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Found: Libertarians' "Lying To Liberals" Guide Book

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:09 AM
Found: Libertarians' "Lying To Liberals" Guide Book

Oh the delicious hypocrisy and irony of this piece. I grow tired of reading hit-pieces against whole ideologies, chains of papers an op-eds, etc. by the company that may be kept at various times. Whether is anti-Koch or anti-Soros the message of the Progressive Left and Stateist Right is the same. Do not listen to the bogey men who aren't us!!! Bogey bogey bogey. At least alleged Reason-ites can tell each other to bugger off and keep drinking a beer.

The EFF as front for Google is another rich little dollop there given exactly how many EFF spokespeople speak against Google to almost hilarious points of incoherent rants.

Desperate attempts like this to - in my view - cover up the Progressive movement's State crimes complicity (when convenient) drive me mad. There should be no reason Progressives can't fold back into the Classically Liberal line of thought (*gasp* almost Reason-esque).

Anyhow - thoughts? -Mags (an unabashed Reason reader and generally supporter)
edit on 25-10-2013 by Insurrection because: Disclaimer: I read and support Reason on a lot of issues..

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:15 AM
This is really disgusting. People like the Kochs are total slimebags- they're no better than Republicans. In fact, they really are republicans who just don't care about pushing war and hating gay people.

This reminds me of all the attempts in the last several years for Republicans to push marketing slogans and changing their terminology to try to trick and sell people on voting for their crap.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Insurrection

Not much to say except that your point and the article are both so opaque to me that I cannot tell what you (or the article) are advocating for or against. So the Koch Bros. are the good guys? I thought they were the bad guys....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:37 AM

reply to post by Insurrection

Not much to say except that your point and the article are both so opaque to me that I cannot tell what you (or the article) are advocating for or against. So the Koch Bros. are the good guys? I thought they were the bad guys....

I'm actually saying it's hardly relevant - that framing whole ideologies and ~every~ opinion on a particular person you do not like isn't real. It's entirely manufactured unless it's their editorial hand. (Hend the Soros reference.)

To me the piece is thick with hypocrisy trying to loosely justify not working against the NSA programs because *gasp* Libertarians may have other ideas about it.

Maybe I'm in an opaque mood but Kochs and NSFW can do something decidedly NSFW to each other if either think ~this~ is the way to minimize State abuses. -Mags

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by CB328

I think you missed the point. Well at least no one bought into the lefts bs either right, oh wait never mind.
You do know that the democrats and republicans are on the same team right. They play good cop bad cop but they all want the same thing. They play us against each other in order to divide us to make sure that we never stand together against them. Divide and conquer. That is why a successful third party is so critical.
edit on 25-10-2013 by beegoodbees because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Insurrection

Ah. OK. Now I go back and read it with comprehension. Thanks....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Insurrection

First off, the Koch brothers arent Libertarians.

They are Conservatives with some Libertarian leanings. Their biggest accomplishment was co-opting the Tea Party movement, which was started by Ron Paul supporters who objected to Bush's big government policies, TSA, Patriot Act, big spending, empire building etc.

The movement was then somehow spun into an anti-Obama movement... TPTB wanted to eradicate the idea that there was dissension within the Party.

Glenn Greenwald does a very good job of pointing out the hypocrisies of the Liberal and the ideals which they claim to embrace.

Despite the fact that its a couple years old, its still very accurate:

Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies.
edit on 25-10-2013 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:47 AM
I think Libertarians are just as much a part of the false dialectic as the liberals and conservatives are. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds control the Democratic and Republicans parties just as much as they have their hands in the Chicago school of economics and the Libertarian party. I'm not going to go along with any movement that has anything to do with the same bangsters who funded Communism and Naziism. The problem with Libertarianism is it still plays into arbitrary dualism, and adherents take on a very black and white way of looking at things. I have a true capacity for reason, and I don't need to read a magazine that auspiciously uses that word as its title to know what it is.

left-right is a false paradigm meant to intentionally cause division. They take basic common sense, stretch them to ridicuous polar extremes of each other. and divide people over which sides they want to choose. Well, I choose neither. The true face of Libertarianism is egoism and social darwinism, just as the true face of communism was the egoism of Stalin and the darwinism of the Gulag. Libertarianism, like communism, is a godless ideology that seeks to destroy family, community, tradition, and national autonomy. Ayn Rand is just as bad as Marx imo, and I don't want to even give history a chance to prove it. I know where its going.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:55 AM


First off, the Koch brothers arent Libertarians.

They are Conservatives with some Libertarian leanings.

These are just words that people fetishize and think have intrinsic meaning. Sociopaths can call their selves whatever they want to mobilize whatever groups they want. To me, Libertarians who argue from an ideal of capitalism are no different from communists who argue from an ideal of communism. They both passionately believe in their theories, but that's all they are, and they're hung up on words and concepts like pagans used to be hung up over fetish objects.

Just as leftists for years said "Oh the Soviet Union isn't true communism", the libertarians will cry out. "Oh this corporate millitary state isn't true libertarianism".

What matters is what's in the heart and what people do, not what they choose to call their selves,
edit on 25-10-2013 by JNathanK because: (no reason given)

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