ashtar Command GFL links , illogical and absurd seems to me to define Ashtar.

First of all, how do you know that this message it is not "true"?

Because it doesn't fit into your narrow paradigm of what you think reality is?

No because they don't fit in to the definition of what reality is
The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
The state or quality of having existence or substance.
GFL falls into neither of those definitions, they are however an idealistic or notional idea.

Yours is not the only reality available to humankind... and I thank God for that!

My reality is actual whereas yours is science fiction based on nothing more than stories and fantasy , I'm sure some people out there believe Star Trek is real but that don't make it so , GFL / Ashtar Command is Star Trek for the internet.

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