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Sheriff Demonstrates How To Deal With Open Carry Advocates

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 06:02 PM



reply to post by riffraff
edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: Additional info

edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: fixed links

Since the early 90s nearly. 1 milllion americans have been killed with guns of all types, 4000'americns have died from terrorism, gotta love facts.

Your agenda would of been better served if you had utilized " Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence " at the very least she is overt with her anti-gun philosophy. For anyone who may be interested go to "
click on 'About ' there you will find a list of ' Information Partners ' HINT, of the eight ,one is the UN GROUP SEESAC. If one seeks an unbiased source of information is NOT worth the cyber space it occupies.
Not being rude but other then this post I don't engage anyone who doesn't have a Dog in the Fight !

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 08:13 PM


reply to post by gariac

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

Once again, you don't understand statistics. Nobody cares if you hunt and eat the meat. What matters is the per capita hunter ratio, and that is what is dropping. Again, you are not important. Again, nobody cares about you . It is the per capita stats that matter. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Of course I understand. That's why I carry. No one cares about me but me and mine. The police do not care about me; I cannot rely on them for protection. The Feds do not care about me; I cannot rely on them for protection- the only person who can protect me is me....and so I carry.


posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 08:30 PM

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

If you cared about social security, did you do the right thing and vote for Al Gore, who wanted to undo the Reagan damage and put a lock box on the FICA funding. If not, you have no right to complain.

Further, social security is not broke. It is only broke if you define that situation being that the current income will not cover the current expenses. That definition IGNORES all the IOUs, AKA treasury bills held by social security. Or do you assume the US will not cover its debt? Oh wait, that is tea bagger thinking. Borrow money but don't pay it back.


Actually I did vote for Al Gore- not that I had any faith in him
Then I voted for John Kerry four years later-- God am I glad I lost that one!!!!
I actually ruined 2 consecutive Christmas dinners fighting with my father about GW Bush. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't.
I am an independent thinker with no party allegiance.

And what's this about only teabaggers borrow money and don't pay it back?

Maybe you can tell me how many times Obama has raised our debt ceiling?
Or when was the last time obama passed a budget?
Or how many trillions our debt has grown since Obama took office.
Has Obama paid you back for the money he misappropriated with all the bailouts, because I haven't gotten my check yet.

Obama must be a closet teabagger too, huh?
edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:57 AM


A cop learns how to shoot and when not to shoot. Well that is the theory. The NRA has loosened the gun laws to the point where the average US citizen has much more legal wiggling room than the police. You don't need to be in danger, but you need to perceive being in danger. You can put yourself in danger and then shoot. The dubious rights of citizens in NRA owned states is far more dangerous than a few bad cops.

Absolutely. I find the gun laws in the US extremely strange and generally badly designed. I suppose there's a (pretty weak) libertarian argument for their laxity but I can't see a good utilitarian one. And as I say, if the killing of people like Erik Scott and Trayvon Martin was the collateral for, say, hugely diminished armed robbery (as gun advocates insist it must be) then I wouldn't be so bothered. But that kind of crime doesn't seem to have disappeared yet.

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