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Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:43 AM

The more information we have about what governments and corporations are up to the less we seem to trust them.

Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?

Interesting debate taking place on the BBC website about conspiracy theories. Alot of anti conspiracy theories bashing going on as well in the comments section. If there were no conspiracies then how come we have corrupt politicians who were only caught after investigative journalism caught them in the act. I seem to remember a certain break in at a hotel being the downfall of a certain world leader (Watergate) for example. Need I go on? I thought readers here might be interested in following the debate

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I read this last night, good to see many comments actually supporting conspiracy theories, I think the populace is waking up to all the lies.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Just because one conspiracy is true, doesn't make them all true.

Many deserve the ridicule they get, only after they are proven to be wrong of course.

We all enjoy a laugh at the expense of Billy Meier believers even to this day, don't we?

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I equate conspiracy theories to thinking. Not buying the line being fed and seeing if there is something else not being said. I still look at all the angles though and try to keep a open mind. It's actually fun...and sometimes scary.

But in the long run, people are people and they ALWAYS have a agenda. The question is, "How does it affect you and me?"

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:56 AM
Almost anything can destroy a democracy, a republic may be different. Any theory, conspiracy or basic is supported by a freedom of speech, this supports open dialog with simple mature guidelines and works well until power grabbing politicians want you silenced. Conspiracy theories are healthy for many reasons and sometimes the far reaching crazy CT turns out to be true. non producers destroy democracy.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I don't see it as hurting much overall. Its a good offset to all the propaganda we get tossed at us.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Something needs to destroy democracy... before it democracy destroys us.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:17 AM
it is becoming inevitable that government secrets are outed. can you imagine the power a country could be if a government aired its dirty laundry before that happened cleaned up its act and became as transparent as it possibly could be. unfortunatly to much vested intrests playing games and making money for that to happen at the moment.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:21 AM

Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?

I hope so. Democracy is a horrid form of governance. Glad I don't live in a democracy. Although government and media have done a damn fine job of convincing everyone we do. Conspiracies theories are a given when there are so many conspiracy facts to support the massive distrust and cynicism the many have toward government, corporations, and media.

Those who think people with wealth, power, and position never conspire and succeed, are the ones out of touch with reality. Come to think of it, that's most of the public. My signature is a quote from one of their own. Maybe we should have listened to him.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:27 AM

I hope so. Democracy is a horrid form of governance. Glad I don't live in a democracy. Although government and media have done a damn fine job of convincing everyone we do.

If you're alluding to the fact the US is a republic, it is still a democracy. I am still totally baffled why this is such a difficult concept for some Yanks to understand. Being a Republic does not preclude being a Democracy. I would go further, but I am not certain if this is what you meant. If it was, I will elaborate.

As for the article, I read it earlier and the Prof they had on their describing most conspiracies as "cock-ups" is quite accurate. Yes, I am sure some actual conspiracies exist, but many seem to be more cover-ups of incompetence after the fact rather than some devilishly evil plot dreamt up in a Colditz like Castle by hooded men...

It is quite ironic, actually, especially around ATS. On the one hand, we deride the Government for being useless, incompetent etc but then on the other, we ascribe outlandishly convoluted plots that go almost without a hitch to them - a very odd dichotomy...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:35 AM

some devilishly evil plot dreamt up in a Colditz like Castle by hooded men...

I'm sure there are a alot of people in the government who would be like that if they wern't so incompitent they couldn't find their own bottom with the help of a map and 6 diffrent personal assistant and a government backed bottom finding scheme!

The only reason we arn't living in an orwellian nightmare or some brave new worlds is massive, massive incompitence and the part of many thousands of "elite" over many generations.

That said doesn't mean they're not dangerous though.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Hi there. I think that conspiracy theories and theorists are only encouraging truthfulness, openness, debate and a better understanding of reality over illusion.

For me it is only a counter "spin" and propaganda defence mechanism. That is the main reason I bother to try and read between the lines.

I do think those conspiracy theorists who spin these webs around issues should be carefully examined if one is to avoid further illusion and the pulling of yet more wool over our eyes. Some people tell lies about others out of malice, revenge, jealousy, bitterness and sabotage.

If we are fair and honest in our desire to be truthfully informed this is a very healthy thing.

More honesty, openness and truthfulness can only be a good thing for social development and evolution.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by stumason

If you're alluding to the fact the US is a republic, it is still a democracy. I am still totally baffled why this is such a difficult concept for some Yanks to understand. Being a Republic does not preclude being a Democracy. I would go further, but I am not certain if this is what you meant. If it was, I will elaborate.

The US is a constitutional republic. Though some call it a representative, or democratic republic. We are not a democracy. Neither are we a Solonic republic. I don't know how anyone who understands our constitution can say that we are. Our own founding fathers denounced pure democracy, and our constitution guarantees a republican form of government in writing.

For me to say I live in a democracy is disingenuous at best, and deceptive at worst.

It is quite ironic, actually, especially around ATS. On the one hand, we deride the Government for being useless, incompetent etc but then on the other, we ascribe outlandishly convoluted plots that go almost without a hitch to them - a very odd dichotomy...

There is some truth to this. I, however do not call our three branches of government incompetent. I think they know exactly what they are doing, mistakes notwithstanding.
edit on 10/27/2013 by Klassified because: corrections & eta

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Klassified

At the risk of going way off topic, I will try to keep this short and sweet..

A Republic is simply a nation who's head of state is not a Monarch. That is it, plain and simple.

It has nothing to do with the actual governance of said state. The Constitutional part simply means that it has a codified Constitution and is, for all intents and purposes it is not required to describe the State as most nations have some form of Constitution.

A Democracy is simply a nation where the populace are given the vote, ie participate equally. This can be in the form of a Direct Democracy a la Switzerland, or through elected representatives like the US.

The two terms are not mutually exclusive and in fact describe totally different things. You could, for example, have a Republic that was in no way Democratic, such as North Korea. Likewise, you could have a Constitutional Monarchy like the UK, but that is also a Democracy.

It is a common fallacy amongst (mostly) right wing Americans that Republics and Democracies are different beasts - they are not and is merely down to a total misunderstanding of the meaning of the words.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:58 AM
I don't think conspiracy theories are destroying or harming the civilian half of democracy so much as some conspiracy theorists are. Let's face it, people are generally pretty stupid and quick to jump on bandwagons, all it takes is one good pervasive cockamamie conspiracy theory with little to no basis (hi birthers!) to begin to erode the public's ability to actually pick the BS out of the info crowd. as civillians, it's our job to figure out which politicians' promises are full of fecal matter, which policies are antithetical to democracy, and to use that knowledge of track records and common sense as our collective citizens' power to keep ourselves from slipping into a tyrannical third world gutter (hint: we're currently failing at this)

So no, it's not conspiracy theories that chip away at democracy. It's certain theorists who are taking advantage of the flock of sheep too dumb to notice.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:58 AM
it's all about the money....solution?.....1000 dollar max per person for political donation, only the last 90 days can any political advertising be done, all proper voting ID's be free of charge to all citizens, and easily accessable at ANY federal government building or office (post office, IRS office, social security office, etc.)
the right-wing supreme court has done enormous damage that benefits the wealthy, and neuters the general populace

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

What each of us has with each other and with government is a RELATIONSHIP! We are forced to live in this world together and that necessitates a social structure. We HAVE to relate; either positively or negatively.

The best and healthiest relationship is one based on trust, honesty, openness, loyalty, care and kindness. Well that is the measure I use anyway.

If a government's relationship with its citizens is based on some of the above aspects of civility and humanity then it can not go wrong. If people are abused by government this will create friction in the relationship.

What else is there to say to governments? Only that they should not lie, steal from us, not care for us or abuse us.

Where there are no lies there can be no conspiracy. I would go as far to say that this current phenomenon of lack of trust in authority is a result of bad treatment, too much manipulation, too many lies that don't add up. People are very concerned at the severe imbalances in our world; of power and authority abusing the rights of the individual.

We are at the stage of at least a healthy dialogue out in the open. It's a start. Where it goes to from here depends on the good will of us all.

edit on 27-10-2013 by Revolution9 because: spelling.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 09:47 AM

Wirral Bagpuss

The more information we have about what governments and corporations are up to the less we seem to trust them.

Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?

Interesting debate taking place on the BBC website about conspiracy theories. Alot of anti conspiracy theories bashing going on as well in the comments section. If there were no conspiracies then how come we have corrupt politicians who were only caught after investigative journalism caught them in the act. I seem to remember a certain break in at a hotel being the downfall of a certain world leader (Watergate) for example. Need I go on? I thought readers here might be interested in following the debate

The thing is, if they had done their job and SERVED US instead of serving themselves for so long, then they would have nothing to fear.

You are asking is it wrong that the people know about the corruption?

Of course its not wrong that we know about it, whats wrong is that the corruption exists at all.

There is a great awakening going on, its called the internet. With the worlds information at your fingertips the source of information is immense, almost unstoppable. The internet is the reflection of the consciousness of the world.

Maybe thats why the truth will out, is that a bad thing?
Instead of filming the citizens and hacking the citizens information, it is the civil servants that need to be filmed and watched with higher scrutiny. Why?
Because as the truth keeps showing us as it leaks out into the information superhighway, is that they are the ones that cannot be trusted in the position of trust we put them into.

Transparency in government.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 10:01 AM

reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Something needs to destroy democracy... before democracy destroys us.

Indeed. The US never was a democracy although Great Britain may suppose to be while under a monarchy. There's a big difference between Democracy and a Constitutional Republic with democratic principals.

You have no rights in a democracy except those allowed by the majority.
I'm not about to let anyone vote on what my rights will or will not be.
Democracy is a buzzword for corporate socialism which is why people like Hillary or Obama keep using it and trying to impose on other nations.

As for conspiracies why would anyone in government require secrecy if there were not conspiracies constantly being perpetrated against the American people? Conspiracy theorists have to be among the most intelligent members of a society if they're the only ones asking questions. Anyone following government diktats blindly is nothing more than a useful idiot.

Why are there so many groups like the Bilderbergs, Council of Foreign relations, Trilateral council, G20, G8, etc etc. if we were truly a democracy in the first place? These groups are so secretive because they know the people would object to their plans.

edit on 27-10-2013 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Indeed. The US never was a democracy

Hate to burst your bubble, but it is.

There's a big difference between Democracy and a Constitutional Republic with democratic principals.

No, as explained above - the two terms describe totally unrelated things.

You have no rights in a democracy except those allowed by the majority.

Quite, quite wrong. We had the Bill of Rights long before the US even existed. We have a constitution. Your understanding of what a Democracy (and a Republic too) is woefully off the mark.

I'm not about to let anyone vote on what my rights will or will not be.

Exactly how do you think your Constitution (and any for that matter) came about? By people (and a very small, select group of very rich people for that matter) voting on it!!

Democracy is a buzzword for corporate socialism which is why people like Hillary or Obama keep using it and trying to impose on other nations.

Oh jeebus.... Showing your colours here and also a piss-poor understanding of the English language and politics at large. No wonder your country is so messed up.

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