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What Are Shadow People?

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posted on May, 20 2003 @ 03:51 PM
What are shadow people? What do they do? Are they good/evil? Are they everywhere? Tell me everything you know! lol

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 04:01 PM
Others just disembodied extra-dimensional beings. In the dark ages, they were thought to be an undead predator, but most today have tales ranging from beneficial to horrible, much like ghosts. There are a few ghost experts I remember seeing on the boards, perhaps they'll have some more info for you. Personally, my experience with them is rather limited, experiencing shadow animals more than others...and these were mostly cats, so I tend to lean towards "ghost" in my thinking....

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 05:29 PM
Okay, thanks a lot! Ure a great helper!

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:02 PM
Really depends in what context you are using the term 'Shadow People'...and what entities you are using that to describe.

Personally I have encountered a number of different variations of 'shadow people'...from those little pesky ones that ya often catch out of the corner of your the fuzzy, almost 'out of focus' 2-dimensional shadows which resemble the outline of a humanoid form just hanging around and disappearing once you focus on entities that are just 'shadows', particularly within dreams/OBEs...

...which specific ones are you referring to?? Any of these?? Or something totally different??


posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:26 PM
Alien I opened this thread, hoping you might post something about the Maori myth-fokelore of the putupaiahere, or fairy people. Legend tells of a pale skined humanoid creature present in the New Zealand Bush on cloudy overcast days. Some people claim they where a small celtic population of people present here before the maori. Others claim that they where Chinese saloirs who came asore after there boat was wecked, in or around 1421 to 1422.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:31 PM
Uhm I wasnt really talking about any specific, because I really had no idea at all what they were about. uhmm... Can they harm you?

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:47 PM
They play tricks on you. Some legend tell of children beeen taken by them.

One momement they are there the next they're gone. Tricks like seeing people you know but are dead etc....

Ghosts some would say.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Maddas
Alien I opened this thread, hoping you might post something about the Maori myth-fokelore of the putupaiahere, or fairy people.

...yeah, the Patupaiarehe are an interesting piece of Maori folklore...though, as you say and as the folklore goes, they are pale in appearance, whereas I think CindyPants is referring to the dark (black/greyish) 'Shadow People'...

Still, might be worth posting up a bit of info about them...having seen them on occasion in the bush while out hunting...

I will likely move this thread to 'Paranormal', as it isn't about UFO/Aliens, as such...more suited to paranormal.

Can they harm you?? I'm at work right now, if I have time later on today or when I get home form work, I'll respond to that some circumstances (in some ways) they can.


posted on May, 22 2003 @ 09:10 AM
Shadow 'thing' is more like it..and yes they are usually thought to be evil and even harmful. I have had unfortunate runins with one in particular...who refuses to 'go away', but I'm working on that..

Anyway, I think more info is needed here to be able to shed light on what you are asking..

Do you see shadow 'things'? Is it in your home/room? Do you see 'it' while you are trying to sleep? Does it talk? If you answer any of these yes..then I'll be glad to post what I know about 'them'...also I think there is a thread somewhere about them and I'll look for that as well...

*Here is an old thread about them as well*

[Edited on 5/22/03 by magestica]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 11:40 AM
Of what I've read about shadows is that they're non-physical extraterrestial beings. Who need emotional energy to feed on (such as fear & anger). Because they are in reality thoughtforms. Thoughtforms also need energy to survive. Their food is emotion. In the shadows' case, it's negative emotion. That's why it's convenient for them to be around us, cause we're almost always scared of such things...

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 11:55 AM
What you read and what you experience are two totally different things alltogether..

*and I'm sure you'll read this and think ok, well i'm reading what you're saying...*

But again, if you haven't experienced something, you can really only speculate what it is..but once you have dealt with something on a different unworldly type level you may understand it a little better then what folks say in a book. I can guarantee you if anyone has had a runin with a shadow being-you'll KNOW it's not in your head/mind. I'm thinking about flowers right now and they are therefore in my mind, but they are also outside in the garden


[Edited on 5/22/03 by magestica]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Magestica, I have experienced them. When I was a kid, I often used to see little dark things/beings in the corner of my eye, who would dissapear when I focused on them. Didn't think much of them untill I read about the same things years later...

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 01:10 PM
P.S: Sometimes I could feel them looking at me... Right before I saw them.

[Edited on 22-5-2003 by TheBandit795]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 01:12 PM
Can you honestly say they are all in your head then? Just thoughts? Maybe I am just misreading your post..but that is surely what I am gathering by what you are saying..

*also* what books? There are a ton of books out there that dispute what you have said..

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 01:20 PM
Are "Shadow People" not the puppet masters behind the world Governments??

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 05:05 PM
I see where you misunderstood me. A thoughtform is a sentient being. Not something in your head. But something you can create with your thoughts, with enough energy it will be on it's own...

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:04 PM
I see what Bandit is saying (I think) and agree...bear in mind this is all just my opinion on the matter...and certainly not stating it as total fact:

...the little pesky ones, that often appear right on the edges of your vision are principally 'feeders'. As Bandit said, they feed on emotions to survive. I think I posted something indepth on why this is somewhere...gonna have to try dig it up and copy/paste it here.

Basically ALL things need energy to survive. We, as humans, are kinda lucky in a we have a convenient energy generator (of sorts) in the form of our physical body. Our bodies, by way of food etc, operate like mobile power generators...which we, the spirit, can draw upon for survival. You put negative things in your body, and you WILL produce negattive energy...postive things in=positive energy out. In a way, what we put into the 'generator' can have a hand in how we, the spirit, is effected/influenced.

But WHAT does a dis-embodied spirit draw upon to survive?? Some don't draw upon anything...and over time they simply fade out of existance. Others draw upon the energy that exists within the environment, for instance, many sightings appear during or around powerful events - such as during thunderstorms, near power stations, at sites of huge energy upheaval such as battle fields.

Other spirits align themselves with energy that already exists. Now, this may kinda get some religious overtones here, but I do believe there are two main abundant 'forces/energies' that a spirit can align themselves with in order to survive...and those energies, for want of a better word...are Good and Evil...Light and Dark.

Some spirits, however, feed off others for their survival. Emotional energy. Strong powerful emotions such as love, hate, fear etc are great sources of energy...the negatives like hate/fear are the ones that these pesky little shadows seem to like best...who knows, maybe those emotions are like some sort delicacy for them or something? Anyway...these things love to play the 'Peek-a-boo' game in the corner of your eye...let their presence be felt, normally from behind...that cold tingle on your back...shadows just messing with ya to make you feel fear and thus provide them a free lunch.

How do you deal with the pesky ones?? Easy...close the restuarant. Don't feed them. Be aware they are there...but also be aware that they don't possess any real ability to harm you...if they did they would have already done it by now. So let fear not enter your mind. Knowing what they are can help reduce fear. Talk to them...tell them "I know you're there...but I don't fear you, so leave now". Then leave it at that...don't focus on them at all. As Bandit said...these things seem to, in a way, be created/manifested/maintained intially by the thought you give keeping them active through keeping them in mind. Kinda like the more focus you give them, the more time you spend thinking about them, the more they hang around/propogate.

Okay...there are other types of Shadows as well, that I will comment on when I get more time.


posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:21 PM
Ahh yes I have heard stories about that on Pirongia mountain, that you will get 'taken' by the white beings - personally I think its more a case of getting lost and slipping off the edge into the dense bush below.

But these are not shadow people in the sence meant here I think

Originally posted by Maddas
Alien I opened this thread, hoping you might post something about the Maori myth-fokelore of the putupaiahere, or fairy people. Legend tells of a pale skined humanoid creature present in the New Zealand Bush on cloudy overcast days. Some people claim they where a small celtic population of people present here before the maori. Others claim that they where Chinese saloirs who came asore after there boat was wecked, in or around 1421 to 1422.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Ahh yes I have heard stories about that on Pirongia mountain, that you will get 'taken' by the white beings - personally I think its more a case of getting lost and slipping off the edge into the dense bush below.

But these are not shadow people in the sence meant here I think

Yes Netty me ol' chum...having been in the Pirongia area, I can concur with that. That place is HUMMING with spirit activity...probably because it was the site of a major battle during the Land Wars and a whole lot of blood was spilt there. Encountered quite a few there and in the Moerangi/Kawhia area as well.

...well...found time to post this after all

Bear in mind that this is just my opinion/concept...and I'm not presenting it as fact...

2-Dimensional Shadow People

These are the ones that you sometimes see, normally briefly, like some 'over-exposure' effect...semi-transparent, like an image that is slightly out of focus. These ones seem, well FEEL, to be of different types also:

1. Some seem to be like residual energies, spirits or memories in an location. Maybe they are an image of someone/something that once existed in that area...a sort of cross-over of sorts between different worlds. Not quite part of this world, but also not completely separated from it either.

2. Some I have sensed as having a dubious feel to them...some seem without motive, good or bad. Some just 'feel' to have once been a little pesky feeder one as describe above...which has sinse gained the ability to semi-materialise...perhaps through acquiring enough energy to do so.

3. Some also seem to be still 'living' as they aren't truly dis-embodied spirits at all...maybe like someone who for some reason 'projected' themselves to that area...perhaps even without their conscious knowledge...a daydream, an 'astral projection' of sorts. Some have a human 'feel' to them...yet some do not.

OBE Shadow People/Men

I have purposely used the term 'Men' I have only really encountered (directly) Shadows with a male feel to them this way. These ones are interesting, and again seem to be of many different types. Some people who experience OBEs may also see 'Shadow people' within their OBE...or just feel them...normally they are just on the edges of the OBE experience. Some people report these beings as not engaging them, but almost monitoring them...following them and keeping a distance to observe from. Other OBE Shadow people seem completely oblivious to your presence and just sorta pass on through doing whatever they are doing.

Some who consciously evoked OBEs type 'Astral Projecters' and/or 'Remote Viewers'...have encountered these Shadow people who seem to follow them around and just monitor what they are doing. WHO/WHAT are they? What is their purpose? Well...I dunno really, but I have a few thoughts/feelings on that:

- Maybe they are other astral projecters just passing through the experience and going "Hey, who's that over there?" kinda thing.
- Maybe they are beings that exist within the spirit realm you are passing through and wondering who the heck is this on their turf, so are scoping you out to see what ya up to.

...then there are the 'Shadow Men'...

Shadow Men, yes, I know that sounds like some Nintendo64 game...but its the best I can describe these ones have only ever presented to me as 'male'. explain this further...there are people who sometimes try to look at things that others may not want them looking at. Remote Viewers on a mission to discover 'focussing' their consciousness to a specific area to suss it out and see whats there. Some who do this encounter these entities, that operate almost like gaurds, stopping their access to those areas...defending them with force drive away any potential viewer. Some viewers experience 'attacks' of sorts from these ones, in an effort to break their concentration and thus drive them away. These ones (at least those encountered) seem wierd...they seem to be human...and living....possibly they are people who possess the same abilities as any potential 'viewer' and so operate as gaurds, on behalf of whomever wishes to protect those areas, on that spirit level to keep areas secret/secure. Thats a possible theory anyway.

...again...this is just my opinion.


posted on May, 22 2003 @ 08:07 PM
Speaking of strange places... there is a place under the Whitiora bridge in Hamilton that has the coldest deadest feeling about it. Its just below where a Maori pa used to stand and should be a nice sunny grassy warm place.

Its not, something happened there I feel that has stained the place with death. You really notice it when you visit it even in the height of summer. There are many places like that I think around the Waikato area. Where masaccres have occured either maori/settler or maori/maori.


Back with shadow people are we talking about "shades" which are the disembodied spirits of people who have died but either don't realise it or refuse to give up sometihing (an addiction, a person, a place, a thing) that the were tied to in the world?

[Edited on 23-5-2003 by Netchicken]

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