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my poor disinformed new yorker friend

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posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:33 PM
lol, we were chattin about randon thing, music, cb radio, politics, lol.

he believes the republicans should take total blame.

i tried a bit to show him the maul of truth, lol.

Chemich: i think i need to stop smoking
Chemich: wait a minute
Chemich: most of my old school hardstyle had pretty decent mastering
wild.korun: ye

Chemich: then what the # was I complaining about?
Chemich: must've been the structure or something
wild.korun: idk
wild.korun: LOL
Chemich: because these kicks are phat
wild.korun: yea
Chemich: yeah they poke right through the synths as intended
Chemich: idk what the # other people were talking about
Chemich: it's proper old school
Chemich: some of the structuring might be crap, but who cares lol
wild.korun: yea, must be the mudduck newschoolers ragin
Chemich: they have no right to rage
Chemich: old school created new school
Chemich: that's common sense
wild.korun: yea
Chemich: you can't hate history, especially when the foundation of what you love is based o nit.
Chemich: *on it.
Chemich: that's just being republican about it
wild.korun: yea
wild.korun: lol
Chemich: so what party are you anyways? just curious
wild.korun: i think all of em need to be chased out and we need a totally fresh restart
wild.korun: lol
Chemich: eh, democrats aren't really a problem
Chemich: liberals can be
wild.korun: their both 2 wings of the same bird
Chemich: But all Republicans are just generally retarded
Chemich: and most of the intelligent republicans that were republicans... well
wild.korun: while the head (obama) is beckin away at its wings
Chemich: they're not republicans anymore lol
Chemich: you don't understand
wild.korun: lol
Chemich: if Republicans don't agree with Obama
Chemich: Obama can't do much lol
wild.korun: yea
Chemich: he should've hired his own #ing cabinet
Chemich: and fired the old republican retards
wild.korun: lol
Chemich: because the Bush Administration was ass
Chemich: now it's just Black Dude + Bush Administration
wild.korun: yea
wild.korun: but obaa himself conntinued the bush era programs
wild.korun: lol
wild.korun: obama*
Chemich: because he wasn't intelligent enough to fire them and get new people
Chemich: so he had no choice lol
wild.korun: lol
wild.korun: did you hear the news on that one girl who got mad and flipped out during to vote to re open the governemt?
Chemich: naw
Chemich: I really don't pay attention to individual people
Chemich: but I can't blame her
Chemich: losing your job over #head republicans
Chemich: I don't know why the Democrats allow themselves to take any of the heat, Republicans are completely to blame.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:41 PM
Well, you tried (kinda?). And you failed.
edit on 20-10-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by radiotracker350

No school created old school.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:44 PM
Having a hard time deconstructing your information.

Nice try, I guess.

People are brainwashed into the two party system.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:44 PM
Cmon.. ya know new yorkers watch NY1 and feed into that dog-eat-dog rat-race dichotomous blame game where everythings either black or white, dem or rep, rich or poor

If every major city in USA were like gotham i mean new york, then DANG!

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

well, i pushed gently, cause he's one of the "hardheaded types" lol

he's gone offline before when i pushed hard.

so yea, i didnt try real hard.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by radiotracker350

New yorkers from the city are a little retarded.

People from upstate and albany are ok.

The problem is NYC.

People here are granted citizenship in a Hurry, for their votes. They often hold two loyalties, the greater being to their mother land. They wave their old countries flag while looking to the US with an air of contempt. they expect to be treated as special citizens in every regard because they "chose" to come to the US. As if they were requested here by the president

They too often than not HAVE NO care about politics here. They only support those that promise them the most in aid and welfare. I know MANY local latin american politicians. My father shares their age group and has been here since the early 70s. They generally show up when they need something.

Anyways. The way a local politician goes about winning over the local population is by bombarding everyone he talks to with his opinion that the best way that anything they ask him about can be solved is by supporting this or that candidate.

The reasons for this blind support are usually: "oh, you should support this man, he is VERY progressive. What you want to vote for a rich white guy?" This man is hispanic...or this or that should support him."

If you ask why....he will repeat himself and give you a BS answer. Ask him what his platform is about and he will repeat himself in other words...and give you a BS response. I am convinced that they dont even know the particulars. That they get their marching orders from liberal white men that send ignorant hispanics in suits to win over the various hispanic communities through race baiting.

I am sorry. I have lived these scenes my whole life. I am married to a hispanic woman and am culturally latino myself, So dont start with the "you so racist" crap.

I have gotten to know many up and coming latino politicians in NYC....this is their story. When they actually grow balls and propose their own ideas...they are ruined. My fathers best friend is such a man. Once he grew a conscience and wanted to some actual good. He defied his handlers and was ousted.

That is the main problem with NYC. fascist liberals have eliminated all moderates and won total control with age old political backwardness.

White people get labeled racist for anything other than saying BAAAAa. They also get a healthy dose of white guilt and multicultural brainwashing.

Minorities are race baited and wrapped around any dumbasses little finger with promises of free this or that....

and so we have the cesspool of failed ideology that is NYC. The rest of the state is ok though.

And liberals arent the problem. Radicals in either direction are F-ing lunatics and really have no scruples. They are FASCISTS...plain and simple. That isnt reserved for the far right alone. Any ideology imposed onto a people in every facet of their lives is fascist in nature. That is the american liberal. The american conservative can be pretty nutty too....but well, he makes more sense from a point of logic as far as everyday people....not the worlds ultra poor and disenfranchised...which frankly as a country ....we arent.

NY liberals cant even stay remotely close to the center of an argument to talk things through.


posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 08:29 PM
Expert rant. Seriously ... Star for you!! I hope the ATS Staff review for applause!!

I am sorry. I have lived these scenes my whole life. I am married to a hispanic woman and am culturally latino myself, So dont start with the "you so racist" crap.

NY liberals cant even stay remotely close to the center of an argument to talk things through.


Just a poke: Would you hang out with George Zimmerman given the opportunity?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Hey, thanks!

Well, No.

I dont actually like Zimmerman.

I think he made a mistake. He was told not to go after the guy, and he did. He really caused more trouble than he was worth.

He should have taken his beating and maybe, given some back if he was so damn upset. Shooting the guy was wrong.

That said, I wasnt there and really dont know what he was going through. I know that I wouldnt take a chance with anyone if I felt my personal safety was threatened so maybe I would have shot him too. Probably......

In the end, If I didnt know him and he never went through a media frenzy attention whoring....I wouldnt try to get to know him.

He seems like a scummy type of person. I am really picky about who I share company with though, so that doesnt say much.

I dont think we would hit it off. LOL

I like old school Irish guys (80´s generation), traditional Italian American families (their grandmas), Old timer Black people from the hood (70´s-80´s generation), Mexicans off the boat..or whatever, and young English people (my age).

Most others probably have an uphill battle with me...Especially Argentinians and Peruvians....LOL...there are many exceptions but thats the general gist of it. I just like what these groups have to say. I feel these groups teach me the most about life, have a firm grip on reality and are really worth while people....

I base that off my own preferences for "close people" in my life as far as personality types. It really has nothing to do with race..hence the many exceptions. I just dont shy from labeling people with the obvious fact of their backgrounds.

...oh and I LOVE Persian women. NOT in a sexual way, though they are very beautiful...but rather in the sense that I can not respect another group of women more. They are lions at heart, filled with soul and are highly disciplined and talented. I admire them...So very awesome.

aaannnnddd....Chinese people. I really respect them....though I fear they will cause my people much pain in the future...BUT you have to admit, their culture is filthy rich in terms of truth. Love /hate there....

Japanese people are very strange to me. I keep thinking they want to lick my eye balls or sell me school girl spit in a jar.....I dont know...they make my mind go all over the place.

Koreans are formidable. Respect. But stay there and warn me that you are going to engage me before you do.

I want to party with filipinos...they seem like fun people.

Continental Africans are VERY well mannered. VERY nice people. Though I cant find peace with the sorry state of their continent and those I have met. I dont get it. I dont like Kenyans.

I seem to want to keep I will.

Dominicans have worn me out. They are really chill and all, but I am just tired...SHUT UP...! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SCREAMING???!!

I LOVE Chileans. They are perfect.

Colombians make me nervous.

I am scared of Jamaicans, though I think they pretty awesome.

Canadians seem nice, but I keep thinking that is all a show to hide a deep seeded rage...

French people CAN be pretty awesome, but generally pan out to be douchey.

Spaniards are cool and know how to enjoy life. They can be backstabbing pricks at times though, too much passion. Go make soap operas or something you freaks!..( I am a spaniard lol)

People from Catalonia are really ahead of their time. BUT they can be condescending and stubborn.

The Basque are perfect. Though they need to start trusting more, but hey what do I know. Here I am with my list....

The portuguese are really cool. BUT a little scummy.

Eastern Europeans are formidable. I love Russians and SOME Romanians. Though they make me nervous.

Ukrainians I look at like ethnic Russians. Like them, though they make me nervous. A little sketchy from that part of the world.

Australians I feel sorry for. I like them allot. Much potential.

South people. One reservation..I dont know enough about them to know if I like their tourists or them.

I want to meet someone from belarus.

I dont like Indian men. I think their culture is very rich and all. I love the way their women carry themselves. They are so very strong, but they are that way because their men can be real assholes to them. Sorry those of you that rock....some do Rock Damn hard..

I really like Scots. I respect what they are about. I wouldnt want to make one mad...but would love to get piss drunk with one and good fun. Freemen they are.

Hawaiians seem scummy. Havent met too many, but it seems like I would have allot of culture shock with what is acceptable to them in a "you to you" relationship...I would think them rude and grimey when not smiling. But dont smile too much at me....that will make me distrust you more.

Hondurans are bland. Nothing there. Dont like em, dont NOT like them. Just blah. They could all go away one day and I dont think I would notice.

Uruguayans threaten me. They seem really nice, but I had the misfortune of always meeting their pricks and beotches.

Paraguayans enchant me. I always wanted to make love to a Paraguayan woman. (dont tell my wife).
They seem very warm hearted and kind.

I dont trust peruvians. I think they all want to kill Spaniards.

I generally like Middle eastern men. If they are too traditional I get turned off. They are funny bastards.
Good spirited.

Native north americans seem cool. They also seem like they are traumatised. Like the really nice kid that is twitchy from bullies and now has turrets syndrome.

Native Alaskan people seem so mysterious to me. OOOH

Costa Ricans are too smiley. Stop smiling God damn it. Its not natural.

I generally only like old school puerto ricans.

I REALLY like Bolivians. The native rural Bolivians not so much.....havent met, but heard many things.

Panamanians seem like pathological liars. I dont trust them.

Venezuelans I dont like. Plastic people.

I dont like ecuadorians. Met some great ones, met more that sucked.

Mexicans rock. Married to beautiful mexican woman. She is everything I love about women / everything I hate. She is everything. I just generally like them. Even before I was married to a Mexican woman, I had so many great friends that were awesome. REAL people.

Guatemalans are cracked. LOL funny twisted bastards...still though..hmmmm

I am suddenly struggling to keep the list going so I will stop. I am also running out of room. I dont know why I started one, other than "why not".

I realise this is almost 90% off topic in relation to your response... BUT you did mention Zimmerman and race led to nationality which led to this. I also started thinking about the that didnt help.


I had some time...


have a good one man.

I hope I didnt offend anyone, though I cant see how that is possible. I did crap on my own people if that is of any consolation. Who cares.

Oh, last one.

Americans are a world consider yourself loved / hated.....I love you though.

edit on 10 21 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by tadaman

All I can really say is wow he should have took his beating? have you ever had your head slammed on concrete ever had someone break your nose. He was asked if he was following him to which he replied yes then was told they didn't need him to do that wasn't an order and not against the law. Seems you fed into the same MSM bs just about everyone else did. The facts are Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and he paid the price for it case closed.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by ftsk4201

First off you couldnt be farther from the truth.

He already got his beating. He should have listened to what the cops told him to do after the fact...which was to wait for them to arrive, not to go after him. He went after the kid because his pride was hurt.

And yes. I have been in some pretty bad fights and gotten my ass beat several times. Its not the end of the world. Physical pain is not that bad. Baseball bats to the face, doc martin beat downs...I have had my fair get up and move on.

You are still supposed to act like a MAN and deal with it.

edit on 10 31 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 02:10 PM

reply to post by ftsk4201

First off you couldnt be farther from the truth.

He already got his beating. He should have listened to what the cops told him to do after the fact...which was to wait for them to arrive, not to go after him. He went after the kid because his pride was hurt.

And yes. I have been in some pretty bad fights and gotten my ass beat several times. Its not the end of the world. Physical pain is not that bad. Baseball bats to the face, doc martin beat downs...I have had my fair get up and move on.

You are still supposed to act like a MAN and deal with it.

edit on 10 31 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

Another uninformed person commenting on Zimmerman doesn't surprise me at all. I think you need to learn the FACTS about the case before you talk. Cops didn't tell him anything NEN operator suggested he not do anything AFTER that he was jumped then had his head slammed on concrete. Kid got what he deserved but you are an idiot that has no FACTS.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 02:16 PM
I'm not here to hijack this thread so we will leave this where it is and move on. Last thing you wanna do is argue facts of this case with me. I'm well informed when it comes to this case I was closer to it than most people.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by ftsk4201

if I am an idiot with no facts then you are an idiot without basic reading comprehension skills.

I did say that I dont know how I would react and that I would probably have shot him too...BUT since I am not worshiping zimmerman I wont ignore that he FOLLOWED the guy and made a run on our guns possible as well as providing race baiting fuel for the argument of liberal hyper race IMO he was more trouble than he is worth.

He should have just called the cops and stayed back. He did follow the kid...and acted like a typical rent-a-cop.

I am not going to defend someone who is probably a douche in real life and was looking for confrontation since he probably flunked the test for the local police department and like many security guards....takes his job way too seriously wth power trips and inflated egos they try to justify.

If he would have just called the cops and not followed him, the kid would be arrested and he would spend more days as a "super" security guard....

You seem to blindly defend a douchebag....says allot about you.

And for the record I usually defended his right to shoot the guy.....I am not someone to defend a scum bag on his way to make purple drank who messed with the wrong person....but it goes both ways.

edit on 10 31 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by tadaman

He already got his beating. He should have listened to what the cops told him to do after the fact...which was to wait for them to arrive, not to go after him. He went after the kid because his pride was hurt.

Those words came from you which are so far from the truth it isn't even funny. I done with this subject since you have to clue what happen tat night. Have a good day now.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ftsk4201

well you dont know it well enough to refute what I say. You just keep saying I am wrong and then insult me......
I guess you showed me huh....LOL

Ok, Bye!

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by tadaman

Facts of the case go like this. Zimmerman spotted him looking suspicious Trayvon approached Zimmerman with his hands in his pants all while Zimmerman was on phone with NEN not 911. NEN ask for description then Trayvon ran NEN asked which way then asked if he was following him. Shortly after that is when Trayvon came out of nowhere punched him in the face breaking his nose than he mounted him and slammed his head on the ground. That was seen by a neighbor who went into call 911 few seconds after that the shot went off few seconds more the police showed up. That's about sums it all up peace out now bro.

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