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Why is Jesus white?

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:13 PM
Dear ATS,

Where are the Asians in the Bible? Where are the dinosaurs? How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese? Does he speak every single language in the world?

Sorry not sorry.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by CleanCare


Jesus is not white... Nor was he whitish when he was on the earth...

Nor did he have flat ironed locks, and beautiful dirty blond hair...

Silly western churches...

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:19 PM
why is buddha indian? does he ask every Koan in every language?
why is kwan yin cantonese? does he/she feel the same compassion for non cantonese?
why is fudo myoyo an ONI? do all Oni cut injustice in a single cut?

better to ask why is why than look for an answer from manifestations of mans failure to understand all the things around him

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by CleanCare

jesus wasnt white, he was born in the middle east , arabic( brown) colour,i would think

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:22 PM

Dear ATS,

How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese?

He uses a Babel fish.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:24 PM
You just can't get enough lol
As stated above, the western of jesus is white, that should be your question IMO.
Why is jesus white in western churches?

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:24 PM
DP ( I swear I only hit the button once 0.o )
edit on thSun, 16 Feb 2014 18:24:52 -0600America/Chicago220145280 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:29 PM
Jesus isn't just portrayed as white. Just a couple months ago I saw a black Jesus painting in a store. I would say that Jesus looked like Syrians, Iraqi's or Palestinians do(this is assuming that he existed at all). Or, he could've been Egyptian(Horus).

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:37 PM


"Dear ATS,

How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese?

He uses a Babel fish.

No, I believe it to be a bible fish.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:39 PM
The same reason Santa Claus is white.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:41 PM

Dear ATS,

Where are the Asians in the Bible? Where are the dinosaurs? How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese? Does he speak every single language in the world?

Sorry not sorry.

There is a book that is intended to help you develop your religion that discusses what you are asking. It's call the Urantia Book (

To answer your question about if he speaks all languages and if he can understand prayers in other languages, yes and yes. While Jesus lived on Earth in the flesh, no, he did not speak every language. He did speak at least three languages though. His spiritual nature certainly is able to understand man's prayers, no matter the language.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by CleanCare

I think the wise men were Asian.

Another question would be why were the wise men Asian? That's just racist!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:58 PM



"Dear ATS,

How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese?

He uses a Babel fish.

No, I believe it to be a bible fish.

Epic win lol.

Bit hard to get the old testament in your ears tho.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:58 PM
So epic the post was created twice. Hallelujah!
edit on 16-2-2014 by sn0rch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:19 PM

reply to post by CleanCare

jesus wasnt white, he was born in the middle east , arabic( brown) colour,i would think

Actually if you look at Persians (iranians) they are very pale colored. Isreal too. Definitely not "brown" skinned. The lands the supposed Jesus would have been from, would be inhabited by very white people, maybe not "european" but pale nonetheless..

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:22 PM
The original depictions of Jesus were of a happy, joyful, white, blonde, youth, laughing and often with a wand, likened to Apollo and Endymion. He was a Nazarene (Nazareth didn't exist then) and there are reports of him being light, beautiful and magnetic. There are also theories that he was the son of a Roman legion of European extraction. The dark, moody Jesus was invented centuries after the bible was first written.

Interesting Link: Jesus as Apollo

Apollo (aka Helios, Phoebus), sun-god on his daily ride across the sky.

Like Horus before him and Christ after him, he was the Light of the World.

Apollo was also the god of healing, so sick people prayed to him.

He was also, son of the Big Guy – who in those days went by the name of Zeus!

The First Pope of Rome – The Roman Emperor Constantine

While we are told the first “Pope” was the disciple Peter (Peter never kept Sunday/Easter/Christmas nor did he believe in a Trinity God) it was actually Emperor Constantine. Constantine held the title “Pontifex Maximus” which literally means “High Priest” of the sun god Zeus/Apollo (Greek incarnations of Nimrod/Tammuz). He was the High Priest of his god Apollo also known as Mithra the sungod (Ba'al had many names in different lanquages). Apollo and Mithra are just other name for Nimrod/Tammuz that evolved out of ancient Babylon as the languages were confused at the Tower of Babel.

The Pope of Rome to this day holds the same title of Pontiff and to this day worships the same sungod. This “Roman religion” is known as The Cult of Sol Invictus or The Cult of the Invincible Sun. The Cult of Sol Invictus dates back to the Babylonian religion created by Semiramis defined in my book The Mystery Religion of Babylon.

History records that Constantine became the first “Christian” Emperor of Rome and played a major role in converting the pagan Roman Empire to “Christianity” which is actually true. The religion of Christianity was actually created by the Roman Emperor and High Priest of Apollo named Constantine. This religion created by Constantine was nothing new, it was the exact same religious system dating back to Babylon and the same religion Constantine worshipped before and until his death… sun worship. It was identical in every way to worship of the stars (Sun/Moon/Planets) that originated in Babylon based on the corrupted message written in the stars. I cover that in my book Creation Cries Out!.

HISTORY finds the first Christian sects to have been either Nazarenes like John the Baptist; or Ebionites, among whom were many of the relatives of Jesus; or Essenes (Iessaens) the Therapeutæ, healers, of which the Nazaria were a branch. All these sects, which only in the days of Irenæus began to be considered heretical, were more or less kabalistic. They believed in the expulsion of demons by magical incantations, and practiced this method. The Talmud indiscriminately calls all the Christians Nazari. All the Gnostic sects equally believed in magic. Dunlap shows that Jesus was called Nazaraios, in reference to his humble and mean external condition; "for Nazaraios means separation, alienation from other men."

The Jewish Scriptures indicate two distinct worships and religions among the Israelites; that of Bacchus-worship under the mask of Jehovah, and that of the Chaldean initiates to whom belonged some of the nazars, the theurgists, and a few of the prophets. The headquarters of these were always at Babylon and Chaldea, where two rival schools of Magians can be distinctly shown. The oldest and the most esoteric of the two being that which, satisfied with its unassailable knowledge and secret power, was content to apparently relinquish her exoteric popularity, and concede her supremacy into the hands of the reforming Darius. The later Gnostics showed the same prudent policy by accommodating themselves in every country to the prevailing religious forms, still secretly adhering to their own essential doctrines.

The real meaning of the word nazar signifies to vow or consecrate one's self to the service of God. The nazars or prophets, as well as the Nazarenes, were an anti-Bacchus caste, in so far that, in common with all the initiated prophets, they held to the spirit of the symbolical religions and offered a strong opposition to the idolatrous and exoteric practices of the dead letter. The initiated nazars held to the rule [of conventual rites and "the virtues"] which had to be followed before them by the adepts of every age; and the disciples of John were but a dissenting branch of the Essenes. Therefore, we cannot well confound them with all the nazars spoken of in the Old Testament.

The Nazireate sect existed long before the laws of Moses, and originated among people most inimical to the "chosen" ones of Israel, viz., the people of Galilee, the ancient olla-podrida of idolatrous nations, where was built Nazara, the present Nazareth. It is in Nazara that the ancient Nazoria or Nazireates held their "Mysteries of Life" or "assemblies," which were but the secret mysteries of initiation, utterly distinct in their practical form from the popular Mysteries which were held at Byblus in honor of Adonis. While the true initiates of the ostracised Galilee were worshipping the true God and enjoying transcendent visions, what were the "chosen" ones about?... We really cannot suppose that the Pagans have ever surpassed the "chosen" people in certain shameful abominations of which their own prophets accuse them so profusely. To admit this truth, one hardly needs even to be a Hebrew scholar; let him read the Bible in English and meditate over the language of the "holy" prophets. This accounts for the hatred of the later Nazarenes for the orthodox Jews -- followers of the exoteric Mosaic Law....

edit on 16-2-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by CleanCare

I always picture Osama Bin Laden. I remember after 9/11 when they first started plastering his picture all over, I thought "Woah... that guy looks just like Jesus".

Then, years later, they come out with a composite drawing of what Jesus would really look like and he did, indeed, look like a shaved Osama.

edit on 16-2-2014 by Cuervo because: added picture

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:55 PM
i always wondered this aswell but iv also never had a scrap of beleif in the bible, or any religion for that matter all those god storys sound just as beliveable as a fat senior bringing us all presents or a random bunny hiding chocholates for children, if there was a god and he controld everything why not make everything run perfect unless we were a expierement for his amusement lol
all depends on how you look at things

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 08:18 PM

Dear ATS,

Where are the Asians in the Bible? Where are the dinosaurs? How does Jesus understand a prayer that's in Japanese? Does he speak every single language in the world? Sorry not sorry.

Jesus as an Adept (one in communication with godforceitself) spoke all languages. He made it to the orient just not maybe Japan proper, India, China yes (but did not write anything down of his adventures?!) left to his biographers much later in history. The main Dinasaur is the 'Bible Itself' but mini-subdinasaurs are there as well, depicted as the 'books' of (Tyranosaurous Rex as Revelations, Job describing the extinction of the Specie in subtle ironisims, Genesis as the loving leaf eating huggable Brontesaurus). Jesus being of the Davidian tribe would have been semetic, I hear he had a lighter than normal hair color, reddish auburn and had one curl each side of the temple, Nazarene style. No horns or tail visible though.
edit on 16-2-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by CleanCare

Good luck with this if you were serious and not trolling. So if that's it...Ive nothing to say to that. Nothing you'd understand here...its all basic stuff...for most.

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