posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 08:41 AM
I'm a truck driver, as such I'm aware of my health.
So I eat right I don't drink sugary drinks, and I exercise. " nothing much I've got bad knees, but I keep active"
I've never failed a physical, ever!
But for as long as I can remember I've had random chest pains, and it was always because of my heart feeling like it was beating to too fast.
It just comes and goes, it's never caused me any problems, even back when I worked out every day and ran 3 miles a day.
But yesterday the clinic just had to be slow, and after I do my physical, and all their little exercises my heart starts acting up!
So now while they're checking my blood pressure it's randomly dropping to low then shooting up, and I can't do anything about it.
They start asking if I feel alright, of course I say I'm fine you don't talk about your heart at physicals, that's just not smart.
So they hook me up to this stupid device, and my dadgum heart rate is going from 90 to 127, so they start listening to it, and tell me I have a heart
I lose my medical card no questions asked, so now what do I do? I'm jobless in this crappy economy!
I blame the government! It's because of all they're new exam requirements!
I'm 32 years old and still alive, and I've never been to the doctor about my heart if it was going to make me die behind the wheel it would've
happened already!
Doctors are working with our corporate government to get us all dependent on government hand outs.
Well not me! I'll go see this cardiologist, and if they try to tell me I can't work I'm moving to China! They'll even let my kids get a good job
with Nike...
So if your job requires medical cards be prepared for closer examinations. If they'd just got to me when they should have they wouldn't have even