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Aliens. Is this the proof?

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+47 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:28 PM
Aliens. Is this the proof?

I’ve posted some of this before but I’ve since found more data that makes this just too much to be a mere “Coincidence”.

Just how far must we go before people will accept that this is NOT a coincidence?

Consider these unquestionable facts as a whole:
That’s a lot of 400’'s.

Consider this.
Effectively an identical value because the estimate of the Sun’s diameter is within this tiny margin.

What about this?
At just the right time for the earthly observer, the moon appears to be the exact same size as the sun.

And what about this?
Find me another planet and moon that can do this!

So far…
1. We’ve got a bunch of 400’s
2. Almost identical number of earths and suns when measuring the size of sun/earth and distance to earth.
3. We get an eclipse that causes millions of people to stare at the moon.
4. The moon can be used to square the circle of the earth.

Suppose you were god or an alien race and you wanted the earthlings to notice your work. What better way to ensure they notice it than to place the evidence in the sky where its on view to the whole world.

I've just been reading - Who built the Moon (Christopher Knight and Alan Butler), and I came across the following equation.

Using kilometres.
(Moon x Earth)/100 = 4374987 The circumference of the Sun.

It reminded me of ohms law where knowing any two values (volts amps ohms) will give you the third, so I tried it out using the circumference of the earth moon and the sun as supplied by google.

(Moon x Earth) / 100 = 4374987 the circumference of Sun
(Sun / earth) x 100 = 10896 the circumference of Moon
(Sun / moon) x 100 = 40000 the circumference of Earth

Compare them.
From Google Equation result.
Sun = 4366813 4374987
Earth = 40075 40000
Moon = 10917 10896

Those results are so close they cannot be ignored. It means by knowing any two, we can calculate the third to within a very small degree! Considering that the sizes given by google are estimations I cant help but think that if we knew the exact size of each; the results would be 100% accurate.

The above does NOT work with any other planets/moons within our solar system!

Also in the book I found the following.

The authors suggest that at the required time window (when humans have enough intelligence) the planet would be rotating at 366 revolutions for each orbit of the sun. Being intelligent the humans ought to become aware of this figure.

The authors call it (366) the earths PIN number. The earth is also 366 times larger than the moon!

The moons PIN number would be arrived at by considering its size as 100 per cent and dividing it by the relative size of the planet, namely 366 per cent.

Working to five decimal places the result is: 100/366 = 0.27322
(those same numbers (27322) are in the next sentence)

The moon was then carefully engineered so that at the key point in time it would be orbiting the planet at a rate of once every 27.322 planetary days.

If we look at it the other way around, the size of the moon compared to the planet has the same number value – 27.322 per cent of its parent.

After 10,000 planetary days, the moon will complete exactly 366 orbits of the earth.
10,000 / 366 = 27.322

Do you still think this is all coincidence? Non of this works with any other planets in our solar system, it only works with the moon the sun and the earth.

In the book the authors suggest that whoever it was that set up our solar system so that it could support life, would have been able to control the earths spin and orbital rate so that they could ensure all the above became true when the humans had evolved enough to understand what they were seeing.

From - Who Built the Moon.
From everything that is known about the Earth, its orbital speed has been steadily decreasing for a long time, but to the astonishment of scientists
at the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, Colorado, it suddenly stopped this deceleration in 1999.

At the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, spokesman Fred McGehan said most scientists agree the Earth’s orbit around the sun has been gradually slowing for millennia. But he said they don’t have a good explanation for why it’s suddenly on schedule!

This caused the authors to look up the actual speed that the Earth has settled at in its circumnavigation of the Sun, they were surprised to find that its mean orbital velocity is almost exactly one ten thousandth of the speed of light in a vacuum. At 29,780 metres per second, the variance is less than two-thirds of one percent.

The Moon turns at a rate of precisely one kilometre every second at its equator!
The Moon has 100 Megalithic Yards to each second of arc.
The Sun has 40,000 Megalithic Yards to each Megalithic second of arc.
40000/100 = 400. Four hundred again!

We have a moon that regulates the spin speed of our earth, it regulates the tides and it churns our oceans. Without the moon there would be no life on earth and as far as I’m aware that’s not disputed by anyone.

A bit further out we have Jupiter, acting like a giant shield, protecting us from dangerous comets and lumps of rock that could wipe out life on earth.

It really does look like its all been set up!

Personally I’m not a believer in gods, therefore I’m inclined to think our solar system has been setup by an alien intelligence that is so smart its able to plan millions of years into the future.

Those who do believe in gods could just as easily use the above as the evidence they’ve always lacked.

The authors of the book Who built the moon suggest something entirely different, they suggest we may have done it ourselves!

I now firmly believe the moon was created for the specific purpose of creating life on earth, and specifically life that would evolve into humans.
And at the correct moment in their evolution those humans are meant to notice the message encoded in the sky above them.

I cant help but wonder what they found on the moon, might they have found a message that said “Now go look on Mars”

Many of the numbers above are ratios and therefore independent of units of measurement.

I’ve gotten a lot of the above information from the book – Who built the moon (Christopher Knight and Alan Butler), therefore I should mention it.
I also HIGHLY recommend it. It goes into great detail about most of what’s written above and a lot more! The section on dna just blew my mind!
Definitely worth reading.

If I've made a serious error somewhere then I will throw myself under a bus, however, nitpicking over a mile or two when were talking about a planet a moon and a sun will not be entertained by me!

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Where in a computer simulation to explain this ?

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:35 PM

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:41 PM
These are all very interesting coincidences, I just fail to see how they automatically point to a sign left by intelligent life.

Seems an odd way to leave a message.

"Everything is 400! They'll be SURE to deduce our existence from that!"

+59 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:43 PM

1. We’ve got a bunch of 400’s
2. Almost identical number of earths and suns when measuring the size of sun/earth and distance to earth.
3. We get an eclipse that causes millions of people to stare at the moon.
4. The moon can be used to square the circle of the earth.

1. The ratio of the Moon's distance and the Sun's distance from Earth varies from 361 to 417, with an average of 388.

2.The number of Suns that could fit between Earth and the Sun varies from 105.75 to 109.34, with an average of 107.55.

3. See #1. Very, very occasionally is there a perfect eclipse. Most of the time, it is not.

4. I don't know what that is but it is not squaring the circle. What is the definition of squaring the circle?

It is the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle
Area of the disk of the Moon/Earth circle.
pi*5040^2 = 79,801,480 square miles
Area of a square of Earth's diameter:
7920^2 = 62,726,400 square miles

No. No proof of aliens. Even if your numbers were right.

edit on 2/8/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:49 PM
So from what I understand, you are saying that the proof of aliens lies in the possibility that they not only exist but created our solar system?

I believe in ET but can't get behind this.

Interesting thread tho. Thanks


posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:50 PM
But, if those distances and sizes wernt exactly the way they are then we probably would not exist, so the fact they are means that it should be no surprise.

Winning the lottery is just a number out of a lot of other numbers, its not mystical you got those numbers. Now if winning that lottery meant you existed, youd not think anything of it, but if you didnt you wouldn't be there to even think it.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:51 PM
i think you need to get your numbers right. (and stop reading silly books.)
and i love that 2nd pic ...not to scale...really? lol

+38 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:55 PM
Wow, all the regulars with their usual sarcasm.
I must be onto something!

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 07:58 PM

So from what I understand, you are saying that the proof of aliens lies in the possibility that they not only exist but created our solar system?

I believe in ET but can't get behind this.

Interesting thread tho. Thanks


Hi Jude.
Assuming everything in the op were accurate, would you still say you cant get behind it? Would you not think thats all just a bit too much?
Would it help if I said it was proof of god? Being serious.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

It's a scavenger hunt, then?

Any idea of what the prize might be?

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:12 PM

reply to post by VoidHawk

It's a scavenger hunt, then?

Any idea of what the prize might be?

A sports model flying saucer. Its on Mars, you just gotta go pick it up, dont forget your ID.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:14 PM


So from what I understand, you are saying that the proof of aliens lies in the possibility that they not only exist but created our solar system?

I believe in ET but can't get behind this.

Interesting thread tho. Thanks


Hi Jude.
Assuming everything in the op were accurate, would you still say you cant get behind it? Would you not think thats all just a bit too much?
Would it help if I said it was proof of god? Being serious.

Actually I was serious and apologize if it looked Different.

1. I would hazard the universe is full of mathematical coincidences that we aren't even aware of yet. Just in our own World, take the Fibonacci numbers for instance:

2. If the thread was titled "Proof of God"...I would have given it a pass.


posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:25 PM
I believe that the weak Anthropic principle is the prime mover.

In this respect, "The solar system is the way it is, because if it were not, you would not be here to contemplate it."

Very hard to argue with logic like that, unless you believe that there is an outright, planned purpose for everything.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:39 PM
In my opinion, God is is just as likely an explanation as aliens. How can one distinguish between the two? Neither have been proven to exist, and even saying that since there is so much space, there are bound to be some civilizations out there, is not necessarily true. On the bigfoot forums I've used the argument that since there are multiple thousands of eyewitness reports that have actually been filed, it stands to reason that the probability of every single one of those being fake is small...But nobody seems to take that argument seriously. Maybe I am wrong, but that is just what comes to mind at the moment.

+13 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:51 PM
Even if the numbers do fluctuate a bit, we're still looking at some amazing facts. Excellent food for thought, V-Hawk. Thanks for a quality thread.

edit on 8-2-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Just how far must we go before people will accept that this is NOT a coincidence?

How many planets in our solar system?

How many solar systems in our galaxy?

How many stars/planets in all the solar systems in our galaxy?

How many galaxies in the known/unknown universe?

You've got a hell of a lot of calculations to do before you can claim that you have discovered proof of alien intervention!

Just how far do you want to go before you realise that coincidences must be rife within the whole of the universe?

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 09:22 PM
Never heard claims that ETs made the earth?! thats a lot of matter to gather up and shape and the positioning of the planets how could you do that really? and then with all the tech it would take to do that all we ever get from our alien mates is the occasional ass probe and fly bys?!. Hard to imagine someone could write a book on the subject.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 09:34 PM
Many of these stats rely on being observed now, many things would change over time depending on when it was measured.

Many of these are the same argument creationist use, and again see the above.

Distance from the sun, size of the sun, distance of the moon from the earth, etc, change over time.

200,000 years in the future or past, and these items would vary, and over the galactic time scale even that is a drop in the bucket.

The human mind seeks patterns and sees significance by its very nature.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Without the moon there would be no life on earth and as far as I’m aware that’s not disputed by anyone.

Actually, yes it is.

Where is the moon in ancient paintings?
Before the mega disasters (until thousands of years after) the moon was never depicted.
5000 years after the mega catastrophes suddenly the moon is there. And in roughly 5000 more years she’s a worldwide symbol. But for more than 20,000 years before the mega disasters, an endless time frame -so to speak- a time where painters painted animals like animals, stars like stars, the sun as the sun, a time they made countless depictions of people (women), they never painted the moon as the moon. We must ask ourselves -despite the taboo- how is that possible?
Where is the moon in drawings before the mega disasters? (Answer: She was too far away to be seen.)

Does life on earth really needs the moon? In each presentation we hear that the moon is essential for life on earth. Therefore she must have always been there. Here too, however, we must speak of an enigma. Because, why are there so many blind followers of that idea? After some research, it’s clear that the simple models are not quite that simple. Without the moon tides will be smaller and it will be usually much darker at night. If the moon would suddenly disappear, earth's rotation would sputter and/or earth’s axis would get a knock. Result would be climate change and many disasters. However, we may assume that once stabilized, everything would soon be pretty normal. There would be seasons and earth axis would be fairly stable. In addition, mercury and venus don’t wobble much and they have no moon. The value of the moon for life on earth is grossly overrated.


Note: I am not saying I believe what these folks are espousing, but I do find it all very interesting in light of your OP. Especially the part about there being no drawings or paintings of the moon prior to approx. 12,000 years ago. The author of this fringe work also states that Tiahuanaco tells of the arrival of the moon.

Take a read through it, VoidHawk. I think you'll find it "out there", but interesting.

edit on 2/8/2014 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

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