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Atheism being accepted as “Today’s Religion” over all religions?

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:24 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

contradicting yourself in your own OP is not the way to convince ATS to listen to you :

Then in the prime of his "success" he comes down with throat cancer. NOT lung cancer (he was a strong smoker) but throat cancer. Which stopped him from speaking out??? Is this a coincidence? I do not believe in coincidences.

really ?

God is abundant with patience hoping all will open their heart and let him. .............And to those who have rejected him and sworn an oath to never believe in him continue to live.

unless your name is hitchin ?

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:26 PM
Atheism is a religion of Science. Science can explain certain things, but science never gets to the core of how everything came to existence, the bare essence of all creation. Like we all know that the big bang came from matter, but science doesn't explain what caused the bang, the matter, atoms, and sub atomic particles. Just because Science can explain things, doesn't mean we have to rule out God. Because even with all the knowledge we've acquired from science; we still don't know everything about the universe. Don't be blinded by science.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

If there is a heaven he is there (and probly surprised lol ) the guy tells no bad stuff he was trying to fight against organized religion more than God.
I bet God is proud of Hitchens for using his mind and trying to show people the evil of religion.
What has he got to repent for? he was/is a good man.
edit on 3-2-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:29 PM

Atheism is a religion of Science. Science can explain certain things, but science never gets to the core of how everything came to existence, the bare essence of all creation. Like we all know that the big bang came from matter, but science doesn't explain what caused the bang, the matter, atoms, and sub atomic particles. Just because Science can explain things, doesn't mean we have to rule out God. Because even with all the knowledge we've acquired from science; we still don't know everything about the universe. Don't be blinded by science.

Very well put. And the first response to the OP.

Thank you.

edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.


How the hell do you know he didn't? Were you there at his deathbed? Apparently not, as you seemed to think he was still alive when you wrote this weird thread.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:33 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.


How the hell do you know he didn't? Were you there at his deathbed? Apparently not, as you seemed to think he was still alive when you wrote this weird thread.


I know he is dead. I have been following his delusional thoughts for years.
edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Very well put. And the first response to the OP.

Thank you.

No, it was not the first response to the OP.

I see we'll have fun with you, based on your entree and tone.
You might not like it much, though.

How about you tell us your story, do an intro? The banner in my signature points to a place for you to share your personal journey - it accepts everyone without judgment or worry. Start there. It will also give you some background info on the members who peruse this thread. Veterans and newbies.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by bumjuicer101

Atheism is a religion of Science. Science can explain certain things, but science never gets to the core of how everything came to existence, the bare essence of all creation. Like we all know that the big bang came from matter, but science doesn't explain what caused the bang, the matter, atoms, and sub atomic particles. Just because Science can explain things, doesn't mean we have to rule out God. Because even with all the knowledge we've acquired from science; we still don't know everything about the universe. Don't be blinded by science.

What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of that science you're using to access more science which communicates with further science to do sciencey things which allow more science to give you the ability to broadcast to the world how you prefer things other than science!

Obnoxious sciencey rant aside, let's get this straight: science doesn't happen instantly. By which I mean, our comprehension of the world through scientific devices doesn't happen instantly. It took us 500,000 years from the arrival of modern humans to invent the internet. Give us a little more time to solve the meaning of life and the birth of existence.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

So, no - you weren't there at his deathbed, and you have no idea what went on in his brain, behind his eyes, or with his soul after he passed. In my opinion, repentance is between a man and the Source - it doesn't require "witnesses". In fact, Jesus stated it was better to 'pray' alone in one's closet.

You have no idea what his inner thoughts were, and

kindly stop yelling at me.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

I never insulted you at all, and science isnt exclusive to atheism.

Have fun with your thread..

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Wait you insult a great man, a man who fought for humanity and expect us to just agree with you?.
Then when you don't like what others say you get all childish and say "I will ignore you".
Sorry you keep following a God who condemns us for thought crime, who accepts slavery, who committed genocide, who wants you to be in chains all your life and I will help Christopher Hitchens fight against it.
Humanity FTW!!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:41 PM

edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

Insults you say???

Did you read my contribution to your post (last post on page 3)

I would like to kindly suggest that you read through all of your answers again before suggesting that other people are insulting!!!

It's funny but for some reason I know what your response is going to be!

Have a good evening and good luck

Kindest respects


posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:41 PM
Here's an analogy. Science explains creation, but Science has never created anything. Math can explain the counting of money, but Math has never created money or we would all be millionaires.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:43 PM
Here is another video from Christopher Hitchens. The first part is him being close to death continuing the fight.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by bumjuicer101

Science explains creation, but Science has never created anything.

The USE of science has created plenty. Like, for example, the computer you're typing on. Pocket-sized or not, it was created by MEN and WOMEN using Scientific knowledge.

Now - tell me what Religion has "created" except for lots of animosity, delusion, and a very few people having lots and lots of power.

Your ball.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:45 PM
Theist: "There is God!"
Atheist: "There is no God!"

There is no way how to rationally judge which thesis is Truth, so both are believes.
Purely rational thinker have to say: "I do not know."

Ad Truth and Lie:
"Cat is usually bigger then mouse" = Truth
"Mouse is usually bigger then cat" = False
"I have some nukes made in Iran. Do you want buy some?" = Lie

Truth/False are logical tokens, Lie is intentional deception purported by subject. And now question: Is Mr Chameleon lying while changing color?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Science doesn't physically create matter. A cookie recipe is science, but I need physical goods to create the cookies.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:48 PM
Nice presentation. You started out very well using general almost universal terms but later in the piece we find it morphing into a hachet piece on Chis Hitchens.

I'll offer my assessment of your presenatation rather then your content.

Atheism is this for you?

WIKIPEDIA Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist.

WIKIPEDIA - Truth is most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal. The commonly understood opposite of truth is falsehood, which, correspondingly, can also take on a logical, factual, or ethical meaning. The concept of truth is discussed and debated in several contexts, including philosophy and religion. Many human activities depend upon the concept, which is assumed rather than a subject of discussion, including science, law, and everyday life.

So truth and falsehoods (lies) deals with an idea and how that idea is defined. Truth can also be applied to falsehoods.

Right in the beginning you twist your stipulated definition of "Truth" and it's antonym "Falsehood". You state that falsehood is the same as lies when by your definition it is not.

By your stated definition a falsehood would be an error, not stating truth. A lie on the other hand would be a deliberate deception. Those are two very different things. Most falsehoods arise from ignorance or lack of understanding.

Both of which can be delivered in full faith, if someone 'believes', falsehood or lie. Many people fully believe in "Truth" but are speaking in error and I believe this is the point of your following argument.

So therefore, in my opinion and experience, you have 'truth' and 'Truth' and both need to be defined.

So what does it all add up to? The person or group with the best rhetoric speaker? Yes. The educated person with a classical rhetoric style (the art of persuasion) in able to convince his/her audience that what he states is truth. It is up to the listener and what he/she accepts as the truth.

Yes, cults throughout time demonstrate the power of charisma and ritual. Let's not forget the power of repetion and habit in swaying people to ones point of view.

1. So if I take 90% facts from science and add my 10% of my idea or theory into the mix, does this make it truth?

2. What is I take 90% facts from science and add 10% of lies mixes within it, does this make it truth?

What is the difference in the two above statements? Of course, the speaker’s intent of the message.

Intend only speaks to the, shall we say, criminality of the speech, not it's actual Truth.

You can speak falsehood fully believing in the Truth of it, with only the best intentions towards others and sway others and....

You can speak falsehood with the intent to defraud.

Intend really has no bearing on Truth.

You don't want to discuss truth in this piece so I'll let it go at that.

Are you saying the entire world was religious? Tribes around the world who have never laid eyes on other cultures and education systems were found worshipping a diety. How can that be?

It is a characteristic of humankind to seek "Truth". Not find necessarily, but seek. Religion and philosophy and science all help in that journey, non more True then another.

Personally I think only people with proper higher level education credentials i.e. Phd or Masters degree in divinity/religion …… from accredited universities should only be allowed to disseminate this type of religious or atheistic teachings inside a building.

As a good Christian, you know the bible speaks to the humble being closer to knowledge of the Truth then the grand.

One of the most famous atheist, Christopher HITCHINS has published numerous books about atheism.

Here's where you will lose your audience. When speaking of ideas (Truth/Falsehood), stick to the ideas. Quote the ideas but don't attack the background, character or experience of another.

From Eleanor Roosevelt:

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Do you think atheism is a form religion?

Sure, anything can be a religion. Though by definition, I guess, religion requires a diety or dieties, supernatural beings that created and rule us.

Buddhism doesn't contain a creator diety but does have supernatural beings.

Many people, to my mind, have money as their deity in truth if not consciously acknowledged and spoken of.

My point is that as a species we are evolving physically, mentally, emotionally and hopefully spiritually. Each of us is dominated by one of those four aspects and different religions and philosophies speak more truthfully in the various domains of TRUTH. None more valid then the other.

We know today that all mental cognition is a meer represtation of 'reality'.

I think that atheism is talked about because we have greater understanding in each domanin then in the past.

The Abrahamic religious have the dubious reputation of stating as TRUTH a clear falsehood and that is that their way is the only way to TRUTH. This is beinning to change in some circles but is still the cause of a great amount of discord between individuals and groups and keeps us from progressing spiritually.

Overall, nicely done with calm and deliberate tone.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by bumjuicer101

Science doesn't physically create matter. A cookie recipe is science, but I need physical goods to create the cookies.

Correct. Science is a way of determining what is, and is NOT, true to our version of reality - and scientists use the "is it falsifiable?" as a major step in establishing their premises (I would use the word "theory" - but the religious have decided that word can be parsed to vilify science as nonsense.)

What else you got?

BTW, I'm not an atheist. I'm agnostic. And I see the problems with "religion" which, like science, is a product of Men's and Women's thoughts. NOT based on fact.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by JanAmosComenius

I expect we will find a large rock and underneath will be etched into it by the forces of wind and water: "God doesn't exist. Sincerely, The Universe". Until then, people will have to resort to their imagination and dogmas. But surely we will find that rock somewhere.

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