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Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed

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posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Sorry but why are Scientists opposed to current climate change models treated as criminals?
You make it sound like a pedo ring thats been busted.

Sorry but healthy debate in sceince is vital. As soon as 100% of reserachers are forced to go along with a single view point and and diviation punnshied you dont get sceince anymore just ridgid thinking with little chance to correct any wrong thinking even if small. Its no diffrent to 1000 years ago of catholics burning people at stakes for holding diffrent view points, as soon as science becomes rigid and inflexable you get the same thing.
edit on 23-12-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

I agree with what you are saying but I believe that the OP is stating that these groups are not worried about rational debate but promoting disinformation, distortion and outright lies to get opposition to any actual scientific theory! I am totally against forcing anyone to believe anything however when there is incontrovertible proof of such theories then it is in the peoples best interests to follow whatever guidelines prevent us from destroying ourselves!

I however find there are other threats far more imminent to the survival of our species! Other threats that I don't hear
nearly enough about! I expect no matter what we do to protect ourselves our system is seriously flawed and inefficient to the protection of our world!
This will undoubtedly lead us to the brink of ecological destruction but whether we actually destroy ourselves only time can tell! One can only hope eventually, we can change our way of life, to live in balance with nature before this is the case!
edit on 24-12-2013 by nosacrificenofreedom because: extra DIV

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed?

What about the "Trillion-dollar pro Anthropogenic Global Warming network exposed" which included Goldman Sachs, the Jesuits, New World Order, the U.N and the usual criminals?

Billions vs Trillions... hmm, you so the math on who gets to profit the most.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

What about the trillion dollar "climate change supporting" fund? Most of which is paid for by governments.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 03:55 PM

reply to post by GrantedBail

Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed?

What about the "Trillion-dollar pro Anthropogenic Global Warming network exposed" which included Goldman Sachs, the Jesuits, New World Order, the U.N and the usual criminals?

Billions vs Trillions... hmm, you so the math on who gets to profit the most.

Hah, he beat me to it.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 03:59 PM

The Earth is nearly hundreds if not several hundreds of years old.

I honestly think we'll all be dead before we see any definitive change in the climate.

If you look at the past 200 years of British winters, there is a vast change - sometimes there is no snow, sometimes there is dozens of inches.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:42 PM
( "billions" spent on climate change "denial". )

why are they doing this?
what have they to gain?

they have never cared about the damage to the earth,
and the health or deaths from what they do.
so do they just wont a free hand to poo on ever thing?
all to make more money?

if this kind of people get into space and start raping that.
any aliens out their will Have to stop them.
they are a rampant cancer.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

I've seen articles that say much the same but in reverse.

They're all making money off of this debate.

I wonder how Al Gore is doing financially these days. Pretty good it seems, with his mansion, private jet, boat, etc...etc.

And why did they change it from Global Warming to Climate Change? Because the data didn't back up theit haphazard claims and "Climate Change" sounded oh so much friendlier.

My reply to this hookum is...

Climates Change! DUH! It's been happening for the entire life cycle of this planet.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by webedoomed

I see u have nicely presented facts, including the fact that Antarctica ice has actually expanded as well.

Please do continue to spew junk science and embarrass yourself.

Enjoy sheep.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:55 PM

35 Inconvenient Truths

The errors in Al Gore’s movie


The movie that really shows them for who they are is

"An Inconsistent Truth"

Produced in Al's own front yard too! It has some slam dunk proofs Al is a liar and there are IPCC scientist in the movie calling the 'conclusions' a hoax. The very scientist supposedly in 100% agreement are not at all.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 09:46 PM
The solution for "global warming" now known as "climate change" just so happens to conveniently be a TAX.

Which seems to be the solution for "health care" and almost every other problem.

All the scientists in the world can't seem to agree on a determined trend in the climate.

But the BS spewed at us by the blood sucking parasites sure seems to have a pattern......

edit on 24-12-2013 by supamang because: misspelling

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:03 PM

Sorry but why are Scientists opposed to current climate change models treated as criminals?
You make it sound like a pedo ring thats been busted.

Sorry but healthy debate in sceince is vital. As soon as 100% of reserachers are forced to go along with a single view point and and diviation punnshied you dont get sceince anymore just ridgid thinking with little chance to correct any wrong thinking even if small. Its no diffrent to 1000 years ago of catholics burning people at stakes for holding diffrent view points, as soon as science becomes rigid and inflexable you get the same thing.
edit on 23-12-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

And that's why quite a few people call it the religion of climate change/global warming. There is very little science, a lot of cooked book math, pontification from on high and the forced viewpoint through peer pressure and extortion (withholding grant monies if you don't tow the party line). Climate change/global warming is more about its own religion, taxation, immoral wealth redistribution from low to high income brackets and politics than science.

BTW, where do I pick up my cheque for being a climate change/global warming denier?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:18 PM


So, with BIg Oil lined up behind the 'scientific consensus' what is this apparently not so well funded, super-secretive denial counter-movement supposed to accomplish? Issue not so secret reports every year that everyone can read or ignore?

Doesn't the very notion that Big Oil is publicly and emphatically AGREEING WITH SOMETHING THAT SPELLS THEIR DEMISE run contrary to everything that an evil corporation would do?

You'd think that the deniers' camp would be on the receiving end of a nonstop deluge of blank checks from the oil/gas/mining industry. So you tell me, to what advantage do these corporations gain by spreading doom porn?

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:32 PM
The worlds glaciers have been melting away. Winters used to be colder when I was younger here in the southern US. The Arctic ocean used to stay covered in ice year round when I was a lot younger. Global CO2 levels have increased dramatically. Summers are getting hotter and hotter. Something has changed. Maybe we can point fingers and put the blame on someone else like China but that doesn't change anything. I am concerned with one group only trying to exercise control and tax us to death in the name of saving the planet. I am wondering if something can be done while minimizing the cost to do so. The US has already cut back it's production of greenhouse gases dramatically without agreeing to do so by switching to natural gas for a lot of energy needs and electricity generation.

If the US could switch cars over to natural gas saving consumers money while decreasing CO2 even more, that sounds like a win win. Maybe other countries could do things as well without hurting economic growth very much.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:51 PM
Hmmmmm, a billion $ climate denial "organization" formed to counter the multi-billion $ "climate change" , world control scheme designed by global tyrants. OK, WTF is the problem with that?

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:02 PM
I knew this was going on but I wasn't aware that there was so much money being shuffled through these corporations that call themselves nonprofits. Loopholes in the laws allow these kind of nonprofit organizations to exist. These loopholes are being abused by many people nowadays.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:51 PM
Enron's Ken Lay & at the time VP Algore came up with this whole Global Warming/Carbon Tax Scam back in the 90's.

It is complete hokum, bunkum, rubbish with the Easter Bunny rapped up in a bow!

Al Gore obfuscates, downplays and refuses to discuss the role that CEOs have played in crafting his Cap-and-Trade C02 trading schemes and carbon swapping systems.

Al Gore tries to put a lid in Congressional committee testimony on a little reported but vitally important subject in the global warming, carbon-tax ‘debate’ — the new derivatives bubble in the emerging green-energy credit-swap market. . . .

The point from Rep. Scalise that is gaveled over by the chairman and stuttered-over by Gore is that many of the Congressmen are ‘concerned about turning over our energy economy over to firms like Enron and some of these Wall Street firms that wrecked out financial economy.’

Fmr. Vice President Al Gore denies that Ken Lay and other CEOs developed carbon scheme: “I didn’t know him well enough to call him ‘Kenny-boy’.

Planet Gore

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:58 PM
Al Gore Caught lying!! Denies that Ken Lay, Goldman Sachs CEOs Helped Develop C02 Trading 'Scheme'

edit on 25-12-2013 by BABYBULL24 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 12:12 AM
How Goldman Sachs will profit from cap and trade bill global warming...

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 01:07 AM

reply to post by GrantedBail

So what they're alleging is that there are "billions" spent on climate change "denial".

And we know that there are billions being spent on the climate change agenda.

So which camp is correct?

The one side stands to make $$$ from trading carbon credits while the other side will suffer through the limitations placed on their industries.

Sometimes they just make things up as they go along.

Who knows?

Although, I do feel uncomfortable about any group of men, government etc., controlling carbon, one of the essential building blocks of life.

edit on 23-12-2013 by gladtobehere because: wording

.... and thereby deny any responsiblity for the state of the world. A convenient excuse for not doing anything.

It really is not at issue who will make money from this or that. On one side (if you can only think in sides) money will be made by those that deny climate change on the other those that accept climate change. The issue is the survival of human society at the less and survial of humanity at all at the most.

If you cannot bear to deal with reality, if you cannot contribute in a positive manner to solutions of any type, please do not hinder those who are willing to try for the sake of the future.

If its all about 'sides', then do the research and line up the dollars spent on each side, and the organization and individuals receiving that money.

The fact is that the planet is warming at an alarming rate, why doesn't matter, who doesn't matter, natural vs 'human made' doesn't matter. All that matters is that IT IS HAPPENING. We do have the resources to slow the curve if we have the will - but the status quo - the avoidance that you model - does have to go.
edit on 25-12-2013 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Brava, nice source.

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