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Hello My Freinds... My Daughter Has Less than 1 Year to Live

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by neilarm

She needs marijuana, tons of it.

My husband had a friend who tried that. He's dead.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 02:58 PM
For those who keep saying not to do chemo and radiation, please stop! If someone wishes to try alternative methods, that is fine and dandy. It's their choice, but there are many of us that are alive today because we had the chemo and radiation. Some are still alive after 20 and 30 years.

Never ever tell a cancer patient to stay away from a treatment that might save their very lives!!!!!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:26 PM
I can't imagine. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for comfort for her, you and your family. The way you talk about her and convey her as a person, you both seem so full of grace.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Night Star
For those who keep saying not to do chemo and radiation, please stop! If someone wishes to try alternative methods, that is fine and dandy. It's their choice, but there are many of us that are alive today because we had the chemo and radiation. Some are still alive after 20 and 30 years.

Never ever tell a cancer patient to stay away from a treatment that might save their very lives!!!!!

I am in agreement with you, to avoid conventional treatment is unwise at best, however when all conventional methods have failed I think for your own peace of mind it doesn't hurt to try alternative methods that have at least some credible evidence of not being harmful. My advice would be to do research, try everything not harmful, and most of all spend what time is left with your daughter with love and companionship.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I am very sorry to hear about your Daughter's illness. Best wishes. ~$heopleNation

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I fear this. I don't know how I'll handle it, honestly.

Someday, even our very own sun will "die"...its just the way it is.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:52 PM

Night Star
reply to post by neilarm

She needs marijuana, tons of it.

My husband had a friend who tried that. He's dead.
I think this may be a foregone conclusion.

It isn't meant as a cure but as a palliative treatment to ease her into the inevitable.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by reject

To be more specific, it helps one very much when they are Nauseated, which is a symptom of Chemo and Radiation treatment. It also makes you want to eat, which is very important when fighting for your life. You may as well feel good while you're suffering. I would be taking at least 1000 mg of Vitamin C a day as well. My Grandfather, and both my Aunts passed away from cancer, it's a terrible disease. I fear it myself as well because it has a history on both sides of my family. ~$heopleNation

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

My daughter has SEVERE nausea, and they give her two different medicines to treat that... but it doesn't help as much as what I have 'heard' that marijuana does... Although in many states it is illegal so not a viable option for many... even for medical purposes.

However, I did discuss its use with my daughter and allowed her to make her own choices concerning it due to her nausea... but she did not like it that much, although it did help her to eat somewhat, so she made the choice not to use it... her life, her choice.

As far as vitamins? The doctors ask her to take a good multivitamin as well as vitamin C... I didn't even have to mention it, the doctors were on top of that right off the bat!
edit on 14-10-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

As far as vitamin C goes, I highly recommend this form of 'C'.

Read the thread and do some research on Dr. Linus Pauling

Cheap and effective.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by reject

I fear this. I don't know how I'll handle it, honestly.

None of us that have had cancer knew how to handle it and were frightened and overwhelmed with all the tests, doctor's appointments and bloodwork all the time. It was sort of like a roller coaster ride. One minute you're scared to death and filled with anxiety and grief, the next you are handling it just fine and joking around. I took one day at a time and dealt with it and luckily survived so far.

There is no garentee it will not return and that does weigh on my mind some. I believe though that there is a better life after this one, that we are far more than just a physical body, that we are made of energy and energy does not die.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by reject

We never know how we will handle anything until we are knee deep in it, and then, all you do is take it one day at a time, sometimes just one minute at a time. You just do your best... and that is all you and anyone else can expect of yourself.

I cry, sometimes at the most inopportune times! There are days I am angry, and days I can barely drag myself out of bed to face the day. My blood pressure was so high that my doctor has put me on blood pressure medicine and she said at some point in all this I had a mild heart attack without really realizing it.

But I handle it, the best I can, because frankly I have no choice in the matter. I wish I did.

But we cannot live in fear either.... stuff happens, some bad, some good. In these days I find more appreciation of the little things, and know more honesty and love than ever before... It all comes out in the wash I think, even when it may not feel like it.

Don't fear, just face whatever you have to, and do not allow worry of the things you are not yet facing, because you may never have to... and you should thank God for that!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Night Star

My mother is a breast cancer survivor. She had it twice, both separate times. Chemo the first time and radiation the second time... she is still alive today because of it...

My dad had pancreatic cancer. No chemo, no radiation, died 5-1/2 months later.

I think most people know, chemo and radiation is sometimes our ONLY hope. They have yet to come up with anything better, except for that brand new medicine that seems to have an awesome effect on leukemia. I hope they continue all their research!

People who suggest alternative things, well, their heart is in the right place....
edit on 14-10-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:31 AM
So sorry. Will put her in my prayers. I've heard something about baking soda being able to cure cancer. Also liquid zeolite. Don't give up. God bless.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:47 AM
She seems wonderful and her babies as well. I too feared for my daughter's life when she was diagnosed with cancer, although her prognosis was very different. There were very dark days and it felt as though it wasn't real, it couldn't be real. I have climbed out of that darkness somehow and I try to stay positive every day. My main concern was to make her dreams come true and it became a promise. I will make all her dreams come true. (She is a bit of a brat now) Make her smile, and when she is down tell her stories to occupy her mind so it's easier to let go of fears and negativity.
Everything will be ok. (my daily thought)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by denyego26

Thank you for all that you said. You are a wonderful mother. I also read what you wrote in the other thread, and as a mother I commend you! I probably never would have considered that... although my daughter never lost her hair... hers just became extremely sick for want of a better word.

You seem like a great woman and I have lots of respect for you!

We do try our best to make these days happy, lots of smiling going on and joking about... I refuse to spend these last days in sadness... it is joy we will have around her! Sometimes I do cry. But I avoid doing it around her....

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Thank you very much. As a woman I fail so much, everyday.. but I learn. As a mother it is hard to fail so I try to learn everyday before failing. Thank you also for your words. I wish you much happiness and light. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:03 AM
What wonderful pictures of your baby girl. I'm so sorry that she is going through this and how devastating I know this is for all of you. Thank you for sharing with us, and know that you are all in my prayers.

Much love and hugs to you all,


ps. have you looked into the movie "Run from the cure"? I won't post the link here, but please check it out on youtube. It is what I would do if I were in your situation now.

edit on 15-10-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:16 AM
My brother just died last Thursday, 10/10 of cancer. He came down with what we thought was the flu and had flu like symptoms and coughing for 3 weeks. We finally insisted he go to the urgent care, and they sent him to the emergency room. After two days of tests, we found out he had cancer throughout his torso (kidney, stomach, pancreas, lungs, etc). That was 4 weeks ago today. Within 2.5 weeks, he passed. We thought we had time to seek various treatment, specifically, alternative treatment. Chemo has been scientifically proven last year to not help the outcome.

If the doctors said one year, then she has time to seek options. It's not to late. I have a strong healthcare background and I can say to you do not take what doctors say as the gospel. Seek options. Find out if she can participate in clinical trials. Educate yourself as treatment options that are mainstream are old and do not work. Clinical trials and alternative treatments is where it's at.

Here are two "must reads" regarding cancer and alternative treatment. I highly recommend you buy the videos.

Sending hugs your way as I personally know what a hard road this will be for all of you!

From Amazon:

The Gerson Miracle The Gerson Miracle

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business - Extended Edition / 2-DVD Set / Multiple Languages

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses

The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government's Campaign to Squelch It

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Not to pry, as I'm sure it's horrible to even contemplate alternatives at this stage, but have you and your family thought about taking her out of the hospital, off of the meds, off of the chemo, and possibly pursuing a more holistic or radiological approach?

My prayers will be with you and your's, but I have to say that I have an agreement with God and my family that if anything were to ever happen to me like this, that I wouldn't go out slow and painfully in a hospital...but from as high as I could climb on Everest, or as far as I could walk across China.

I just hate seeing good people fall apart WITHIN our broken medical system.

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