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Media and Political Cover-Up of "Knockout Game" Rampage Across the U. S.

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posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by yampa

surely but you realize this is how socialism works: first, they isolate a poor population in a country, then they work them up into a frenzy, then they use them as an internal army to go after the target people/ infrastructure. for example, during the communist revolution in russia, the poor joined the communists with the promise of free stuff. then the factories and businesses were invaded, and all the workers and employees were killed. so now they had factories and businesses with no one trained who could run them. at their request, the usa sent people over who had the expertise to run the equipment, to train the poor how to do the jobs. however there weren't as many jobs as poor, so stalin sent the remainder to siberia to forced labor camps that would make the american prison system look like a slice of heaven.

the poor in south africa, post apartheid, are still not getting government assistance. this is partially due to the fact their government is still so young and also because the hungry make good soldiers. just point in the direction you want them to target, and off they go, particularly since killing the farmer, also provides them with all the wealth of the farmer, all his family mementos and keepsakes, jewelry, clothes, dishes, tools, vehicles, and of course, the food growing on the farm.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by undo

I wasn't asking about socialism. I was asking you to back up your assertion that white farmers were being murdered (which no doubt they are), and then subsequently having their farms taken over by non-whites.

Could you link to stories where white farmers have had their land taken over after being murdered?

Please, no links to videos presented by the known racist, liar and alarmist Nick Griffin.
edit on 23-11-2013 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by undo

Living in South Africa,I can vouch for the truth of what you said.And as I always say,famine does not respect skin color.I would go on to say,that these are not bands of pitiful starving black men who perpetrate these horrific crimes.The murders of these farmers are NOT post-Apocalypse style desperate all-out fight for-your-very-survival raids!!! If that were the case,the farmers would either be robbed of the food in their homes,and some goods to sell,like cellphones,jewellery,etc and left without physical harm,or merely quickly had their throats cuts.

But no,what these poor(and usually elderl)y farmers+their wives suffer before death would make the movies Hostel and Saw look like Disney-it actually damages the human psyche to read of the horrific tortures these poor old people are subject too-that is HATRED plain and simple.Sometimes Nothing is even removed from the home of the murdered,notably NO FOOD even-so much for starving hordes-replace "starving" with filled with demonic hatred,and I would fully agree with that point you raised,but this does not even stop at farmers being murdered,here is another little gem from my country:

Those who want some more factual information are welcome to pm me for a link to a site called The Truth about South Africa-mods will remove it if I post here,warning,pictures include a picture of an infant,a baby,wrapped in newspaper and set alight.

You do not burn a baby because you are hungry,you do not burn a lil baby baecause of a long dead political system-That type of act comes from sheer demonic hatred.Nurtured by our very leaders: KR7Ab81YHABQ%26ved%3D0CBAQqwQ#

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by yampa

that's how communism works. the poor are kept poor so they can be counted on to do your bidding till you no longer need them and then they are sent to forced labor. the anc is communist. i applaude nelson mandela's efforts to end apartheid. i do not applaud this

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:44 AM

reply to post by yampa

that's how communism works. the poor are kept poor so they can be counted on to do your bidding till you no longer need them and then they are sent to forced labor. the anc is communist. i applaude nelson mandela's efforts to end apartheid. i do not applaud this

So really, you have no evidence that farms are being taken over by non-whites after killing farmers and you just wrote that because you thought you were in a safe place to make up lies about blacks?

Deny ignorance

edit on 23-11-2013 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by yampa

no, i could tell by your tone with me, that you were going to deny any evidence presented on the presumption that the source of evidence is tainted in some way.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:51 AM

reply to post by yampa

no, i could tell by your tone with me, that you were going to deny any evidence presented on the presumption that the source of evidence is tainted in some way.

let the evidence speak for itself, please.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

yeah i brought this up before, and my link was removed cause it was horribly graphic.
i think people need to know that the message that was used to drive these people to such extremes,
was that they were taught that the white person is a plague on the planet and should not only be deprived
of their lives, but suffer as much as possible in the process.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by yampa

you already stated, for the record, that white farmers were being murdered. your point was whether they were keeping the land of the farmers they killed. in the event this doesn't happen, you can then say, "see, it's all white racism" and in the cases where it does happen you can say "oh that guy is just a fear mongering liar". meanwhile the poor are getting poorer,the rich are getting richer, as you stand around with your fingers in your ears, saying LA LA LA can't heaarr you

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:56 AM

reply to post by Raxoxane

yeah i brought this up before, and my link was removed cause it was horribly graphic.
i think people need to know that the message that was used to drive these people to such extremes,
was that they were taught that the white person is a plague on the planet and should not only be deprived
of their lives, but suffer as much as possible in the process.

Why would pictures of black farmers working on a farm which they'd taken over from whites be graphic? I'm not asking you to present evidence that people have been killed. I'm asking you to present evidence of hostile takeover of farming lands after murders.

You don't have any because it doesn't happen in South Africa and you made it up to fit your racist agenda. That is the whole point of this thread. For backwards, truth-hating bigots to reassure each other that it's fine to hate on others *whatever* the evidence.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by undo

Yes I agree,thank goodness there is also a huge part of the black population that sees the fallacy in this+for every local black person blinded by hatred,there is another who is not.I still have hope for South Africa.As for the farm murders,we have been seeing the results at the cashier's till at the supermarket,and that affects Everyone.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by yampa

we're talking about how the white farmers were murdered. they aren't just shot or stabbed or hung. they are tortured to death, first. boiled, set on fire, anally and vaginally raped, doused with gasoline and a hot iron taken to their bodies, hung up side down and disembowelled, eyes removed from sockets, and so on. that kind of treatment of human beings has never been acceptable so what has to happen is, the target population has to be dehumanized by people in power, till the point the victims are viewed as having the value of a fish you're about to fry

edit on 23-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by yampa

The graphic part we are referring to,is not about black workers on farms that have been taken over-it is not a case of "Ok now the owners are dead,from tomorrow morning this is My farm"

The graphics are about the horrific way these farmers were tortured for hours and then brutally murdered,even a baby burned to death.


Want me to u2u you the link so you can get a better understanding of what we were talking about? Because you are either willfully,stubbornly misunderstanding,or genuinely misunderstanding.

edit on 23-11-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

the people who worked the farms are often run off by the same people who killed the farmers

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:16 AM

reply to post by yampa

The graphic part we are referring to,is not about black workers on farms that have been taken over-it is not a case of "Ok now the owners are dead,from tomorrow morning this is My farm"

That is not the case. You are correct.

My point is that undo tried to slip in a lie about the takeover of white farmland and I'm not prepared to let that go. That type of lie is the exact reason this whole thread should be ignored by anyone who cares about the truth.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by yampa

alright if i can't present evidence without you saying it isn't viable, how are we supposed to have a dialogue on the subject. all it will amount to is me, running around collecting evidence, with you discounting it because someone has told you the person who presented the evidence is a liar.

that video i linked, explains that the farms are going fallow. the other poster above, lives there and verifies the price of everything is going up because the price of food is going up and the price of food is going up, because the farms are not being farmed. what happens when the price of food goes up? the poor have less and less to eat. then they are directed to the white farmers, who are then killled and the cycle repeats

edit on 23-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:26 AM

reply to post by yampa

alright if i can't present evidence without you saying it isn't viable, how are we supposed to have a dialogue on the subject. all it will amount to is me, running around collecting evidence, with you discounting it because someone has told you the person who presented the evidence is a liar.

edit on 23-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

I've already looked for evidence and I couldn't find any, that is why I am asking you to back up or retract your statement:

groups of angry, hungry blacks thus, kill the farmers, and take their farms. then once the crops are all picked, the farm dries up, and there's one less source for their country's food basket.

I know exactly who Nick Griffin is and what his agenda is, so I'm ignoring him as a factual source. He isn't a journalist or an academic or human rights organization. He's a complete asshole!

Stop squirming and admit that you wrote something that you can't back up with truth.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:34 AM
well you've isolated me to print media, which makes my job harder as i learned about this subject, accidentally, on youtube, so my entire understanding of the events is from videos. you've started the discussion out with rules i'm not allowed to stray outside of, otherwise i'm a racist liar. well, actually, i didn't even have to stray outside of them. all i had to do was bring them up.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by yampa
This is how it goes most of the time,yampa-after such an atrocity,the farmer's extended family does not want to take the risk of history repeating itself, by stepping into the place of the murdered-or they don't know anything about farming-and so although they may inherit the farm,they sell it.But few folks would take their lives into their hands by choosing to live on a farm+farming ,not the way things are now.after 1994.So the government could then buy the farm,or the relatives just keep the land and not actually farm it(not everyone wants to play the Saw or Hostel game just because the land is technically in their lawful posession)

So in a way,it is a hostile takeover.Hostile forces started the whole chain reaction from a decent,productive member of society to a bleeding brutalised pulp laying in a pool of blood to fertile farmland not being utilised to help supply the nation's need-and to push up food prices for Everone.I see that as an act of great hostility.

But hey,its black people doing the torturing,brutalising,murdering,and in the end,causing the price of produce to rise,and rise,and rise-so we white racists should just shut our racist traps about the whole thing,eh?

edit on 23-11-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:44 AM

I know exactly who Nick Griffin is

i don't know who nick griffin is. all i knew was that he had spoken on the topic and gave info on what happened to the farms, after the farmers were murdered. in some cases, wealthy corporations buy them and turn them into processing plants for things like dog food and what not. in other cases, the land sits unoccupied and the farm declines. in the cases where the murderers squat the property, they are not trained to farm it or if they do farm it, they are not trained how to farm it properly and the crops eventually fail (like repeatedly planting the same type of crop in the same field, results in the soil becoming unusable).

i'm not a racist, i'm anti-communist, at least, i'm anti-communist of the variety that seems the most prevalent.
edit on 23-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

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