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Grey Alien hits woman with neuralyzer weapon?

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posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:41 AM
Strange one this, apologies if it's been posted, the video has been hovering around the net for 2 years now but first time I've come across it.

Not sure when the video is from, looks pretty old. All I gathered was that it was an air crash at some event....

Couldn't remember the import code for a YouTube video, posting this from my phone so if somebody could embed this video into a post that would be great, thanks,

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:45 AM
Here you go....

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by Just Chris

This has to be one of the stupidest videos I've seen on Youtube, and that's saying a lot.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:49 AM
Did you read the video uploaders comment to another user?

72kyros . 1 year ago
..all Ramstein and Lviv videos are fake.... is a mindtrick.... The aircrash videos are a big bull#....

Case closed my friend.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by boncho


posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:05 AM

Did you read the video uploaders comment to another user?

72kyros . 1 year ago
..all Ramstein and Lviv videos are fake.... is a mindtrick.... The aircrash videos are a big bull#....

Case closed my friend.

Random guy on the internet must be right yes ?

This is actually some good footage, to bad only 1% watch the whole video, because its in the end of the tube video things gets interesting, suggesting that greys have the power to manipulate time itself and work in the shadow of time and space when observing us.

But never mind that, we are to busy watching X-factor and Elvis videos

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:42 AM


Did you read the video uploaders comment to another user?

72kyros . 1 year ago
..all Ramstein and Lviv videos are fake.... is a mindtrick.... The aircrash videos are a big bull#....

Case closed my friend.

Random guy on the internet must be right yes ?

This is actually some good footage, to bad only 1% watch the whole video, because its in the end of the tube video things gets interesting, suggesting that greys have the power to manipulate time itself and work in the shadow of time and space when observing us.

But never mind that, we are to busy watching X-factor and Elvis videos

good footage you say?

I had to skim the video. The intro production annoyed me.. then the music hurt my ears. And the stop motion was painful.

Godo to know it was a good video tho. Aliens, you say. With ray guns.. I mean neuralyzers.. What I want to know is how do people remember? Lucky thing we've got youtube!

Stare into my pen, you're all about to

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:06 AM

Here you go....

Stupidity, sensationalism and the whole reason right there that ufology is not taken seriously

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:58 AM
Can't say anything about any of the videos. Too many people with agendas making things.

But greys can and occasionally do, use neuro nets on people, and its like a bad tasering.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

But greys can and occasionally do, use neuro nets on people, and its like a bad tasering.

And you base this on what?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by NeoParadigm

An experience that involved another house guest and included us, that went on for a couple of days, that I'm not going to share in full with you. But while things were going on, had a chance to write 2 of my online friends, both with military background, as is apt for experiencers to find their associates have. And was told a few things. One, since this invovled DNA and his was not supposed to be taken, was told what had occurred would only happen if he was AB-, and he and his father are. Second, the neuro net that I already knew something like that had occurred, because it was like he was being tasered, is the name that they gave me. Similar to be tasered. That's all I will share.

That video, who knows. But I've seen 2 greys face to face, ie. not just as a recall. One as a child, and it was more like this:

But the one opening the glass sliding door, was a pinky. Very rose colored, darker rose than the one in the video, much finer face, delicate is all I can say, about 4 foot 8, with a twig like body, and it twisted and leapt to the side, elongating limbs as if they were fluid and vanished. Had quite a dream that night, and my son had something akin to missing time, felt he'd been dropped off.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I see, hearsay and anecdotes.

I like how blase you are about it all.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by NeoParadigm

Lets see, on a subject that is classified at a higher level than nearly any other, an experiencer would have something other their testimony.

It doesnt matter what you think, I will continue to share what I know through direct experience, like all others do as well, you know if you were in a bank robbery, and a direct witness, or any other event. Because that what we have to work with.

And....I prefer hearing from ordinary people on subjects.

Oddly enough, if they were not about hiding information, and keeping people in a sleep state to abuse and harvest energy from, (I'm speaking of our mismanagement team here on earth), then they would be able get lots of info out, for they would be doing lie detectors, regression, and medical and monitoring.

We did have that, our sightings had black choppers show up, they were not high up satellites, but some as low as 50 feet over the townhouse roof, that greet me, and my son leapt out to view. We've had phone taps, ongoing, vehicles following us, exotic crafts joining odd planes that just fly around out back, black triangular ones, that flew directly over our roof very low, and make a huge vibrational hum, and probably radiated us. Also before I had major surgery, my doctor told me that they were going to use a new drug and test on me, to take away memory, and since I was getting put to sleep via a spinal injection, couldn't really imagine why I would need that, so didn't give permission. But he said, relax, you're in good hands.

All you're ever going to get in a world of suppression, not transparent investigation is hearsay and testimony.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by winofiend

Crap!!! I liked the music...what does that say about me?


posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Just Chris

It is clearly swamp gas moving a weather ballon, causing sun light refraction.

But a alien? No, looks like a balding elderly man in a black turtle neck

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:56 AM
I'm going to repeat this, because its true. That video, who knows. I don't do videos, they don't mean much in a world where anyting can be made for any agenda.

But, greys, at least some of them, do use neuro nets, akin to tasering. The situation when that was used in our case, invovled a very upset person, who was yelling and making threats. He was also very fit and strong. Certainly not sticking up for the greys either, but I had tried to tell him, there is no point whatsoever in getting upset. This is way over our co-op military head, and apparently their more unusual earth forces, not the human kind, because that DNA wasn't protected. They're over their heads, technology wise at least. They can freeze the time program, like having a remote, give you missing time, even put you back in the right spot, overlay your memories with alternatives, and there are many testimonies as to what happens on board, thankfully in my case, I don't recall negative things, especially medical. I do have some medical memories, but not painful ones. Have woken with major wounds when my son had missing time while up, however. Yelling and being angry and hostile is not going to work, it doesnt stop this. Jim Sparks gave testimony to being nearly driven to a breakdown, moving and staying in motels in big cities, thinking he would be safe, and not accessed. And they can access anywhere. In fact, if you've seen one, or even a craft, far more has occurred than you remember ,already.

What you can do, rather than get angry, is seek within, meditate, pray, ask your own soul, why am I here? I want to do the work I came to do, and pour out all your faults and failings and relationship problems and have concern for others, and work through your issues, not blaming others, but always first to blame self.

Because when you do this you raise frequency, you become compassionate and loving, not yelling at them. If anything you'd be wanting to talk to them about what level of love they're at and that they need to turn the dial of their love up higher to go home, and you'd be praying for them.

Your experiences change at that point, if you've been having some disturbing occurrences, they stop. They can't access or at least harm when you're doing the work you came to do and asking for protection from Source and all who are Good serving Source. At least that is my experience. ARK = acts of random kindness, even to them.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

So they use these neural nets to capture people?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by NeoParadigm

No, more to control, subdue, punish or make someone less of a threat to them and their technicians. And you can work on yourself, why you're on a planet of war and starvation for example, close to a hellzone level, but there still is some free will. These are questions we should be asking. That is where you get to rise above this. I don't know or relate to the DNA harvestors the same way as universal maintenance workers, who are more doing their work, and no one can stop that. There are layers and levels like an onion, not all negative. Not sure they're supposed to be harvesting, and it has to stop.

In fact, in a universal testing ground, with souls that have families from many systems watching over, and wanting everyone out, wherever there exists a strong negative group, you will have an equally strong positive watching over. The duality. In fact, its even stronger, way stronger the positive. If you picture 2 cones or pyramid type shapes of forces, one is rank and file and slavery, the other is inverted, open ended to abundance, equality and progression. That is simplification of the duality, and we're the spot that the two cones meet, and create a kind of testing ground. This is but simplification. My cpu would need a serious upgrade to be able to deal with a more complex verions.

That time with the time splice for my son, I had just had this "dream" where they were dropped off, my son, brother and my father While my other son and I were taken aboard another craft, and given a questionaire. And we were told that this whole thing had taken 9 days. You can't do missing time on that with a big family. They are way over our heads.

During that time when our house guest was there and he was not supposed to be accessed, I felt blood trickling and looked, and had a scoop mark, almost to the bone. He had 2, one healed up before our eyes.

Self preservation and to do their work is why the tasering type neuro net happens. The technicians are gentle and delicate, sort of. Again not standing up for them. Also not sure delicate in appearance equates delicate and weak, but even if they were physically weak, they have enormous toys and abilities.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Do I sense correctly that you think that I more or less know what you are talking about?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:44 AM
What they harvest in people seems to be DNA markers that go to various ET factions and groups. His was multi, in one direction it went to eastern europe, and his eyes changed to gold often, like his fathers. He was half dutch and half yugoslavic. The other side, was native and scottish, since his grandmother was always having unusual experiences, including calling me up while I was under a stubborn veil of putting all of those sightings and things underwraps, not being able to deal with it, she called me up to see if I could witness from my location, what she had over her property and was connected to. But I said it could be anything, at the time, but did acknowledge there was something there. What she was experiencing was a saucer with a see through top, and could see the ETs in it, directly over her head and was prompted to phone me to see if I was more awake. Now with her, there are 2 lineages there that could be of interest. For natives get many sightings, and experiences. They are from past cycles and Lemuria roots! And if the Scottish is a bloodline that say goes to the Stewart lineage like mine, then its merivingian, which could be from Christ, or from what I've read, to Egypt, king Tut, and Sumar. But basically the real Jewish bloodline is in our family, possibly in hers too.

This is what they're interested in. For exactly what purpose is a mystery. Sleeper/Lou Baldin gives acounts of hybrids being created, and that they can wear these as a suit of clothes, and drop and switch to another.

Others give accounts of various groups needing to repair DNA, due to overdoing cloning and losing touch with natural. Which means they treat earth as a living library/repository, or DNA.

I would say both.

But they subdue via many means. Sleep paralysis is one, neuro nets are another.

There is another group, greys, that are more maintenance workers, and not sure if they have occasion to also use neuro nets on people, but imagine they would have full aresenal of tools and as higher ups here, basically, they're conserned about the state of the world, the poisoned radioactive ocean and our loss of dolphins and whales in particular, but all species. And the amazon forrests, the lungs of earth. Plankton and trees, without this, we don't get to breathe, all of life is in the balance, and yet they can't clean the planet up, until some event happens or the balance is tipped, something has to happen. Thats what came out of my own missing time recently. We're losing alot of DNA on this planet right now, as if this what is being targetted, a kind of control battle over species and depositories on earth. And instead of being given specific information about what to do, its always just waiting. So I shake my fists and the skies and demand transparency and answers, for everyone here on earth and all of nature. And for the women and children in undergroudn bases to stop being abused, and for all people to be free of slavers, starvation and acts of war against them, programming, and scarsity.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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