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Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a Poor majority.

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+2 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 08:47 PM
Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority. Until we figure out how to make sure everyone doing 8 hours a day can have a decent life... conservatism is gone. GOP may as well get ready to lose is all. Even if some of your ideas are good.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:00 PM
That is correct. All sides fail. We don't need fascism with our equality or left nor do we need heartless pyramid systems of slavery under corporate rule with our right, we need the energies of Mother/Equality and Father/Freedom wedded truly and an end to the slave systems but abundance without forcing others to work on your behalf.

They say the poor feel entitled. Well, everyone is natural co-owners of this world and its resources and there should be nothing stopping them from staking land and having a home and gardens. The PTB feel so entitled they steal the true rights and assets from everyone.

+8 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:00 PM
Besides your biased opinion. Do you have any data to support this statement? Are you disagreeing with capitalism or conservative views? Progressive ideals are much worse for a individual. I'd rather fight for success in a system that's been stacked against the average man by the elite few than to be on the same level as everyone else; have no rights to use to my advantage, and taxed into poverty, by a leftist government..

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:05 PM
Every type of ism has poor people. Name one that doesn't.

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Conservative ideas are what this nation was founded on. Its how this country became powerful. You think the early settlers weren't poor? They had a hard work ethic, next to no govt bureaucracy, no safety nets, and yet they managed to become an industry powerhouse. In short, I disagree.

+21 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:06 PM
News flash ... liberal ideas can't sustain a poor majority either.

Working 8 hours a day doesn't do much good when you have federal, state, and local governments taking a big chunk out of it to finance wars, rebuild countries we destroyed, spy on everybody in the world, hand out billions in foreign aid, supply police forces and drug cartels with military grade weapons, subsidize illegal immigration, subsidize banks, subsidize insurance companies, etc., etc.

Liberals win, conservatives win, either way it doesn't matter. The people lose.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:15 PM

Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority. Until we figure out how to make sure everyone doing 8 hours a day can have a decent life... conservatism is gone. GOP may as well get ready to lose is all. Even if some of your ideas are good.

"Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority"

Tricky statement. I don't think anybody's ideas can sustain a poor majority.

But maybe Conservative Ideas are not the problem?

If they *Are* the problem, can we see a list >>>>

But first, define a "poor majority".

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:17 PM

Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority. Until we figure out how to make sure everyone doing 8 hours a day can have a decent life... conservatism is gone. GOP may as well get ready to lose is all. Even if some of your ideas are good.

So you are saying that the workers can not sustain the non workers...this is true and why we are heading down the nanny state that Europe is now. Europe will fall first so we will get a good look as to what doesn't work.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Yea conservative values cant sustain all the poor but do sustain most of them.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:21 PM
Do you realize that 4 out of the 5 jobs created over the last 5 years are a government type job? Who pays for that? That my friend is the liberal ideal, a union/government type job that does not actually create anything at all, but regulates....

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:21 PM


Tricky statement. I don't think anybody's ideas can sustain a poor majority.


There is much to be retooled before we go off blaming ONE party, when BOTH are screwing everyone as hard as they can. THEY are the government that is killing jobs, offshoring work, taxing us, using tax money for BS, screwing up needed social programs, destroying education, etc etc. I guess being blatantly biased makes some sleep better at night by identifying the boogey man, but one day theyll wake up and realize what we have allowed our ravenous behemoth govt to become in itself is the real boogey man. Starve the beast and promote American innovation, business, and ingenuity... among a million other things we could do besides blaming a donkey or an elephant.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Logarock

I like how you put that. Couldnt agree more. The economy may be awful. But its no excuse for some to rely on government (tax funded) handouts when they can work. Save the benefits for those who can't work and NEED them.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:27 PM


There is much to be retooled before we go off blaming ONE party, when BOTH are screwing everyone as hard as they can. THEY are the government that is killing jobs, offshoring work, taxing us, using tax money for BS, screwing up needed social programs, destroying education, etc etc. I guess being blatantly biased makes some sleep better at night by identifying the boogey man, but one day theyll wake up and realize what we have allowed our ravenous behemoth govt to become in itself is the real boogey man. Starve the beast and promote American innovation, business, and ingenuity... among a million other things we could do besides blaming a donkey or an elephant.

Lets start with a Government that lets millions of low skill jobs go over seas and allows million of low skill workers into our country illegally.

Add in 60% of our young go to college where Hacks pretend to teach, the lazy pretend to learn and employers pretend to need them.

Top it off that unless you have a government job you are screwed....

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:36 PM



There is much to be retooled before we go off blaming ONE party, when BOTH are screwing everyone as hard as they can. THEY are the government that is killing jobs, offshoring work, taxing us, using tax money for BS, screwing up needed social programs, destroying education, etc etc. I guess being blatantly biased makes some sleep better at night by identifying the boogey man, but one day theyll wake up and realize what we have allowed our ravenous behemoth govt to become in itself is the real boogey man. Starve the beast and promote American innovation, business, and ingenuity... among a million other things we could do besides blaming a donkey or an elephant.

Lets start with a Government that lets millions of low skill jobs go over seas and allows million of low skill workers into our country illegally.

Add in 60% of our young go to college where Hacks pretend to teach, the lazy pretend to learn and employers pretend to need them.

Top it off that unless you have a government job you are screwed....

Yep, I didnt mention a total list, but off shoring jobs and destroying education was mentioned! LOL! The illegal issue is a hot button issue right now, but we need to totally redo our immigration path and policy rather than just flinging the door open for all to walk in... against the law of this country. This country was built on immigration and we should work harder to make the process more streamlines and sensible. We really cant do this until we can provide jobs.. which demands a whole string of other necessary actions.
RIght now we have a president that whines about getting educated, but educated by "hacks" ( I agree) and be in debt for what exactly... there arent enough jobs to take on the "educated" graduates! They get into debt they can never repay and will always be behind the ball. Forget skilled work anymore.. our factory and manufacturing base is destroyed. We are in a pickle.. and it just irks me beyond belief when someone gets on here and talks about ONE side destroying everything. BOTH sides and their supporters are culpable in this destruction of the country.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 10:24 PM

Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority.

Conservative ideas are not meant to sustain a poor majority. Rather, they are meant to enable a poor majority to sustain them selves.

The ideas of giving people personal freedoms and then expecting personal responsibility is the bedrock of a good economy.

There are two economies with low government spending. Hong Kong and Singapore. Even those two places have a good dose of socialism. However, that is your reference point for comparing conservative vs. liberal.

France is the gold standard for liberalism. Hong Kong and Singapore both have "tea party" economies while France has a "progressive" economy. By looking at the government spending levels in those places, you have a starting point to prove or disprove your ideas. If you really want to know if your beliefs are correct, then you'll compare the two places carefully and then post your results here.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 10:38 PM
Before we start blaming anyone for not being able to sustain a poor majority, maybe we need to try to figure out why we have a poor majority in the first place, and maybe while we're at it, we ought to define what we think poor is, too.

I guarantee you that a poor person in Ethiopia would laugh himself silly at your idea of a poor person in America.
edit on 24-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:11 PM

Conservative Ideas cannot sustain a poor majority. Until we figure out how to make sure everyone doing 8 hours a day can have a decent life... conservatism is gone. GOP may as well get ready to lose is all. Even if some of your ideas are good.

Perhaps you should read this.


posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:17 PM
The Commies just kill their poor people - Stalin killed 100 million & Mao killed another 80 to 100 million.
Problem solved...just ignorance personified.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Xeven

The poor has every opportunity to become the 1%. They are given free education and financial aide to be doctors, lawyers, etc.

If they choose to flip burgers or do nothing. Then they have no right to want to get paid a 6 figure job. Obviously, they did it to themselves, so they should embrace the suck like Peilosi said.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Because they choose to be poor. U can't force people who don't want to empower themselves to be rich. U have to earn it.

The inequality bs is all a Marxists propaganda to divide the masses. Go watch Hunger Games it's a good example.

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