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The Nazi's actually won WW2.....(you're gonna be SHOCKED!!)

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posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 02:53 AM

It sounds like someone's been drinking the Jim Marrs Fourth Reich Koolaide.

While interesting and fun to think about, it's not true.
Sure, there's lots going on in the world to complain about, but, tying them all up with a Nazi embematic bow isn't going to hold that package together.

EDIT: Note, there WERE indeed plans for a secret Fourth Reich movement, but, that never happened.
Secret Fourth Reich plans

edit on 11/2/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Koolaide? Koolaide? You obviously don't know Jim or understand anything he has written, not only is it well researched, but extremely well written. Believe me, I have spent a lot of time in South America and have many friends of German decsent from there and they have many open secrets!

Jim followed the money trail, so don't be so dismissive of his work. It's the people who believe the lie's of the victors that make 'history' are the onesthat are drinking the KOOLAIDE!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 02:57 AM



And who found his body??

The Soviets. And believe me, when even a paranoid nut like Stalin was convinced that Hitler was dead, there's a good chance that he really was dead!

But Stalin BELIEVED that HITLER had escaped, so your wrong, he never believed the theory that he died in the bunker and he told Churchill and Truman that!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 03:07 AM


reply to post by Aliensun

all you need to know is everything writen in history books is mostly lies. So it's your job to examine what was said and try to piece together the truth, and that's all your gonna get. So like ww2, ya sure we won, get real.

Speaking as a man with a degree in history, I have to say something. Whut??????

I also have a degree in history, that does not make you unique does it? Let me tell you this, your wrong - History is a lie! It was hard for me to take at first but I have now come full circle and have a far better understanding.

You need to research the truth behind what you've researched

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 03:13 AM





And who found his body??

The Soviets. And believe me, when even a paranoid nut like Stalin was convinced that Hitler was dead, there's a good chance that he really was dead!

dna testing on the bones proved it to be a womans remains that they had

The only problem is that they identified Hitler's body via his dental records. So the skull fragment is probably Eva Braun's.

Identified by who? Hitlers own dentist???? He was in on the escape, what better way to cover up? DNA evidence on the same bones prove otherwise, how could Eva Braun's skull have Hitlers teeth if we believe your theory?

I have met several people in Argentina who claim that both Hitler and Eva were in Argentina after the war, now how could that have been if hitler died, his teeth were identified as part of a female body??? Now we are really getting esoteric and unbelievable! Hitler escaped to Argentina along with Bormann and thousands of other high ranking Nazi's and their families!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

'All of history is a lie.' - Voltaire.

The Victor writes history.

A perception is 'sold' to us, and who are we to question the 'men' in suits and with 'degrees' in that particular lie?

A lie repeated often enough will become the Truth. - Stalin

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 03:28 AM

reply to post by Hongkongphooey

'All of history is a lie.' - Voltaire.

The Victor writes history.

A perception is 'sold' to us, and who are we to question the 'men' in suits and with 'degrees' in that particular lie?

A lie repeated often enough will become the Truth. - Stalin

'The bigger the lie the more people will believe it" Joseph Goebels

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey


And what else is very interesting is that the 'lie' is always interspersed with many 'truths', and that is what makes it such hard work dividing the two!

Also, 'the truth' is not necessarily exactly inbetween the mix of 'stories' that is sold as 'truths'. There can be just a tiny amount of truth in a story or a massive amount with just ONE major 'untruth'. Sometimes unmuddling the mess is like separating eggs and flour in a pancake mix.......once it's been cooked!!!!!!!

History has to be kept a 'muddled mess' otherwise the masses would understand 'the game' .

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 05:07 AM
The Israel / Jew fawning U.S. are a Nazi orchestration??

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by geobro

I saw that as well.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

I think you may be having too many beers!
How dare you compare a Nazi salute to the placing of the hand over the heart during Pledge of Allegiance?
The "Nazi salute" in case you didn't know came from Mussolini, who dreamed of a revived Roman Empire. He adapter the old Roman soldier salute (where they would make a fist in their right hand and fold it across their chest when 'saluting' a senior officer. Hitler liked the idea of a 'special' salute and made up the right arm thrust in the air.
Another big difference between the Hitler salute and our placing the hand over the heart is the Pledge of Allegiance is to show respect for our flag and it's association with freedom compared to the "Nazi" salute to show allegiance to ONE man!
I have been watching your posts and it seems as if you are obsessed with posting outrageous 'ideas' in order to get noticed (i.e. stars and flags) and has very little substance!
Comparing the Pledge of Allegiance to the Nazi salute is an insult to every American.

edit on 3-11-2013 by wulff because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 06:55 AM
OP the Nazis didnt win WW2..but your concept is along the right lines all the same. There is no virus of Nazisim that spread etc..What you really have is this.
Stalin was not a Nazi and he was atleast equally as bad as Hitler if not even worse...Yet you hardly hear about Stalin, in the MSM, nope its always Hitler, Hitler, and Nazis. In fact Stalin killed many millions more people than Hitler did...if this is a numbers game Stalin wins hands down...and according to the MSM it is a numbers game isnt it....6 million Jews..yet Stalin killed atleast 20 million of his own people..some say it might have been up to 60 million...but that hardly matters becaiuse its not a numbers game evidently.
And once you see that the MSM pick and choose who was the biggest devil, then other factors are clearly at work.
So on top of that not only did Stalin kill more people...he also worked people to death in labor camps, just like Hitler..He also sent people to cyberia on trumped up criminal charges, like for stealing a loaf of bread you eneded up getting a life sentence in cyberia doing hard labor etc...Stalin did this to childeren by the way. And remember Stalin fought anginst Hitler.. Stalin was part of the allies, so he cant possibly be as bad as Hitler..duh...
So this Nazis business is really a way to pin everything evil on one group whilst ignoring every other evil group in existance. So whenever some country these days, does a whole bunch of evil things to their people and society, they continually make people think the only evil people who ever existed were the Nazis.
Its just a trick that people fall for. the Nasiz didnt win, but it didnt mean that just because the allies won that evil was wiped out of mankind..but thats what the MSM likes to make out. The NAzis lost so all evil ness has been destroyed...its nonsense.
Lots of what Israel gets away with is due to this BS. Jews cannot be anything other than Nazi Israel cannot possibly have evil in its own government or society etc....
The real damage is that the MSM and not just the MSM the entire education system focuses on Nazis having a monoploy on EVIL, all this has done is convince people that whenever other governemnts exhibit Nazi type behaviour that they are harmless because they dont have swastickas.
Your not seeing a NAzi new world order...your just seeing a pattern that human beings follow through history..especially over the last century. The ones in charge eventually get to think the public are nothing but worthless animals..and eventually the leaders lose all compassion for the people. The fact the NSA and Obama have publicly admitted all this spying is no different to what Stalin did and the east German secret police (stazi). There is no hidden connection, its just typical of what people with too much power always end up doing. The Nazis did not have some special evil gene, they were very much hmanbeings, in fact the real scary part as proven by things like the Stanford prison that he Nazis were humanbeings just like you and me..and under the right sircumstances we are all capable of evil, weather we be Jew or gentile or black or white or male or female, all of us are capable of being just as bad as the Nazis. Thats the problem, we are taught they were somehow more evil than everyone else, they werent, they just had too much power and the society allowed them to gain even more power simply by doing nothing to stop them. And thats exactly what we have in the modern western world, everyone sees its a police state, and its a police state with propoghanda etc, and most people see it easily...but nobody is willing to really try to stop it from getting worse..just like in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia...its nothing to do with polotics or Nazis..its to do with power and the publics inhability to counter it.

edit on 3-11-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:01 AM

Someone's post got me thinking....(okay i THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH....)

There's a theory that the Nazi's actually won WW2.

It's kinda like this....

The nazi's had had some major conquests. But then when they had to take on the YouEs, Russia and England, they realized that it would be quit difficult. So all they did was thought ahead several strategic moves in the game. So here's what they did...

They knew of the invasion at D-day and of the fake invasion. So they made it look as if they were gonna try and defend against the fake one. Leaving the beaches at normondee vulnerable. But that was there plan all along. They wanted the invasion to happen.

Then they gave light resistance to the invading forces but they continued to make it look like there enemies were winning ultimately making it look like they won.

Then as we see in the history books they claim the allied forces won. But no so. The whole plan was to orchestrate there new plan which was like this....

They sort of turned themselves into a trogen horse, a virus laying in wait. They created a lot of chatter about which Nazi's where the most intelligent scientists. And so the allies would think "oh we got to get these nazi's scientists out" after this is done.

Plus they doubled down and made sure that the people they already had in each country were influencing the decision makers to take on these scientists. Thus we get Operation Paper Clip.

We're told in the history books that Operation Paper Clip was done by the youEs and that russia and england had there own versions of it. but not so. It was actually a secret Nazi plan to win the war.

See it's like this.... The Nazi's had to use so much force to take over all the European countries they did. They met huge opposition and insurgencies. Like the famouse French Resistance. Plus they soon realized that they'll never turn the whole world into Nazi's if they kept it all "public" and kept trying to do it by force.

So instead they changed the program and figured out that they can win the world by "stealth". They turned themselves into that virus, that trogen horse. They made it look as if they lost the war legitimately. But actually it was all orchastrated. They played the allied forces beautifully.

Then they transplated themselves under operation paperclip into the SEE-i-ahhhyy, other ABC agencies, into Englands Em-i 6, into Russia and other key places where the power was.

They Hilter faked his death and went into hiding. There he secretly still ran the operation, sending criptic messages to all his nazi scientists in each of the allied powers. Those nazi scientists in no time rose to top positions within there respected organizations. And then only recruited people that had the disposition and persona of a true Nazi. Someone that craved, control, death, distruction, devoid of morals and values and was completely loyal to there superiors. (all the while never uttering telling them that they were being indoctrinated to be Nazi's). No they were just agents of whatever ABC agency they worked for.

Now that virus that was transplated into each of the superpowers grew and grew, until we have what we have today.

Okay now by this time you're thinking.... B.S. I know I know, it sounds far fetched. But just LOOK at what we have in society today? Do we not have a modern version of Nazi germany? LOOK, we have an EXACT VERSION of nazi germany!!

U.S................................................... NAZI GERMANY

We have cameras on every street corner..........They used a Nazi, stationed on every street corner

we have flouride in the water......................They used in the concentration camps

We have the public school system..................They had Hitler Youth

We have Main Stream Media which is all controlled.............They had nothing but propaganda as well

we put our hands over our chest and pleadge allegence......They put there hands up and said heil hilter

The allied powers are mostly socialistic now, and far less capitalistic.................The nazi's were socialists

We no longer have officers dressed shirt and tie, we have paramilitary police......They had the S.S.

We have peace officers, bilaw, sheiriffs.....................They had the Brown Shirts

We experiment with all kinds of pharmasuiticals..................So did they

We have Gitmo and other blackopps concentration camps....................So did they

We have EyeCBeeEhms.........................So did they

We have check points on a lot of highways.......................They had checkpoints

We did 9/11...........They did The Riechstag (both stagged, and then blamed on the enemy)


And I mean this list of satanistic policies exact that only sprung up after WW2 in the Allied powers are exact carbon copies of what the Nazi's had. Before WW2, we didn't put flouride in water. We didn't use paramilitary police that kick doors down at 3am and black bag citizens. We didn't, we didn't, we didn't!!!!

NOW WE DO!!!! Now we make the Nazi's look like QUIRE BOYS!!! They're frackin quire boys compared to us. So why is that? Could it be that it's all been planned? It's all been stagged? A master rouse to pull the wool over everyone's eyes to make it look like the Nazi's lost ww2 when actually they won???

And now they're full plan is in full effect??? Like seriously they're plan is in our daily lives right now. Even worse, way worse!!!

So there you go. It's all as plain as day, once you really stop and analyse it. The Nazi's may actually have won ww2 and have spread into the Allied powers like a virus that's destroying our countries.

Anyway that's my two cents......I need a beer!!!! (I call it as I see it, nothing more nothing less)

SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ???????????????

(1:04+ jessy video)

(even though DR. Oz says he would never give the shot to his wife or children) (3:30+ "we both saw him put that thing in my arm and within 10 days I was struck down..." he got the flu, plus the poison that will remain in his system doing even more damage, hmmmmm.....can someone say Nazi???)

(once you're awake it starts to become plain as day, when there's this many coincidences between Nazi Germany and many of the Allied powers, you have to wonder???) (disclaimer: I'm not a frackin Nazi, and this is just a theory)

edit on 2-11-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)

Cool story bro it's just a shame I could rip it apart a thousand ways to Sunday. I mean if this is true then Hitler also built a Nazi moon base on the other side of the moon and anal probes unsuspecting victims every thursday.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Yes we do have a modern version of Nazi Germany.
The U.S. has the CIA which was modelled after Reinhard Gehlen's SS intelligence operations. According to the story Allen Dulles, working from Europe, provided Gehlen with a post-war operational budget in the millions to keep his Nazi intelligence network INTACT.

So Gehlen saved his cowardly skin by surrendering to the allies and providing them with assets in what would become Soviet territory. Was Gehlen made DCI? Placed in charge of policy? No. Saying that Gehlen evading execution by giving his network to the US makes the US a modern version of Nazi Germany is like saying that the Africans that were kidnapped and forced to work as slaves on American plantations turned America into a tribal society.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Laykilla

I guess drone strikes don't count? Because we've killed massive amounts of civilians from camera guided fly by wire missiles launched from unmanned air crafts.

Rather than vainly try to explain the difference between "collateral damage," in which civilians are injured or killed in an attack upon a legitimate military target, and actually attacking civilians as a strategy of terror, I'll simply point out that America's despicable policy of targeted assassinations is more Stalin's style than Hitler's.

Also, our checkpoints don't look for drunk drivers. Our checkpoints look for any reason to arrest you. Be it "Contraband" or bad lip service. If they were looking for drunk drivers, I wouldn't have to allow them to rip apart my car while I wait an hour for them to clear me.

Perhaps if you smiled and said: "Good evening, Officer. Is there something I can help you with?" Your experience of the police would be different.

As for the rest of your post, it belongs in the 9/11 forum, not here.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:42 AM


The allied powers are mostly socialistic now, and far less capitalistic.................The nazi's were socialists

this is the point i take *most* issue with.




they were radical fascists. the other end of the political spectrum.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Somewhat interesting hypothesis but you lost me when you said Hitler controlled the show. fyi - Hitler was a stupid narcissistic patsy, much like gw. Still, just needs work and a bit of reworking. Keep at it. Suggest you follow the money.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:05 AM
Very weird you being this up! I had similar thoughts the other day whilst reading something about WW2.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:22 AM
I think a better understanding of MKultra is in order and how long and deep rooted is it?

There are certainly parallels between Nazi Germany and the current US. You identified plenty in the OP. The whole worlds a stage this is certain, the challenge is identifying the actors.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Hate to break it to the OP but there was not one novel or unique idea developed by the Nazi's..everything from their science to their motif was stolen from historical predecessors.

Their ideology lives on today ( as the OP perceives) because the tactics of social control, war, propaganda, conquest and history revisionism are all part of managing large groups of humans (i.e civilization)

What Nazi-sim did do very well (aside from folk parades) was to rob/collect/abduct most of the intelligent people /useful materials in the countries they invaded, and under duress, set them all up with one unified goal.

Humans tend to achieve the best when under controlled threat of death/violence (sad fact) and /or have some sort of ideological motivation so massive advances were made in the fields of engineering and physics.

Germany and the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire it had conquered provided a very very attractive Aladins cave of "easy" technology, money, resources and people to the Allies and they capitalised.

Obviously the Nazi's lost the war but the bad/weak men that filled it's uniforms are still seemingly being born today ( and were long before Hitler).
edit on 3-11-2013 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Jukiodone

Hate to break it to the OP but there was not one novel or unique idea developed by the Nazi's..everything from their science to their motif was stolen from historical predecessors.

If you are saying that Nazism did not exist in an historical vacuum, you are correct. Many of its stranger aspects, however emerged from the fetid imaginations of its adherents.

Their ideology lives on today ( as the OP perceives) it because the tactics of social control, war, propaganda, conquest and history revisionism are all part of managing large groups of humans (i.e civilization)

You are confusing tactics with ideology. Although Fascism and Communism use similar methods of control, their social , political and economic structures are quite different, as are their supposed philosophical justifications.

What Nazi-sim did do very well (aside from folk parades) was to rob/collect/abduct most of the intelligent people /useful materials in the countries they invaded, and under duress, set them all up with one unified goal.

False and, ironically, this was Nazism greatest failure. Their extreme racist views prevented them from making the best use of human capital. Jewish physicists, Communist intellectuals and other educated people fled before the Nazis; in their arrogance, the Nazis refused to use even the intellectual capital left behind. All they could do is physically enslave people for their labor.

Humans tend to achieve the most best when under controlled threat of death/violence (sad fact) and /or have some sort of ideological motivation so massive advances were made in the fields of engineering and physics.

Not only is this statement completely wrong, it reveals your authoritarian sympathies. People achieve least under threat; they resort to passive aggressive behavior to undermine arbitrary authority. People achieve most when they find the activity itself rewarding. This is why the great breakthroughs in physics of the era came not from Nazi sweatshops, but from happy nerds taking pleasant walks through the mountains.

Germany and the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire it had conquered provided a very very attractive aladins cave of "easy" technology, money, resources and people to the Allies and they capitalised.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. Unlike the Nazis, the allies did not have racist ideologies that prevented them from using the human and intellectual capital they acquired... in other words, they didn't reject Werner von Braun's engineering as being "decadent Junker philosophy."

Obviously the Nazi's lost the war but the bad men that filled it's uniforms are still seemingly being born today ( and were long before Hitler).

If you mean that contemptuous, power hungry people who believe that "humans tend to achieve the most best when under controlled threat of death/violence," are not limited to Germany from 1928 to 1945, then, yes, I agree.

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