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We need an Animal Forum ! - I join All members that Already Asked for It

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posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:22 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Ah wow, thank you! My god, animals never cease to amaze me... What about the wilderbeest-saving hero elephants you mentioned, got any links? I can't find anything in a search... Thanks

Unfortunately I couldnt find links online but years ago I read about it,

Game hunters had captured a small herd of wildebeast and locked them in an enclosure, a group of elephants came along and huddled around the gate and after what was described as a discussion the matriarch lifted the lock on the gate and opened it.

The hunters were too amazed to do anything and said it was the most incredible thing they had seen.

Ill do another google search now


Found it

A particularly unusual interaction between elephants and antelope happened at Zululand's Thula Thula Exclusive Private Game Reserve in 2003. Eleven wild elephants visited a camp where a herd of antelope were being held as part of a conservation rescue mission. The elephants were on a rescue mission of their own. The team of conservationists thought that the elephants were attracted by the antelopes' food, but the herd's matriarch carefully opened the enclosure's gate and stood back with her herd, watching the antelope escape. Thula Thula ecologist Brendon Whittington-Jones said, "Elephant are naturally inquisitive, but this behavior certainly is most unusual and cannot be explained in scientific terms."

edit on 5/1/2014 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:35 PM


reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Ah wow, thank you! My god, animals never cease to amaze me... What about the wilderbeest-saving hero elephants you mentioned, got any links? I can't find anything in a search... Thanks

Unfortunately I couldnt find links online but years ago I read about it,

Game hunters had captured a small herd of wildebeast and locked them in an enclosure, a group of elephants came along and huddled around the gate and after what was described as a discussion the matriarch lifted the lock on the gate and opened it.

The hunters were too amazed to do anything and said it was the most incredible thing they had seen.

Ill do another google search now

I love elephants, so while you search.....

The Increible Story of an Elephant Who Derailed a Train to Defend His Herd

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Trueman

I would be happy to have a forum where members can share their stories about their pets, show photos, and ask for advice.

I would however not want to read about 'horrible treatment of animals' kind of news sources, etc.

So I'm basically for it if it could be member's pets related and not news source related.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:43 PM



reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Ah wow, thank you! My god, animals never cease to amaze me... What about the wilderbeest-saving hero elephants you mentioned, got any links? I can't find anything in a search... Thanks

Unfortunately I couldnt find links online but years ago I read about it,

Game hunters had captured a small herd of wildebeast and locked them in an enclosure, a group of elephants came along and huddled around the gate and after what was described as a discussion the matriarch lifted the lock on the gate and opened it.

The hunters were too amazed to do anything and said it was the most incredible thing they had seen.

Ill do another google search now

I love elephants, so while you search.....

The Increible Story of an Elephant Who Derailed a Train to Defend His Herd


Thats not far from where I live!!!!
Im based in KL and Ipoh is only 200KM or so away, When I get some spare time I might go for a hike and see if I can find it.

Thanks for the link

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:45 PM

reply to post by Trueman

I would be happy to have a forum where members can share their stories about their pets, show photos, and ask for advice.

I would however not want to read about 'horrible treatment of animals' kind of news sources, etc.

So I'm basically for it if it could be member's pets related and not news source related.

So site owner and mods, you can't stay there without act.



Right now there is another thread wit 9 stars and like 12 stars in the middle column of the "Live" ATS. IS this thread going to be buried and ignored ?
edit on 5-1-2014 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

My pleasure !

Hey, please if you find the place take a camera with you and share?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:22 PM
Love your humor, Iknowstuff!

The only solution I can think of is a compromise.

IF an animal forum is being considered, they need to make TWO.

One for pets and cool stories/pics; the other for "Animal Cruelty' so folks like me won't derail the thread for those who like to partake in such things.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:30 PM

Love your humor, Iknowstuff!

The only solution I can think of is a compromise.

IF an animal forum is being considered, they need to make TWO.

One for pets and cool stories/pics; the other for "Animal Cruelty' so folks like me won't derail the thread for those who like to partake in such things.

It would be interesting if you make your own rant asking for an animal forum just the way you think it should be.

Do you think a mod could show up closing your thread and saying "....existing thread...." ?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:32 PM
I believe that the ownership of ATS needs to take a hard look at the direction of the site. Do the owners want ATS to be about everything? is ANY story that happens anywhere fair game? That is the direction that it is headed. ATS used to be about conspiracies, primarily, and a darned good site to visit for stories about UFOs and the paranormal in all its aspects. Nowadays those subjects are lost in a sea of forums about every subject imaginable. Compared to when I first joined, ATS is now full of breaking news stories on whose cat had the cutest kittens.

I realize there is pressure to "grow bigger" no matter what. Page views and click thrus provide the revenue that keep this site going, and thus it is with all sites, really, and why we have as much advertising as we do on the Internet as a whole. If you want it free, that's a given.

But what I see is a loss of focus that hurts the original vision. History shows that companies that lose sight of why they exist eventually don't, basically because they spread themselves too thinly. There's a great story about 3-M, for example, that points out everything they did was flat: tape, discs, post-it-notes, etc. When they stuck to "flat stuff" they prospered, but when they ventured out into computer software, they failed. (I have some personal experience about this.) Once they figured out that they ought to stick to (ha ha) what they knew best, they did well.

What ATS should REALLY do is take a long hard look at the forms they DO HAVE...

...and eliminate half of them.

edit on 1/5/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/5/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:34 PM
How do you lot cope with reality then?

There would be no need for animal rescue, shelters, RSPCA etc. if it were not for Man's ill treatment of pets let alone farm animals, foxes, animals for research, dolphin and whale slaughter by the Japs.

It is part of the world we inhabit unfortunately, it's not all coochy, coochy choo out there, some rather nasty individuals inhabit this world otherwise there would not be badger baiting, dog fighting, cock fighting or a few other nasties like squishing, but you are probably too sensitive to have to consider that form of animal death, it's not very nice.

ATS, better not have an animal site, far too many sensitive pet lovers on here to cope with reality.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by schuyler

But people will still continue to post pet/animal threads so wouldn’t it be more practical to create a forum for such a very popular subject?

Like you say, so many forums on ATS, surely one more can’t hurt? It will make things a lot more organised!

And yes we don’t forget that this is ATS and yeah animals aren’t a conspiracy but so what? We all appreciate light-hearted humorous threads in-amongst the doom-porn!

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Shuftystick

It's not about seeing the world of animals through rose-tinted specs, god knows we all know how many billions of animals are suffering all around the world, every minute of every day. It's just that some of us, me included, cannot bear reading about it.

I'm sure I don't speak for myself when I say that just seeing a headline about animal cruelty actually makes me feel ill and physically sick. Someone previously mentioned they had to close down their computer once after reading something on ATS and that has happened to me on one occasion, when I read an OP that I FOREVER wish I hadn't.

Some people have a major empathy with animals, sometimes even more than with fellow humans. It's just the way it is.

edit on 5-1-2014 by paradisepurple because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by paradisepurple

I would give you 10 stars for your comment. I agree completely. Once I read an article about animal cruelty, I cannot erase the picture in my mind, sometimes for days. While I know the "circle of life" occurs naturally in nature, I don't want to watch it. Hopefully, the PTB here on ATS give this a look and either decide to start a forum on pets along with some strong T&C's, which I would welcome, or they don't do it at all.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by paradisepurple

I agree with your sentiments.
I actually find it difficult to watch nature programmes showing carnivorous animals, reptiles having their lunch, and whilst I love Orca, I don't like to watch them feeding on sea lions etc.
Having said that it's nature and I totally accept it.
I don't agree with factory farming and try to source meat that has been treated with respect in order to provide me with nourishment and I am prepared to pay for the privelige.
I am not so naive to believe that without factory farming there would be a food shortage as opposed to an imbalance between us and the developing world, but that's all to do with profit not altruism.
I apologise for any upset caused but reality is as it is, not nice.
Animal transport is another pet hate of mine, the conditions are diabolical for the animals, and not get me started on Halal or Kosher vs. humane killing!

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:58 PM

reply to post by schuyler

But people will still continue to post pet/animal threads so wouldn’t it be more practical to create a forum for such a very popular subject?

Like you say, so many forums on ATS, surely one more can’t hurt? It will make things a lot more organised!

If a site is about everything, it has nothing to distinguish itself. It's just another conglomerate site like all the others, from Fox to Drudge, where you can often see the exact same headlines, because that's where they came from. And when you can no longer tell the difference, there is no particular reason to come here.
edit on 1/5/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:29 PM


reply to post by schuyler

But people will still continue to post pet/animal threads so wouldn’t it be more practical to create a forum for such a very popular subject?

Like you say, so many forums on ATS, surely one more can’t hurt? It will make things a lot more organised!

If a site is about everything, it has nothing to distinguish itself. It's just another conglomerate site like all the others, from Fox to Drudge, where you can often see the exact same headlines, because that's where they came from. And when you can no longer tell the difference, there is no particular reason to come here.
edit on 1/5/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

ATS is already ‘about everything’! Anyway, there could be conspiracies insofar as animals are concerned which belong on a site such as ATS.

For example I ordered a hat off the internet a few weeks ago that was advertised as faux-fur. When it was delivered I knew instantly it was real fur. A few people who have knowledge in this department have since examined the hat and all agree that it’s likely to be rabbit fur.

Now, I only paid £5 for this hat, on a ‘Everything £5’ website. So we have a situation where it is cheaper for them to manufacture a hat out of real fur than artificial fur? Sick, disturbing and something I think would warrant a thread on ATS.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:44 PM
Just to clarify....are people expressing that they wouldn't wish to see any reports or stories about individual cases of animal cruelty and or suffering? And that they would wish for the T&C's in such a forum to reflect this?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:47 PM
Asking for the forum and to promote once again.

Looks like the concerns of pros and cons about such a forum have come up, plus. They do need to be discussed, to maybe have this idea taken more serious. Here's more from the original thread:

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Heck we have a cooking forum and how many posts are made everyday in that but animal threads get scattered about in other forums...
I have made a thread asking for an animal forum but alas none yet
Heck dudes you don't have to read anything in it but seeing we live on this planet with many other species of animals I think it would be respectful to them to have a forum for the likkle bunnioes/cats and of course Monkeys

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by schuyler

OK, bye bye.

It's a matter of choice, if you don't wish to contribute to an animal related forum or this site in general, off you go.

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