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Satanists Demand Statue next to Christian Monument in Oklahoma

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:05 PM

reply to post by SisyphusRide

In God We Trust

Erm. That's not in the Constitution or the Bill of rights. It is on our money. I guess we know what God "they" really "trust" in after all! Eh?

yes you do not work for Pharaoh... you are not a slave neo

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:12 PM

edit on 9-12-2013 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:14 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

No it's not up to me to infringe on other's beliefs. I don't even believe Satan exists what care do I have about people that do as long as they aren't hurting anything.

Why would you speculate about 'the not infringing upon others beliefs about people that do/may hurt others' you think arent hurting anything? Some kind of thought process was involved. This is a FRT forum If you dont believe Satan exists you may as well be responding to a "FURRBIES (as a conclusive proven example of god defining itself) HAVE POTENCIAL FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT" thread, here soon to be submitted to FRT.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

This is a FRT forum If you dont believe Satan exists you may as well be responding to a "FURRBIES (as a conclusive proven example of god defining itself) HAVE POTENCIAL FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT" thread, here soon to be submitted to FRT.

What????? I don't believe Satan exists. Does that mean I can't respond in the RFT forum? Nope!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I don't believe in God in the same way that you do. By reading the history of our founding, I know that our founding was not based in any way whatsoever, any kind of religion and in fact Jefferson was vehemently against including God in any of it and he wasn't alone in his thinking or verbalizing.

My posts have to do with the Constitutional aspect of this issue, not the religious and in my mind and according to the Constitution you have NO ground to stand on. Either we allow no religious displays or we allow them all, I'd rather none but am okay with all. If you want the 10 Commandments on the front lawn of the Oklahoma Supreme Court then you ought to be prepared for every other religion to put displays there too. Equal access, equal protection. If you want it otherwise I suggest you start up a Convention to change the Constitution.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

This is a FRT forum If you dont believe Satan exists you may as well be responding to a "FURRBIES (as a conclusive proven example of god defining itself) HAVE POTENCIAL FOR CONSCIOUS THOUGHT" thread, here soon to be submitted to FRT.

What????? I don't believe Satan exists. Does that mean I can't respond in the RFT forum? Nope!

Absolutely unequivically NO/YES/MAYBE. Who created Satan or how did he manifest without a creator even if you personally have no thoughts regarding its existance; (why is this architype alive and well and no one can proove it). The same thing can be said of God as well. So why is there even a forum for such speculations regarding the existance or non existance of a Cartoon digitized 0 and 1s Creator being? Because we WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH OF OUR BEING AND OUR CREATION THEREOF (also why do we have to be a Carbon Based and not Silicon lifeform). No one from the higher ds above is talking (well at least not to the majority here stuck in matter); Metaphorical stories are taken as literal truth and for some are reasonable I guess. 2000 years of introspection disection and its all taken in faith; understood as truth/LIE and this goes for all religious dogmas of the oral tradition or written.
edit on 9-12-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Kali74

I would like to see the proposed monument 'a picture of' the Satananic representation' of their belief systems IN THREE DIMENSIONAL FORM' or maybe just a sad looking 8''x11" laminated paper taped to the other memorial saying "KILLJOY WAS HERE"; or this huge (subsidy by unknown contributants) OBELISK 50'h by 7'w dedicated to the underworld; or a TOMBSTONE chiseled into the marble "Satanic Society RIP"; what is the form that is to take a potencial parking space? I hope it was a competition, like the one for the Washington Monument Vietnam Memorial (BIG BLACK GRANITE Monolith tombstone placed in a Ditch WITH all engraved names OF THE FALLEN); Satan at work here is its legacy, already exists why bother Oklahoma.
edit on 9-12-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

An archetype is not an actual entity. It's a proposed mental image shared by a collective consciousness.

The 10 Commandments aren't pertinent to secular law and neither are Satanism, Wiccan, Buddhist, Scientology or any other religion you can name. That's the point here.

If one religion can post it's tenets on public property, then so can any other under the same guidelines.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:15 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

An archetype is not an actual entity. It's a proposed mental image shared by a collective consciousness.

The 10 Commandments aren't pertinent to secular law and neither are Satanism, Wiccan, Buddhist, Scientology or any other religion you can name. That's the point here.

If one religion can post it's tenets on public property, then so can any other under the same guidelines.

Hmmmm, it would be interesting to see the axioms of Scientology on the court house lawn. If every religion started creating exhibits of their core principles in public places there would be a lot of action around the aluminum pole. What a sideshow that would make!
edit on 9-12-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

An archetype is not an actual entity. It's a proposed mental image shared by a collective consciousness.

You are absolutely correct. It gains its formidity by the shared collective consciousness that continues to re-enforce the ideaform. Gains strength/weight by overlays of the same thoughtform. This is easily explained by ritualistic behaviors, this is how these Pop Up ideaforms become material and VERY HARD TO REMOVE. Prayer is a big problem (unless you are a Christian and involking the "LORDS") or not. A single mental thoughtform if pure sent to the 'Absolute Unbounded Onenesss' (US) can change paradigms, one single idea.

The 10 Commandments aren't pertinent to secular law and neither are Satanism, Wiccan, Buddhist, Scientology or any other religion you can name. That's the point here. If one religion can post it's tenets on public property, then so can any other under the same guidelines.

I thought the tenents were not land based per'se, but were of an idea based ideology? A church would have to go though the legal manouverings to avoid taxation. I post "NO TRESPASSING" on the 4 corners of my property; county sheriffs officers cannot breach those boundry points physically and accost me. What are you saying, how do you know the laws within a state after you have crossed its borders (they dont hand you a telephone book size of DUI statutes you may eventually violate). This did not hold true for the Waco Branch Davidians tenents posted ON BEDSHEETS OUT THE WINDOWS and so revealed (as you say is TENENT). The ATF murdered them (tear gas first staturated the air); then incindiary explosives shot into that compound lit those gases into fireballs that moved from one hallway to another; you should see the footage of the tanks that fired these rounds; loosing their treads because bodies were tangled up in the gears (and those humans were just trying to escape). By that definition they were called a 'Seventh Day Adventist' CULT, it would be reasonable to call individual satanist organizations a CULT and subject to the same retrobution (much like a White Supremisist Group) under the jurisdiction of the FBI or ATF. Tell me how these groups abtain "religious belief status' thus avoiding paying taxes. How did the Mormans avoid this scrutiny and why are the Fundimental Latter Day Saints allowed plural marrage when it is clearly illegal within Federal Law (forget Utah they have the Mythical White Salamander as Governor).
edit on 9-12-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:58 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I think celebrating or recognizing the commandments of a god whose priorities start with, and end with, his own selfish desires is pretty sick. There's maybe 4 commandments in the list - the first four, I think - that could have been reserved for decrees designed to further clarify the moral boundaries of our interactions with one another, but he couldn't let it go without making absolutely sure we kept kissing his ass and no one else's. Totally worth it, right?

If he really were God, I would want to know and make damn sure that I wasn't kissing anyone else's ass, the only question being how we define God, but if there's one who's self aware and knows all and has all power (see the creation for more), that's the one that I would choose for me, because it comes down to a matter of trust, and there's always an attachment to an outcome and choices to be made.

But he didn't stop there and went on to the cross, in understanding and recognizing our limitations, making it not all about a seperative God, but a unitive God who's primary concern us for us, for "we". A loving God in other words, is precisely who and what he turned out to be. A God who wants a relationship, not ass-kissing.

You might just be projecting a little too much and it's kinda negative.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

God went on the cross to show us how it's done... it's the world I know.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

An archetype is not an actual entity. It's a proposed mental image shared by a collective consciousness. The 10 Commandments aren't pertinent to secular law and neither are Satanism, Wiccan, Buddhist, Scientology or any other religion you can name. That's the point here. If one religion can post it's tenets on public property, then so can any other under the same guidelines.

Hmmmm, it would be interesting to see the axioms of Scientology on the court house lawn. If every religion started creating exhibits of their core principles in public places there would be a lot of action around the aluminum pole. What a sideshow that would make!

Court house lawn not possible. L.Ron.Hubbard bought a 3 million dollar yacht (this was when he was being investigated for TAX FRAUD); and sailed away onto the seven seas and beyond never to be seen or (snicker) heard from again; as in disapeared himself. Why? because he was in international waters and could not be located if so found prosecuted. In some of the major Scientology centers (SanDiego is one) you will see a full on hermetically sealed 'office' set up for his arrival (the king appears). AS IF HE WILL RETURN and take his place up as head of 'Dianetics Council CEO' EL RON AS JESUS OR JESUS AS EL RON WILL RESURRECT ITSELF, to proclaim Scientology as the only true belief system (seriously they believe this and do not want YOU to think THEY are crazy). A nod to Anonymous is required here.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

that's pretty good lol... but hey, one can believe whatever they want to believe, as long as they don't break the Law!

God Bless America

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:35 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

that's pretty good lol... but hey, one can believe whatever they want to believe, as long as they don't break the Law!
God Bless America

That is the problem isnt it; L.Ron is breaking the law. He fled this continent to avoid procecution of TAX LAW VIOLATION. What are you not understanding here? This church is a fraud and his abandonment of it (THINK THINK HES A SCIENCE FICTION WRITER THAT INVENTED A RELIGION) and Like Captain NEMO took his Nautaulus to find the Mysterious Island in the Volcano (that is where the gods are) in the sky (have to ask tom cruise about his $20,000 payment for this information).

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

call the Marines!

seriously though the IRS is vicious enough already, they'll find a way....

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

what are we going to do really? declare a war on Scientology and then freeze all their accounts... take em out back and... well you know!

it's America baby... land of the free, it's a public matter which the IRS doesn't want to play with fire all out in the open, that's why they use the means they do.

the revolution and the founding of this nation was instigated by tax laws from a distant government... and that's how we like our government here... distant from our lives.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:02 AM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

call the Marines!
seriously though the IRS is vicious enough already, they'll find a way.

Here is the funny thing, everyone (higherups within the Scientology organization) claim L. Ron is not dead; just (miserably) LOST AT SEA (a ghost ship much like the Andrea Doria) never found; sometime somehow slipped time and this happened in the 1990s. He had a crew of at least 6 to manage drive maintain this yacht (and a cook); ports of call reference points (slip fees) using the 'discover card', or American Express in that day time frame (no passports needed) on the ocean passing between equators. What happenned? Sucked up into a perfect storm of 'Bermuda Triangle meets the Magic Volcano". L.Ron met God and left the vessel, crew and all? Nah they all like a 'Philadelphia Experiment" met Tesla and Jesus, shook hands and had a good laugh "you created a SCIENCE FICTION based religion and pulled it off"; then had TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF TAX PROBLEMS? Jules Verne and H.G.Wells are rolling over in their GRAVES. "YOU ARE FORGETTING ME, Edgar Allen Poe".
edit on 10-12-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I've never heard that about Hubbard. He died on a ranch in California, and the head of the group was the one who announced his death. Where are you getting this information? "He's dead, Jim".

Next you're going to say the head of the Pastafarians was seen leaving pasta on his plate.

edit on 10-12-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-12-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I know he's passed away... he's gone to Jesus.

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