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Meaning of Life?

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

It's 44. Inflation got to it

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by MadMax9

no. i think its 42. its part of the 9 universal numbers(i think its 9) with 7 meaning creative(the first number) and 42 meaning death( the last number

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:14 PM
Man spend all his years searching for the meaning of life. Gets to the highest and last mountain on Earth where sits a wiseman meditating.

"Oh, Great Guru. Ive searched the world over and asked priests and rabbis, scholars and prophets. Ive climbed mountians, sailed seas, prayed in temples all to no avail. Please tell me Great One. Was IS the meaning of life?"

The wiseman opens one eye and bursts out with a great laughter and cant stop laughin until he's crying.

"Silly one! You have spent all your life, everywhere you could, studying all that you can for all these years just to find the MEANING of LIFE? You have wasted your time...and the answer. It has always been known that the meaning of to LIVE IT! Yet, here you are having wasted it all trying to find it!!!"

Live your life folks...dont spend it all searching for its meaning. It is it's OWN meaning.

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:46 PM
“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”
― Joseph Campbell

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

When nothing in life stimulates you anymore you will wither and die. When the same old bullsh**t repeated over and over no longer gets the blood circulating the end for you, for anyone of us, is nigh. This is the meaning of life. And death.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by golden23

Why does everyone ask, " What is the meaning of life? What purpose is there for life? Why were we born? Am I real? Surely there must be more to life than this?/ " Etc.
There appears to be ONLY 3 constants, we are born, we live, we die.
As does all species that live.
I wonder if plants, animals, non-human mammals, intelligent non human mammals, & whatever else that lives on this planet woners so fanatically all the same questions in their own ways? Or is survival THEIR ONLY concern?
Why do we usually NOT worry about those questions more & more the older we get? Or when we find our own mortality is in peril, again more so again the older we get?
People fear not having all the answers to those question & more, yet be deaf & blind to what they DON'T WANT answers to & it makes ME wonder how it is possible for people seem as though they can't realize that unexplainable as it truly is, being able to shut of their sight, hearing, feelings, pain, etc, are actually gifts that could possibly advance their abilities to realize answers to all these Eons old questions?
Or may that be too frightening as well?
Example; I saw one woman who walked around the corner of her house assessing the damage done to the exterior of a freak storm in NORTHERN Manitoba. Canada, the kind that had not occurred in the area since the one & only recorded instance in the early 1800's by a handful of explorers lol! They lived in what we call a mountainous area but are really just very huge, long hills forming a Valley at the center. It poured hard for 2 straight solid weeks, within the 1st 2 hours, leaving for home 130 Km's from there, watched all the highways going out swallow cars ahead of me one by one, pavement broke & sunk & bridges disappeared, by 2 week's end, there were outside shed, coops, small barns, etc, were i the tops of 20 to 50 ft tall
She saw her daughter smoking,, the daughter dropped the cigarette in a puddle behind her yet not quick enough & the smoke could still be smelled. The woman just talked about the yard with her 30 year old daughter & moved on the daughter's mouth dropping as the mother is a very adamant anti smoking advocate.
We go to a Ladies Auxiliary lunch & tea at which another woman had been talking about catching her 16 year son smoking.
The woman who saw her 30 year old daughter smoke, as well as having had to have smelled the distinct cigarette smoke, states, " Oh you poor poor woman! I would never catch ANY of my children smoke! They know the consequences and are not even interested in such a smelly disgusting habit!"
I hadn't studied Psychiatry yet & I thought," Wtf is she saying that when we BOTH saw? Why?"
Well of course she believed in her make believe world that HER 4 children were perfect, after all, their Father was a well know Minister & politician. but that only explains a small part of it. Really, it is such an incomparable thing to the woman, she TRULY did/does not hear, see or even smell ANY smoke, alcohol or Weed from ANY member of her family. Really.
When I got my Bachelor of Science in Mental health, I came across many of the same kind of behavior, similar & much worse to the point of beating & murders whose parent/s & sometimes entire families including spouses who even seeing such things are amazingly able to block that stuff out completely despite any & all evidence that PROVES otherwise.
If these people ever actually HAVE to face reality, end up paying someone like me to get them through what is a very difficult type of self induced brain washing to break through, yet the key to why & how these people are like that IS there, just not easy to find & fit in the lock.
Why ask for the meaning of life or purpose for/to life is when most likely, a very high percentage of people would either choose not to believe the truth because the truth of it may be so incomprehensibly simple, people will still think it cannot be, that there MUST be more to it as they could not have been the whole truth, turn around & STILL want to know why? Or so horrific, people's capacity to block out damaging to the Psyche's will do just that, again blocking deep down in there so effectively they forget then begin asking all over again or not want to face the reality, or fear it so much they begin their own Genocide?
Just Philosophizing.....

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:38 PM

this question has plagued our race for centuries but no ones has been able to actually answer it. People have made their own interpretation of it though. This is my interpretation of it.

As humans we are put on the planet without knowledge of our surroundings and we are scared of what we dont know or what is unexplainable in nature. But as a race we have put our heads together and made it through the hard parts with knowledge of how to figure it out and get past it as a race. I believe once humans have done what needs to be done, discovered what there is to discover, and drained this planet of all knowledge unexplainable in nature only then can we be truly at peace with ourselves.

what im saying here is "once we are at peace with our surroundings only then can we be at peace with ourselves" -me

thats my interpretation of life. you could have a different one and i totally support it if you do.
edit on CST03America/Chicagoth2014Tue, 07 Jan 2014 15:47:54 -06002014-01-07T15:47:54-06:00America/ChicagoTue, 07 Jan 2014 15:47:54 -0600America/Chicago by golden23 because: (no reason given)

Humanity has forgotten what humanity means.

Your surroundings are constantly changing, one must be at peace with yourself FIRST.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

by "surroundings" i mean all the mystery and wonderment that surrounds us. not the literal surroundings, like that table over there.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 07:25 AM
Personally i dont see that this question needs to plague the planet.
In my opinion its actually a pointless question as the answer is different to each and every one of us.
If you were to flip this idea on its head and say " what are the reasons i dont want to die?" Mine would be the love i have for my family especially my young daughter and the love i have for living life.
Be that going on holidays,nights out even watching a good movie.
Its different for everyone but to waste time asking why are we here is silly, we all got lucky enough to be given a chance at life, enjoy it as its shorter than you think :-)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by golden23

My guess is that life represents symbiosis or common will. The concept of two or more wills working together.

Our lives, however, would probably represent the will of working together for the purpose of church.

Church I believe is the practice and principle of just creation.

We were created to be partakers in just creations.
edit on 1/8/2014 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:20 PM

reply to post by BDBinc

by "surroundings" i mean all the mystery and wonderment that surrounds us. not the literal surroundings, like that table over there.

Isn't knowing yourself first the most important discovery.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:25 PM

Your surroundings are constantly changing, one must be at peace with yourself FIRST.

The surrounding is constantly changing (motion).
That which is aware of the movement is peace (rest) itself.
edit on 8-1-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

So why try to know the surroundings first as they will change, before you find that which is aware of the surroundings?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by golden23

What if there was a conspiracy at the divine level?

We seem to be looking for the meaning of life within a certain constraint . The constraint being that there is an omnipotent goodness (some Divine Providence) managing everything for the good of every one and everything . What if that was not the case ? What if there are alternatives?

Lucifer was given a bad name because of his challenge. Could there be 'Powers That Be' at divine level actively herding us into a certain direction and manipulating us because of the fear that we might start a totally different kingdom .

My point is that the meaning of life can be far more than just fitting into the preconceived (though elusive) master plan. There may just be a potential to create something totally different. It might take ages and many generations of enlightened people with an alternative message. Levels of existence would then be populated by those alternative thinkers to achieve the same effect as the budha consciousness or jesus consciousness.

Ultimately, there would be some kind of conflict within the Omnipotence that would lead to a branching out and, for the first time , there would be a new kid on the block. That may be just what we need.

There is too much suffering in the way things are currently done and I cannot understand why everyone of us has to suffer the sadness of losing a loved one.

May be the meaning of life is to change the defective system in existence.

edit on 8-1-2014 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2014 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by crowdedskies

that seems like an interesting idea you have there

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:37 PM

reply to post by crowdedskies

that seems like an interesting idea you have there

Well, we need to be creative. Not sure why it has been taboo to push the boundaries of religion or physics.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by crowdedskies

quantum mechanics already pushes the boundaries of physics and probability

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 07:44 PM

reply to post by crowdedskies

quantum mechanics already pushes the boundaries of physics and probability

Glad you mentioned it. I did not dare bring QM into the thread. Already there is a backlash from the scientific community who do not like the way spiritually-orientated people are showing an interest in QM.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by crowdedskies

well i am interested in both and view them separatly as two completely different topics

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:55 PM
It is the ego that whispers to each of us that the Universe is here for me. The truth is all animate finites are tools in the greatest Cause having nothing to do with that perspective.

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