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Facebook OKs Decapitation Videos (But No Breastfeeding)

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:36 PM

So, yeah. Chop the head off a woman for cheating. Hey, cool. So long as it's just women, ok? Show every sinewy strand of the head being seperated from the body of this whore. Send a message to women EVERYWHERE....cheat, and you will be destroyed, like the PROPERTY that you are.

Show a bare breast? A nipple? A CHILD NURSING?

OMG, WTF are you thinking ?????? Why in the world would you want to show a NATURAL and BEAUTIFUL thing such as that? Are you truly a sick pervert or what?

We need to seriously think things in this life. I vote for tearing it apart, brick by brick, and then deciding what bricks will form the best foundation from a new source of bricks, and starting from there.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:50 PM
I've seen part of Mexican zetas decapitation vids . Theyre beyond horrific.
Zuckerberg is a d**che bag

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:52 PM
the puritans in society are far more freaked out by love and natural bodies than ultra violence.

Its a disgusting mental disorder that effects soo many that they tend to rule the legal system..hense why Hollywood super violent movies get big posters and tons of trailers on television, and porn gets put behind many dark walls.

both can be destructive to the human psyche to a degree, but I would rather my son or daughter participate in sex than murder if influences have anything to do with it.

I am not saying violence should be banned, I am saying the other stuff on the other end of the spectrum of love, lust, and nature be relaxed and we as a society just grow up already.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Yah, pretty selective. I get it though. The plot is one day to show pedophiles getting their heads chopped off. Would you go for that?

Half time super bowl extravaganza in the coliseum, just like the Romans. Better than all that other crap they call halftime entertainment. Or we could feed em to lions.

Try not to over react, I'm not serious.

Stay tuned though. Rome's debauchery doesn't appear to be to far off.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Desensitization so that we:

1) Won't pity the dozens of innocent lives taken every day in pointless wars/drone strikes.
2) Turn on one another due to race and religion.
3) Get prepared for WWIII, especially the younger generations with their violent video games/Movies/Music/Sports.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:10 PM
I think that if you have an interest in watching an infant suck on the mother's teet that you have bigger problems to worry about then what facebook is allowing.

Time to go get some professional help as you are walking very close to that line.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

I've seen multiple videos and the "cheating" one as well. I always scroll past them but then I "force" myself to watch them because I don't want to pretend like it doesn't happen and bury my head in the sand. They are horrific and I don't believe they are allowed on Facebook because if they were, they wouldn't be taken down so quickly and people wouldn't get warnings and suspensions.

edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:16 PM
Who cares if they are on facebook, its not like you can't spend 10 seconds searching out the internet for a whole host of sites that contain these types of videos.

Its not like clicking on a video on facebook is going to trick you into watching it. If you can't tell within 5 seconds what's going on then maybe you need to watch them.

Basically you have the power to "turn the channel" so quit forcing everyone to follow your moral code. Next thing you know you'll want to ban kissing in movies also.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

I'm unaware if you're reply was aimed towards me -- there isn't a "reply to" on your post.
It actually is important they aren't allowed on a public accessible social networking website.
If someone wants to spend the time to look those videos up via a search engine then more power to them.
However, others who don't want to see such content (all those videos had men holding the women's head in their hands already decapitated as the first preview frame) shouldn't be subjected to it. Also, another unfortunate issue is that there are those who are below age 18 on Facebook -- that isn't something that should be popping up on their facebook wall.
Also, kissing in movies is NOTHING compared to having someones head slowly cut off with a knife then being held in front of the camera -- that's way beyond a kiss in a MOVIE.


edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by SovereignEve

If you don't want to see it then don't spend 10 minutes watching it.

Common sense.

If your worried that your child under 18 may be viewing this then ....... **gasp** try using your parental control to monitor them?

Shocking I know

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

Same thing can be said for those who WANT to watch it. You could...geez...I don't know -- "take 10 seconds and find a bunch of websites with these videos" -- instead of posting them on an open source.

Good Idea, right?


edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:19 PM

reply to post by Spookybelle

Same thing can be said for those who WANT to watch it. You could...geez...I don't know -- "take 10 seconds and find a bunch of websites with these videos" -- instead of posting them on an open source.

Good Idea, right?


edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

No, because as you just said, its an "open source".

If people want to share that information they should be allowed to and you as the viewer have the option of not viewing it. As long as that information does not harm anyone else it should be allowed.

Once you start sponsoring state censorship based on what you feel is morally acceptable, you start us down a very dangerous road.

What will be next on your list of censored material I wonder?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

If the content "doesn't harm anyone else?" - Oh, it's just a video of women getting their bodies taken apart, no big deal.

Let's not get carried away now with the "censorship" train - I am not making the rules for Facebook. I am stating that "if it were allowed on Facebook then people wouldn't get the videos removed and get warning messages or suspensions".

If you enjoy watching ruthless videos like those then go ahead spend your ten minutes watching it.


edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:09 PM

I think that if you have an interest in watching an infant suck on the mother's teet that you have bigger problems to worry about then what facebook is allowing.

Time to go get some professional help as you are walking very close to that line.

Apparently, you just don't get the point of this thread.

That's ok.

Perhaps you shouldn't use your keyboard until you actually understand what it is your commenting on? Might be a good way to prevent something embarrassing like this from happening again.

Just thinking of you, and looking out for you, too

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:17 PM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

I've seen multiple videos and the "cheating" one as well. I always scroll past them but then I "force" myself to watch them because I don't want to pretend like it doesn't happen and bury my head in the sand. They are horrific and I don't believe they are allowed on Facebook because if they were, they wouldn't be taken down so quickly and people wouldn't get warnings and suspensions.

edit on 24-10-2013 by SovereignEve because: (no reason given)

Unfortunately, I have the viewpoint that I don't refuse to allow myself to see something simply because it's horrible to watch, because this is the world we live in. I personally feel that if *I* allow myself to not watch it, well, I could potentially delude myself into believing such things don't happen.

Am I saying everyone should live life this way? No, not at all. I've watched one decapitation video, and believe me, years later, it is still vivid in my memory. No amount of mental chlorox will remove the stain from your mind.

Unfortunately, what a few "ahem" people on this thread do not appear to understand, is that it is sad that while this is allowed, the very same site specifically goes out of their way to ban a video displaying something both natural and beautiful. They even accused me of "wanting to watch". Well, too funny, but considering I'm twice a father, I've seen plenty

But imagine the new mother who maybe might want to check to see if they're "doing it right" ? Or a woman who is considering becoming a mother, and wants to get a better idea as to what to expect of the experience.

The idea that this is banned, but beheading is not, is a very, very sad reflection on our world, and our society as a whole.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Who cares if they are on facebook, its not like you can't spend 10 seconds searching out the internet for a whole host of sites that contain these types of videos.

Its not like clicking on a video on facebook is going to trick you into watching it. If you can't tell within 5 seconds what's going on then maybe you need to watch them.

Basically you have the power to "turn the channel" so quit forcing everyone to follow your moral code. Next thing you know you'll want to ban kissing in movies also.

Are you even aware of what this thread is about ? You appear to be grasping at almost anything and simply go for whatever you can begin to identify as a potential jugular.

Here's something that might help you in the longrun, although you should get someone else to read it, and then guide you through the ideas it suggests...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:23 PM


Who cares if they are on facebook, its not like you can't spend 10 seconds searching out the internet for a whole host of sites that contain these types of videos.

Its not like clicking on a video on facebook is going to trick you into watching it. If you can't tell within 5 seconds what's going on then maybe you need to watch them.

Basically you have the power to "turn the channel" so quit forcing everyone to follow your moral code. Next thing you know you'll want to ban kissing in movies also.

Are you even aware of what this thread is about ? You appear to be grasping at almost anything and simply go for whatever you can begin to identify as a potential jugular.

Here's something that might help you in the longrun, although you should get someone else to read it, and then guide you through the ideas it suggests...

Your personal attacks are not necessary and also against the TOA I might remind you.

I am fully aware of the point of your thread and addressed the fallacy of your comparison.

Breastfeeding videos will not be used so people can enjoy the natural beauty of the event, they will be used, more than likely, in some pornographic way, of which, Facebook wants no part of.

That is far different than a video showing a violent act which is used either to convey a situation going on or something as a shock value.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:33 PM
I guess my question is.. Why would you want to put ether one up? Honestly, the decapitation is just twisted, so are those who want to see it..

My ex breast fed our children.. I'd be pissed if she videoed it and then posted it for the world to see.. People already know woman breast feed their children.. What's the woman trying to accomplish by the video.. What need is she fulfilling? Is it educational, instructional? Somethings wrong..

Just because it exists doesn't mean you must watch it or your in denial.. Child porn videos exist.. You feel compelled to watch those also? If not, is your head in the sand concerning the issue?

I'm of the belief that our society is suffering a mental disorder.. Social media, twitter, computers, tablets, smart phones.. Having to look at, stay connected and broadcast everything all the time is sick and twisted..

There is a buttload of content I come across perusing the web.. Quite a bit I refuse to allow in through the gate of my eyes..

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:36 PM



Who cares if they are on facebook, its not like you can't spend 10 seconds searching out the internet for a whole host of sites that contain these types of videos.

Its not like clicking on a video on facebook is going to trick you into watching it. If you can't tell within 5 seconds what's going on then maybe you need to watch them.

Basically you have the power to "turn the channel" so quit forcing everyone to follow your moral code. Next thing you know you'll want to ban kissing in movies also.

Are you even aware of what this thread is about ? You appear to be grasping at almost anything and simply go for whatever you can begin to identify as a potential jugular.

Here's something that might help you in the longrun, although you should get someone else to read it, and then guide you through the ideas it suggests...

Your personal attacks are not necessary and also against the TOA I might remind you.

I am fully aware of the point of your thread and addressed the fallacy of your comparison.

Breastfeeding videos will not be used so people can enjoy the natural beauty of the event, they will be used, more than likely, in some pornographic way, of which, Facebook wants no part of.

That is far different than a video showing a violent act which is used either to convey a situation going on or something as a shock value.

I would just like everyone right now to understand something, and understand it with 100% clarity....

You SCARE me.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:55 PM
the main thing here is not about people watching the videos, it's about people that ARE posting the videos on facebook, and I agree that everyone should know that its not the place to post such things...

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