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Woman's Death Linked to Alternative Cancer Treatment

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:21 PM
I learned that I have cancer recently and have been told by my doctors that conventional medicine has no cure for what I have (Peritoneal Mesothelioma). The best they can do is a few rounds of chemo and major surgery to try to get as much out as possible to extend my life further but, they're pretty sure it will come back.

Right from the start, I got a book on alternative treatments and began trying a little bit of this and that; Essiac tea supplements, Vitamin B-17 supplements, apricot pits (yuck) and, when I realized how serious and extensive my cancer really was, I finally shelled out the $200.00 for a one month supply of Cesium Chloride.

The first thing you need to know about this treatment is that a potassium supplement is necessary to prevent heart problems and most cesium suppliers automatically send along a bottle of super potassium supplement as part of the package. They also recommend that you have your doctor monitor your potassium levels while using it to make sure it doesn't drop too low. My latest blood tests actually showed slightly HIGH potassium levels in my blood because I took it right along side each treatment.

For the first time, I felt results immediately. The pain seemed to be reduced and I was able to cut back greatly on the Tylenol I used to manage the pain. I felt very positive about this treatment option, although, it does taste horrible (like super concentrated salt water) and after I began chemo, it became difficult to keep up with the regimen (1 tablespoon of each cesium and potassium twice a day) due to the nausea from the chemo. Despite this, I had intended to try to keep up with the treatment but, when I went to order a 2nd month of treatments, found that the Goddamn FDA had removed the Cesium from the market. I found one place that still sells it but, with a smaller bottle of potassium and wasn't sure if I should trust them and what would happen when the FDA shut that place down next. Not to mention my budget is already stretched tight after Christmas.

I did some more research into alternative cures and found Paw Paw which is only $40.00 a month and according the the site I was looking at is even more effective, so I ordered a 2 month supply and have switched gears and am hoping for the best, although, I can't tell if its doing any good yet.

Still, I was greatly disappointed that the FDA took away what was probably the best treatment I have tried so far, probably because of stupid people like this woman. In NONE of the research I read on cesium did I see anything, anywhere that recommends injecting it into the cancer. I don't know if it was her nutritionist who recommended it or some crazy idea she and her husband came up with on their own but, it is irresponsible idiots like this who make promising alternative treatments like this unavailable to responsible people who know how to follow directions.

I have a strong feeling that this woman's case is EXACTLY the reason the FDA acted to take cesium off the market.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through,fort..... have you heard of soursop ?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by nofear39

I hadn't heard of that one before. I'll keep it in mind but will stick to the Paw Paw for now. It affects the electrical potential of the body's cells and drops it just below the level necessary to support cancer cells but, still way above the level needed for healthy cell growth.

The only bad thing about this is that it is like Procel (another $200.00 a month alternative cure) and other types of alternative treatments will interfere with its effectiveness so I can't use the shotgun approach while using this option. I think I'll give this one a couple of months to see how it works out.

ETA: I just looked up Graviola and found that another name for it is: Brazilian Paw Paw so I might already be taking it.

edit on 1/7/14 by FortAnthem because:

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:52 PM

reply to post by nofear39

I hadn't heard of that one before. I'll keep it in mind but will stick to the Paw Paw for now. It affects the electrical potential of the body's cells and drops it just below the level necessary to support cancer cells but, still way above the level needed for healthy cell growth.

The only bad thing about this is that it is like Procel (another $200.00 a month alternative cure) and other types of alternative treatments will interfere with its effectiveness so I can't use the shotgun approach while using this option. I t.hink I'll give this one a couple of months to see how it works out.

ETA: I just looked up Graviola and found that another name for it is: Brazilian Paw Paw so I might already be taking it.
edit on 1/7/14 by FortAnthem because:

Sorry ive just checked and its looks the same .. hope it works

have you read my thread ? it might help some how
edit on 7-1-2014 by nofear39 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by nofear39

I've got that thread bookmarked.

I really think the reason this woman died is because she used the cesium in a way that is not recommended. If you inject too much of ANYTHING into your body, it could prove fatal. Like I said in my other post, I haven't seen anywhere that injection of cesium is recommended.

If she had stuck to using it as recommended instead of trying to speed up the process, she would probably still be alive today and might have even beat her cancer. Instead, the FDA has used her as a scapegoat to take an effective cancer treatment off the market.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:13 PM

reply to post by nofear39

If she had stuck to using it as recommended instead of trying to speed up the process, she would probably still be alive today and might have even beat her cancer. Instead, the FDA has used her as a scapegoat to take an effective cancer treatment off the market.

She was probably desperate

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:14 PM
Plenty of deaths are linked to mainstream chemo and radiation treatments.

"Woman's death linked to mainstream cancer treatment, chemo and radiation."

Same sensationalism.

Cancer is risky, deadly, treatment is not a miracle.

What makes this any worse, except ignorance or desperation?
edit on 7-1-2014 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I hope that the treatments you are trying help. I didn't know they took cesium off the market I am now curious as to their actual reasoning and your thoughts on it may be right on the money. I do know their are effective treatments out there dealing with an assortment of issues the one that I took back in the 90s was made illegal because people abused it for a high.( i never knew it would get you high when I was taking it I only found out much later when I returned to the states people were using it that way-in very high doses)

It seems to me the supplements and such that can be helpful people always find a way to misuse effectively ruining it for everyone. I have read a case where there was a treatment for narcolepsy someone came up with that was very effective however the government would not approve it because it couldn't be explained why it worked. I bet that case is not the only one like it.

If you truly feel that worked for you I recommend finding an overseas supplier maybe even taking a trip out of country to take delivery many times those things are banned for sale in the country but are completely legal for you to own. I often fly to Costa Rica for dental because I live in Florida round trip is just over 300 but I also buy my medication there as well. The same pill that costs me 30 cent there costs me $5 here. Absolutly insane IMHO.

One thing I probably should say to clarify my stance and reasoning for the article is I am not against all alternative medicine not by a long shot however I little knowledge and a foolhardy approach can be dangerous. That couple obviously received some very bad advice from somewhere and as you said, you have never heard f injecting it. There are doctors that work with alternative medicines however some are quacks with the internet you can usually get a feel for their reputation and validity. When its your life on the line I believe people should do their homework and always seek expert medical advice. At the very least make sure you are not doing something that will make you even more sick or even kill you.

Unfortunately, I have seen a great many people falling for pseudo science and referencing websites that have a horrible reputation for publishing false or misleading information. If one or two articles make an honest mistake take the rest with a grain of salt and have do diligence in verifying their claims that affect you. But when I site repeatedly makes those mistakes and that becomes the rule not the exception you are better off staying away from such sources if your friends were that dishonest they probably wouldn't be your friend for much longer.

Honestly I think the couple was victim to their own confirmation bias if they did do any research they ignored something crucial. Some people have an unusually high distrust of the medical profession the source of their distrust varries but almost all get some of their information from the type of websites I spoke of. Second and third opinions are common practice and advised but they are the "experts and should at least be consulted". You wouldn't call the plumber to fly a 747 or an accountant to design a bridge although either one may be capable of doing it. People specialize in fields for a reason take advantage of it.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

So many people just jump on bandwagons and do not do their homework. Sad when they pay for the oversight with their lives. ...I see it a lot with "vegetarian" acquaintances. I ask, "So where do you get your protein?" "Huh?" they respond. "How about iron?" I ask. "What do you mean?" they reply. I point out that we all need protein and iron for our brains to function, for starters. But they're too far gone to get even the basics.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

When four independent university studies, come out and say that Cayenne causes human cancer cells to undertake self destruction. Plus I also read blogs where people are taking it and reporting good results, at least as far as high PSA readings with regards to prostate, going back to the normal range. It appears at least anecdotally to do the same with regards to a few other types of cancer. Like an 82 year old female with terminal lung cancer, arising from her deathbed to driving the car and having a life. Then you have to ask why this isn't being studied with more research. If as the research suggests its action is to break the cancers cell wall, and to trigger apodosis (cell suicide).We have to ask who is doing the funding on safe cheap traditional medicine to see if some actually works? the sad fact that unless there is a money making patent at the end of the game, the answer is no one. Cancer in some societies is statistically insignificant, because of natural food, and healthy stress-free life styles. So far into the 21 st century. the stress is rising the food is degrading,1in 3 people are obese. Nothing will be done except some hand wringing because the sickness and its treatment make mega bucks, for the Pharmaceutical Corporate mega giants.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:51 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

I think it is ludicrous that the word murder would even come up. Two consenting adults sought an alternative method and decided to put it into practice. They failed and paid the consequences. Accidental death if anything.

Agreed 100 billion percent.

And it's not as if this was a case involving force or a minor by the looks of things. It's a shame people don't or can't trust medical institutions enough to attempt these things under medical supervision. I guess it would be difficult to find a doctor that would allow it to happen though.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:22 AM

Hey, if I got cancer, I would do some more research and try various things I feel might work. I think it would be fun to try some natural things. I could gorge myself on strawberries, some in alcoholic drinks, and might get sick of strawberries but I bet they would shrink the tumors. I'd rather try getting rid of it on my own. I know how most of the cancer drugs work. I don't think Cesium Chloride is very natural though, that isn't anything I would try. If I die, I will be happy that I was in control of my death.

I bet if a person who has cancer just went out every night and got drunk, the acetyl aldehyde levels would kill the cancer. I don't need all those brain cells that would die anyway,

I'd happily take you up on that bet but I fear you wouldn't be around to pay me when you lost.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:30 AM

reply to post by Grimpachi

When four independent university studies, come out and say that Cayenne causes human cancer cells to undertake self destruction. Plus I also read blogs where people are taking it and reporting good results, at least as far as high PSA readings with regards to prostate, going back to the normal range. It appears at least anecdotally to do the same with regards to a few other types of cancer. Like an 82 year old female with terminal lung cancer, arising from her deathbed to driving the car and having a life. Then you have to ask why this isn't being studied with more research. If as the research suggests its action is to break the cancers cell wall, and to trigger apodosis (cell suicide).We have to ask who is doing the funding on safe cheap traditional medicine to see if some actually works? the sad fact that unless there is a money making patent at the end of the game, the answer is no one. Cancer in some societies is statistically insignificant, because of natural food, and healthy stress-free life styles. So far into the 21 st century. the stress is rising the food is degrading,1in 3 people are obese. Nothing will be done except some hand wringing because the sickness and its treatment make mega bucks, for the Pharmaceutical Corporate mega giants.

There's a huge difference between cayenne causing cell death in a test tube when applied directly and eating it though isn't there?
Paracetamol kills cancer cells readily in a test tube but swallow one and all you'll do is cure your headache.
Swallow lots and say goodbye to normal liver function.
That's probably why further research isn't being done on either as a cancer cure.
Because they're not.

Blogs are written to draw traffic and earn money.
That is all.
Anyone can write anything about anything.

There are several sites from people who believe they've been cured by alternative therapies but who have had pretty aggressive conventional therapy prior but stopped it for some reason.
They seem to be blind to the fact that the conventional therapy has put them in remission and put everything down to their habanero sandwiches instead.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:41 AM

I had an aggressive cancer. Chemo didnt work for me, alternative cure worked .
I had an aggressive cancer. Alternative didn't work for me, radiation cure worked.

Not a challenge to you, but just to note that there is never an easy answer. Cancer kills. Whatever works for you is the best treatment.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Plus it's rather premature to conclude "alternative therapies cured the cancer" when we know that a) standard treatment was also used and b) cancer can go into remission all by itself. I certainly wouldn't advocate avoiding proper medical treatment in favor if alternative therapies based on this information alone.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 10:17 AM

reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Plus it's rather premature to conclude "alternative therapies cured the cancer" when we know that a) standard treatment was also used and b) cancer can go into remission all by itself. I certainly wouldn't advocate avoiding proper medical treatment in favor if alternative therapies based on this information alone.

Still, I applaud any victories, no matter what path is followed.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

I actually know a lot about cancer and especially the way the drugs they treat cancer with work. You don't need a degree in Pharmaceuticals and medicine to research how these things work. You do not need to be a certified herbalist to study herbs.

You do need to spend years researching these things and half your days trying to apply the information to how the body works. I have studied more in the last six years than I ever studied or sat in a class in college and high school combined. Learning how everything works is not a simple task. I chose a field where I will have to be studying the rest of my life without ever being able to call myself an expert. Unearthing what is not told to us is not easy. Even the doctors do not usually understand how and why the Pharma companies create their drugs.

I have a better chance of surviving cancer than most people. I look at surviving as not having a screwed up immune system or missing parts after the cancer is gone. I do not look at food in the grocery store as others do. I look at it as medicines and toxins. Medicines are actually toxic most times if taken at the wrong dose or when not needed. This applies to food also.
edit on 8-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 10:37 AM


I had an aggressive cancer. Chemo didnt work for me, alternative cure worked .
I had an aggressive cancer. Alternative didn't work for me, radiation cure worked.

Not a challenge to you, but just to note that there is never an easy answer. Cancer kills. Whatever works for you is the best treatment.

The best treatment is always the one that works for you, if radition worked for you johny thats great .. chemo never worked for me but it might help the next person !! beating cancer anyway possible thats what matters .

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 10:47 AM
I would rather spend my time studying how to avoid cancer than to find a treatment for it. To so this properly you need to understand completely how all cancer treatments work. You have to find how to kill these cells continuously as they are being created. The present health consensus is wrong. Not the Pharma companies though, they know how to avoid it, they make the medicines to treat it. Those people aren't dumb. Researching patents always helps. Knowing the inert ingredients and also what reaction that happens in the body because of the medicine is important. Then you find the chemistry in nature and identify side effects of that.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

OP, if you or anyone else reading, is shocked in the slightest at this story, I suggest you research how many people are killed by Chemo, you'd probably have a fit.

People die, especially those with Cancers.

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