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Moderate Muslim´s peace conference in Oslo.. speaks volumes !

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posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:08 PM
When you see this video and you thought that moderate muslims are those who are against violence.. you will be surprised.
Stoning to death is so "late centuries" and do not sit well in modern western society ( and not anywhere as its against human rights ).. this is what we think but it seems that even moderate muslims feels its ok... after all. Lying to infidels is ok.. we should remember that !

In Norway there have been a rape wave and according to local muslims " every girl or a woman who doesnt wear hijab is a whore " this has led to some Norwegian girls to dye their hair to black and never walk alone.. Once again there is a goverment who seems to be powerless against crimes which have arrived with immigration and loose immigration laws.

culture crisis in Norway few years back and it has not been improved

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:20 PM

I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by dollukka

IMHO, part of the problem is religion itself.

Its my understanding that all of the monotheistic religions believe that these books are the "words of God". This belief then leads to the view that the followers (as mere humans) dare not challenge the "commands of God".

Hence all of the harsh punishments (including death) dished out in the Old Testament and Koran should therefore be adhered to exactly as "God has instructed".

To challenge these instructions is considered blasphemy...

So, in order to break away from the insanity that is OT/Koranic law, one has to disavow the religion altogether or imply that "God" is wrong, which many people are not willing to do.

Hence the quagmire that is religion.

Edit*, I wasnt able to view the videos. I was commenting on the general violence/punishment found in these books. If they are somehow justifying rape, I have no idea where this belief stems from although religion has traditionally been very degrading towards women.

edit on 21-11-2013 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:30 PM
Islam does not belong in the Western world. I've had several friends throughout Norway (Østfold, Oslo areas) who were attacked and landed in the hospital for being ethnic Norwegians. It's not going to get any better either. More and more areas in Oslo are becoming Islamic cess pools as ethnic Norwegians flee as the crime (like theft, rape and beatings) rise.

You have to understand Norway to realize why so many Norwegians are raising an eyebrow towards the huge influx of non-western (i.e. Muslim) immigrants.

Norway opened it's borders to mass immigration in 1987. That's not too long ago, however in such a short time frame, crime has risen far beyond what Norway and Norwegians ever imagined. Norway has of course had it's murderers, thieves and the like, but major crimes were far and few between. When something did happen, it was national news for weeks if not months! You could leave your doors unlocked when going on vacation and find everything safe and sound upon your returnal home.

Now? We have gangs that will roam neighborhoods breaking and entering even when families are asleep. And these gangs aren't comprised of ethnic Norwegians. Women are afraid to go out on the town alone at night because they're "dogs" in the eyes of Islamic men.

I've personally been attacked for no other reason than having an American flag on my backpack. My friend has been attacked (robbed) at knife point. A friend of mine in Oslo was raped on her way home from another friends house by a Muslim.

I've been asked by a "moderate" Muslim if I "liked the gift of 9/11" that they (the Muslims) gave us. Don't kid yourselves, the only thing that's "moderate" about these people are the fact that they're not likely to pick up a bomb and blow themselves up.



I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

Stalin would tell you that he's a nice guy too. So are you really going to stick with that obtuse "logic"?

**Edit 2**

Here's a video about a little ethnic Norwegian boy who is bullied because he's not a Muslim.

**Edit 3**
I can't get the Youtube videos to embed, however I provided the Youtube links to the videos.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Auricom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:34 PM


I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

You make me sick.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:36 PM


I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

So the Op posted a video of a meeting where it was filmed.

Did the Op cause the meeting or write the questions and answers? And yet the Op is the liar ?

Talk about a disconnect. Maybe your response was written with sarcasm which is hard to recognize sometimes in printed text .. sigh.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:49 PM
Thank you for a very nice propaganda thread, when you islamophobes will start bashing all major religions the same way. I might understand where your coming from.

So painting over 1 billion people by some youtube vids and the western media, wow must mean that all christians are pedos.

Oh and thanks in advance for the shameful personal attacks this thread will certainly provoke.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by dollukka

It seems that truly "moderate" Muslims are much more rare than "radical" Muslims, and that "moderate" Muslims are, most likely, considered to be infidels by the standards of MOST Muslims.

See ya,
edit on 996America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-21T16:54:23-06:00Thursday00000023America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:05 PM

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by dukeofjive696969

Firstly, not all religions act this way. They may have at one point in time, but that's hundreds of years ago. Whereas Islam is just as vile and sick today as it's always been. There has been no "advancement" within Islam.

Secondly, you are part of the problem. I just love the buzzwords you sling about, like "Islamophobe", "propaganda", despite the fact that you have a recorded meeting BETWEEN MUSLIMS! Talk about burying your head in the sand!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Auricom

I agree with you Auricom. You see muslims on the news everyday, either raping, beating, shooting or murdering people. This has been going on for decades, but does anyone do anything about it? No! It is like muslims can do whatever they want and get away with it. If any other religion committed any of the atrocities that muslims do on a daily basis, the UN and many other militaries would go to war with that religion. I remember when David Koresh started a new religion in Wako, Texas. He had many followers and they were peaceful people. The United States Government sent ATF agents and other military people in to kill those people, just because they had bought weapons to protect themselves. So, if the government will kill the David Koresh Followers for having weapons, why won't they do something about these muslims who go around murdering people? Why won't they stop the muslims that blow themselves and other people up with bombs? It is like all the countries in the world are scared of muslims. Don't get me wrong, I have met some muslims who seem okay. But something has to be done about the muslims who think that if they blow themselves up along with people who aren't muslim, they will go to heaven and have 72 virgins waiting on them! You really have to be crazy to think that if you murder people, you will be rewarded with 72 virgins!
What are they going to do with the virgins? Have sex with them in Heaven? Sex is lust of the flesh. If you are still lusting after flesh when you die, you might not be in Heaven. You just might be in Hell.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by UndercoverJoe

You can thank political correctness for our willingless to address the problem. For decades, we've been told that to question anyone in any form of minority group is politically incorrect and racist. Thus, we don't dare speak out in fear that we'll be labled with one of the many lables available today.

Our thoughts and opinions are being funneled into a narrow thought process that's easy to control. Anyone that deviates from that thought pattern is automatically assumed to be a "low life racist" or "an ignorant redneck", even though they speak the truth.

As I've said many times before, the truth isn't always politically correct. But even though people know this, they're too afraid to acknowledge it. You can see by the responses in this thread (and the other thread with the same topic linked by another member) that despite all the truth posted, they bury their heads within a fairy tale and spout their politically correct rhetoric.

I'm sick of it and I will address this issue at every chance I get. For every idiot out there who thinks that Islam isn't a threat, there's ten Muslims ready to prove you otherwise. I'll gladly take anyone on a trip to Oslo where they can experience the fun of being beaten for not being a Muslim first hand.

Sturla Nøstvik (36) was attacked at random by young Muslim immigrants and held hostage for nearly an hour.

The attack took place in Grønland, a neighborhood in Oslo that has been turned into a Muslim immigrant Ghetto. Muslim immigrants have committed fifty violent rapes in Oslo this year. There have also been over 350 muggings/beatings, many of them extremely violent, just in the immigrant ghetto area of Grønland alone this year.


Don't dare think this is a one time incident, it happens quite often.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by UndercoverJoe

Aha. the virgins might not necessarily be female!
Has thus occured to them

They might be some where else and the virgins may want to lose their virginty 72 times on the newly martered
Muslim .... just a few random thoughts
edit on 21-11-2013 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:09 PM
I don't see much moderation... Just watch bits of each, if you want, but spend some time on the last one.

Here's a clip form the UK.

Here's one from Australia.

Here's one from Norway.

And Germany...

The Third Jihad - Radical Islam's vision for America

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:12 PM
This is truly sad.. I must say if my lord and savior asked of such things i would comply. Bound by faith and the teaching of centuries old each Muslim has a changed perception of right and wrong. These perceptions are brought on by elders before them whom have similar perceptions brought on by elders before them. I cannot raise my finger and accuse a single Muslim and say they have hatred in their hearts, but a stern belief in their own faiths.

Perhaps one day the true God will return and we all will understand.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:23 PM



I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

Stalin would tell you that he's a nice guy too. So are you really going to stick with that obtuse "logic"?

No way man stalin was a nazi.

Lmaoderp oh well i shall await the arrival of the sarcasm font.


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:25 PM



I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

You make me sick.

Ahhhhahaha cant help you there pal. Cant fix stoopid.


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:29 PM


I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

Love your kitty winofiend.

And we US citizens prefer throwing drones and guided missles - stones are so primitive.

I know some muslims as well and no they don't think like that either.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:30 PM



I know a muslim and he tells me that he doesn't think like that.

So you're a liar. Why all the propaganda??????

So the Op posted a video of a meeting where it was filmed.

Did the Op cause the meeting or write the questions and answers? And yet the Op is the liar ?

Talk about a disconnect. Maybe your response was written with sarcasm which is hard to recognize sometimes in printed text .. sigh.

Look to the left of the post and it shoud be clear to all with 2 functioning damn brain cells that it was sarcasm. I have no fear of expressing my opinion about islam in general.

Im starting to get why so many people confuse valid concerns about islam with sheer ignorance.

This thread is a hoot. Remind me not to agree with some here in future posts as theyre absolutely lost. I dont need that sort of association.

How sad...

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by winofiend

But you can fix poor grammar and ignorance, so until then I welcome you to refrain from posting.

Here Norwegian Muslims want beheadings for failing to observe fasting in Islamic schools in Norway. (There are no Islamic schools in Norway yet, but he's pushing for some. More breeding grounds for extremists, or "regular Muslims" as I call them.)

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