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America's arrogance astounds me; despite our freeze, record heat persists worldwide!

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posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 09:30 AM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Very good post. I've read some of your methane posts, and will focus more on it. You've probably answered this, but how will we know when methane is affecting humans, what will be the signs of illness to first show up? Thanks for being the voice in some wilderness, or a canary in a cage, and hopefully being the bird who says the sky is falling.

Great question Aleister. It's the hydrogen sulfide that has me concerned on this front right now. I just spent the last two months in FL and I left just two hours before the Cuban earthquake Thursday, but one thing that had me concerned about FL is the smell of rotten egg that I encountered nearly every day while I was there. I've been going to FL my entire life for vacations and even stayed there a couple of times for the entire winter and I never remember smelling rotten egg in the water or in the air as I did this time. Every hotel I stayed at or each time I visited friends and family, they had a dirty gassy or rotten egg smell in their water. This shouldn't be. They would act like it was normal FL water, but is it in any way normal to have a gas like hydrogen sulfide in your water? Like I said, in all my years going to FL, I have never smelt that smell until the last two trips down there, Sept. 2012 and then Oct. 2013, and both times I stayed for two months. Also, not only is it in the water, but it's in the air as well. One of the areas I smelt it most was whenever we were in or near Ocala. I sell clothes at craft shows, county fairs and flea markets, during parts of the year so I travel around a lot and stay in a few hotels. As we were leaving FL on Thursday driving north on I-75, sure enough, just a few miles south of Ocala, we got the powerful whiff of the rotten egg smell. It may or may not have been a landfill, but either way...we shouldn't be smelling it so often. And, it's only in FL that I encountered these smells so frequently. Why FL? Because it is a large peninsula surrounded by ocean, an ocean that is becoming more anoxic as the deep water temps rise.

I'd like to ask if there is any one else smelling the rotten egg smell where you live or in your water? Especially if you live in FL or in the UK. The UK has been experiencing a lot of strange events (like the booms) and extreme weather. Here is the most recent post on the Jumping Jack Flash site about the latest boom sounds in the UK.

People awoken by mysterious boom

BAFFLED families were woken by a mysterious loud bang heard across East Yorkshire early this morning. Dozens of people from Hull to Withernsea took to social media after hearing the noise echo through the skies at about 3.30am.

Others posted about the sound from as far away as Cleethorpes and Derby. Many believed a thunderclap was to blame but the Met Office said there was no storm in the area at the time.

Writing on the Mail's Facebook page, Alan Key said the noise "woke us up and scared us to death. People say it was thunder but to me it sounded more like an explosion."

Sounded like an explosion, witnesses said.

Here's a quote from the Jumping Jack Flash site;

This area is on a peninsula that juts out into the North Sea. These mysterious explosions are clearly escalating all around the world. These explosions are very likely caused by the detonation of atmospheric hydrogen sulfide and/or methane plumes. Sometimes, if they occur high enough in the sky and anyone is around to notice, they are accompanied by a 'flash of light'. Eventually these atmospheric explosions may rival the small nuclear explosion that destroyed Hiroshima, but minus any radiation...

For me, I believe that many of these unexplained chemical plant and home explosions and vehicle fires (which there are a lot) may already be from these gases.

To answer your question though, I think indirectly the methane gas is the big threat to us all by way of entering our upper levels of the atmosphere and trapping in the sun's heat, but hydrogen suflide is the gas that is directly a threat to us. Methane is lighter than air so the plumes of this gas will rise high up in the atmosphere, and our most likely the cause of many of these mysterious explosions and "flashes of light" that we are experiencing. On the other hand, hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air and when its plumes will rise up they quickly fall back to the surface, where they can either poison us by making us sick or even causing death if the concentration is high enough, or by causing some of these fires and explosions.

Methane rises up into the atmosphere and is dangerous because the sun heats up the surface of the planet as long-wave infrared and then it is supposed to safely bounce back out to space via short wave infrared, but here is the problem...the methane is trapping that short wave infrared in and it bounces off the upper layer of the atmosphere and back to the surface, thus, the heating of our oceans and our air.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

I have to admit California has been getting the best of it, cool summers warm winters the worst that has happened is no rainfall and if worse comes to worse , build another desalinating plant, we are on the coast after all.
We have had it so good that it is starting to make me nervous.

The US left Hiroshima and Nagasaki intact until they dropped the bombs (Shame on the US Gov for that!!!)
I wonder what God has in store for California???

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:37 AM
Any discussion of climate change must include the fact that the normal climate of the earth over the last million years is an ice age, ten of them lasting 100,000 years each +/-, with much shorter inter-glacial temperate periods like now that last 8,000 to 10,000 year. That is the current science, the best we know at this point. Consider its now over 10,000 years since the last ice age ended, and we are overdue to flip the switch again. In Ice Ages our oceans are 200-300 feet lower, and the habitable zones are mostly Africa and Central America and parts of South American, maybe 1/2 of the US- maybe at best. THAT IS EARTH'S NORMAL CLIMATE.

What we have now is a brief interlude and is probably going to end in the next few hundred years, or maybe tomorrow. There is no keeping the once pristine climate of, say, 300 years ago, or 1,000, or what we even have now. So when proposing government programs to alter climate change remember- IT IS GOING TO CHANGE ANYWAY on its own, and there will be another 1/2 mile thick ice sheet over 1/3 of the US in the near future (in geologic time frames). We can not keep what we have now, its a temporary illusion, nor the climate we had for the past 10,000 years.

Suggestions- keep our population size manageable, as that's the top problem underlying most others, and is depleting resources, stressing food and water supplies, causing pollution, and yes, warming the planet. But consider this, if the next ice age is sooner more than later, warming the planet may be exactly what we should be doing, maybe even to a great extent. What causes ice Ages? Ideas- sun fluctuations, orbital wobbles, vulcanism, galactic interactions? Not much to be done about any of those is there.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:38 AM
The truth is no trends are set with just a few days weather. It takes decades to set a trend. That said I don't agree with the whole global warming being the doing of mankind as we've warmed and cooled over and over again in our 4 billion years of existence. Let's see if current laws about pollution have any effect. We'll look at the data twenty years from now to get a clearer picture. Not until then.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:43 AM
When I got up this morning it was already 60° This past Tues. it was 17° That's typical winter in the mid Atlantic region. Today's high should be about 71°.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

You can't say "Poor us, who are listening to the scientists that aren't lying and then tell me that"they" call it climate change now.

I'm starting with NASA. They have to be telling the truth, right? They say that the earth's climate has been warming for decades. So let's try this again...using only facts.

NASA is a group of prominent, truthful scientists, at least on the study of the earth. They are well respected. They tell me the earth's climate is warming for decades so..

We are in the midst of provable global warming as documented in the past few decades. So...since it's global warming, why would you call it climate change? lol

We also know that mankind with his pollution has some effect on the climate. The questions then are how much, and can we do anything about it?
edit on 11-1-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Lets keep the space program growing, we will need it. Space technology requires that we learn to live, grow food, and recycle water into fresh water without depleting earths resources continually. We need that technology in an ice age here, and to live out there as well. But there are too many of us, must get into a balanced life system where births equal deaths, (and intelligence overcomes idiocy).

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

NO it's the government interest for global warming even when its fake. Al Gore and his globalist cronies are trying to push their global carbon tax to fund their empire.
edit on 11-1-2014 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by amfirst1

Remember, though that Global warming isn't all about Al Gore, He didn't invent it and he didn't invent the internet. He doesn't control NASA and he doesn't control the thousands of scientists and studies saying that there is global warming. He may control a few maybe even a few hundred and maybe he is the head of a carbon tax conspiracy. But he is just one small part of the overall picture. Open your eyes. Maybe there is no Global Warming and Maybe NASA has falsified it's data. Why? What is the motive and who is involved. this Rabbit hole could go quite deep but doesn't start or end with Al Gore and Carbon Tax. Remember that.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by amazing

My point about the normal climate being ice age, and our current one will end soon as we transition over (and it may only take decades to flip over to ice age), is that it is quite possible that global warming is good, maybe even we need more of it. For arguments sake, lets say that in the next 100 years we will head into the next "normal climate period" of a 100,000 year ice age, but that the current global warming prevents that or slows that down greatly, then its good and we should do nothing now other than preserve our resources, manage population growth, and reduce resource depletion. But again, the climate warming is a good thing.

Now too much warming too soon could be bad too, we just do not know. Al Gore has never considered that possibility that we may need all the global warming we can produce to prevent glacial sheets covering upper USA and Europe. Again- ice age is normal climate, we are in a short interglacial period due to end very soon. Can we talk about the big picture and reality and not this false debate about climate change being bad, as if we could keep what we have if only we behaved ourselves.

Climate change is NORMAL, you will not stop it, and current global warming is just as likely to be a good thing than a bad thing when you look at the bigger picture.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by retsdeeps1

Good points, but...what if you're wrong? That's the question....what if we do have a bigger impact on climate than you think? What if we are doing a bad thing and can reverse what we did?

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by amazing

The only population to whom Al Gore is a divisive figurehead is American. In Canada, we have our David Suzuki and in other countries there will be someone else elevated to the stature of spokesperson (whether they want it or not).

The only true universal is that there are spokespersons both for or against the idea of AGW everywhere. It's the Great Debate of the 21st Century between environmentalists and corporate interests and neither is getting the upper hand (or so it seems). Both will fight until the last drop of oil is squeezed out of the earth's mantle and that could take until the 25th century if we don't nuke ourselves into oblivion first.

Someday, beyond a doubt if we continue to re-invent ourselves, the Oil Age will become as quaint a time as the Steam Age.

edit on 11/1/14 by masqua because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:22 PM

reply to post by amazing

My point about the normal climate being ice age, and our current one will end soon as we transition over (and it may only take decades to flip over to ice age)

We entered the Neoglacial 4-5,000 year ago. Based on reduced axial tilt, we expect northern hemisphere ice sheets to advance as they had been doing until 100 or so years ago (although no full blown glacial is expected this time - back in the 70s some did think this would happen, new research shows such thinking to be wrong). They have since retreated. This retreat does not fit our current knowledge of the causes of ice ages. So what is happening? Is something else affecting the northern hemisphere ice sheets (which, in turn, dictate whether we are in a glacial or interglacial) ?

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:17 PM

reply to post by amazing

My point about the normal climate being ice age, and our current one will end soon as we transition over (and it may only take decades to flip over to ice age), is that it is quite possible that global warming is good, maybe even we need more of it. For arguments sake, lets say that in the next 100 years we will head into the next "normal climate period" of a 100,000 year ice age, but that the current global warming prevents that or slows that down greatly, then its good and we should do nothing now other than preserve our resources, manage population growth, and reduce resource depletion. But again, the climate warming is a good thing.

Now too much warming too soon could be bad too, we just do not know. Al Gore has never considered that possibility that we may need all the global warming we can produce to prevent glacial sheets covering upper USA and Europe. Again- ice age is normal climate, we are in a short interglacial period due to end very soon. Can we talk about the big picture and reality and not this false debate about climate change being bad, as if we could keep what we have if only we behaved ourselves.

Climate change is NORMAL, you will not stop it, and current global warming is just as likely to be a good thing than a bad thing when you look at the bigger picture.

Temperatures rising is far from a good thing. There are many possibilities to consider such as a warming atmosphere will create more moisture and more moisture will mean more deluge in storms such as this "rarity" that just hit southern Florida.

2 Feet of rain in 24 hours

In addition to the deluge, consider the magnitude of hurricanes and typhoons. Super Storms would be the new normal.

Other possibilities are the mass animal die-offs that are happening. These gas plumes I discuss will get worse and not only threaten animal life but humans as well in the forms of contaminated water, killing off the food source as more and more fish die, fires and explosions and poisoning. The oceans are becoming anoxic making it hard for sea life to sustain. This is not good.

And consider what I've proposed about the earthquakes and the sinkholes and other subsidence. This may be from the melting ice and permafrost changing the pressures on the continental shelfs, thus more and more quakes and sinkholes in odd places.

And what about the brighter sun and its effects on us. With more UV we're facing other issues such as cancers. What you think is a hot day now could become relief if temp averages that sit around 90 now start pushing 100 degrees.

A warmer ocean and melting ice is going to cause the sea level to rise wiping away coastal lands.

A warmer climate creates a free-for-all in the bacteria world which we are already seeing with it becoming more and more common that doctors are up against drug-resistant bacteria. This is very scary...a simple infection could mean death. Just take a look at the disease outbreaks all over the world right now. More and more bacteria, mystery illnesses, common viruses becoming stronger, and age bacterial infections that are resisting drugs like gonorrhea and syphilis.

As I've also suggested in the theory is that our Mesosphere is somehow allowing space rocks and debris to pass through due to the levels of methane in that layer of the atmosphere. This could be why we are seeing brighter and louder exploding fireballs in the past couple of years. I proposed this theory early in 2013 just a month before the massive bolide over Russia that injured 1000 people. If there is any merit to this idea, then as the methane levels rise in the mesosphere, we could be in for some very dangerous times if more of these meteors start reaching the surface. Better replace your tin foil hat with a titanium hat.

Wildfires would be unimaginable. Droughts would kill off wild life and make entire regions uninhabitable. point is that a warmer atmosphere is in no way a good thing. There are lots of negatives to consider.
edit on 11-1-2014 by Rezlooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:19 PM
Back in Roman empire time, Norway did not have glaciers, so I presume the weather was warmer then? Norway now has glaciers, so the weather is cooler? perhap this planet we live on and hold in trust for our offspring is already quite quietly going into an ice age?

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 03:12 PM
Ok this is good, rather than talking about yes or no if we have global warming or climate change happening, the conversation has shifting to the fact that drastic climate change will happen no matter what, it doesn't stay the same indefinately. Its been warmer, its been much colder, mostly the later in the past. To evaluate industrial and human climate impacts, (and I agree its getting warmer as the ice caps are melting- no debate about that), just consider that over the last 1,000,000 years 90% of the time has been ice ages. It is not 5,000 since the last one, more like 12,000, about 10,000 BC the last one ended, making this inter-glacial period already a long one compared to past ones, so likely almost over.

We need to know what cause ice ages, a the probabilities are high (I'll say 90%) we are due for another very soon. Only with then can we evaluate if climate warming is good (wards-off an ice age) or bad as makes earth uninhabitable

Here's another grenade that I'll pull the pin from- mass die offs that will result from global warming have happened many times before from many causes, vulcanism, extreme methane seeps, meteor/comet impacts, ice ages, can we even say that mass extinctions are good or bad ? I would point out humans might not have evolved as much to become the dominant species now without mass extinctions in the past. So all those arguing that we must maintain the status quo,- and propose all kinds of things to not affect our climate or to cause extinctions, consider maybe extinctions are good, they may have been for humans creating ecological space for our species to expand.
edit on 11-1-2014 by retsdeeps1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Thanks for your long detailed answer. I don't have knowledge in this field, and am learning from the threads. With all the natural timetables ready to give humans a bite it's a mystery why the human race isn't handling the environmental problems that it causes itself.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Until the dam levels rise would it be okay to leave this tidbit of nonsense out, all this melting and not a measurable rise has occurred anywhere.

I am of the opinion there is too much water on this planet anyways, it is time to get rid of some of it, like start pumping it out into space.

Originally this planet did not have this much water on it, this much is clear, the idea that ice coverage is to blame is funny, and scientists are trying always to fit this idea into science, and it IS NOT WORKING.

Maybe it is time to face the ideas that some of the mythologies are correct, that we were impacted by a lot of debris , and a hell of a water was ejected from an destroyed planetary body, which then impacted here.

The entire levels of water went way WAY up,

I would like to see a way of getting rid of 5 feet of water from the entire planet at a time, and see the results, lets do it.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 07:50 PM
For the poster who said Australia's summer is normal this year I'm wondering if this is normal (for anyone who can answer). Not a rhetorical question but curious if this sort of thing happens every summer due to droughts, etc.

10th January 2014 - A large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus found dead 'due to heatwave' in Australia. Link

Today I am in Montana and it rained so hard I thought it might flood. It should be snowing at this time of year. This entire area is seeing atypical weather this year but a full blown rain storm beats them all.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 08:43 PM

Okay folks...I give up. The argument on both sides is unwinable. This whole argument mainly focuses around carbon emissions, but my true concern is methane and hydrogen sulfide gas.

The fact is that Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change is being attributed by most AGW scientists to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and not to methane.

Also, in one of your responses you sided with a member who ridiculed those of us who believe AGW is a hoax, or did you not?...

As to methane emissions what do you think are the causes of them?

And again, why is it that there are, and have been world record COLD/WINTERS if methane is heating the planet?
edit on 11-1-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

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