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WARNING: Demonic Influences

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posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:12 AM

Yes, I also believe I have noticed it also. Why is Christianity so attacked other than muslims, Buddhist, or any other religion on this site, we Christians must be doing something right
. Keep up the work Christians our Lord will not let us down.


God bless you!

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:16 AM

reply to post by Fraudfinder

Passionate, thorough and accurate....

edit on 7 2013 by Artlogic because: Derp

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:16 AM

reply to post by Fraudfinder

For someone who is not Christian but hangs out in these type of forums/threads that deal with the Christian faith and/or who starts threads about Christianity but yet they are not a Christian makes one to think they must have an agenda. It makes no sense why someone would start a thread or make a negative post concerning Christianity when they hate the Christian beliefs? AND frequently it is the same people who scream: “Stop pushing religion down my throat” but yet these same people hang around these religious forums and/or start a religious thread.

Yes, we have an agenda. To expose the truth of how religions are control tools, when and if they are.

MANY of us come here to try to wrap our heads around ALL of the various styles, dogmas, worldviews, thought patterns, and education 'religious' people have received.

You are correct in that this is NOT the "Christianty is Great" forum!! It is for discussion of ALL religiosity, faiths, and theology. As others have said, it's a HUGE endeavor to uncover all of the stuff that has been born from religion.

I COME HERE (and assume I'm probably one of those who YOU are accusing/assessing here) to learn, and to share what I HAVE LEARNED. Your 'reasons' as suggested below are ridiculous, and utterly biased.

If someone has such beliefs why even read the thread at all? Why not find another thread or better yet stop coming to these religious forums? Why is that? I can think of a few reasons why:

1. To receive ATS recognition so they get their with stars, flags etc... (how pathetic).

2. These people love to argue..... not debate. They like stirring the fire so it burns hotter. People who hate Christians and attempt to post their hateful remarks against Christ and those who chose to follow Christ.

3. A demonic attempt to influence Christians to rethink their beliefs and to walk away from their faith.

Those are "troll" reasons. Those of us who come here daily, make thoughtful, provocative threads based on FACTS, are not being "hateful." We ARE trying to "destroy" IGNORANCE.

You want a debate? LET'S GO!:

1) for flags and stars? PLEASE. ATS is about revealing where ignorance reigns, and how to overcome it. Those of us who protest Christianity also protest OTHER RELIGIONS, for very good, sound reasons - such as children being taught they are sinners and deserve hell. From an emotional perspective THIS IS ABUSE. Flags and stars indeed. (Your impotence is showing.)

2) don't debate, but argue? to stir the fire hotter? The FIRE SHOULD BE HOT, because far, far too many so-called "Christians" don't have the SLIGHTEST broadness of education and background to actually UNDERSTAND their "faith". IIRC, all of the sages (including Jesus) said that it is appropriate to ask questions. BLIND FAITH IS NOT. If you can't take the heat, GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN. (Your thin skin is showing.)

3) LOLOLOL!!! Yeah, demonic influences. To try to help people extract themselves from the lies, false hopes, shame and self-loathing that is being pushed down their throats, or that they have WILLINGLY ADOPTED. (Your ignorance is showing.)

I am not saying ATS is anti-Christ website just many of its members are. So to all Christians let this be a warning to you when visiting these religious forums at ATS. If you are new to the Christian faith and your faith in the Christian religion is not 100% secure I would recommend you stay away from these religious forums. They do not enlighten you but bring division and lies in their statements.

ALL OF THIS ABOVE is hogwash, as applied to my threads, posts, and approach. Any person who decides to adopt a faith later in life had BETTER have done their homework before making that choice, lest they be deceived, psychologicallt manipulated, hurt, and misled by predator preachers (of ANY faith).

PREDATOR PREACHERS are the problem. Those of us who see past their predatory preaching, and happen to KNOW that they are skewing actual scripture - whether they are Muslim preachers, Protestant preachers in skinny jeans, or Priests wearing frocks - are obligated to speak up!

My aim is to give "Christians" 'the rest of the story'. Allowing someone to enter a trap and saying nothing to stop them when you KNOW what lies within, is letting down your fellow man.

The fact is that MOST CHRISTIAN CHURCHES have skewed the original, universal teachings of Jesus, which were simply to live by the Golden Rule.

Threatening people with hell-fire, telling them they were born sinners and are unworthy of the 'grace' of salvation they were given ("you don't really deserve it and never will"; or, conversely, "the only way to gain it is by saying a certain phrase, recruiting others, tithing, and self-loathing until the day you die") is ABUSIVE. Having people praying for "End Times" lends itself to VIOLENCE, or apathy against VIOLENCE - which is everyone's responsibility to protest.

Being human is NOT A CURSE. It is A GIFT, meant to be explored and examined by the living, into all corners, free of fear and shame.

Having said that, "SHAME ON YOU" for telling people to stay out of those corners.

To new Christians: Yes, you will find challenges to your faith here. If you are too fragile to deal with those challenges, definitely find another forum. HERE IS NOT where you will find unflagging support for your 'beliefs'. HERE IS WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CHALLENGED, deconstructed, examined, and discussed.

Demons, indeed.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I was about to make a thread about how Shariah law has been skewed into a tool for oppression. From an essay written by a Muslim leader. I would suggest evangelical Christians have a look at it. THEN, I'm preparing one for addressing how Western Christians are IGNORING what's going on in the Middle East TO THEIR OWN CHRISTIAN BRETHREN - in order to "hasten" the fantasy "End Times."

edit on 11/7/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

You have proven my point. Thank you.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder


I mentioned the same thing also, but it's like everywhere there is a forum or comment section. Yahoo comments, youtube comments, you name it, it's out there. People are exercising their freedom of speech, of which neither you nor I can say they can't. We, in essence, must defend their right to non-belief as Christians who live in American. Render unto Caesar doesn't just mean money, and Caesar created this Constitution we live under. So, we have to render unto Caesar. What we can do, however, is show the truths found in Christianity.

Romans 13

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

As much as we might disagree with what they say, we can't think they have no right to do it if our prevailing law from the higher powers, ordained by God, says they can.

But from their perspective, they don't understand Christianity with the multiplicity of doctrines and the duplicity of action and faith, in other words, they see that some Christians don't follow their faith. Do we have a right to speak out against other system that are dangerous? Absolutely we are, and we must if people are endangered within a system, but since they have higher powers they are subject under, then we can only share with them about our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am a Christian, but ATS is a microcosm of society at large, there are Christians on here representing every denomination and creed. I have to apologize to FlyersFan, because I didn't know she was a Christian before sharing with us she used to be a conservative Catholic. To her, I apologize.

But as they see the multiplicity of doctrines and creeds, they wonder and ask which is the right one to follow, and when the very fundamental sets of Christian doctrines are debated even among Christians, then we should get our heads on straight first before telling other people how to think.

Here's what Paul also says in

1 Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

What is our duty as Christians in the world and ATS? All we can do is pray for them. As much as a I have a moral and legal duty as a Christian to defend their rights of freedom of speech, I do think it's fair for them to defend our right of freedom of religious expression.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

You have proven my point. Thank you.

No, I have presented a debate and challenged your 'assessment' of why people are here. YOU are the one running away. Lame.

Very lame.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Very good thread. I don't believe much in the necessity of organized religion in my life but I respect the need of others to believe in their religion. I believe in god but don't believe you need to go to church to believe in god. We are talking about the same god here, the god that was present in Jesus.

I do not fear god, I respect him. I try to be honest and truthful and do not like to kill unless I have to. I do not believe I am superior nor inferior to any other people here on earth. We are all on the same ship sailing through space. I have a great respect for god and to the planet that makes life possible. I think the planet is a living being comprised of the consciousness of all that lives on it. We are just cells of this living consciousness of the earth, and the earth is a cell of the divine consciousness.

I have a lot of religious friends. I talk about other things than religion with them because of the individual differences in everyone's beliefs. That does not mean I do not respect their beliefs as part of their lives. Much of the good in our society is structured off the good that comes from Christianity. I would rather be alive today with my beliefs than three hundred years ago when a person was forced to have to believe in a religion. This forcing does still exist today in some areas of the world.

So that is about all I can tell you. Your perception is right OP. If people do not want to hear about god or religion, they should stay out of the places that it is found.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:32 AM

reply to post by Fraudfinder


I mentioned the same thing also, but it's like everywhere there is a forum or comment section. Yahoo comments, youtube comments, you name it, it's out there. People are exercising their freedom of speech, of which neither you nor I can say they can't. We, in essence, must defend their right to non-belief as Christians who live in American. Render unto Caesar doesn't just mean money, and Caesar created this Constitution we live under. So, we have to render unto Caesar. What we can do, however, is show the truths found in Christianity.

Romans 13

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

As much as we might disagree with what they say, we can't think they have no right to do it if our prevailing law from the higher powers, ordained by God, says they can.

But from their perspective, they don't understand Christianity with the multiplicity of doctrines and the duplicity of action and faith, in other words, they see that some Christians don't follow their faith. Do we have a right to speak out against other system that are dangerous? Absolutely we are, and we must if people are endangered within a system, but since they have higher powers they are subject under, then we can only share with them about our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am a Christian, but ATS is a microcosm of society at large, there are Christians on here representing every denomination and creed. I have to apologize to FlyersFan, because I didn't know she was a Christian before sharing with us she used to be a conservative Catholic. To her, I apologize.

But as they see the multiplicity of doctrines and creeds, they wonder and ask which is the right one to follow, and when the very fundamental sets of Christian doctrines are debated even among Christians, then we should get our heads on straight first before telling other people how to think.

Here's what Paul also says in

1 Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

What is our duty as Christians in the world and ATS? All we can do is pray for them. As much as a I have a moral and legal duty as a Christian to defend their rights of freedom of speech, I do think it's fair for them to defend our right of freedom of religious expression.

I love your post and I agree! God bless you! ('

BUT as Christians we have a responsibility to preach the Good News. I do not give up on any lost soul. It is my hope that I can still reach out to those in need, those who remain in darkness and are lost. BUT to those who have taken a stand against GOD, as it is written, I shake the dust form my shoes and leave.

Not everyone has had a spiritual confrontation with Jesus or with the Holy Spirit AND they never will unless the turn away from sin or Jesus reaches out to them due to this love for that individual.

I have met the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Not asleep, not on alcohol or drugs, not dead ...etc and when you do; it is an experience that you can prove .........IT CHANGES changes you instantly........ your family and friends are shocked how you changed 180 degrees.... a total new man. NOT FOR A DAY OR A WEEK OR A YEAR.

John 14:15-17 - “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

John 14:26 - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

John 16:12-15 - “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

I pray that everyone who reads this post receives a visit from Jesus or from the Holy Spirit.


edit on 7-11-2013 by Fraudfinder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

People with religion troll those without it, hoping for reassurance in their own beliefs.

People without religion troll those with it, hoping for reassureance in their own beliefs.

It's pure insecurity on both parts.

You see clearly. Very clearly. I would respectfully edit to say "some" people, for both of the statements, though I feel it was what you meant anyway. (So forget that edit!)

May I expound to add: People fear, when they feel threatened-- threatened physically, threatened in their belief system, etc. When they feel cornered in their beliefs, they strike out.

Where is the love? Why attack so vehemently to prove you are privy to the Truth, when you know full well it will only incite more resistance in your 'opponent.'

When a person is truly confident of their Knowing, they exude wisdom in a calm, peaceful manner. They don't bicker and throw stinging remarks with those who disagree. Instead, they care about them. They care enough to show them The Way (whatever way they believe is Truth) ...not push them away!

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:37 AM

Very good thread. I don't believe much in the necessity of organized religion in my life but I respect the need of others to believe in their religion. I believe in god but don't believe you need to go to church to believe in god. We are talking about the same god here, the god that was present in Jesus.

I do not fear god, I respect him. I try to be honest and truthful and do not like to kill unless I have to. I do not believe I am superior nor inferior to any other people here on earth. We are all on the same ship sailing through space. I have a great respect for god and to the planet that makes life possible. I think the planet is a living being comprised of the consciousness of all that lives on it. We are just cells of this living consciousness of the earth, and the earth is a cell of the divine consciousness.

I have a lot of religious friends. I talk about other things than religion with them because of the individual differences in everyone's beliefs. That does not mean I do not respect their beliefs as part of their lives. Much of the good in our society is structured off the good that comes from Christianity. I would rather be alive today with my beliefs than three hundred years ago when a person was forced to have to believe in a religion. This forcing does still exist today in some areas of the world.

So that is about all I can tell you. Your perception is right OP. If people do not want to hear about god or religion, they should stay out of the places that it is found.

God bless you! '

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:44 AM

reply to post by Fraudfinder

You have proven my point. Thank you.

No, I have presented a debate and challenged your 'assessment' of why people are here. YOU are the one running away. Lame.

Very lame.

To the OP, Wildtimes and I are an example of head-butting when it comes to religion. But it takes more than just a bull dog stance, as John Calvin took, our primary teacher is Jesus Christ, and what would Jesus say to them? He would say, if you do this in my name, it better be the right thing to do. We can't take His name lightly and we can't just do our own thing, then say it is in His name.

This is a John Calvin quote

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

Are they attacking Jesus, or are they attacking Christians that they don't perceive as living up to Christianity?
John Calvin was a coward, I will say that right now, because he approved the burning at the stake of Michael Servetus. He approved the burning of someone who disagreed with him. And that's not Christian-like.

If we we are the light of the world, but our light is neon and hung over a spiritual brothel, then what light are they seeing from us? To some people, Christianity has become a red light district...sorry to say, but yes. And then there are those with Black light, showing glow in the dark philosophies...

So what light is coming from us?

To Wildtimes

As we have debated, discussed, "argued", and given words of what we both perceive as truth, I do see your point. You don't want to follow a light that would lead you in a wrong direction. I respect that because I understand that.

I have to accept that you have life experiences that were individual to you and framed your worldview. I do understand that it is not Jesus you are attacking, it is the duplicity of Christianity. You are against people who say one thing and do another, in the name of their faith.

I understand it completely.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

A trap that leads you straight to hell.

so what was it like?

How did you escape?

You can NOT fool God, his son or the Holy Spirit.

so why are you trying?

Of course we are humans but many who say they are looking for answers are not doing it or they are just moving their lips spilling out hot air. Many don't want to know the truth and some try it for a week or two and then give up and say "Well I tried and it does not work; so that is proof there is no God." This is exactly what Satan wants you to do! It is a trap.

Satan wants you be as simple as possible like you have just been posting this garbage of a paragraph.

You are saying many are lying when they open their mouths yet not show one example because if you have any they wouldn't be solid and would be shown to be only your assumption as you cannot know what anothers intentions are unless they confined to you what that is, you state people say they are looking for the truth but its not what they are actually doing they are actually blowing hot air.

I feel a warm breeze reading your words like you might feel when others say they looking for truth.

Very Christian of you to make such judgements, I bet Jesus would be proud to have you in his flock

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:53 AM


reply to post by Fraudfinder

You have proven my point. Thank you.

No, I have presented a debate and challenged your 'assessment' of why people are here. YOU are the one running away. Lame.

Very lame.

To the OP, Wildtimes and I are an example of head-butting when it comes to religion. But it takes more than just a bull dog stance, as John Calvin took, our primary teacher is Jesus Christ, and what would Jesus say to them? He would say, if you do this in my name, it better be the right thing to do. We can't take His name lightly and we can't just do our own thing, then say it is in His name.

This is a John Calvin quote

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

Are they attacking Jesus, or are they attacking Christians that they don't perceive as living up to Christianity?
John Calvin was a coward, I will say that right now, because he approved the burning at the stake of Michael Servetus. He approved the burning of someone who disagreed with him. And that's not Christian-like.

If we we are the light of the world, but our light is neon and hung over a spiritual brothel, then what light are they seeing from us? To some people, Christianity has become a red light district...sorry to say, but yes. And then there are those with Black light, showing glow in the dark philosophies...

So what light is coming from us?

To Wildtimes

As we have debated, discussed, "argued", and given words of what we both perceive as truth, I do see your point. You don't want to follow a light that would lead you in a wrong direction. I respect that because I understand that.

I have to accept that you have life experiences that were individual to you and framed your worldview. I do understand that it is not Jesus you are attacking, it is the duplicity of Christianity. You are against people who say one thing and do another, in the name of their faith.

I understand it completely.

I ask all Christians to pray for Wildtimes and to ask God through Jesus name to send the Holy Spirit to him. For once he stands in front of God and sees with his own eyes is when he will understand. In Jesus name. AMEN

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:55 AM

reply to post by Fraudfinder

A trap that leads you straight to hell.

so what was it like?

How did you escape?

You can NOT fool God, his son or the Holy Spirit.

so why are you trying?

Of course we are humans but many who say they are looking for answers are not doing it or they are just moving their lips spilling out hot air. Many don't want to know the truth and some try it for a week or two and then give up and say "Well I tried and it does not work; so that is proof there is no God." This is exactly what Satan wants you to do! It is a trap.

Satan wants you be as simple as possible like you have just been posting this garbage of a paragraph.

You are saying many are lying when they open their mouths yet not show one example because if you have any they wouldn't be solid and would be shown to be only your assumption as you cannot know what anothers intentions are unless they confined to you what that is, you state people say they are looking for the truth but its not what they are actually doing they are actually blowing hot air.

I feel a warm breeze reading your words like you might feel when others say they looking for truth.

Very Christian of you to make such judgements, I bet Jesus would be proud to have you in his flock

I am a part of his flock. Do you too want to be a part of this flock?

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

I ask all Christians to pray for Wildtimes and to ask God through Jesus name to send the Holy Spirit to him. For once he stands in front of God and sees with his own eyes is when he will understand. In Jesus name. AMEN

Aw, how sweet.

I'm not a "him", which you would know if you'd actually READ the threads that you condemn with this veiled attack of an OP. I have the Holy Spirit, and Jesus already knows it. Does that scare you? You think I am lying? Oh well. Who, here, is insecure? Who, instead, has an agenda of providing TRUTH?

Mind your own thoughts, and leave mine to me. It's not your place to judge me, and prayers will make no difference. Nor will you calling me a demon or under demonic influence; or condemning me.

I've already been through your territory, and came out the other side. You just are lost in it. Fine for a 'child' - but presumably, you are an ADULT. With a brain to think for yourself and review ALL of the evidence, from ALL corners. Lazy.


edit on 11/7/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:58 AM



reply to post by Fraudfinder

You have proven my point. Thank you.

No, I have presented a debate and challenged your 'assessment' of why people are here. YOU are the one running away. Lame.

Very lame.

To the OP, Wildtimes and I are an example of head-butting when it comes to religion. But it takes more than just a bull dog stance, as John Calvin took, our primary teacher is Jesus Christ, and what would Jesus say to them? He would say, if you do this in my name, it better be the right thing to do. We can't take His name lightly and we can't just do our own thing, then say it is in His name.

This is a John Calvin quote

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

Are they attacking Jesus, or are they attacking Christians that they don't perceive as living up to Christianity?
John Calvin was a coward, I will say that right now, because he approved the burning at the stake of Michael Servetus. He approved the burning of someone who disagreed with him. And that's not Christian-like.

If we we are the light of the world, but our light is neon and hung over a spiritual brothel, then what light are they seeing from us? To some people, Christianity has become a red light district...sorry to say, but yes. And then there are those with Black light, showing glow in the dark philosophies...

So what light is coming from us?

To Wildtimes

As we have debated, discussed, "argued", and given words of what we both perceive as truth, I do see your point. You don't want to follow a light that would lead you in a wrong direction. I respect that because I understand that.

I have to accept that you have life experiences that were individual to you and framed your worldview. I do understand that it is not Jesus you are attacking, it is the duplicity of Christianity. You are against people who say one thing and do another, in the name of their faith.

I understand it completely.

I ask all Christians to pray for Wildtimes and to ask God through Jesus name to send the Holy Spirit to him. For once he stands in front of God and sees with his own eyes is when he will understand. In Jesus name. AMEN

And to give her a penis, apparently? She's a woman. As to your OP, I'm about to post my response.

Oh, and I'm sure she's "praying" for you as well.

How is it that people like you make "I'll pray for you" sound like "eff you"? It's almost like a threat and a curse.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

And that's the sum total of the debate, what IS the Good News?

When Jesus said it, it was not only He was the good news, but that the kingdom of God is at hand. But the good news is to bring hope, not damnation. That's where it all went wrong for Christianity, when hope was replaced by fire and brimstone preaching about hell for everyone who isn't Christian.

We are not the judges of their hearts or their eternity, that we have to leave up to God. Johnathan Edwards really took that stance in Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God. That Puritanical doctrine led to killing innocent people.

I had a pastor one time many years ago, who died in 1979 when I was young, but I remember very clearly what he said "Don't ever preach someone into hell and not preach to them hope". This pastor, and understand that my parents didn't feel the need to be faithful to church and taking us faithfully, said many practical things that stick with me today. What do you think about people were judging other people for teenage pregnancies in their families, and he was against the high-minded proud, holier-than-thou people, he said something one time that I remember to this day "It is just as easy to get pregnant in the back seat of a car as it is in the back of a wagon". What he meant was that it doesn't matter, it happens to all parts of society, so quit judging on others for not being as wealthy or whatever.

Of all the preachers I have known in my life, he was the most compassionate and practical. He didn't ever preach against poor people, he never preached against those of the "lower class", which I was from.

But never preach someone into hell if you can't preach them hope. Of all the people Jesus preached to about hell, who were the ones He was talking about? The unprofitable servant, the rich man and those who do evil, even those who do it in His name.

He wasn't against the rich, He was against those who use wealth to hurt others.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

AND I know there are MANY pastors and preachers in the churches spewing lies and deceit but my brother rest assured that they will be dealt with and very harsh!

Yeah rest assured Christianity has become a vengeance cult and the forgive and forget and love your enemy are in the days of past.

Do you too want to be a part of this flock?

you're asking the wrong question,

Are you sure your guided by this holy spirit you speak of?

You are convinced others are deceived yet are convinced you are not?

How did you discover your not being deceived?

Was it with faith?

If so why did that faith lead you to believe others that say they are searching are really not, that faith wants you believe others are deceivers, have you questioned this?

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I hope my post wasn't miscontrued, I didn't mean to pray for her to receive the Holy Spirit, I meant to pray for people because we should be doing that anyway, for everyone.

Maybe there might come a day when Wildtimes needs prayer for a sickness, then it's only right to do. Only if we do it in love and compassion.

But just because someone doesn't believe in what we believe doesn't mean we need to force God into them, let God deal with them.

Maybe my version of prayer is different? I have to know that God does what God does in God's time and in God's way.

But it is still a form of prayer to say to someone "have a nice day". And what harm is there in that? Smile and be happy because that person is alive and maybe needs someone to say "have a nice day".

I would never say that Wildtimes is going to hell and needs my prayers to save her, I am not the judge and executioner.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:12 AM

I know the thread Religion, Faith and Theology and Conspiracies in Religions are not only about the Christian faith HOWEVER have you noticed that most/many threads at these two forums are about Christianity and the beliefs of Christianity?

Also take a look at who makes these threads. If you would pay attention, you will find that many (not all) people who start religious threads concerning Christianity and the Christian faith (which includes the bible) are not Christians. Have you noticed this? Do some research and you will find this to be true AND it appears to be the same people over and over again.

For someone who is not Christian but hangs out in these type of forums/threads that deal with the Christian faith and/or who starts threads about Christianity but yet they are not a Christian makes one to think they must have an agenda. It makes no sense why someone would start a thread or make a negative post concerning Christianity when they hate the Christian beliefs? AND frequently it is the same people who scream: “Stop pushing religion down my throat” but yet these same people hang around these religious forums and/or start a religious thread.

If someone has such beliefs why even read the thread at all? Why not find another thread or better yet stop coming to these religious forums? Why is that? I can think of a few reasons why:

1. To receive ATS recognition so they get their with stars, flags etc... (how pathetic).

2. These people love to argue..... not debate. They like stirring the fire so it burns hotter. People who hate Christians and attempt to post their hateful remarks against Christ and those who chose to follow Christ.

3. A demonic attempt to influence Christians to rethink their beliefs and to walk away from their faith.

I am not saying ATS is anti-Christ website just many of its members are. So to all Christians let this be a warning to you when visiting these religious forums at ATS. If you are new to the Christian faith and your faith in the Christian religion is not 100% secure I would recommend you stay away from these religious forums. They do not enlighten you but bring division and lies in their statements.

2 Corinthians 4:4 - Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

Those who follow Satan and his demons know what to do to bring doubt with your faith. There are many half truths on the internet and Youtube concerning the Christian faith. Be careful not to fall into their trap.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ok, I just took the top majority in the exact order shown and copied them here to see what you are talking about. Here are the thread titles and what they are about:

- Why Won’t the West Defend Middle Eastern Christians?
- Critical of Islam

- How Shariah, an Intended Compass for Peace, Became a Tool of Oppression
- Critical of Islam

- WARNING: Demonic Influences
- This thread. Pro Christian

- Vatican ban on Medjugorje public appearances in USA raises brows
- Neutral Christian topic thread

- I thought you religious guys might like this analogy
- Pro Christian topic thread

- Atheists are actually Christians....
- Anti Atheism

- What is so scary about thinking, or discovering, your Religion is false?
- Critical of dependence on religion, in general

- "Last Days' events could have been thwarted" more...
- Pro Christian

- Epistle of Barnabas 4 - Many Called, but Few are Chosen
- Christian bible study

- Epistle of Barnabas 5-6 - Drawing the Future into the Past
- Christian bible study

- Teen Refuses To Run In Cross County Meet After Being Given the Number '666' - vid
- Christian numerology thread

- The anti-christ and the media's role in promoting him
- Pro Christian

- Christ Consciousness - Christ as an energy of service to others is biblical...
- New Age Christian thread

So... I don't see what you see here. None of these threads that focus on Christianity in particular are threads that attack Christianity.

People do write threads that are critical to Christianity and Islam because the Abrahamic faiths take up most of the population. Bigger targets translates into more threads but they are mostly positive threads.

If it involves another religion besides Christianity, it is almost always negative. You are simply seeing it from a biased and defensive perspective.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:19 AM
Maybe because ATS is one of the better forums to discuss these things that is fairly moderated.
I have tried it on other sites, and for some reason it just doesn't work, threads either get no responses or crazy responses or a moderator comes in and ruins it.
But I know what you are saying. Perhaps we need a new sub-forum for atheists and agnostics, then when they come into this forum and post stuff like "the bible is a myth" in every thread they can be sent to there own forum.

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