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My name is David Paulides and for the last 4 years I've been investigating people missing in the wi

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:08 AM
David Paulides BIO

I think the most important job we have as adults is raising our children. Having a close family bond and helping your kids attain their goals is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a parent. I have been very fortunate in this aspect of my life. I have two kids, a son that is playing D-1 hockey and a daughter that is rowing at the D-1 level. I have been a coach for many years and this has brought more happiness then any other part of my life. Presently, I am a scout in the North American Hockey League.

My education was obtained at the University of San Francisco where I received my graduate and under graduate degrees. I had always wanted to work in law enforcement and be a police officer, in 1977 I joined a small municipality in the San Francisco Bay Area, in 1980 I transferred to San Jose police where I finished out my twenty years. I was lucky to have worked many premier assignments including street crimes (street decoy work), SWAT, Vice and a variety of assignments in the detective division.

Prior to leaving SJPD I received a job offer in technology making much more money. While working a variety of tech positions, I was tagged as an executive that could flush out businesses, go deep into their background and conduct due diligence in partnership development and acquisitions. In essence, I was using my investigative skills at an entirely different position in life.

I eventually retired and left technology and was approached with an unusual offer, prove the existence of bigfoot. I was given funding to either prove bigfoot was a hoax or prove it was a living biped. After several years of developing a cohesive team, interviewing hundreds of witnesses (Taking witness statements via affidavits), writing two books and obtaining many DNA samples, we launched the largest bigfoot/sasquatch DNA study that has ever been under taken ( Over one hundred samples were tested and Dr. Ketchum’s DNA study was completed. My position on the study, eight PhD’s put their credentials in the public spotlight and assisted in writing the white paper. Thirteen different laboratories tested the samples. Dr. Ketchum did not do the testing; outside labs did the testing and validated the results. In talking to hundreds of people about this project, I am convinced that 99% of the individuals that have issues with the paper have not read it, or don’t understand it. Since the paper was released, many other PhD’s have jumped to Dr. Ketchum’s side and supported her work. Please do not listen to rumors or blogs, read the paper your self, and come to your own conclusions without the influence of others. Please read the paper before asking questions as this is a very complex arena that would take me many thousands of words to explain. You can purchase the paper here:!special-issue/crrc

Four years ago I was in a national park conducting other research and was staying at a room off the park. On one of those nights I had a knock at the door and two off duty national park rangers stated they had information that they wanted me to hear. They explained that they had worked at several parks during their career and had participated in many search and rescues of lost visitors. They explained that they believed there was an inordinate amount of missing people and the park service was not conducting follow-up investigations, wasn’t tracking missing people and didn’t appear to understand the issues behind the disappearances. This event started the project I am working on today, I have written three books (Missing 411) about the research our group has conducted and have filed dozens of freedom of information act (FOIA) requests against the National park Service and other institutions. The most famous FOIA we filed, asking the NPS for statistics and documentation of missing people inside their system. We first asked for data on Yosemite National Park. We were told that they didn’t keep track of missing people, didn’t have a list of names, dates or any numbers regarding how many are still missing. We read this statement in stunned silence. The NPS followed that with essentially the same statement about their entire system, 183 locations. As a published author, I wrote back to NPS explaining who my publisher was, the books I authored and claimed an authors exemption to fees, asking them to collect the data and forward to us. The response, my books were not in enough libraries to qualify for the exemption, something nobody can find as a requirement in any FOIA documentation. The NPS then stated that if I did want a list of missing people from Yosemite, that would cost $34,000, if we wanted the list from their entire system, that would be $1,400,000. Unbelievable!!

We are still hard at work on missing people, specifically people who have vanished in a rural setting. The research has identified 34 clusters of missing people in North America, including Canada. We established list of criteria that cases must meet if they are to be in the study, it’s too extensive to write about here. We are constantly obtaining new cases. I am always asked, “What is causing this,” we don’t know and have never made any innuendo about what may be occurring. We won’t make any statements about what is happening to the missing until we are certain that specific, consistent elements exist that point to a cause, we aren’t there yet. Regarding contacting victims that are found alive, we were advised early in our development by other missing person groups that this would be an inappropriate practice. Some people may talk, later see their story in print and feel that they were victimized a second time. We are VERY sensitive to the victims and their families and would never want to do anything to cause them further anxiety. If they initiate the conduct, we would gladly speak with them.

In the summer of 2012 I was asked to be a speaker of the NASAR (National Association for Search and Rescue) conference in South Lake Tahoe, one of the largest search and rescue conferences in the world. Our findings were presented to a packed room. Dozens of professionals approached me after the presentation and stated that what I had presented was known by the majority of the senior SAR personnel but that most don’t wish to discuss it. They stated that it is staggering the number of people that simply vanish in the wilds of North America.
This is where my investigative heart and sole is today.

Ask Me Anything!

Dave Paulides
Missing 411-North America and Beyond
Missing 411- Eastern United States
Missing 411- Western United States

admin note: This is the "real" David Paulides and he is our invited guest, please show him the respect civility he deserves for his gracious generosity with his time to answer our questions. Please also limit your questions to 1 per post if possible, give your fellow members a chance to get their questions answered too.

edit on 9-24-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides

Do you think BigFoot is an Extraterrestrial?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides
Have heard you on CtoC. Good to have you.

Are you familiar with Ed and Lorain Warrens investigation and conclusion of some wilderness "monster" sites?

If you didn't believe in a paranormal reality before you started investigation do you now?

edit on 24-9-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:18 AM
Mr.Paulides, do some of the missing people happen to be from cannibals?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

Do you think BigFoot is an Extraterrestrial?

Great question, no idea....

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Have heard you on CtoC. Good to have you.

Yes, been on 6X.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Mr.Paulides, do some of the missing people happen to be from cannibals?
We have no idea...

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides

I appreciate your background and position. However, I have a problem with this part:

You can purchase the paper here:

If you have forensic and scientific evidence that proves whether "bigfoot" is real or not, that paper should be made freely available to the public. That is also the point that I stop reading. It would appear that this is some sort of advertising, money-making venture.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides

Hello David,

I just have one question regarding your research of BigFoot.

I was given funding to either prove bigfoot was a hoax or prove it was a living biped.

After doing all that research...what is your stance? Hoax or living thing ?


posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides
Thanks for coming aboard. You must by now have a working theory...can you share it with us?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Are you familiar with Ed and Lorain Warrens investigation and conclusion of some wilderness "monster" sites?

If you didn't believe in a paranormal reality before you started investigation do you now?

No familiar with the Warrens.
I will say that the people I work with have an open mind and are not closed to listening to anything, and we've heard many, many theories. Once you start to close your mind to new ideas, you are no longer open to new possibilities, you are merely following your own agenda.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:26 AM
I've heard you on coast to coast radio and you have put together an incredible amount of information. You definitely have my interest piqued! In fact, I am looking forward to buying your books, I've just been keeping an eye out for some used copies since they are pricey.

I get the distinct impression that you have moved away from the theory that bigfoot is the cause of these disappearances. However, the accounts are incredibly disturbing, and some of them have implausible acts (like small children being found miles away over impossible terrain in mere hours). What I would love to know is what is your current best theory as to what has been going on?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Thanks for coming aboard. You must by now have a working theory...can you share it with us?

If we had a working theory, we would tell the public. We are open to ideas and theories and I can say that in four years we have heard dozens. This is a complex equation with no easy answers.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides


there is a good chance thAt at least some of your cases are connected with human traffiking?I have read a bit on it over the internet.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by DavidPaulides

I am a tad flipped out so far at reading this.
I spend ALOT of time in the Canadian wilderness (hunting this weekend)

I was just telling someone yesterday about what the feeling of spending a few nights ALONE in the woods felt you are scaring me.

Can you tell me where these fellow Canadians went missing??
Some more details maybe??

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by rimjaja

I've heard you on coast to coast radio and you have put together an incredible amount of information. You definitely have my interest piqued! In fact, I am looking forward to buying your books, I've just been keeping an eye out for some used copies since they are pricey.

I get the distinct impression that you have moved away from the theory that bigfoot is the cause of these disappearances. However, the accounts are incredibly disturbing, and some of them have implausible acts (like small children being found miles away over impossible terrain in mere hours). What I would love to know is what is your current best theory as to what has been going on?

First, some people have been selling our books on Amazon at double the price we sell them on our site:, each book is $24.95, used books on Amazon are double that price.

I have no idea where you heard that we believed bigfoot was causing the disappearances. We have NEVER stated this in any book or any interview, ever. WE have NEVER made any statement about what we believe is happening because we aren't sure. When researchers make baseless claims, they have lost their credibility, you won't see us doing this.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I appreciate your background and position. However, I have a problem with this part:

You can purchase the paper here:

If you have forensic and scientific evidence that proves whether "bigfoot" is real or not, that paper should be made freely available to the public. That is also the point that I stop reading. It would appear that this is some sort of advertising, money-making venture.

**WE have no connection to the paper, it is owned by the journal that approves it, this is the standard practice for EVERY journal in the world. They own the paper, they make their money from selling the paper, standard practice.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Has any of your research ever covered other mysterious creatures that may or may not exist such as the "Moth-Man" or any other examples you can think of and how do they relate to BigFoot.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

I am a tad flipped out so far at reading this.
I spend ALOT of time in the Canadian wilderness (hunting this weekend)

I was just telling someone yesterday about what the feeling of spending a few nights ALONE in the woods felt you are scaring me.

Can you tell me where these fellow Canadians went missing??
Some more details maybe??

I have written about dozens from all provinces, all under highly unusual conditions. It would take me 30 minutes just to write all the names and location.
The most recent additions are in "Missing 411-North America and Beyond."

Thanks for the questions.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Has any of your research ever covered other mysterious creatures that may or may not exist such as the "Moth-Man" or any other examples you can think of and how do they relate to BigFoot.


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