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Hmm...Could we be at war with Aliens and not know?

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:50 AM
please refer to this thread:

why do you assume all these things ! discuss it in that thread

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by zorgon
Zorgon, great to hear you. Give the chap a break, as it does appear he has mastered the Time Machine. I for one often do the same.

Now, speaking into the future is altogether a different matter, & a feat of profound substance. One that would go quiet far in explaining some abounding issues in question... Right?


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:44 PM
There are trading and other busy relationships all over this galaxy. The Nordics and Pleiadians are a tiny, tiny group of little or no significance. They're next to nothing without their gray alignment protectors. Their function is to cut us off from our neighbors, to dupe us into thinking they ARE our neighbors---they aren't even natives to our galaxy because they were probably originally abducted from humankind, then slightly engineered to live longer, more healthily yet rather drone-like. Our real alien neighbors look very ~alien. Our native neighbors (who look more like aliens) seem to be more subtle, much more honest and worthy than any of the gray alignment's sub-groups. I don't see gray alignment aliens as evil, of course, just the powerless tools of a larger group that's still thrashing around based on the arrogant, non-humble presumptions of what was once a very primitive, classist bunch of mass offenders. Now their whole alignment is a relatively cold, emotionally detached extension of that billions-of-years old group. They are planet-killing slavers, in some ways. They don't recognize or respect our laws, at all. It's a kind of Frankenstein doing as their empire chooses.

(from my book Alien Mind, free to read on the web) "The so-called Nordics and Semitics are human-looking aliens discussed by government whistleblower Dr. Michael Wolf and others (see Richard Boylan’s website). Wolf said that Nordics (tall, often blonde aliens who look like humans) and Semitics (long-nosed aliens who look semitic-human) come from the fourth and fifth planets of a star called Altair, which is easily visible from our northern hemisphere. However, Wolf said both groups were bred by another human-looking group from the Pleiades star cluster. In other words, they would all be related. *Swiss contactee Billy Meier’s much-disputed contacts feature “Pleiadians,” although he now calls them Plejarans.

"The problem with “Pleidians” is two-fold. One, contactees say the Pleiadians are enemies of the grays, yet that appears to be contradicted by reports that Pleiadians say they’re part of a “galactic federation,” which sounds exactly like the larger gray alignment (not led by grays, by the way). Secondly, the Pleiades star group (purported home of “the Pleiadians”) is only 100 million years old, so life couldn’t have evolved there yet (Earth is 4.5 billion years old). Instead, the name of those human-looking aliens should reflect their origin, which certainly isn't the Pleiades. *If US soldiers were to ride into Africa and say “we're from Africa because we have a base here,” no one would call them Africans.

"Some abductees interviewed by David Jacobs say Nordics were involved in their abductions. As Jacobs writes,” the evidence clearly suggests that the Nordics are most probably adult hybrids of human/alien mating.” (The Threat p. 93) Abductees told Jacobs that Nordics have been seen wearing tight-fitting, one piece uniforms sometimes of a silvery color. Brenda, who was interviewed by Budd Hopkins, said she was abducted and taken to a base where grays and Nordics worked side by side. At an MIT conference on abductions, researcher Jenny Randles said her research showed that in Britain 35% of abductions are by Nordics, 6% of abductions in the United States are by Nordics, and in Europe 25% are by Nordics. (C.D.B. Bryan p. 68) In other words, evidence suggests that “Pleiadians” and Nordics are gray alignment aliens, not native neighbors of ours."

Many have been duped into thinking that a predatory, colonizing creation of the gray alignment (Nordics, Pleiadians, grays, the Roswell hybrid version, and "tall whites") are an important part of our galaxy. They aren't. They're probably not wanted here--for one big reason. They are the shills, the footsoldiers of colonizing aliens from a distant galaxy. Meanwhile, astronomers say our galaxy and Andromeda will merge in 2-3 billion years, meaning there will be LESS habitable zones in the merged elliptical-to-be. So, rather than invite reckless, conflict propagating colonizers (who are an overpopulation problem) in here, our neighbors appear to want them to go. Meanwhile, the gray alignment's strategy is to foul and confuse, to thwart and reduce your ability to distinguish between alien groups.

Our best strategy is to evict them from Earth, entirely, and defend our airspace against their further intrusion--although tell them first, say it is the law (which will teach them to respect our law). We now must actively contact our real, native neighbors and ignore the gray alignment. To interact with the gray alignment is to look like traitors to our galaxy, incompetent stooges. We have enough technology and science to get it right here, but we need to boot out and disempower all gray alignment operatives who are trying to foul us in order to weaken us and make it easy for their masters to steal resources here. **They see you and other humans as mere biological resources. They want to eliminate the human identity, our culture, our personal notions and replace it with the mute obedience that you see in their aliens. I don't mean to frighten or insult those who think gray aliens are cool or interesting or who have simple contacts with them. Such people aren't direct operatives of their alignment, of course. A real direct operative has no concern about manipulating the death of millions, fouling our ecology and trying to ruin our attempts at peaceful global cooperation---all to allow their masters to gain sway here. They want to entirely eliminate humankind by replacing it.

See Marshall Vian Summers' The Allies of Humanity for the best, one or two volume warnings about the grays' alignment.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by gl2]

[edit on 10-1-2009 by gl2]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:00 PM
People who try to sell their information are pitifull and they taint and ruin the good they ever intended to do. Go count your money while the rest of us that actualy care discuss reality.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
People who try to sell their information are pitifull and they taint and ruin the good they ever intended to do. Go count your money while the rest of us that actualy care discuss reality.

Newspapers, Magazines and TV sell information....

Get used to it

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by CindyPants
No we are not at war we are a conquered planet and not even aware of our enslavement.

Read any of David Icke's books.

While many people speak out that his theories are nuts, he is just, like many great men, ahead of his time and able to see the complete picture.

Most people refuse to awaken and choose to remain asleep and plugged into the Matrix.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by HugmyRek

I added you to my friendship list, and I had already added gl2. I read his alien mind right at the beginning when I began to piece together just what was happening in my life, with my family. I never quite could put the full extent of my information, and others I've discovered, with his conclusion of agenda. But its like a scale, and I place my related information on the one hand, and his on the other. Of course, this does lead to me feeling very confused. This aside for a moment however, I've just gotten off this thread: which had a lot information about Altair, and mythical historical things. In the end, after reading this, I am getting more than fed up with the BS that not only TPTB and black operations here are doing but, that ets are doing.

This "war" seems to be some logical game of chess played by idiot men (who forget that this world is about children, and women are the majority and we like peace, good lives, and the ensurement all share equally in this). I've heard humans put down left right and center and told we're primitives. But you know what, from everything I'm getting the universe is filled with super bright primitives as well.

This war is not allowed to happen. Women are telling you all to get your stuff together and we want answers ASAP. I want et to come and tell all of us what is going on in language we get and understand fully, so we can stop being treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed BS. This war, this thing about ets taking humans and training them to fight for them, plus I've read it happens on the cartel side as well, involves us, because the moment I heard about it, I have been flashing non-stop on my son.

As a family of experiencers, we tend to graviate towards and recognize other experiencers. Enough is enough. We're not into war, abuse of resources, unequal sharing of power and resources, not on earth, not in the universe. Like I'm calling this whole game. End it!!!!!! And tell the truth.

Since I was invited on the other thread, I had the pleasure of being surrounded by so many guys, who I suspect are psi ops. How dangerous are psi ops? Do they actually hurt people? Well my message to all the psi ops is simple enough. I expect you guys to be heros and decent people and not follow bad orders and work for the people. In other words, I'll try to convert you guys. But I'm not saying anything that should even warrant this.
I really don't get it!!! Due to my experiences and attempts to share a bit and talk to others, half the board think I'm nuts anyway. And they're not the ones we talk to, but to the others who are searching like we are.

None of this is clear. Not of it makes sense. Man, there is too much tetosterone ruling this planet and they consider themselves logical, but they are insane. My kids are not going to be fighting anybodies battles, and these battles aren't allowed to happen even.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by CindyPants
No we are not at war we are a conquered planet and not even aware of our enslavement.

Read any of David Icke's books.

While many people speak out that his theories are nuts, he is just, like many great men, ahead of his time and able to see the complete picture.

Most people refuse to awaken and choose to remain asleep and plugged into the Matrix

I completely agree, ofhumandescent. The so called "matrix" is a very real thing, and it has most people tight within it's grip, and only the human being can extricate them self from it. Most are happy as long as the "status quo" continues for them, as long as they can drive their SUV, talk on their cell phone, watch "Idol" on their TV, and have a menial job that seems to pay the bills, they are quite happy. There are few that make an effort to be free of it, as can be evidenced by looking at the Earth with open eyes. I can see planet Earth as it really is, and it is a dirty, polluted, and corrupt place, and there is no effort to clean this up. I have read Icke also, and in my mind, he speaks the truth as he sees it, as do I. David has suffered a lot of distress over the ones who wish to destroy him, but he keeps on talking, and I admire him for that. No one person knows the entire story. David Icke is a good example of this. Still, the basic ideas are sound.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Just as a side note about greys, I don't know about all the differing groups, about rebels or renegades, versus the more traditional keepers that are like Jim Spark's handlers, or what. But I do know that the ones we have experienced, and I have since childhood, are not liking the leaders of this planet, and honor the native people. One of the missions they have given me is the complete endorsement of promoting a moneyless resource society, a grass roots version of the venus project (as that still seems to have elitist leadership), and a need for us to act cooperatively and look after each other. I don't know why they process people medically like they do, and they may seem cold to the ones that get stamped through on this biological assembly line. But I have sensed their integrity.
They showed me warmth and encouragement. I also, like Dr. Michael Wolf, no longer see the race of mutant antmen I thought existed due to my childhood siting, but think they're like a pod mentality, of advanced, mutated dolphins. Don't know for sure, but the non-renegades are not our enemies.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 07:30 PM
It is most certain they we in fact are fighting a war with so much more depth, on so many more levels than even the most significant and informed higher ups even care to understand.

Each one with just a small pod in the Galaxies of eternity carrying a micro piece of the vast puzzle.

I loved the honesty in the Terra Papers, the raw trust handed down in its purest form, by human communication, tradition, culture and family.

Not all of the information is simply conjecture, metaphor or fantasy. Real experiences have and continue to happen to people which alone is truth enough that something immeasurable is happening between humans and aliens.

The time is past to pay the piper, and there are some that are not yet ready for what ever reasons to comply with the aliens and finish this current contract. They have been drawing it out since the 60's. The same slight of hand, to keep people engaged looking in the wrong direction to feel the connection.

One thing for certain this entire Planet is becoming enlightened, as an organic whole we are alll in this together. Much of the fight is by the lower astrals to keep this from happening which will seal the lower gates to remain where they are and progress only as they learn to evolve.

Are there wars being fought on behalf of us unbeknownst to us? Yes.

Do we have Alie's fighting to keep this Galaxy clear from real enemies? Yes.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by alien

Ha. Good point.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Are you saying that all men are chessplaying idiots, and that you, by speaking for all the females on the planet, are insinuating that all Earths females holds the same opinion as yours? How very peaceful of you.

And regarding that the "Women are in majority", I think it is safe to say that it very much depends upon what orientation one has.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Nightchild]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
We're NOT at war. The fact that we still exist proves as much.

Our world has been at war with itself since the dawn of....well, anything living.

The modern purpose of war is for profit and fear, not destruction and a win.

IF we were at war with a more advanced intelligence we would be losing and not know it.

Who says we're not?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:01 AM
Could we be at war with them without us (regular civilans) knowing? I very much doubt it, but that depends on what kind of war that is. I don't see any mass invasions here. Nor do I see UFOs flying about, firing high-powered laser weapons at our aircraft in any noticable scale. It would be a covert war, if any. Something we don't recognize.

Perhaps they are abducting us, but I don't know if that would be considered "war". If they are indeed on this earth, there have been and probably still are incidents between humans and aliens. But I really doubt that we wouldn't notice it, if a full-blown war was upon us.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by CindyPants

FYI, what they use, in that past anyway, may be different now, is they use Sage radar to disrupt the UFOs anti-gravity device. Here's a link on Sage Radar..

SAGE Air Defense

SAGE Radar Sites, 1958

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Nightchild
reply to post by mystiq

Are you saying that all men are chessplaying idiots, and that you, by speaking for all the females on the planet, are insinuating that all Earths females holds the same opinion as yours? How very peaceful of you.

And regarding that the "Women are in majority", I think it is safe to say that it very much depends upon what orientation one has.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Nightchild]

No, but war and this kind of power tripping is a testosterone thing, and most women are cooperative and sharing. This is the difference between ying and yang and male and female energies. This entire dog eat dog fascist world, including apparently ets living under monarchies and dealing shady with each other, its all the patriarchal male energy vibe.

Amongst my family and friends who have spent a lifetime discussing the state of this world and women's issues, all of them would instantly know what I've just said there. And I stand by this because last fall after my 17 year old son was sharing his experiences, missing time, siting of a grey just prior to being scolded for being up late, and willingly without complaint, obediently going to sleep, dreams of being shown a lot dates and upcoming events onboard a craft, and another time, being shown a history lesson???? on a viewing screen. I'm a little psi and I kept getting waves off him, seeing fighter pilot training. Well I'm calling their war OFF! And stay away from my son, on both sides.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Because we choose to ignor what conflicts with our ideas on 'reality'
People in the 1800s who saw UFOs could only relate to them as flying balloons or steam machines..because that was the limit of their understanding.
Today those same minded people attribute them to flares or kites..because that is the limit of THEIR understanding. However we perceive this reality..there is much much more to it than what we understand.
Taken on the whole, if you add up ALL the testimony from witness's (both normal & professional people) the other evidence we have both visual & technical its overwhelmingly for the case we are being visited.
SOrry folks thats the reality you must face.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 05:06 PM
I was abducted by humans in BLUE jumpsuit style uniforms.I was told that we are involved in a GALACTIC war.I was given a choice to join the war or to go home.I was told I could operate a space ship when I was seven years old.I was told I had the complete ability at seven.I was shown scenes of other ships.I feel and felt no fear when I was told this information.We are not alone as far as we are not the only humanoid race in the universe.We have allies in our war,BUT IT IS OUR WAR.I believe we are recruited as needed from earth and are informed on a need to know basis.I don't believe you need any special skill or "powers" to be recruited,I think all humans are born equipped to aid in the war.We have no idea how ABLE we are at birth. This war is as pointless as any other war mankind has ever engaged in,it is not the be all,end all war that will define humanities future in and of itself.It is a war and that means there is room for negotiation ,victory ,or defeat,there are many possible outcomes.It takes two to tango so we all have a part to play and there really is no choice other than to fight or to not fight.We are not all needed at once,and our planet isn't threatened immediately.This is an old war and we are not afraid to be in it.I don't know if we are fighting ALIENS though,I wasn't told of any aliens per say.I just know that if we choose to fight we dont get to return home EVER.I dont think it means we all die in the war ,I believe we travel so far away we cant live long enough to return.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 05:47 PM
first of i'd like to add that alien technology if 100 years greater than our own would be 1000000X stronger. here on earth our computers used to be the size of rooms even as big as small houses. but in the 40 - 50 odd years they have been around computers have got smaller and back in the early 90s you couldnt dream of reaching Ghz processing speeds without computer tests to create newer designs.

their will be a point where computers start to build computers because of the speed of processing its own data.(this kinda tech isnt that far away) google "singularity" now for aliens to reach this point before us will mean their tech
is better than ours.. researching us as they do they could win a war without dropping a bomb?lazer ? what ever... because they will infiltrate our govenments and control us like sheep. we could rebel but i cant see the point when they control our own forces (nukes etc.) will be another spieces that wouldnt intergrate.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by The Blade Runner

i dont no how u can say that aliens cannot be that much more advanced as us when they would be from a different part of space and therefore could have different conditions and different elements that make up where they are from so they could have thing that are millions of times more powerfull than anything we have, like how they generate energy or the way in which weapons are designed.

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