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Frikkin Holograms, man....frikkin HOLOGRAMS!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:36 PM

A research team at the University of Southern California is working to create holograms of elderly Holocaust survivors that could be used by museums as part of an interactive, oral history exhibit. Once developed, these holograms could be projected into the air so that museum visitors can approach them and ask them questions, according to the Associated Press. Each hologram will be accompanied by a voice-recognition program, that will “hear” what museum-goers ask and provide answers. Pinchas Gutter, who was incarcerated in a Warsaw ghetto for more than three years before being moved to the labor camps, including Buchenwald, was one of the first Holocaust survivors to participate in the digital archiving program. To create his hologram, Gutter answered nearly 500 questions from researchers over a five day period. To ensure high-fidelity playback, he was filmed with 3-D cameras from every possible angle on a light stage. The lights are hot, the work taxing, but many aging survivors are willing to withstand the discomfort to provide their testimony. Or as Gutter’s digital likeness told the audience during a recent demonstration, “I tell my story for the purpose of improving humanity.”

Holocaust Museum to use Holograms of Holocaust survivors


So the Sadist says....

First and most obvious, as a person who wasn't born until the late 60's, I was not there during WWII to see anything at all. All of my information is at best, second hand.

But I do know a thing or two.

The victors like to write history in a flattering manner. They have a vested interest in making sure it stays that way.

My only real comment on this, and much of what I am going to say is meant to be left up to your own personal interpretation. There seems to be a rather large effort, a machine if you will, in place to make certain that the Holocaust is never forgotten.

But Sadist, isn't that a good thing? Don't you want to make sure people aren't treated the same way the people of the jewish faith were in WWII?

Personally, I would like to see a world where we are allowed to live and breathe happily. One without the unnecessary censorship of others. One where peace happens daily, and nobody dies needlessly.

But yet, we are inundated with films and other vectors of information from MSM that are constantly looking to drive a point home. A point that earns money. Alot of money. And the vestment in that interest appears to grow, if not exponentially, every single day.

There are no efforts on this level to tell the story of the Native American Indians. What about how the Irish were treated when they immigrated here to the US ? There were injustices left right and center throughout history. But, the Holocaust somehow is different, is special.

So, I'm throwing this live round into a crowded chamber.

I'm not going to respond to anything anyone has to say, other than to observe and to read. I know there will be may responses to this. I will probably be accused of many things, and labeled this or that. I'm ok with this. Someone here accused me of intentionally inciting others. Hmmm. Interesting.

I just found this interesting, and thought provoking.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Revolution. That's what this is. A revolution of data delivery and education.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:51 PM
Please, I sincerely hope that you are not inferring that the holocaust never happened. That would be a grave crime to the suffering and sacrifice those people endured (wasn't just jewish people). Also, video's of the allies liberating those camps is not "second hand" information.

Above top secret is about denying ignorance by researching the truth for yourself. Please give that a shot.

I hope you or your family are never exposed to something as horrible as the holocaust.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:56 PM
I believe the Holocaust is held special and will always be held special as a historic event. It isn't body count. Stalin had 10's of millions of civilians put to death. Mao had considerably more than that killed in the cultural revolution. The Khmer Rouge even gave it a good college try for racking up the horrible score themselves. They didn't match the funny mustache, but they damn sure tried their best.

I think the Holocaust is unique in historic example for one simple reason. It was the coldest, most systematic and straight business like approach to the extermination of human life ever seen in history, on anything approaching that scale. It wasn't even done in anger. Just cold process.

Intake, Evaluate, Assign specific value then either liquidate immediately or work to breaking. Depends on the evaluation stage. Some even served as medical experiments instead. Yes, everyone had a role in that "system" and "machine". That systematic nature, like nothing else ever seen before or since, is what I think will always have it in a VERY special distinction, all it's own.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

I think the idea has some merit, if any atrocity should be portrayed in such a fashion I imagine the Nazi Holocaust qualifies as such!

People need to remember events such as this so that history does not repeat its self..................AGAIN!

One thing I feel I must add, and I hope everyone understands i am in no way condoning or agreeing with such an act.

Hitler/SS/Nazi party could not possibly have executed 11 Million people of the Jewish persuasion, in the given time period, its logistic impossibility, more like 2-3 million people, not to devalue the act, just trying to point out that history is written by the victors and not the vanquished.

edit on 26-10-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

I think you point is also where it's important to recall that while Jewish people were the public face of hate for that regime and period of time? They were but one of a few sub-groups within the population that became 'arrest' on sight and banish to the camps. Roma or Gypsies were also mercilessly exterminated. Homosexuals were killed freely and openly as defective and ..oh, what we call special needs? Well, my son wouldn't have been permitted a chance ..and under that evil? They may just have looked at his Mother as a preventative measure for the future too. A dark dark

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

I don't believe that's what he's implying... It's more like why just the Jews and holocaust? There have been just as many atrocities to other peoples and races.. Where's their holograms? Is it because the Jewish people own almost everything?

If I read him right...

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

The holocaust should never be forgotten.

Neither should the Crusades.

Or slavery.

We should never forget what we are capable of at our worst, it should always serve as a reminder to Be better, to do better.

Examples like that show what can happen when society decides their fellow man is lesser than they...
edit on 26-10-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:15 PM

reply to post by ArcAngel

I don't believe that's what he's implying... It's more like why just the Jews and holocaust? There have been just as many atrocities to other peoples and races.. Where's their holograms? Is it because the Jewish people own almost everything?

If I read him right...

I think you're close. It's less about jews themselves and more about the focus put on their collective suffering, and the lack of even acknowledgement of the past sufferings and on going tragedy that is the treatment of our Native Americans. It isn't that he is saying the jews own everything, just that for whatever reason we are pushed towards being more sensitive to what the jews have suffered even though other people have suffered just as much and continue to suffer. People that have a right to be here and be secure on their lands more than anyone in America imho. I could be wrong, matter of fact I probably am, but oh well

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

The Holocaust was terrible but being part native American i would say nothing that has happened in history compares to what was done to the native Americans. Complete whole cultures become extinct and their land stolen. Hundreds of thousands killed. The actual numbers are estimated in the millions.

Many killed by intentionally being give two blankets infected with small pox. It killed whole nations without the White man having to shoot a shot. No, no race, the jews, or even African Americans, they have nothing on native Americans. It continues even to this day. But they are proud people. You don't hear them calling racism, and affirmative action, they suffer in silence.

The Bot

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:39 PM
The Jews can finance a Darfur effort. Pay it forward! Just saying, they have, not so much

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:40 PM
What if your whole life is a hologram or an elaborate illusion or dream and when you die you wake up from it


posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

look, why does this genocide keep getting revisited over and over again, why not cambodia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Russia or even Jerusalem when the Romans laid siege to it to take it back from the Jews, that was horrific when they went in and slaughtered every man woman and child.
My point is, it is feeling to me that TPTB wont let this one slide into history for a reason, the perpetual guilt card from this event is used as leverage over a section of the community.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I bet they wont get a hologram either. just sayin'

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by PLAYERONE01

I really think it's simpler than that.

Never Again. Never Forget.

That isn't because the victims were Jewish, in my opinion, although the Jewish population is who have become defined by the experience they endured. I think it's because at the base and core of it, is a VERY VERY ugly truth many know and very few ever talk about.

That wasn't about ethnic group, per say or even religion or creed. It was about Eugenics. Pure and Simple. Recall the vids of children getting head measurements and other skeletal specifics before anyone really knew that was headed into evil?

The ugly truth that history will show anyone who looks for it, is that Eugenics, prior to World War II, was NOT a new idea or uniquely German. In fact, you'll find a real shock as to what nations in this world were starting to embrace it ..before one took it so far, books will still be written about it generations from now.

Never Again needs repeated because if it's not, we'll live it again. Some of those who thought Eugenics were a good idea, passed that on to others ...and some are still alive and well, in positions of power.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

A real stupid idea (the way it is intended to play back, not the recording). I would have refused those conditions the only objective is to create an illusion of source and an identification with that same source the content itself will be prone to alteration and misinterpretation as it will be given in a non personal way simulating a personal way. Read a book/document something that the content is at least fixed and traceable to be as stated by the source, even video has this problem of ease of alteration and be intrumentalized and used out of context.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 10:08 PM
Wouldnt Holographic Native American Indians or Mexicans be more appropriate to the United States... and California especially?

I mean, California has been home to native Americans for thousands of millenia up to 1500s and mostly Mexican from 1800 up til... presente!

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 10:25 PM
Is this thread really to do with science and technology?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:53 PM
Way to ignore a scientific feat, guys. "Yay, real holograms! Boo, Jews!" Yeah, because that has any merit on the technology. This is the Sci & Tech forum, not the Social Issues forum, save the damn who's-had-it-worse arguing for a different thread, please?

Now, if we can actually discuss the technology at hand here, has anyone figured out how they're going to pull this off? Is it going to be a 2D deal that merely looks 3D, are are we talking something close to Trek-verse re-sequenced photons? If they've achieved the latter, I will be more than happy to attempt to have a golden bowel movement

Edit: Ah, I see, it's the Tupac hologram. 2D visual on material, 3D effect. Kind of like how 3D in an IMAX isn't the kind of 3D we're thinking of for this.

A hologram is essentially a photographic recording of a field of light waves that are echoed off of an object with lasers. By shining this echoed light onto photographic emulsion in combination with a second laser light, an interference pattern is encoded on the film. When you look at a hologram under a light source, the image you see is that interference pattern being reproduced.

edit on 10/27/2013 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/27/2013 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:02 AM

What if your whole life is a hologram or an elaborate illusion or dream and when you die you wake up from it


I have personal proof that you're far more accurate than you may realize. Nailed it, in fact.

As to the OP, I just think this is a wonderful use of technology as a teaching aid. Now take histories from as many other people, from as many walks of life, as possible.

My new neighbor is 98 years old, still firing in all neurons, was/is obviously extremely intelligent, has the same Model A he drove out to California from Iowa in back in 1930 (cost $530 including registration, paid for by his signature as a 16 year old) and his house is a freekin' museum including hundreds of native American Navaho artifacts from treks he made out into the desert back in the 30s and 40s. Also WWI and WWII memorabilia and gifts from the Emperor of Japan's family who he befriended when he was stationed there...

I'd love to see a hologram of Harry...

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