I am such a good cat owner ..it is 83f in my house ..I have a great (just got it new last year) air conditioner in my 3br two bath house ..(two 1/2
car garage with lots of yard too) and my cat Millie is up in my windw here watching the wildlife..happy lol!! I'm just waiting for her to give it
up!! lol!! I gave her some fresh food..she went ..Mmmmm..and ain't moving hahahah!!
Still 83f here ..Millie (cat) still in the window..at 8:31PM ..I've bugged some folks on facebook and am about ready to cave. Grab her and shut the
windows and turn on the air that I paid for!! Oh, I met a nice author (female) on facebook and she friended me back ..hehehehe!! I won't tell you
what I said..actually I don't remember..but it worked lol!!
ok.. shutting the windows and cracking up the air to Hmmmmm 78f ?
haahahah! forget it!! Her kid is a pain and I need to stop talking to married women !! LOL!! Not!! Wait..I didn't ask her if she was
married..so..never mind..
Hey!! I borrowed this old bomber. Go out front of your place and shine me a light!! Hurry cause I'm picking up all kinds of chatter on the radio!!
Ok!! Looking!! I got News helo's all over the place!! I'll buzz 'em and then bail out over the ocean.. I am rated Navy 1st class swimmer. .so..just
have me a beer ready Jenny
I set the plane on auto ..before I did a low bail out. It worked..They have no Idea
I think I can do this.. cold water ..fast swim. Been there done that..
Blindingly beautiful sunlit day with the requisite blue sky of the Sunshine State...so my mood is I should hit the beach and enjoy the Gulf and the
sugar white sands and paradise with a cooler full of ice and a pitcher full of Bushwhackers...(I know, I am one spoiled girl)
edit on 8-6-2014 by queenofsheba because: cuz I said so