reply to post by tigpoppa
You are mistaken.
GMO/transgenic crops are NOT going to save Africa.
GMO/transgenic crops are NOT going to stop hunger.
This is simply more transhumanist/crypto-eugenic/bioethics rhetoric.
GMO/transgenic crops are simply weaponized food:
The EyeOpener- Life & Death: Bioethics as crypto-eugenics:
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie:
What are Roundup Ready & Bt Pesticide GMO crops? You need to know!:
Learn How GMOs are Killing People:
The world doesn't need GMO to feed the starving masses. The amount of waste everyday is staggering and can EASILY feed the needy with little effort
at all.
Who is the number one GMO guy right now?
Bill "Windows 8=NSA/Vaccine you all to death" Gates.
What else is this transhumanist/crypto-eugenics shill up to?
Depopulation: Bill Gates And His Eugenics Lie:
But Bill doesn't stop there. Transhumanists also want to kill you with toxic vaccines and if you don't take his poison, he will have you
As soon as the transhumanists figure out America will not resist, they will do it here too.
Technically...they already are.
The next leg of transhumanist/crypto-eugenics is the lie of AGW.
Just as was the case with the "overpopulation lie", this lie is no different...
[Part1 of 4] Chemtrails, Monsanto and Bill Gates : Connecting the Dots
[Part 2 of 4] Chemtrails, Monsanto and Bill Gates
[Part 3 of 4] Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Monsanto and Bill Gates
[Part4 of 4] Chemtrails, Monsanto and Bill Gates: Connecting the Dots
"But chem-trails aren't real!?"
Oh, really?
NASA admits chemtrails - 10 July 2013
FBI Chief Says Chemtrails Are Death Dumps
Next the transhumanists will say: "So, what? Geoengineering is making the world better."
Oh, really?
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell
If Bill can't get the people to take his poison willingly, he will force them to take it by bribing the regulators to leave people without legal
Bill Gates, David Attenborough and all transhumanist appologists/shills are clearly insane...
That's right...completely and utterly insane!
And it gets worse because the transhumanist/crypto-eugenicists have amped things up a notch and if you dare to speak out against their secret
expiramentation on the unwitting populations...they are discredited and removed using the vast wealth hidden in globalist foundations.
"Oh, yeah...but what are YOU going to do to stop it?"
This is a strawman arguement and now I'll illustrate exactly why...
It took the transhumanists thousands of minds and hundreds of years of push mankind deliberately to the brink of his extinction. Asking what ONE mind
will do to solve it all is the same as expecting one ant to completely remove a muffin. It just won't happen. This is exactly why the question is
phrased by transhumanist/crypto-eugenicists in that fashion...they already KNOW the answer before they start.
To solve this problem will (AT THE VERY LEAST) take JUST as many minds working JUST as hard for JUST as long (if not longer) to fix. Applying the last
example I gave, if a thousand or ten thousand ants are put to the same task of "removing a muffin"...the outcome is now QUITE different, no? It'll
be gone in no time!
Our problems as a species are no different in this respect.
Individuals can not hope to solve it...but individuals working in concert CAN...and the transhumanists are PRAYING (to Gaia I assume) that the rest of
us don't figure this out in time to stop them.
Their primary crypto-eugenics defence against this eventuality?
A state run education system designed to do their dirty work.
It all began with the Prussians and it's done nothing but spiral down the toilet EVER since.
Now, they simply get the sheep to do all the heavy lifting for them...
Psychology & Indoctrination for the Destruction of Critical Thinking in Public Schools
The EyeOpener- Education & "National Security"
An Angry History of Modern Education
The Pathological Methodology of Forced Schooling John Taylor
Human Resources: Gatto explains the seedy origin of public education-indoctrination
This is simply the transhumanist/crypto-eugenics equivalent of "poisoning the well".
Rockafellers, Carnegies, Russels and all the other "foundations for the arts and education" were rotten from their inception and designed to keep
the public stupid and incapable of critical thinking so they wouldn't be a threat to the globalists or their plans.
I think that's enough food for thought for one day.
Prepare for incoming trolls in 3...2...1...