Does it sound like there's room in there for you or me...or anyone else for that matter?
Now we've established beyond the shadow of a doubt that eugenics is to transhumanism as pupa is to butterfly.
To the transhumanist (most likely NSA) detractors who hounded me previously over this I can only say "I believe the operable phrase to use here would
be: game, set, match"!
Not only is it built entirely upon a lie but it is (in all liklihood) being sold to you even now by friends and maybe family who are (let's face
facts here) irrationally fearful over something which WON'T even happen by falling prey to propaganda & manipulated science to convince others
(against all common sence) that it is something it is not.
It is NOT the salavation of mankind they seek to bring about, it IS his eternal enslavement. It IS about the END of freedom and the management of the
"tax livestock" so they do not notice they are being lead from one slaughterhouse to another like sheep to the cull with a level of depraved
indifference that would even make Josef Mengles wet himself with excitement.
Even if everyone out there woke up this very instant...THIS-STORY-HAS-NO-HAPPY-ENDING.
Even if we spread the word far and wide, it WILL STILL mean our death IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS...but at least NOW, you KNOW who is pulling the
Just like the Nazis, these people will stop at nothing and they are in this "for the win". They do not believe in half measures and consider us ALL
to be genetically inferior to their inbred bloodlines. Our orderly extermination is the transhumanist's idea of "showing mercy" and we are not even
seen as human in their eyes. WE-ARE-A-PLAGUE. They TRUELY & ACTUALLY believe they are doing us all a FAVOR by wiping us out. As evidenced time and
time again by the exerps above, the globalists don't even believe us to be of the same species.
We are bugs for them to crush at their leisure.
The new transhumanist dream is to "merge with the machines" in a vain attempt to cheat death...something they will NEVER accomplish as true human
immortality is a mathematically disharmonious concept. But that doesn't stop them from trying nor does it prevent them from expiramenting on us at
their leisure, without our consent or knowledge and without fear of being held to task for their crimes against humanity.
One of the most well-known examples of this harsh truth in action is the Tuskeegee Expirament...
The Deadly Deception:
"But Tuskeegee is ancient government would do that've no proof they carry this out in any form currently!"
Secret CIA Expiraments:
It's worth noting that the widespread use of GMO's and transgenic crops has NOT been in mainstream science long enough to prove they aren't indeed
Does this not imply that GMO's are ACTUALLY an ongoing expirament?
Monsanto claims: "You can't prove they're bad!" similar to the religious arguement "You can't prove there ISN'T a God!"
The problem with this arguement is it's NOT the job of those claiming something is not true to prove its validity. It is the job of those who claim
IT IS true to prove that and if they can not, it verifies they are placing their faith and lives in a false dochotomy.
This is exactly the Monsanto position since (by their claims) GMO crops haven't been around long enough for any comprehensive study to yield
conclusive results on their harmful effects...OR HAVE THEY?
Why won't Monsanto scientists allow GMO or similar transgenic crops to be used in their OWN cafeterias if they are indeed as harmless as claimed?
"Ban"...that's pretty telling is it not? Not regulate...not offer as a choice but flat out, no compromise in 100% no-freakin'-way!
In a best case senario, it implies that Monsanto is currently testing GMO on ALL of us and in a worst case senario it implies Monsanto is a key player
in furthering the tranhumanist/eugenics agenda.
Notice how Monsanto can't be prosecuted for any of the harm its causing?
Do you like being a guinea pig for big pharma?
Don't you just LOVE the fear mongering in that last video. You're "irresponsible" if you don't eat GMO "smeat". Notice how he uses the date
2050 for his population calculations? After our previous lesson, we know for fact that one generation later, the population will start to drop like a
Their OWN scientists (WHO WON'T TOUCH THE STUFF) KNOW transgenic crops AREN'T safe and yet they are pushing GMO/transgenic smeat on us ANYWAYS?
What type of nightmare have we stumbled into?
Do not be seduced by the empty promises given by transhumanists/eugenicists to validate their genocide, gain greater influence and recruit the
unwary/fearful to their cause. While some actually believe they are doing the right thing for the sake of humanity, the reality of the situation could
not be further from the truth.
Against the Seductions of Transhumanism:
(I included this despite being an atheist. 57% of Americans and many others still believe in the existance of God, or other "reasonable" facsimile,
and while I do not, it MAY speak to this demographic in a way I could never hope to.)
Transhumanism is the techno-age's answer to the nazi besmirtched name of eugenics and regardless of who is used by the establishment to sell that
lie, we are ALL guinea pigs for this nightmarish cult and we all now know EXACTLY where this story will end.
It ends in a "futuristic arms race" that can not be won and will never end, just like the wars on poverty, drugs and terror.
It ends in (what could possibly be) an Extinction Level Event for the chimerically altered populations of this dystopian future.
It ends in row upon row of train cars taking you away on a one-way ticket to midnight.
"The War for Perfection" is here and guess which side YOU'RE on?
(Since there are, no doubt, some of you that will bring this point up...the Nazis pioneered the modern methods now employed by transhumanist doctrine
so the comparisons I make are NOT Godwin's Law in's HISTORY! History I regret to say, we failed to learn from and are now repeating.)
To be continued below...