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Kenyan girl gangraped,now in wheelchair,rapists punishment?having to cut grass..

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:22 AM
I received an email from the Avaaz organisation about this almost unbelievable act of cruelty-eclipsed only by the mindboggling preposterously light "punishment/justice" dished out to these savages.

I add some links,and a plea to all on ATS who cares about justice for this poor child,to add your signature to the Avaaz campaign to try and find justice+protection for this young girl-according to her parents,some of the rapists still come around to taunt the family-and why would'nt they? The worst+cruellest of bullies,just plain evil men,have been shown that if you rape a young girl till she ends up in a wheelchair(can you imagine the pain?) -and then leave her for dead,dump her like used toilet paper-you get some exercise like gardening,as punishment.While this is one case,it has certainly set a precedent in the minds of other creatures inclined to inflict their demonic acts on the vulnerable+defenceless.A sick,sick thing,this-while the demonic cruelty of the things that crippled this poor girl is atrocious enough-the "punishment" meted out to them is enough to induce vomiting.Evil men Will do evil things+that is a horrible part of life-but when authorities responsible for protecting their country's citizens+deliver justice to the injured,fail at this level,it is Worse.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

I'll cut their...grass.

I know lots of us, especially US/UK folk, complain about our countries, but at least we don't have this crap to worry about too.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

Thank you Ameilia.I live in a country where there has been so many murders of citizens since the ANC took over the admin 20 years ago-i am talking not just of victims(ranging from children to the very elderly) quickly shot or stabbed to death-but tortured Hostel/Saw style for hours before being brutally murdered-but at least the ANC admin will make the token gesture of jailing these monsters,at least if caught there is a trial and jail.It goes deeper than that,this matter,in my country,much deeper,but so as not to encourage thread drift,I will add nothing more than to say there is at least a jail sentence for the ones found guilty of perpetrating these atrocities.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:48 AM
Sometimes I'm very much in favor of the punishment fitting the crime and the effects of the crime.

I won't go on about what punishments would be appropriate for rapists in my book, but, suffice to say, it wouldn't be pleasant, and they'd never, ever rape anyone ever again.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:09 AM
As I understand it, the Kenyan authorities, including the Interior minister, have spoken of their outrage at the local Police for doing this and have not only suspended the cops, but also ordered a proper investigation. Whilst it seems, on the face of it, to be an "outrage", I think it is more to do with poorly educated local police in a rural backwater not doing their duty properly. Kenya is reasonably developed, has a good track record with women/human rights and is not that bad a place, all be told, but there are also area's where tribal law and Sharia prevail. I am sure that the girl will get Justice now the central Government has taken note

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I agree-although I think cutting of the rapist's "equipment" (if that is what you meant,how I understood it) is no guarrantee-then such a person would rape a woman using bottles,pieces of wood(cases of this has been reported) It is not so much a crime of sexual desire than it is one originating from a supremely arrogant,selfish mindset,the ultimate narcissism that induces a mindset that every other individual exists for the benefit+usage of said narcissist-also so many people are just by nature cruel,and do nothing to even try and reign in their violent impulses.As we see from this group,birds of a feather flock together.Had it not been rape of this girl,they may have ganged up on+beaten to death a young man who they "had beef with" for whatever reason-it is not the anatomy that is the problem,it is the mindset and deepseated attitudes powering the fleshly conveyance that is the problem.
But I do understand the desire to take these foul pieces of excrement+deprive them of a part of their anatomy they hold so dear-only it would not stop them beating to death,say 5 or 6 years down the line,a person who offends them,or happens to cross their path in an isolated area,especially as these filth often go around in packs,cowardly scum that they are.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by stumason

I'm from the US - I have "worked with" child rapist, and rapist - in Wisconsin as the 980 law to confine child molesters and sexual prepatraters past their "criminal" sentences were fulfilled -

These people need to be put down as one would a rabid raccoon -

These people need to be put down as murderers.

The state of Louisiana tried to, put were turned down by the Supreme Court of the USA.

We all know it is systemic - that the people that "rule the world" are pedoophiles and satanists. Look at the propragation of the abortion laws across the world.

I honestly believe nothing will change until armagedon....

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

You are correct - rape is not a "sexual" crime - it is a "power" crime.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:38 AM

reply to post by Raxoxane

You are correct - rape is not a "sexual" crime - it is a "power" crime.

Africa is pretty rapey, I don't think it has to do with either of those, more like a below average intelligence thing…

Why are black people mad they were sold by their own people overseas again? (mad at the wrong people I mean…)

Some of you think I'm being racist, I'm not, it's reality. You can add that the meddling of corporate America has bred this climate over there, worse even than colonial rule, but your leaders sell you out, Africa sold out worse than any other continent.

China is in a close second with pollution and past mass opium poisoning, but rapey rapey always wins.

Note: When I say below average intelligence I mean things like, not developing fully mentally, not realizing things like confidence, security in oneself, getting rid of insecurities. Not saying a specific race is inferior. However, the conditions in Africa make it pretty damn hard for anyone to succeed.
edit on 27-10-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by stumason

Yes I was shocked and dismayed to see this happened in Kenya-not an African country where I expected to see this type of thing happening-in fact it is one of the countries on the African continent I would not mind living myself.I am glad to see the outrage on a high level in Kenyan govermnent-still I do think that it's worth adding one's signature to the Avaaz action regarding this matter,just to keep this an urgent issue in the forefront of the minds of the Kenyan authorities on highest level-and the certain knowledge that this issue+their reaction to it, is under the microscope now-that this Will be monitored by a global community of humans who are outraged also.Cannot do any harm to support Avaaz in this-the more people adding signatures,the more folks watching the eventual outcome of this atrocity,for the victim AND the savages who did this AND the government who knows the world is watching how they follow up+follow through on appropriate response,the better.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:44 AM

reply to post by stumason

I'm from the US - I have "worked with" child rapist, and rapist - in Wisconsin as the 980 law to confine child molesters and sexual prepatraters past their "criminal" sentences were fulfilled -

These people need to be put down as one would a rabid raccoon -

These people need to be put down as murderers.

The state of Louisiana tried to, put were turned down by the Supreme Court of the USA.

We all know it is systemic - that the people that "rule the world" are pedoophiles and satanists. Look at the propragation of the abortion laws across the world.

I honestly believe nothing will change until armagedon....

Two problems with this, it doesn't address the problem, and when you don't address problems, you get more problems.

More men are raped in the US than women, figures on prison assaults reveal
In 2008 it was estimated 216,000 inmates assaulted in detention
Four per cent of prisoners said they had been sexually abused in 2011
Department of Justice introducing regulations to tackle high rates of abuse

Let's say the answer to rape is to kill off the couple hundred thousand responsible for doing it to other dudes in prison. In ten years, maybe 1 million to 2 million rapists killed? Woohoo?

And then all the ones on the street, well, the bloated, misrepresented statistics in the US are 1 in 5. Doesn't necessarily mean that 1 in 5 will commit it, but lets say 1 in 10 does. Let's say we catch every rapist, even the ones responsible for unreported crimes.

Now there's a few million people at the gallows!

Problem solved? No.

Rape in Canadian prisons, European prisons? It's taboo! Damn near zero. The only people who would do that end up in special handling units.


What's the real problem and what's the solution. The culture that it's ok, the culture that turns it into something repetitive. If we killed everyone for every rape, or every "kinda, sorta rape", you would just have a mass amount of bodies and no where to put them.

Time to find something more fun than rape for people to do.

Maybe give them drugs instead?
edit on 27-10-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

This barbaric behavior happens all over the world, every day - North america, South america, Europe, Middle east, Africa - everywhere, everyday......

Who or what is going to put an end to this sexual abuse? and When?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:50 AM

reply to post by Raxoxane

You are correct - rape is not a "sexual" crime - it is a "power" crime.

Really? Seems to me like a "weak" crime. A crime for some powerless sack of shize to take something he's afraid of getting the hard way.

What a psychobabble misnomer that one is.

It should be classified as a crime of insecurity.

I've carried confidence throughout my life, and the opposite sex has always shown interest. Why the hell would anyone seeking power commit rape? It's the opposite. It's admitting to yourself you are such a weak, useless fack you have to overpower a woman just for them to have sex with you.
edit on 27-10-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

Need to add, very stupid to label all these crimes, rape, arson, etc… crimes of "power"… they should call them crimes of cowardly fackness, then, any dumb dill weed who thinks doing these things will make him powerful, can get the full stigma inside society and inside jail walls.
edit on 27-10-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by boncho

Drugs don't work - "therapy" doesn't work - and these criminals become expensive wards of the state - VERY EXPENSIVE - with their "drugs" and "therapy".

They are not fixable - I'd rather have my tax money used to cremate them. Or make their bodies for medical education - and then cremate them.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by boncho

You are giving a very good definition of a "power" crime - one that comes from complete inability to function in an adult manner - to hurt people who are "powerless" to defend themselves - just like killing and torturing small animals.

Thanks, do you understand, now.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by boncho

Yes rape is a Massive problem in Africa,and SA is one of the world's "rape capitals" unfortunately.
The actress Charlize Theron caught a lot of flak for a TV ad she did some years ago-i do not like the woman but what she said was definitely not inaccurate.

I have yet from the time of this ad,to see any of those "regular normal men who would never rape" and were so grievously offended by her "generalisation" frogmarching any local rapists to the nearest police station.I have to say,though,it is not impossible to conceive that some men would mete out their own justice if coming upon a rapist in the act-especially if it was a child rapist-on the other hand,there are those who would form a queue.I'm sad to have to say,with our murder rate,the general attitude locally is:"Well they could have easily killed you-you are Lucky"

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:12 AM

I'm from the US - I have "worked with" child rapist, and rapist - in Wisconsin as the 980 law to confine child molesters and sexual prepatraters past their "criminal" sentences were fulfilled -

These people need to be put down as one would a rabid raccoon -

These people need to be put down as murderers.

The state of Louisiana tried to, put were turned down by the Supreme Court of the USA.

We all know it is systemic - that the people that "rule the world" are pedoophiles and satanists. Look at the propragation of the abortion laws across the world.

I honestly believe nothing will change until armagedon....

Let's leave your religious mumbo-jumbo at the door - rape has been around far longer than the shonky Christian religion and has sod all to do with "Satan".

And why are your tying Satanists to paedophiles? One of the biggest paedophile rings in the world was the Catholic Church but you don't say all Christians are child molesters, do you?

reply to post by Raxoxane

You are correct - rape is not a "sexual" crime - it is a "power" crime.

Indeed, often it is but not always - rape has been used as a tool in human society to exert power over another for thousands of years. Up until recent history (a couple of hundred years) it was an accepted part of warfare all over the world and still is in some parts, like Africa for example. It can be used as a punishment for a woman (or for the woman's husband) or as a society as a whole, usually as a result of conquest to totally subjugate the conquered.

This barbaric behavior happens all over the world, every day - North america, South america, Europe, Middle east, Africa - everywhere, everyday......

Who or what is going to put an end to this sexual abuse? and When?

Good question and I doubt it will ever be totally got rid of, it's sadly part of nature. Animals do it all the time and we're just the same, except by and and large we have a measure of control over our impulses. The only thing you can do is educate and punish where necessary, but I do not agree that we as a society should stoop to barbaric measures to do so ourselves. Rape in the Western world is not always about having power, sometimes it can be a result of genuine mental illness and this should be treated.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:17 AM

reply to post by boncho

Drugs don't work - "therapy" doesn't work - and these criminals become expensive wards of the state - VERY EXPENSIVE - with their "drugs" and "therapy".

They are not fixable - I'd rather have my tax money used to cremate them. Or make their bodies for medical education - and then cremate them.

I don't think you get it. I laid it all out. If you have a culture that breeds these types of actions you need to reshape everything. Change society at the core level.

When I say drugs I mean everything. Part of responsibility and empowerment, letting people make choices. People feel like they have no control, are weak, useless, helpless, they do things in a desperate attempt to get rid of this feeling. (Alternative to the "Seeking power" psychobabble… )

People feel weak because they have no options, because they aren't allowed to be humans. The US prison system and Africa as a whole shows exactly what corruption and corralling people with no rights causes.

And if they want to sit around on a heroin binge instead of raping people than let 'em, hell, give it to them. Rape obviously comes from unresolved personality issues and these are obviously environmental because there is a massive discrepancy to the number of rapes in different parts of society and the world.

If the system is creating rapists, and the solution is killing them. . . You just found a way to take out a huge amount of the population.


And in other threads someone will bitch about "depopulation" -roll eyes-

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Happy1

Here's the scary thing-only we ourselves can police ourselves-only the rapist can ask himself himself if it this act of his,Really improved his life circumstances,if it Really made all his issues disappear+turn him into a big invincible Man by foisting pain and misery upon another.And till the day that happens and the answer in every rapist+violent criminal's mind is a deafening NO!!! -till that day rape,assault+cruelty will continue.I would say the death sentence for repeat rapists,and murderers,but as far as you could exterminate the predators,more are born.The only thing that can save us is ourselves..our individual and collective mindset and attitudes(which we pass on to our children+descendants).So yes,the picture is a dark one.

edit on 27-10-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

We don't have a right to march anyone anywhere against their will, that is called kidnapping in most places. Unless you catch someone in the middle of a crime. Then a citizen arrest is an option.

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