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Black Friday Lineup Bullhorining. (Video)

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posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:36 PM
Even though I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Dice, because of his condesending tones in every video. He's right.

Here is his latest video from 2013, bullhorning a line up of "parasite zombies" who are "enemies of America".

Btw, this is the video from 2012 and it's prime gold.

edit on 29-11-2013 by CALGARIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Santa has balls. Also embarassing that a canadian and not an american is posting this video. No wonder why we have the president we have.

Thanks Calgarian, nailed as usual.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:50 PM
Dice's most recent videos actually worry me a bit because his condescension and language towards those shoppers has increased pretty sharply from last year. I, too, appreciate that he goes out and hits out on a number of really good points from the reminding the spirit of the holiday, the observation that those shoppers are essentially ruining workers' family holidays, his observation about not having a retirement fund (VERY true) and inquiring about their credit card debt (last checked, many families' credit debt surpasses their household income by around 1400%). So he is belting out some truths but it's the language and acid that he's also belting out that really bothers me. He truly hates them and his invectives in this year's video really come out absolutely seething with that hatred by the end. I doubt those people that he's screaming at are even human in his eyes anymore.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

So we've got a guy, riding round in a car, yelling at folks for not being at home with their families, and following traditions?

So why isn't he at home doing the same? Whilst I understand the message he's shouting at them, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

I watched this on the BBC news about 5 mins ago - the people storming shops . It mentioned 'shots fired' in some places??? SHOTS FIRED!!!! WTF

Those videos are hilarious

edit on 29-11-2013 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2013 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2013 by EA006 because: I screwed up most of that post - Too busy laughing

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:21 PM

reply to post by CALGARIAN

So we've got a guy, riding round in a car, yelling at folks for not being at home with their families, and following traditions?

So why isn't he at home doing the same? Whilst I understand the message he's shouting at them, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

At least he is doing something about it.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:35 PM

reply to post by CALGARIAN

Santa has balls. Also embarassing that a canadian and not an american is posting this video. No wonder why we have the president we have.

Thanks Calgarian, nailed as usual.

Actually, an American did post this video on another Black Friday thread a few hours before Calgarian linked it here--not that the nationality of the individual posting it truly matters. I know plenty of Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, who have never done a Black Friday and find some of the behaviors exhibited intensely distasteful. In other words, one's political preference has zero bearing on whether one eschews or participates in Black Friday shopping. This isn't a political issue. Instead, it's a sociological and perhaps a psychological issue.

Some stores in Canada also do Black Friday and they do have Boxing Day, which is the closest approximation of the US' Black Friday though not as frenzied as what occurs in the US. What some Americans do in the US on Black Friday really creeps the hell out of me because of the difference in intensity.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:42 PM
I can agree with this guy.

I don't know about traditions being at home with "Grandma and Grandpa."

But I can agree what he's saying regarding materialism and consumerism. Instead of going on a rant about how out of control it has gotten, in the U.S. specifically, I'll just let good ole George do it for me.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Even though I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Dice, because of his condesending tones in every video. He's right.

Here is his latest video from 2013, bullhorning a line up of "parasite zombies" who are "enemies of America".

The best part of this video? How after a solid 3 minutes of calling other people scumbags for being so entrenched in capitalism, he wraps up by basically saying:

"And by the way, make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel and watch all my videos and follow me on Facebook and Twitter and also buy my books which you can find on Amazon and even use on your e-reader devices...

LOL.... really Mark? (I really wasn't exaggerating, he really does make that (paraphrased) statement, which is really that jam-packed with self-serving capitalism, mere nanoseconds after calling people capitalistic sheep through a bullhorn. Check it out.)

I agree with the person who said he comes across as kind of annoying because of all the smug self-righteousness and condescension.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:53 AM
I really, really do not like Mark Dice at all.

When i first discovered him earlier this year, i liked him solely for the fact of him exposing the Illuminati and it's entertainment puppets. Was entertaining to listen to the man and watch his videos.

But a few videos in, my brain started to grate against this man's heavy insults and constant berating. Even though these are Illuminati pawn's you are exposing, why stoop to their level and start slinging shi**y insults at them?

And it's the way he accentuates his insults, making them sound even more snobbish and annoying.

This is yet another reason why i don't like this man, and can't even appreciate the work he does. Driving around in car, blowhorning people you don't know about how they are cancers to coiety? Enemy's of America? Sure they contribute to the mindless consumerism ans selfish culture in this country, but his words here reek of a simple, shallow level of thought. Some people probably don't give a sh*t about thanksgiving, and probably just want to buy expensive stuff for less expensive, and maybe they don'y designate any special fake holiday to spend time with family.

He could have said what he wanted to say differently, more sensibly, and without the ignorant, hateful insults. Is he trying to wake people up, or get people to hate him?

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 01:33 AM
I didn't listen to this guy since I get the gist from the replies. Evidently this was the safest shopping season in years (no deaths). Still....

People using the hashtag posted photos and videos of bloody noses, paramedics wheeling stretchers, women smacking one another on the head, security officers wrestling shoppers to the ground and employees yelling at shoppers to stop recording the melees on their cellphones.

People behave like fools on this day. Imagine those poor employees who have to break up a pepper spray incident or someone clobbering another. In the past a pregnant woman was trampled (and died if remember right). All to save 50 bucks on a tv?
Twenty-two million shoppers headed through one chain on this day according to the above article. I could care less if they stay home and ignore their families there or stimulate the economy with their crazed desire for more crap they don't really need but when it comes to not controlling yourself and harming others - or getting so stressed you take a year off your life from it - one can only assume any level of self control and intellect vacated the body and something else has taken over.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Dianec

What kind of people really engage in this kind of nonsense?

I have people who used to be friends, that would take a dollar bill off the top of a tip I would leave for a waiter/waitress who was good and was very capable and friendly - and say "that's too much of a tip" -

Makes me sick - these "friends" weren't hurting for money - these low-paid employees at the big box stores have to deal with these scum-sucking neadrethals fighting eachother for a "thanksgiving" day deal - which hardly results in any savings?

This makes me think that america deserves to be destroyed - as the current regime is doing....

Who waits in line to save a few dollars? The same people who thing obozocare is "free" and the same people who want obozophones for free.

We are a sickening bunch of people.......

$300.00 for a pair of tennis shoes? Come on, people, get a clue.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 05:05 AM
I recognize the outside malls he's driving around at, located in Carlsbad, California.. Surprised the cops didn't jump on him they are notorious for not taking any crap.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 05:15 AM
He's just a little ray of sunshine, isn't he?

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 05:16 AM
ya but it's called freedom.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 05:29 AM
More dumbassery

Now for some douchebaggery, I present to you a light show.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Dianec

Well the good news is that 22 million passing through one retailer's doors only would represent about 7% of the US population. Anything less than 15% of a population can be considered to be on the extreme end of whatever human bell curve one is looking at. That's a small comfort, isn't it?

They do act like fools or, worse yet, like reality show contestants, but I would love to see some actual research done on these individuals to understand what is making them tick the way that they do. If I had to guess, I would assume that they don't follow any particular political belief, are of average IQ, spend 3 hours or more nightly watching television, have aggression/anger issues, and that most of the food stuffs in their pantries are recognizable large brands. In fact, my guess is that they assess their worth compared to others on what brands they use/buy. I'd also bet that when queried about their favorite brands, that little "fanatic" portion of the brain lights up just like it does with the Apple early adopters.

I have the dubious pleasure of having the acquaintance of a family like this and they disturb me to no end. Very few combinations of people scare me but this family does. They are highly aggressive, have extreme brand loyalties (even in the children), and are none too bright. Their daughter comes over on occasion and although I have an intense soft spot for children, she is truly the stuff of my nightmares. Brainwashed, utterly and I won't use that term lightly either.

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