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ATS Facebook Page Censorship

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 06:19 AM


Seems very totalitarian that we're not allowed to voice an opinion on how the site is run.

There are very easy options to that dilemma. Start your own blog/website, be the 'administrator' and let slip the dogs of non-censorship.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 06:23 AM
Imagine if you will me coming into your home, the one you own, (Unless you live in Moms basement and if so disregard) all 290lbs of me and I start spitting on your floors and walls.. Then I call you all names and accuse you of all kinds of stuff..

Then I start to pee on your floor

Would you tolerate it? Let me answer so no one lies.. NO YOU WOULD NOT

In fact if that was my home and you came in and did that, I would throw you out, physically onto the hard ground and never let you back in

Lucky for some of you, I'm a guest here also

If this was my house and you continually bashed me, told me how bad it was and accused me of all kinds of stuff.. Well you figure it out

Again, lucky for you this is not my house

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 07:40 AM
has anyone seen a truly un-censored website...not for long, because it degenerates into a four-letter, name-calling, idiot-fest, in which everyone eventually gets fed up and leaves...even I was put on a 4 day hiatus for using a derogatory description of a repugnant republican ATS member last year. self-censoring on a private website insures that decorum will prevail, in other words, if you don't like it, leave now.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:23 AM
If you take this as spitting on floors or letting this place turn into a free for all with such obscene topics (drug use, porn, ETC) I can assure you i am NOT talking about ANYTHING to that tune. I AM TALKING ABOUT HOMEGROWN CONSPIRACIES! Ones that are not solved and the discussion started on these site. After members got close to solving it, boom the topic is suddenly 404'd as all the sudden it violates T&C's. Now i would totally leave it alone if it was indeed what this site labeled it. But neither one of these topics i have in question are what this site deemed it to be upon closure.

This is fine and dandy but i just want to make it perfectly clear that i tried to point out that this site has come to the wrong conclusion on multiple topics. Instead of being thanked or even someone telling me, Yeah your right and reevaluating something. Just keep censoring and telling me your house your rules. Your right, sure! Enjoy your house with one less person. People will notice themselves. I'm not trying to help anyone see this anymore. Go back to the ison and pledeian alien's people. Nothing to see here.

The answer is this place censors topics. Now to get past that FACT. What are the topics that are banned from discussion as a admin so bluntly put it???

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:28 AM



Seems very totalitarian that we're not allowed to voice an opinion on how the site is run.

There are very easy options to that dilemma. Start your own blog/website, be the 'administrator' and let slip the dogs of non-censorship.

I am one step ahead of this advice, this will be the last time i try to discuss anything here. Or ever about this site in general. Rest assured.

Me positively contributing to this site by showing a few topics are not what they were written off to be outta be proof that im trying to help. But when that is quietly shuffled to the side i see how it is. Actions spoken way louder then any of our words. Thanks for the advice.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by guardian0111

Out of curiosity how is it you feel you are so above all the other Members that you feel you have the right to make anything "perfectly clear" as you put it?

Why do you consider yourself so important that the rules "YOU" agreed to on joining now no longer suit you?

If all of this is causing so much turmoil in your life, why not just log out and never come back?

Do you think anyone here would miss you?

i tried to point out that this site has come to the wrong conclusion on multiple topics. Instead of being thanked or even someone telling me, Yeah your right and reevaluating something

Do you crave approval that desperately?

I really don't understand why you don't just leave?

If I was so unsatisfied with a place, I would leave.. Unless I had an agenda..

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

now resorting to making threats? Nice

Your comparisism of the site to a trouble maker in a home is a load of rubbish. Im not surprised none of mods will synpathise with me, it would be deemed a crtiticism of their beloved ATS, and possibly lose them moderator status, which you all seem to cherish so much.

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

ATS needs to change and evolve or it will become stagnant, the same stuff is already repeated over and over again with a slightly different take on it, which is why don't visit half as much as I used to. You aren't even posting about my original OP anymore which was about FACEBOOK! Well done for ignoring MY issue and my VALID concerns regarding censorship ON FACEBOOK.


edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by kingears

Oh, I think the 'home analogy is quite apt. Should someone post material on my own personal website which I take offence to, the world would never see it at all, because on my site, each and every comment is pre-screened. In that house, it is myself who has complete and utter control.

Here, on ATS, all the comments are allowed in the hope that the T&C's and administrator directives are enough to restrain most things discouraged.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:00 AM

reply to post by semperfortis

now resorting to making threats? Nice

Your comparisism of the site to a trouble make in a home is a load of rubbish. Im not surprised none of mods will synpathise with me, it would be deemed a crtiticism of their beloved ATS, and possibly lose them moderatorstatus, which you all seem to cherish so much.


Yeah my agenda is looking for truth in the stuff this place is writing off incorrectly. I'll save you the trouble and not log back in. This is just what i expected anyway.

edit on 13-12-2013 by guardian0111 because:

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:02 AM
OP.. why is it such a big deal? It was a FB comment and it wasn't particularly earth shattering or anything. I guess I'm failing to understand the problem.

Their house, their rules. Don't like the house or the rules? Go to a different house, or make your own.

The rules in place here, are what makes this place different than the rest. The "censorship" is for a reason. Think of it from the site owners' perspective. Sometimes people take things too far, Sandy Hook is a prime example of that.

There has to be a line somewhere... if you don't prefer to stay behind the lines drawn, there are other places that have different lines, and the beautiful thing is, you can sign up and be a part of as many of them as you wish and still be here, as well.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by guardian0111

Isn't it telling you something that your posts in this thread are still available for the entire world to read?

Anyways, log off or stay here… that is your choice as much as it is everyone else's. There are topics I'm anxious to discuss as well and, if I'm unable to do so here, big deal. There are a host of other sites online where I'm able to, including my own.

So, whatever.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:47 AM

reply to post by semperfortis

now resorting to making threats? Nice

Your comparisism of the site to a trouble maker in a home is a load of rubbish. Im not surprised none of mods will synpathise with me, it would be deemed a crtiticism of their beloved ATS, and possibly lose them moderator status, which you all seem to cherish so much.

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

FWIW, i have had mods agree with me in my criticisms of the site. I have argued with and debated moderators, both in public and private. I have done the same with site ownership.

I have heard a lot of the "rumors" about how ATS mistreats truth. In my personal experience, I have yet to witness that personally. I can be sure that a few bad moderators have made it into and out of the staff ranks. I have seen mods come and go quite a bit, for various reasons.

There isn't a conspiracy. Or, if there is, the moderators are not in on it. They are allowed to think for themselves and express themselves. I am sure that "group think" has some place in the equation...but it isn't what you seem to suggest.

Sometimes it really is just sour grapes, and you have more to gain from stepping away.
Then again, you sometimes have to lose a little hair in while you learn to deny ignorance.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:09 AM

OP.. why is it such a big deal? It was a FB comment and it wasn't particularly earth shattering or anything. I guess I'm failing to understand the problem.

Their house, their rules. Don't like the house or the rules? Go to a different house, or make your own.

The rules in place here, are what makes this place different than the rest. The "censorship" is for a reason. Think of it from the site owners' perspective. Sometimes people take things too far, Sandy Hook is a prime example of that.

There has to be a line somewhere... if you don't prefer to stay behind the lines drawn, there are other places that have different lines, and the beautiful thing is, you can sign up and be a part of as many of them as you wish and still be here, as well.

That's my point it was an innocuous post nothing more and it was censored, its not rocket science.

Its led me to question what else is censored. I do understand a need for rules and censorship of some topics but I didn't even post on this site, that's my problem.

Its also a bit worrying that ATSproMedia never even confirmed who I was on Facebook, he already knew somehow. Yes my avatar and fb profile are the same image but that could of been used by anyone. So it begs the question what else is covertly being spied on by ATS?

I am uet to receive evidence that i breached the t&cs over on fb somehow as it is certainly not the comment I started this thread about. But the fact it was hidden and I was blocked has led me to question the motives behind such actions, we're supposed to deny ignorance and that us what I am doing. I think every member should be aware of this.

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by guardian0111

Guardian, there are obvious reasons why threads are removed, then there are ones that are not so obvious to the members. However, the less obvious reasons are no less valid. As everyone on ATS is aware we do not publicly discuss the reasons for our actions against any thread or member.

Just to give you a few less obvious reasons why something may be 404'ed:
1) A thread by a known returnee.
2) A thread that we can prove is stealth advertising.
3) Copyrighted material.
4) Plagiarism.
5) A hoax that is know to the staff but not the members.

There are a number of ways that the staff can become aware of things that the members just cannot. I'm not going to "tip our hand of cards" to you, but lets just say we have more tools than you have. Additionally returning banned members love to come back and start controversial threads, knowing that it will cause EXACTLY the kind of accusations and problems that we see right here in this thread.

Believe me, I'm still one of the newer mods here, but I can go back and look at all the reasons anything was removed throughout the history of the site. In every case I've ever seen, there was a mutual staff decision, and it was based on the T&C of the site, not some grand conspiracy to cover anything up.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:27 AM
OP... why do you care?

ATS is a privately run site and doesn't like criticism, either here or on FB.
The house analogy is a ridiculous one but it's one that's always used, but it doesn't apply at all.
However, that's irrelevant, all that matters is that ATS decides what is posted on ATS and on the ATS facebook page.

You have no freedom in posting what you like, you cannot criticise, why would you? Just leave if you don't like it.... that's always been the ATS way, if you don't like how we do it, then leave, we're not changing.
It's been this way for the 5 and a half years I've been here.

Also why are you even on Facebook? And even more ridiculously, why the hell would you want to connect the REAL you to ATS on FACEBOOK??? Are you insane?
Does privacy not matter to you?

ATS is an entertainment site.... It's not real. The world isn't sorted out here, there are no whistleblowers, no real Illuminati post here, there are no aliens posting here... anybody posting ANYTHING of significance would be picked up immediately.

Just keep ATS on ATS and Facebook on Facebook.

And remember, you cannot post whatever you like, it doesn't work like that.
You can only post what they allow you to post and in a manner they deem appropriate.
You jusy have to accept that or move on to another site.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:40 AM
Literally the bottom line

24) Right of Community Management. This is a privately owned discussion board community. TAN reserves the right to take action against any member, or member Posting, which is deemed to be devoted purely to disruption, represents behavior contrary to community building, or in cases where the content is contrary to the core ideals of the Websites. This action may include removal of your Posting and/or complete banning of your username and IP address. TAN reserves the right to eliminate or edit any content deemed inappropriate for the discussion boards, news network or any affiliated sites. TAN reserves the right to establish limits on topics that may be discussed if, in their opinion, the discussion of those topics attract an audience that is counterproductive to maintaining the ideals set forth in the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Terms and Conditions of Membership.

Every member, including myself, when I joined almost a decade ago, agreed to it.

End of story.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:52 AM
Why i use Facebook has already been stated. Communication with family and friends who live far away.

I don't care about the fb privacy issue you all bang on about, i, have nothing to hide so nothing to fear. Just because the majority of you don't like fb doesn't mean I shouldn't use it, talk about group mentality.

Your totally missing my point. Have you read all my posts regarding why I even raised this the first place.

Let me break it down in small bite size chunks for you,

1) I commented on a post by ATS with no obscenities or abusive language.

2) That post was then 'hidden'

3) I then realised i was blocked from commenting by the ATS fb page admin with no reason yet given.

4) It was originally denied that censorship was possible by several mods and.they blamed fb and my personal settings either in the thread or via PM.

5) It transpired i WAS blocked after all, but not for the comment I initially raised in my OP, but for a yet unknown comment i am yet to see evidence of (I am waiting for this from atspromedia.)

6) It is then announced that the t&c's of ATS are enforced on the ATS fb page, even though there is no mention of this on the ATS fb page.


edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by masqua

No not end of story, you are totally avoiding the ACTUAL issue I am raising. I get that their will be censorship, but mine was totally unnecessary, that is why I am kicking up a fuss about it.

Its also a bit worrying that ATSproMedia never even confirmed who I was on Facebook, he already knew somehow. Yes my avatar and fb profile are the same image but that could of been used by anyone.

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/12/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by kingears

Let me break it down for you since you're having difficulty understanding English.

ATS is privately owned.

They don't need a reason.

if you don't like it, moaning about it will not change anything, many have tried, none have succeeded.

If you still don't like it... LEAVE.

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