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Transhumanism = Eugenics = Death

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posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:01 AM
I would like to preface this post by saying this is the thread I SHOULD have posted a week ago.
By not doing the proper research and sleepwalking my way through the last one, I made a mockery of myself and the subject matter.
I further compounded the error by not fact checking sources and making a few glaring errors.
Think of this as my appology...

I have heard it said by supporters of transhumanism that eugenics has nothing to do with their agenda. The two are separate and have nothing to do with each other and to suggest otherwise is ludicrous and irresponsible. They have also implied all such voices should be silenced, ridiculed or ignored.
I will now demonstrate the exact opposite to be true:

The chief cornerstone of transhumanism uses the "overpopulation model" as primary justification for the mass slaughter of "brown people" so that the fearful can feel safe that the third world will not become a competitor for first world "dwindling" resources. Behold the first transhumanist lie.

Scarcity to Abundance:

The previous lecture focuses on free energy but the underlying mechanism of "scarcity" is universal in its application to the first world paradigm.
A "civilized" first world that withholds food shipments and dumps any excesses that could be sent to aid the starving into the oceans.
Although touted by many, this has nothing to do with "Give a man a fish vs Teach a man to fish".

OXFAM: Food Aid or Hidden Dumping?

Monsanto not only extorts the starving with toxic GMO terminator seeds but holds the populations hostage and denys them the means to feed themselves for the sake of financial gains, population control and complete domination of global food sources which it has weaponized:

(Curiously enough, the multitude of links to their crimes in Africa don't seem to function properly most of the time...hmmmmm.)

The corperations use the people's land for food production which is sent abroad and not used for the starving masses themselves because it will fetch a better price for the globalists on the world market.
The farmers are prevented from working their own land for when their crops aren't being taken from them for export, the many wars formented by the UN and Africom ensure that regional conflicts prevent proper land stewardship and murder those who are fortunate enough to succeed.

People are removed from their own land for IMF Carbon Sinks so that the U.N./I.M.F. Troika can maintain an iron fist over third world concerns as well as those of the slave nations under its banner.
They aren't starving because of careless birth control practices or irresponsible land management.
They are starving because they are being deliberately murdered with cold ruthless efficiency.
The overpopulation transhumanists speak of is an utterly transparent fabrication to further the eugenics agenda inherent in the transhumanist dogma:

Overpopulation: The making of a myth

Transhumanists would also have you believe that we are reaching the maximum capacity of the planet and that we have all been placed in harm's way by unchecked growth and consumption. This is also a ludicrous falsehood:

7 Billion people: Everybody relax!

2.1 Kids: Stable Population

They further espouse that this "overpopulation" results in a reduction of food stores. Once more, projected by transhumanists and carried out by corperate policies to further the agenda of starvation and suffering. People like Lord David Attenborough will have you think the only way to remedy this means population reduction in the third world. This is another monstrous lie:

Food: There's lots of it

He goes on to say that massive population growth will reduce prosperity on a global scale and condemn mankind to poverty as developing third world nations begin to compete with first world concerns. The lies from this group of fanatics begin to grow exponentially:

Poverty: Where it all started we've now established that the overpopulation arguement of transhumanists to be a complete myth.
We are NOT overpopulated. The few on top are just greedy, murderous and lazy...kinda like Bruce Willis.
We CAN effectively feed everyone with little effort and are simply CHOOSING not to do it.
We are NOT actually at risk of poverty outside of what's projected upon us by means of the economic scarcity model and the fiat currency paradigm embraced by the nations of the world as a means of controlling their respective populations without lifting a finger.
We are ALL tax livestock.

To be continued below...

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:02 AM
So, if all these things are false, then why would transhumanists and their heralds (like Lord D-Bag David Attenborough) insist upon the apocalyptic end of mankind that they tout to be a forgone conclusion? A conclusion they claim to be beyond reproach and that only a fool would argue against.
The only goal of this movement is death.

The death of "brown/yellow/red people" everywhere.
The death of freedom and choice.
The death of the poor and impoverished.
In other words....the death of those deemed INFERIOR by the (mostly white and inbred) elites.
THIS is the very essence of racism and eugenics.
But the rabbit hole does not end is only beginning.

David Attenborough further espouses that only through forced birth control and Agenda 21 can mankind be saved from itself.
He preaches that it's for the "benefit" of man but the truth of the matter is it's only for the benefit of a select few.
The Gates Foundation currently carries out this terrifying & monstrous cull in Africa under the guise of humanitarian aid.
It subjugates the locals by introducing birth control for the "primative brown people who are incapable of preventing themselves from breeding us all into oblivion", which we now know (after your brief population lesson) to be an absolute fabrication.
What's Bills solution?
They enforce surgical and chemical sterilization upon the impoverished by employing coersion, only granting people the food, medicines or supplies they need to survive IF they submit to U.N./I.M.F. rule by being permanantly neutered "for the greater good" and if they fail to comply?

Africom commandeers their land for more carbon sinks and displaces the locals, scattering their culture, prosperity and futures to the four winds.

I have a difficult time trying to imagine anything more barbaric.
The U.N. model for sustainability is, in fact, a scientific dictatorship.

David Rockafeller also mirrors these beliefs (as espoused by transhumanist frontmen such as Attenborough) and I doubt there is one among you that would speak up for THIS globalist ghoul:

He sounds kinda reasonable doesn't he? Nothing is further from the truth as I am sure many of you already know and ANYTHING he advocates MUST be to the detriment of all but a few on the very top. Essentially, the transhumanist core.

Transhumanism is the techno-eugenics of the new age.
This brings us to the topic of transgenics. A curious fusion of transhumanism and eugenics but the implication of their research is truely the stuff of nightmares. We can thank transgenics for bringing us GMO's, "spider-goats" and "glowing monkeys". It seeks to uplift the masters while condemning the rest to servitude, suffering and death. So if transgenics, put forth by transhumanists as beneficial research for the tailoring of mankind, is genetic manipulation to perfect an organism or tailor it to a specific purpose or environment. I ask you, how is that NOT eugenics? It's simply primative wordplay to disguise its true nature from the less initiated and shroud its underlying purpose in technological greek salad and subterfuge with the promise of achieving the impossible...a perfect society for the perfect man.

(Sounds like someone is getting a chubby from playing God if you ask me!)

Wait...hold on a second...The "perfect society" for the "perfect man" by altering his genes artificially?
How is that NOT the identical to the goal of eugenics?

Then what about GMO/transgenic foods?
What IS transgenics you ask and what's so bad about that? The science behind it is helping to feed the world could that be a bad thing?

The dangers of transgenic foods:

And what do they do to give something so dangerous a positive spin to make it seem innocuous to the unsuspecting public? Simple...they make it seem hip and cool to the kids. They appeal to peoples base instincts on a subconscious level to bypass any possibility of negative reinforcement since an appeal to logic would FAIL based on the facts of transgenics alone! It is inserted into the popculture and disguised as fun so when encountered in the real world, there is little if any resistance to it.
They mask it just like a GMO crop disguises it's harmful effect from the body to better bypass the blood-brain barrier.
In otherwords they use music and sex to sell something that could never be sold by logic alone.

Transgenic Friends Party:

You know who loves GMO/transgenics?
But if transhumanism is eugenics and eugenics means death, then how could GMO/transgenics POSSIBLY be a good thing?
Simply CAN'T.

How Biotech is co-opting Organic Food:

Dr. Russell Blaylock - Nutrition and Behavior Dangers of Aspartame.

You are being controlled through your diet by people who know how to scientifically murder and lie. No wonder a "nazi-controlled" company like Coca-Cola is so rabid about getting into the fruit juice market but more on them later.

(BONUS ROUND: Could this mean Treyvon Martin might ACTUALLY have been the victem of a severe hypoglycemic reaction or the lowering of serotonin levels? Talk amongst yourselves...)

Does this not explain EXACTLY why transgenic crops and additives are so vital to the transhumanist's control over the populations?
Let's look a little deeper, shall we?

Tom Horn - Transhumanism

I am positive that some of you have already begun to connect some of the dots I have laid out for you...but let's keep going anyways. Transhumanists are dangerous zealots who are misguidedly selling out the species for a chance at playing God and altering human life as they see fit. Obsessed with immortality, they will stop at nothing and sacrifice anyone to achieve this goal believing the ends to justify the means (just as Attenborough advocates in the depopulation of the third world). It is both unethical and immoral but it's been repackaged and sold back to you as salvation by adding a little fear for flavoring and a little spurious nonsence as garnish...the notion of an uplifted mankind version 2.0!
Once more I ask you...HOW is that NOT the VERY ESSENCE of eugenics?

To be continued below....
edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:03 AM
(BONUS ROUND: How rich, powerful and influential are families like the Astors, Wedgeworths and other elite illumist families? Here's a simple test...try this yourself...goto youtube and just try searching for ANY information on the elite "frontmen" like Bush, Harriman, Galton, Morgan or the Rockafellers. More links & vids than you can shake a stick at, right? NOW...try searching for the Wedgeworths or the Astors and other families BEHIND THE SCENES...I'll wait. You find a few links talking about regular people with the same last name but NOTHING on the elites...AT ALL...just some kids minor league hockey game. Curious isn't it? Youtube and yet there's NOTHING there on them. Nothing unless you count some Alex Jones links which I have avoided for the purpose of this discussion as many hate/fear what he represents and immediately deny/ignore ANY information that may be directly or indirectly attributed him.)

Sir Francis Galton - Father of Eugenics

Aldous Huxley - Control Humans

Who was the Father of Transhumanism you may ask?

Alan Watt - Julian Huxley & World Propaganda:

Alan Watt - Social Engineering & Depopulation:

Alan Watt - The Neo-Eugenics war on Humanity: (Just ignore the first few seconds of Jones. Alan Watt has openly stated that he believes Jones to be a fear monger so AJ-Haters take heart. Regardless, this clip is PURE gold!)

Humanism, from which transhumanism derived is, in fact, not a philosophy nor is it a scientific's a religion.
I am an atheist but Satanism without the religious dogma attached to it is essentially (if not exactly) Humanism.
(Parts of which draw upon Phrenology or the study of the shape of skull and its other words: psudoscience disguised as enlightenment.)
Transhumanism is simply the continuation of the eugenics programs (which Julian took from his GOOD friend Darwin) that Hitler's Reich had sullied in the second world war.
It was financed (primarily) by ultra rich elite American families (amongst others) which included Prescott Bush, who was jailed for violations of the "trading with the enemy" act after it was uncovered that he was laudering/raising money for the Reich...but he wasn't the only one...he was just the "fall guy".
Aren't you the slightest bit curious about how he avoided rotting in prison after being found 110% guilty of treason?
How was he not immediately put to death?
How could anyone in his bloodline still be considered trustworthy by the American people, even generations later?
Everything about the Bush legacy is a lie.

Prescott Bush's 1942 indictment under Trading with the Enemies Act:

History of the Bush Family:

The Bush Family, Wall Street, Eugenics, Darwinism and Fascism:

The Dark Darwinian history of Eugenics:

Who do you think they were funneling all that money to?
How many years had they been financing Goebbels, Hitler and Mengles?
Do you honestly believe it all stopped on a dime just because Prescott pee'd in the pool?
Do you honestly think others were not in on this as well?
Did you honestly believe it was just ONE bank or ONE company?
Thyssen was the missing link between the Reich and the American elites.

They'd been courting the embryotic Reich and preparing to groom it's figureheads since 1922. Remind me again...when did Hitler first arrive on the world stage? 1923!
(At this point, to believe in coinsedence is dangerously naive)
Plenty of time to lay down the eugenics groundwork that would eventually herald Adolph's meteoric rise to power and establish the framework of the Nazi "final solution" for which others would ultimately take credit (blame).
By 1936, Germany had become the world leader in the field of eugenics.

Keep that in mind next time you take a Bayer Asperin (makers of the gas "Zyclon B" used in the death camps for the orderly and effective disposal of slave labour): -medicine/

(How monstrous is that?)

Or wear a Hugo Boss product:

(I don't know about you but they don't look very sorry to me.)

I.G. Farben's continuation of World War II:

Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism:

(BONUS ROUND: Hmmm...famine used as a weapon. Where have we heard that before? Who else advocated the weaponization of food in foreign policy? Oh, I remember was Nazi Germany, the United Nations, Bill Clinton, Both Bush's, Barrack H Obama and soon to be 2016 presidential candidate Hitlary Clinton!)

Getting back on track, THIS is how Nazi Germany rose so quickly from a bankrupt defeated nation to global threat from seemingly "out of nowhere".
HA, nowhere indeed!
Standard Oil, Coca-Cola, Kodak, Ford, General Motors, American Express, Baxter and even IBM are but a FEW of these dispicable collaborators that helped to finance the Wehrmacht(army), Luftwaffe(air force), Kriegsmarine(navy) and Hitler's SS.
Isn't it curious that every single one of them are at the pinnacle of corperate accomplishment in the modern world?
Isn't it curious that every single one of them still effects your lives to this very day in profound ways you have still yet to fully understand?

Hitler's American Business Partners:

To be continued below...

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:04 AM
Rich American concerns financed the 3rd Reich's rise to bring about the U.N. (after the League of Nations failed miserably, nearly bankrupting the elites) and research into eugenics. The same eugenics that would become transhumanism and finally transgenics.
The elite knew they couldn't sell this plan of death to the people with the foul stain that Adoph had cast upon the eugenics movement, first started by the Darwins, Wedgeworths, Astors, Huxleys, Galtons and other inbreeding elite families (Morgans, Rockafellers, Waldorfs, Warburgs, Battenburgs, Sax-Coburg-Gothas and the omnipresent Redshields to name but a few) in an attempt to create the perfect race...a "master race".
Is it just me or is this starting to sound familiar to anyone else?

(BONUS ROUND: "But you're insinuating that the Queen of England is connected to the 3rd Reich?! That's preposterous!!!")

To this I can only say: Really?

Hitler's Favorite Royal - Part I:

Hitler's Favorite Royal - Part II:

Edward VII - The Traitor King (Parts I through XI):

After all the evidence taken into account, His Royal Virus Prince Phillip is starting to look like the "pink & fuzzy" moderate of the royal family! What ELSE do you expect from a bloodline named after the hill upon which Christ was said to be martyred? I bet Harry & William chuckle away the days in the royal palace saying: "Hehehehe, we killed Jesus hehehe". Of all the royal families of Europe, there's not a SINGLE bloodline that isn't DIRECTLY connected to Hitler and the 3rd Reich! This is not a coinsedence.

(Yeah THAT'S right...I SAID it!!!)

British/Dutch Royals, Nazis, Elite Behind Global Warming Scam/Eugenics:

Getting back on track, the conclusion I am getting to is rapidly becoming inescapable...
AUCHWITZ was financed by STANDARD OIL to give Germany the ability to make gasoline out of coal. A product that without which, the Battle of Britain would not have been possible and the german military itself would have ground to a sudden halt, ending any chance at globalist conquest before it had begun.
In other words...

AMERICAN CORPERATIONS (through Thyssen by way of Prescott Bush & J.P. Morgan with the blessings of the royal families of Europe) FINANCED THE NAZI DEATH CAMPS!!!

(Yeah THAT'S right...I SAID it and I'll SAY it again!)

AMERICAN CORPERATIONS (through Thyssen by way of Prescott Bush & J.P. Morgan with the blessings of the royal families of Europe) FINANCED THE NAZI DEATH CAMPS!!!

Just let that sink in for a minute...I know for some of you, it's going to be a really hard pill to swallow.

They dream with all their might of giving birth to Homo Sapien v2.0...the "perfect" human organism.
But if THEY would be the epitome of "perfection"...what would that make the REST of us?
We all know how the royals and elites (like David Attenborough or Phillip Battenburg) just LOVE the idea of imperfection right?
No they don't, DO they...and what do they DO to things they deem as inferior?
Give them some cookies, a pat on the back and send 'em off to bed after reading them a story?

Darwin, Nazi Eugenics and Selective Breeding:

THEY-WIPE-THEM-OUT..."like a plague"...without remourse,regret or conscience...all orchestrated with a cold, calculated level of scientific (psychopathic) precision just like in Auchwitz.
Since we are speaking about Nazi's and the U.N.'s weaponization of food...

Dr.Rima Laidbow - Codex Alimentarius:

Lord Attenborough would have you believe that reducing the third worlds population is the only logical path to man's salvation. Codex Alimentarius and forced sterilizations resulting in starvation, disease and death by malnutrition is the globalist solution to all their problems and with Attenborough's friendly-looking smiling mug slapped on their product, they seek to sell that lie to the rest of us..AGAIN. Even being so brazen as to make those easily led, choose the path to death voluntarily and feel guilty for not trying to spread their hidden gospel of global extermination with fanatical fervor. Attenborough himself was quoted last year stating unequivocably: "Human's are a plague upon the Earth". Let me repeat that for you just in case you didn't get it: "A-PLAGUE-UPON-THE-EARTH"!
Do those REALLY sound like the words of a man who seeks to "uplift" humanity with everyone's best interests in mind?

(BONUS ROUND: Now, where have we heard something like that before?)

His Royal Virus Prince Phillip:

Does all this prove that transhumanism is actually eugenics?

The New Eugenics - Climate Change, Bogus Overpopulation & Transhumanism:

So, there you FINALLY have it. Julian Huxley simply renamed "eugenics" to "transhumanism"....EXACTLY as I had claimed although some may also refer to by its NEW name "bioethics".
The next time you hear about the "House Subcommittee on Bioethics" or "National Bioethics Advisory Board" NOW you know what that REALLY means. It means an agenda (Agenda 21 to be exact) of globalist eugenics that seeks to weed out those they deem as "unfit" from continued existance by using a program of cutting edge science (developed by the Nazis and perfected by the elites over generations) to weed out all the "useless eaters" for orderly extermination.


To be continued below...

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:05 AM
Does it sound like there's room in there for you or me...or anyone else for that matter?
Now we've established beyond the shadow of a doubt that eugenics is to transhumanism as pupa is to butterfly.
To the transhumanist (most likely NSA) detractors who hounded me previously over this I can only say "I believe the operable phrase to use here would be: game, set, match"!
Not only is it built entirely upon a lie but it is (in all liklihood) being sold to you even now by friends and maybe family who are (let's face facts here) irrationally fearful over something which WON'T even happen by falling prey to propaganda & manipulated science to convince others (against all common sence) that it is something it is not.
It is NOT the salavation of mankind they seek to bring about, it IS his eternal enslavement. It IS about the END of freedom and the management of the "tax livestock" so they do not notice they are being lead from one slaughterhouse to another like sheep to the cull with a level of depraved indifference that would even make Josef Mengles wet himself with excitement.
Even if everyone out there woke up this very instant...THIS-STORY-HAS-NO-HAPPY-ENDING.
Even if we spread the word far and wide, it WILL STILL mean our death IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS...but at least NOW, you KNOW who is pulling the trigger!
Just like the Nazis, these people will stop at nothing and they are in this "for the win". They do not believe in half measures and consider us ALL to be genetically inferior to their inbred bloodlines. Our orderly extermination is the transhumanist's idea of "showing mercy" and we are not even seen as human in their eyes. WE-ARE-A-PLAGUE. They TRUELY & ACTUALLY believe they are doing us all a FAVOR by wiping us out. As evidenced time and time again by the exerps above, the globalists don't even believe us to be of the same species.
We are bugs for them to crush at their leisure.


The new transhumanist dream is to "merge with the machines" in a vain attempt to cheat death...something they will NEVER accomplish as true human immortality is a mathematically disharmonious concept. But that doesn't stop them from trying nor does it prevent them from expiramenting on us at their leisure, without our consent or knowledge and without fear of being held to task for their crimes against humanity.
One of the most well-known examples of this harsh truth in action is the Tuskeegee Expirament...

The Deadly Deception:

"But Tuskeegee is ancient government would do that've no proof they carry this out in any form currently!"


Secret CIA Expiraments:

It's worth noting that the widespread use of GMO's and transgenic crops has NOT been in mainstream science long enough to prove they aren't indeed harmful.
Does this not imply that GMO's are ACTUALLY an ongoing expirament?
Monsanto claims: "You can't prove they're bad!" similar to the religious arguement "You can't prove there ISN'T a God!"
The problem with this arguement is it's NOT the job of those claiming something is not true to prove its validity. It is the job of those who claim IT IS true to prove that and if they can not, it verifies they are placing their faith and lives in a false dochotomy.
This is exactly the Monsanto position since (by their claims) GMO crops haven't been around long enough for any comprehensive study to yield conclusive results on their harmful effects...OR HAVE THEY?
Why won't Monsanto scientists allow GMO or similar transgenic crops to be used in their OWN cafeterias if they are indeed as harmless as claimed?

"Ban"...that's pretty telling is it not? Not regulate...not offer as a choice but flat out, no compromise in 100% no-freakin'-way!
In a best case senario, it implies that Monsanto is currently testing GMO on ALL of us and in a worst case senario it implies Monsanto is a key player in furthering the tranhumanist/eugenics agenda.
Notice how Monsanto can't be prosecuted for any of the harm its causing?
Do you like being a guinea pig for big pharma?

Don't you just LOVE the fear mongering in that last video. You're "irresponsible" if you don't eat GMO "smeat". Notice how he uses the date 2050 for his population calculations? After our previous lesson, we know for fact that one generation later, the population will start to drop like a stone!
Their OWN scientists (WHO WON'T TOUCH THE STUFF) KNOW transgenic crops AREN'T safe and yet they are pushing GMO/transgenic smeat on us ANYWAYS?
What type of nightmare have we stumbled into?

Do not be seduced by the empty promises given by transhumanists/eugenicists to validate their genocide, gain greater influence and recruit the unwary/fearful to their cause. While some actually believe they are doing the right thing for the sake of humanity, the reality of the situation could not be further from the truth.

Against the Seductions of Transhumanism:

(I included this despite being an atheist. 57% of Americans and many others still believe in the existance of God, or other "reasonable" facsimile, and while I do not, it MAY speak to this demographic in a way I could never hope to.)

Transhumanism is the techno-age's answer to the nazi besmirtched name of eugenics and regardless of who is used by the establishment to sell that lie, we are ALL guinea pigs for this nightmarish cult and we all now know EXACTLY where this story will end.
It ends in a "futuristic arms race" that can not be won and will never end, just like the wars on poverty, drugs and terror.
It ends in (what could possibly be) an Extinction Level Event for the chimerically altered populations of this dystopian future.
It ends in row upon row of train cars taking you away on a one-way ticket to midnight.

"The War for Perfection" is here and guess which side YOU'RE on?

(Since there are, no doubt, some of you that will bring this point up...the Nazis pioneered the modern methods now employed by transhumanist doctrine so the comparisons I make are NOT Godwin's Law in's HISTORY! History I regret to say, we failed to learn from and are now repeating.)

To be continued below...

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:05 AM
Whenever mankind circles back to the notion of making "better humans" (as it's not the first time we have been down this road) the result ALWAYS ends tragically.
There is no "food shortage" outside of what WE manufactured to push the scarcity/extinction model for the implementation of Agenda 21 and mankind's eternal enslavement.
There is no "humanitarian disaster" looming outside of what WE deliberately manipulated to stifle the third world and prevent them from standing in the way of first world corperate exploitation.
There is no necessity in "drastic measures" outside of just stopping the U.N./I.M.F. global genocide that is being carried out in the name of "sustainability".


My golden rule for conspiracy goes something like this:

If a thing (regardless of what it is whether object, policy or idea) consistantly fails to meet its "STATED MANDATE" and yet remains as active policy can only mean one thing. It is somehow fulfilling its "UNSTATED MANDATE" regardless how unlikely it may seem.

Transhumanists have ALL been conned by promises of "virtual immortality" for the faithful but will only be rewarded with the same death they now so callously advocate for the "have nots" simply because they were told there was no other alternative if for no other reason than they were beaten over the head with bad math disguised as scientific enlightenment.
They betrayed mankind all for the sake of some "Gene Roddenbury-esque" fantasy of which they CAN'T and NEVER WILL be apart of.


And who is to blame for all of this? The narrator is terrible...he stutters and his voice is monotonous but the information he presents is accurate.

Is this not the perfect explaination for the never ending wars on poverty, drugs or terror? Petty nationalistic posturing that is crucial to keeping the sleeping masses oblivious to all but immediate concerns which present no threat whatsoever to those in positions of power.
Wealth & power that is measured in the "debt of nations".


"You were born into bondage...into a prison you can not see nor feel nor touch."

Does this sound familiar to you?
How can you EVER become free if you don't even REALIZE you are a slave?
You have been set against your brothers & sisters by a system that seeks to destroy you because it has decided you are a "useless eater".
They have all the power.
They have all the money.
They have all the resources.
They have decided that we are no longer necessary and are now united in the task of eradicating us...first with war...then with transhumanism (which is simply eugenics run amok)...and now with transgenics.
There is no need for conspiracy when like interests converge.
Transhumanism derived from humanism and humanism is simply Satanism without religious dogma.
The Rothchilds sign of Solomon is simply an occult satanic symbol.
I do not believe in God...but I believe in coinsedence even less.

Zionist Hitler and his boss Rothschild:

(I knew we'd end up back here somehow!)

I could take this MUCH further and expose just and how extensive this plot actually is but I think this is enough food for thought for one day.
It's not black vs white.
It's not hebrew vs islamic.
It's not man vs woman.
It's not republican vs democrat.
It's not liberal vs conservative.
It's rich vs poor.
It's elitist vs populist.
It's an monolithic illumist conspiracy of previously untold proportions but the short version of it reads like this:

Transhumanism = Eugenics = Death

You all thought I was savagely trolled BEFORE? Just WAIT till you see what happens NOW. I will bet you anything the first thing the transhumanist appologists will scream is "strawman" & "anti-semitism" but I will leave this distinction up to you ATS.
This (IMHO) is one of the most IMPORTANT OP's you will EVER read...but if there is one thing the Buddha has taught me, it's that I know nothing.

-Thank you and peace be with you all-

(P.S.: Oh, and ONE more thing...BITE ME DAVID ATTENBOROUGH!!!)

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:35 AM
Friemd, this is ATS. TMI. Just cut to it.
When do you think they will start filling the FEMA camps?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:45 AM
Flag this thread you cowards!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:52 AM
One last thing I should point out that's cropped up since I composed this thread.

Monsanto is officially in trouble.
Last week I saw headlines that execs & shareholders were dumping Monsanto stock as fast as they could:

I wonder if it has anything to do with THIS?

What do you think?

-Peace be with you-
edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:54 AM
Flagged, looks interesting, will read when I wake up.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by Eryiedes

You personally being against trans humanism and eugenics is fine, but thinking that other people shouldnt have the freedom to make decisions would be like if the omish started wars because they didnt think we should be using cell phones and computers and cars. Or if monkeys had problem with man using spears and making fires. Science and technology and the progression and evolution there of has no limits, your body is yours, other peoples bodies are theirs. The future will happen whether you like it or not, or are you really planning on stopping it?
edit on 26-9-2013 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:10 AM
High Upper Class
Upper Class
Robot Class
Servant Class

4th Reich caste system!

Upper class will be visually distinguishable from servant class. No more guessing...

Mice with human brainz, super soldiers crossed with frogs and lizards, designer children.....

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:14 AM

reply to post by Eryiedes

You personally being against trans humanism and eugenics is fine, but thinking that other people should have the freedom to make decisions would be like if the omish started wars because they didnt think we should be using cell phones and computers and cars. Or if monkeys had problem with man using spears and making fires. Science and technology and the progression and evolution there of has no limits, your body is yours, other peoples bodies are theirs. The future will happen whether you like it or not, or are you really planning on stopping it?

My OP has not even been up for 30 minutes and already you are "finished" it?
You clearly didn't read it.
What I wrote above answered ALL the questions you asked and you simply didn't bother.

-Peace be with you-

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:19 AM
The ultimate goal of Trans-humanism is to transfer the human consciousness ie Memory into a AI world construct. The russian 2045 Foundation is working towards this. Personally the view is exciting because it steps into the realm of eternal existence in a quantum state.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Eryiedes

Imo its a binary thing yes or no (with an infintely large grey area of course), is transhumanism most likely going to occur yes or no, yes. In your opinion do you like the idea of transhumanism, yes or no, it appeared from glancing over your writing your answer would be no. So I responded as I did. I understand your opinion may be you do not like the brand of transhumanism or a negative type 'the elite' may be attempting to produce over the people and the future, and for that I am with you and all for people attempting to stop powerful people from removing peoples freedoms and making choices for them.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Eryiedes

If you change the word 'transhuman' for 'corporate interests' then some of this has a little merit.

The problem is, transhumanism is not eugenics, no matter how many other conspiracies you try to wrap it in.


Also, I didnt know that Bruce Willis was a murderer, you have any proof of that ? He does seem to work a lot, so maybe not lazy either. Seems relatively charitable too.


You must also look up the word irony. As you dont seem to understand what you are saying.

edit on 9/26/2013 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:30 AM

reply to post by Eryiedes

The problem is, transhumanism is not eugenics, no matter how many other conspiracies you try to wrap it in.

You stand corrected Mister [SNIP]

Also, I didnt know that Bruce Willis was a murderer, you have any proof of that ? He does seem to work a lot, so maybe not lazy either. Seems relatively charitable too.

This is why I said "kinda" and not "exactly. I was not implying Mister Willis is a murderer but distraction is the only tool you have left at your disposal since the facts are obviously not in your favor.

But I am sure you have an explaination as for why Stallone, Bruce's friend of over two decades, would unappologetically kick him from the Expendables 3 production. I'm sure you know better than his best friend which makes you what to him again? OH YEAH....absolutely nothing! Lemme guess....Sly has no idea what he's talking about either and YOU do?

You will never recieve another reply from me.

-Good Day-

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/26/2013 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: More Typo

edit on 9/26/2013 by kosmicjack because: removed name calling AGAIN

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:52 AM

reply to post by Eryiedes

Imo its a binary thing yes or no (with an infintely large grey area of course), is transhumanism most likely going to occur yes or no, yes. In your opinion do you like the idea of transhumanism, yes or no, it appeared from glancing over your writing your answer would be no. So I responded as I did. I understand your opinion may be you do not like the brand of transhumanism or a negative type 'the elite' may be attempting to produce over the people and the future, and for that I am with you and all for people attempting to stop powerful people from removing peoples freedoms and making choices for them.

In my opinion there is no grey area.
It's black or white.
Just like when you have cancer, you are not in some magical "grey area" where you are only 5% sick and 95% healthy....the doctor simply tells you that you are JUST sick...he doesn't say "don't worry, you're 95% healthy".
It is the same with good and bad. Something can not be both good and bad, regardless of the transhumanist nonsence you have filled your head with. A thing is either good OR bad and if it is bad in ANY way, no matter how is ONLY bad and not good. Anything less is magical thinking.
This is no different.
My appologies but whenever I hear something like this, I am reminded of Return of the Jedi as Skywalker uses his Jedi Mindtrick on Bib Fortuna:

"I serve my master well...and I will be rewarded." won't.
It also reminds me of what Jabba said to him immediately after:

"You weak-minded fool...."

You have made your choice and chosen your side.
Now you must live with it.
Thank you for your input but there is no sence in disputing anything with someone who has already made up their mind in spite of the facts. I know this to be true because of how fast you and other appologists for transhumanism responded to my thread in record time when going through half of my post would take a normal person the better part of a day.

-Peace be with you-
edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Edit

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by ImaFungi

Are you fing seriouse? You couldnt have read the whole thread if this is what you think the op is saying.
Read the whole thread. He is basically shining a bright light on what needs to be seen.
The choice to believe it is and has always been your choice. Op is not saying you HAVE to believe.


posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Lichter daraus
reply to post by ImaFungi

Are you fing seriouse? You couldnt have read the whole thread if this is what you think the op is saying.
Read the whole thread. He is basically shining a bright light on what needs to be seen.
The choice to believe it is and has always been your choice. Op is not saying you HAVE to believe.


Thank you SO much sir for restoring my faith that ATS has more than just trolls, shills and appologists who actually make attempts to READ what's there and decide for THEMSELVES instead of letting other commenters badger & decide for them. I humbly bow to you (and Prospect & Void Hawk).

-Peace be with you-
edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Addition

edit on 26-9-2013 by Eryiedes because: Forgot Someone

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