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The Indigo Children

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Illahee
My advice to anyone that realizes they may be different is to lay low and tell no one. Who do you think they want to round up and get rid of first? Anyone with special talents that may be able to alert others in advance. Why do you think they want to identify you? This is a cold harsh and brutal world. If you think anyone is going to coddle you or wipe your runny nose because your deserve to be first on the trains and buses.

Wise words, there. That's something that I've come to realize, too. Silence is rule #1. I don't talk about the specifics of what I do with anyone, online or in the real world. It sucks, but what else can you do? Like I said before, I do get tired of the secrets, but silence keeps you safe and humble, and it helps you retain a sense of normalcy in life, which is a blessing. I think you understand that.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Melody98

Originally posted by Illahee
My advice to anyone that realizes they may be different is to lay low and tell no one. Who do you think they want to round up and get rid of first? Anyone with special talents that may be able to alert others in advance. Why do you think they want to identify you? This is a cold harsh and brutal world. If you think anyone is going to coddle you or wipe your runny nose because your deserve to be first on the trains and buses.

Wise words, there. That's something that I've come to realize, too. Silence is rule #1. I don't talk about the specifics of what I do with anyone, online or in the real world. It sucks, but what else can you do? Like I said before, I do get tired of the secrets, but silence keeps you safe and humble, and it helps you retain a sense of normalcy in life, which is a blessing. I think you understand that.

You say silence is best? I disagree because if people stay silent and don't take action the whole evil part of this world will just run over us. Silence is what Satan subcribes to. Silence and secrets and I don't think Indigo's would be of that nature. Nor do I think they'd want to be that way... Plus if you really understood what's out there you shouldn't be afraid of dieing. You shouldn't be afraid of what hasn't happened. You can speculate all day long on what might happen, but that isn't going to do you any good.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:46 AM
am I?
not to label myself differently to feel special.
but hey i can "feel" other indigos
i can paint well
ive always felt different, blaming it on moving, my culture, left handed-ness (lol)
but others are more outcasted and fit in better?
i have no idea but i feel i fit the Indigo child category.

enlighten me

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:53 AM
Here's the perfect example of an Indigo child, Watch this enlightened video. It's truly inspirational.

If this kid is the future of humanity, the enlightened one, come to save us all, then it's safe to say - we are screwed.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by kindred]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by HruthTurts
You say silence is best? I disagree because if people stay silent and don't take action the whole evil part of this world will just run over us. Silence is what Satan subcribes to. Silence and secrets and I don't think Indigo's would be of that nature. Nor do I think they'd want to be that way... Plus if you really understood what's out there you shouldn't be afraid of dieing. You shouldn't be afraid of what hasn't happened. You can speculate all day long on what might happen, but that isn't going to do you any good.

I'm not an Indigo, I'm something different (my aura is gold, not indigo). I don't brag about what I do, I just choose to live a humble life and do my work in private. I don't seek attention, which I think a lot of Indigos do (no offense). I'm quite capable of creating change without shouting it from the rooftops.

For me, talking about it has never felt right. I believe that with every gift comes the knowledge to use it wisely, and I suspect that most people who have real power tend to keep it to themselves. There's a quiet satisfaction in this which you may not understand. I don't seek fame or glory; I just do what I do, without drawing attention to myself. In that way, the gift remains untarnished by egotism or self promotion, so it remains a truly selfless act-- and I think that's a beautiful thing.

And I'm sorry, but I had to chuckle at your claim that I fear death. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was referring more to the danger of being ostracized by society, than physical harm. People tend to fear what they don't understand. Even my loved ones couldn't cope when I shared a few experiences. Maybe the Indigo experience is different, but I've always known that my gifts were not to be taken lightly. I respect the gifts (and myself) too much to do so.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Indigo is a nice way to label ADD. That is all. Its a made up pile of lies based on Cold Reading.

Google Cold Reading and see exactly how you were conned and suckered.

Randi will give a million dollars to anyone that can prove this pile of stinky is legit.

No takers and no attempts. This indigo stuff needs to go to Skunkworks. It is in no way a traditional paranormal thing.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by kindred
Here's the perfect example of an Indigo child, Watch this enlightened video. It's truly inspirational.

If this kid is the future of humanity, the enlightened one, come to save us all, then it's safe to say - we are screwed.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by kindred]

My my thats a quite angry little indigo boy isn't he. All of the questions yep yep yep.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Illahee-- I can't speak for the Indigos, but I've known that I was different since childhood. It didn't take the whole Indigo movement to make me realize that, so I'm quite sure that I wasn't "conned" or "suckered" into anything. And about old Randi, personally, I think that anyone who would would be willing to sell out for money doesn't have any real gifts anyway. Money doesn't mean anything to me. I've seen too much, experienced too much to find any real fulfillment in material things. Like I said, I live a humble life by choice. I could never put a price tag on what I do, even though I know that most people can't understand that.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by offtheheezay
am I?
not to label myself differently to feel special.
but hey i can "feel" other indigos
i can paint well
ive always felt different, blaming it on moving, my culture, left handed-ness (lol)
but others are more outcasted and fit in better?
i have no idea but i feel i fit the Indigo child category.

enlighten me

You can't feel something not real.
You painting well is just nonsensical.
If you're different because you move and your culture, it means the feeling different comes from an influence from without and not within.
Yes, the weirder you are the more likely you are to be considered an Indigo.

"enlighten me" You win the most delusional phrase of the day award.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:58 AM
Are you sure those symptoms you posted on the first page, aren't symptoms for ADHD or ADD?? Seriously, I have those symptoms but that doesn't mean we are Ingo Children right?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:25 PM
I'll prove that randi guy wrong.. wheres the challenge. Indigos dont have any super powers and most of us arent kids were in our mid twenties. This whole phenomenon equates to one thing. Enhanced Empathetic ability. Things dont light up i dont feel a tingle.. I can just tell how people are feeling and most of the time finish there sentences for them. Ive dated at least 20 women till I found the one i've been with for the past 5 years... Little secret chicks love backrubs and if you have some way of feeling tension or the spot where it hurts.. well then your a hero in their book... Now i never set out to get laid or dates that way but its kinda odd when 30 or 40 or so people throughout your life ask you how you always know where it hurts.. I cant explain it but i do it. So if this helps any of the angry people here great if not go sit and rotate we need positive minds of working people who want to make a difference its not a club group or team its just how we feel and what we feel throughout the day...

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Localjoe3
I'll prove that randi guy wrong.. wheres the challenge. Indigos dont have any super powers and most of us arent kids were in our mid twenties. This whole phenomenon equates to one thing. Enhanced Empathetic ability. Things dont light up i dont feel a tingle.. I can just tell how people are feeling and most of the time finish there sentences for them. Ive dated at least 20 women till I found the one i've been with for the past 5 years... Little secret chicks love backrubs and if you have some way of feeling tension or the spot where it hurts.. well then your a hero in their book... Now i never set out to get laid or dates that way but its kinda odd when 30 or 40 or so people throughout your life ask you how you always know where it hurts.. I cant explain it but i do it. So if this helps any of the angry people here great if not go sit and rotate we need positive minds of working people who want to make a difference its not a club group or team its just how we feel and what we feel throughout the day...

The cash money is held by a trust and does in fact exist. Click the link above and prove you are a real indigo child according to scientific testing. There is an application link on the site.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Thanks but his link is dead. Maybe someone here will come up with something or just decide ask me questions. Either way i just wanted to make a point because i fully agree that theres a rash of sub 20 year old people looking for their "place in life" and are confusing this with something like being a monk and not working or doing the normal things in life. Thats normal you will always have people that cling to something for a crutch in life.. but This indigo child thing is real in a sense.. natural evolution of mankind and how your choosing to use it. People have always said the zodiac had something to do with it but i try to stick to more scientific explainiations or plausable ones..

However With the uproar of zodiac philosophy lately i cant help to wonder if things got mixed up pre jesus and the true "order or cycle of life" that is and was predictable got construed into a money making orginaztion that hid the truth.. How many religious organizations DONT collect money?????? Ok sorry for the rant i just dint want you folks thinking i was blindly claiming hocus pocus here or supporting it.

In the words of wavy gravy.. we fed em some sunshine and sent em into the woods for a day.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Melody98
Illahee-- I can't speak for the Indigos, but I've known that I was different since childhood. It didn't take the whole Indigo movement to make me realize that, so I'm quite sure that I wasn't "conned" or "suckered" into anything. And about old Randi, personally, I think that anyone who would would be willing to sell out for money doesn't have any real gifts anyway. Money doesn't mean anything to me. I've seen too much, experienced too much to find any real fulfillment in material things. Like I said, I live a humble life by choice. I could never put a price tag on what I do, even though I know that most people can't understand that.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that everyone has a unique personality and differing set of abilities. These abilities can be enhanced or trained but it doesn't come for free. Its very hard work and most do not have what it takes to get the payoff.

I wish you well. My point is not against anyone that is being mislead, it is against a downright fraud, and it costing people big money, wasted time, and years of embarrassment once it finally breaks through that they have been conned.

This is a fact. I have studied every form of mind control known. I can meet you on the street and in 5 minutes have control over you and persuade you to do most anything. Where is the MORAL COMPASS pointing? Wrong is wrong, you can't justify it to your God or any human being. If I let people be taken advantage of when I know it is wrong I am just as guilty and might as well be an accomplice getting a cut from the take.

How humiliating to have to admit to yourself and everyone else you were taken in. No on should have to do that, and everyday someone new shows up here and they face the same thing eventually or they decide to live a life of lies and bury their heads in the sand.

If you want to experiment a bit with the law of attraction you should read and comment on that thread. Ask questions and build real abilities through effort and putting in the time. If you have no material interest, explore where those abilities can help others and find out where you fit in.

Best to you.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 03:05 PM

In a perfect world we'd have time for everything
But i do plan to check that out. Funny thing i build electronics and tinker a bit and recently ive been exploring a theory called the law of attraction. Here was my quote from another site

"If Energy is provided symmetrically at a given and repeated interval, additional energy can be gained in a system"

Thanks for being a human


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:33 PM
Illahee-- Thanks for the reply. I understand where you're coming from, but I also believe that you have to let people find their own identities. I guess I'm not so quick to judge, because I've always been different. Maybe there are Indigos, or maybe not, although I admit that I do question those individuals who jumped on the bandwagon after taking a quiz. People can be very impressionable, and you would think those who are genuine would know they were Indigos without taking some silly test. Like you said, most of those questions would apply to almost anyone.

I'm afraid I haven't seen or read "The Secret" so I wouldn't be able to intelligently contribute to that thread. I do have my own methods, but they tend to be more mystical in nature. It's not something that I've learned or worked for. It's just always been there, a part of me. Most of the time, I do use it for others, even though they don't know that it's me. I don't want to take the credit. I just like seeing the joy on their faces when they experience something they consider to be a miracle. Nothing makes me happier.

I don't need anything for myself. Honestly, there is no part of my life that I would want to change. I can't even remember the last time I used it for my own benefit. My life is filled with beauty and mystery, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:55 PM

However, an Indigo Child�s life is usually very hard, lonely and traumatic. They require a lot of love, nurturing, caring and intellectual and spiritual stimulation. They flare up like a volcano at the slightest provocation. They are extremely irritable and anger prone, and absolutely despise stupidity and generally have misanthropic(hate people) attitudes. If they are not handled and stimulated properly in their early days, they will begin to develop a whole range of psychological problems, and thus their performance in life and in academics becomes severely impaired. This leads to suicidal tendencies, and if there is no resolve to their life in sight, they will likely commit suicide.

Wow......i thank you for this explains alot from my past and present, and the thoughts that used to go through my head.

1-7 perfectly healthy. at 7 my mom leave's and im raised by my da.
7-17 mental/physical probelems. learning disability diagnosed.
17-Current (almost 19).i moved into a environment where i get better care, and more attention than ever before. i Learned to have intelligent conversations and meditate....the most important 2 things i have EVER learned.
my suicidal tendancies have left, and with them the "learning disorder went, in the last 2 years i have lost 110 Lbs and im now sitting at a healthy 185 Lbs at 5'9......and my immune system is great.....i THINK i'm an indigo child....if only there was a way to prove it

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 01:54 AM

"However, an Indigo Child�s life is usually very hard, lonely and traumatic. They require a lot of love, nurturing, caring and intellectual and spiritual stimulation. They flare up like a volcano at the slightest provocation. They are extremely irritable and anger prone, and absolutely despise stupidity and generally have misanthropic(hate people) attitudes. If they are not handled and stimulated properly in their early days, they will begin to develop a whole range of psychological problems, and thus their performance in life and in academics becomes severely impaired. This leads to suicidal tendencies, and if there is no resolve to their life in sight, they will likely commit suicide."

this seems like nonsense and is obviously speculatory depending on your own self discipline. It is an easy trap so folks who have hardships have something that can let them feel like they have a niche in life .

Main thing to remember is its not about yourself and what has happened to you but rather how you help others in different ways innately sometimes not even knowing

[edit on 24-2-2008 by Localjoe3]

[edit on 24-2-2008 by Localjoe3]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I can't think of anything more patronising than someone who thinks they are somehow special simply because they've had a hard life. Haven't we all. Talk about being in a state of denial, but keep deluding yourself.

We are led to believe that indigo children are supposed to be highly intelligent and very spiritual. In that sense, surely life on this difficult planet would be a walk in the park. Obviously not, if the typical description of an indigo child is anything to go by. So what abilities do you have that's so beneficial to the human race, considering that you can barely cope with your own life. I think some people seriously need to get a grip on reality.
No offence but I won't be relying on indigo children to save humanity when you can barely manage your own life............

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 04:38 PM
indigo child is MADE IN INDIA..............

indigo is india on the go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a lunatic group of indian who tried to be smart

99% of those who claimed indigo child are indians!!!!!!!!!! most of indian fall into this trap due to their hocus pocus culture!!! achaaaa? achaaaaa???????? nehi nehi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you would be surprise to know indian shake their head to give YES gesture, and nod their head which means NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

achaaaaa??????? acha??????????? nehiiiiiiii nehiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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