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Bill Maher: "America must stop asking, "Why do they hate us?'"

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posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Typing in the Dark does have it's disadvantages sometimes . To Err is Human , to Forgive is Divine........


posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:18 PM

reply to post by Zanti Misfit

Are you talking about Sean Hannity?

No , but he and Bill have alot in Common ........Opinions ad nauseam , and Usually way off the Mark..........

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:39 PM

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by buster2010

What is Wrong with Bills Personal Rant Video is the Assumption that 'us' is Referring to the American People as a whole, and Not the United States Goverments Willful Meddling in other Countries Autonomous Leadership that is Hated by many around the Globe . I like many other American Citizens have done Nothing to Attack or Offend other Nations in the way our Dictatorial Federal Goverment has . Talk about Generalizations here Bill , you are Way off the Mark with those Comments ....
edit on 14-9-2013 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

He is talking about the government not the people why was that so hard for you to understand? Is it because he used the words we and us? In case you forgot the government represents the people to the world we don't want it that way but we pretty much stuck with it.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:43 PM
As much as I dislike him, he's right. Wonder how his audience* will react.

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by snapperski

Why would any Logical Thinking Person give a Rats Rear End what Mr.Bill thinks about anything ? The Man is Mentally Unstable , has a T.V. Show , and makes a Pretty Penny Peddling his Personal Ravings from Soup to Nuts . Deny Ignorance is something Billy Boy could never Grasp as long as he Opens his Mouth and Opines to his hearts content to his Gullable Audience of Brain Dead Worthless Eaters......

It's what his audience followers*- which many do base their "opine" on, then rally around and support the ideas of their POTUS "leader" for action. Gullable Audience of Brain Dead Worthless Eaters, as you say, need to wake up to before they as similar Sheepishly Follow Their Master Dictator Into War.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by snapperski

The US might seem like a bully country, but it's not as stright forward as this. The US is not really a country at all, but rather a mechanism or machine in which money is farmed (your taxes) and distributed to those who really have the power - families who own the banks and industrial complex. The 250 or so US military bases around the world are not there to protect or enforce freedom / democracy, but to do the work of these oilgarchs. It has been this way for centuries through various ruling empires.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 11:06 PM
The people who hate America have good cause, but imperial powers have to defend their interests. It isn't about being the world's moral arbiter or policeman. It's about making sure America remains #1 World Superpower.

The moral talk is just window-dressing for the voters. The stupid voters, that is.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:28 AM


reply to post by snapperski

As a non-American, I can confirm that everyone I have ever spoken to about the US pretty much agrees with everything he has said.

How many of these people know actual Americans and have been to America? It's not like it is on t.v.

None of us need to visit the US to know that several successive administrations have arrogantly, aggressively and psychotically stomped their way round the planet like a spoiled child.
And whether you like it or not, not many non-Americans admire the US's self deluded, hypocritical moral superiority.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 04:36 AM
As an american living overseas, I would say his statements are spot on.
But also, that we should keep in mind that most people in other countries distinguish between the american people and the american government.

I most often observe the common image of the american people as being sort of childishly naive, victims of their government, without a clue to how #ed they are.

When they see/hear americans boasting about their wonderful "free" living and all that, they get sympathetic- like you would if you saw an abused child bragging that they are so lucky because once a week they have the right to step out of their cage and walk around their bedroom for an hour.

I find ti frustrating sometimes that americans talk as if either they think "the whole world hates us" or the "whole world worships us".... truth seems to me to be neither extreme, but a collection of nuances in the middle.

It seems to be very much indicative of the Merican culture to think in terms of black and white, good and evil, hate or love. That isn't really the case with all other cultures.
edit on 15-9-2013 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:12 AM


So to other countries, we appear as bullies waiting to pounce on a nation if they don't comply with our rules. Unfortunately, even tho it's our government making the bad decisions, the American people are thrown into the mix as well and the hatred extends to us as citizens.

Is this a limited cop-out that allows you to absolve the Obama voting (and worshiping) public from all responsibility?

This is a representative democracy and the electorate is 100% responsible for the choices they make. In America the 'government' is not distinct and separate from the 'people' - "... ... ...a government of the people, for the people, and by the people."

The American people ARE the mix and the disdain that's directed their way is well deserved - after all, they voted him into office a second time in defiance of all logic and common sense. the 2010 mid-terms the radical right wing of the Republican party took over the House of Representatives - a perfect example of the power of representative democracy. They shall prevail in the 2014 mid-terms in an even more significant way by overturning the democratic majority in the Senate.

edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by snarky412

It is a sad state.
If I didn't frequent this site and other forums I may also be as ignorant about Americans - _some_ of my family and friends have to be reminded that _we_, around the world are all the same: people, often suffering by our governments hand, diplomatic 1st world or otherwise. Sad, really.
I just hope that we people keep awakening to make a difference in our lifetime

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:50 AM

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by snapperski

Why would any Logical Thinking Person give a Rats Rear End what Mr.Bill thinks about anything ? The Man is Mentally Unstable , has a T.V. Show , and makes a Pretty Penny Peddling his Personal Ravings from Soup to Nuts . Deny Ignorance is something Billy Boy could never Grasp as long as he Opens his Mouth and Opines to his hearts content to his Gullable Audience of Brain Dead Worthless Eaters......

Why didn't you watch the BM comedy routine? Instead you rant and rave into the wind proving nothing.

Bill Maher is an excellent comedian - period. He's right up there with the best of the politically oriented comic actors - Carlin included.

As for the content of the video - every single word was spot on. All good comedy hits right at the truth of the matter, and BM certainly succeeded here. I'll watch it again and again - as for 'your' UN-enlightened commentary, I threw them in the trashcan already

edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

Why would any Logical Thinking Person give a Rats Rear End what Mr.Bill thinks about anything ? The Man is Mentally Unstable , has a T.V. Show , and makes a Pretty Penny Peddling his Personal Ravings from Soup to Nuts . Deny Ignorance is something Billy Boy could never Grasp as long as he Opens his Mouth and Opines to his hearts content to his Gullable Audience of Brain Dead Worthless Eaters.

If you detest Bill Maher so much, why are you here, making comments ?

The thread title clearly states Bill Maher, but yet, here you are.

Seems its a love hate relationship between you and bill.

And by this response of your's here, i take it, you believe Obama is right to go declare war on Syria ?
And you disagree, with Maher assessment ?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:00 AM
For what it's worth, I think it's possible to dislike Obam-bam AND Bill at the same time without entering into a "conflict of interest"...but that's just me.
Having said that, I used to think Bill was alright (and by that I mean mildly entertaining if I was drunk) but as time went by, he just started to rub me the wrong way and for some reason never stopped.
The last straw for me was when he "took over" VICE and made it into a show he narrates. I lost all respect for Shane Smith when that happened and even stopped going to the VICE website. It used to have real potential but just like Bill, Shane seems to come across now like a sell out, regardless of what he says and does.
Many people find Bill witty and inciteful, and sometimes he can be...but his only redeeming quality IMHO is his open admission of athiesm and not much else. He just another talking head (for the most part) who will say whatever he's paid to say...but what do I know.


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:10 AM
Partial Quote...........

EryiedesMany people find Bill witty and inciteful, and sometimes he can be...but his only redeeming quality IMHO is his open admission of athiesm and not much else. He just another talking head (for the most part) who will say whatever he's paid to say...but what do I know.-Peace-

My apologies for pointing to your "typo" on the word insightful, but there are times when such an error directs the reader to a hidden truth because "incite-full" is exactly how I would describe BM's comedic personality.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:21 AM
Well as far as bill maher being right in the video, every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut.
I also feel that the us should stay out of other countries civil wars. We are trying to sway the
Politics of these countries to favor us but it only causes resentment.
We kept the shaw of Iran in power and they finally booted him, and Iran hates us.
That will happen again after we mess around in Syria.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

Did you even watch the video? All he was talking about was how our Government bombs, and threatens to bomb everyone. It was funny how he explained it too.

Man, I never in my life thought I would ever defend Bill Maher. Maybe times are changing. ~$heopleNation

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:07 AM

Hoosierdaddy71Well as far as bill maher being right in the video, every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut. I also feel that the us should stay out of other countries civil wars. We are trying to sway the
Politics of these countries to favor us but it only causes resentment. We kept the shaw [Shah] of Iran in power and they finally booted him, and Iran hates us. That will happen again after we mess around in Syria.

If I may - I'd like to weigh in here respecting the notion of "credit where its due" and BM certainly deserves proper credit for being (at the present time) one of the best political satirists in the business. He brings to mind the kindred spirits of comedey specialists (to include comedic talk show hosts) of an earlier generation including Dick Cavett, Mort Sahl, Jack Paar, Alan King, Gary Shandling, Pat Paulson and finally (because of his outspokenness) in some small respect - the late great George Carlin.

For myself I am somewhat surprised that I would have come to Bill Maher's defense at all given the fact that I don't appreciate his God-awful liberalism and support of BHO, and the fact that he's not all that honest in his dealings with his audience - which is wide and broad. Why? Becuase I think that the million dollar donation deal to BHO's campaign was a set-up - a hype - a lie. Nuff said

edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by TheOutcast

A while back I took a 31 day vacation to Europe on one of those whirlwind tours. I went alone and was quite surprised that everywhere I went I was not only tested exceptionally well, I was treated like I was the personal quest of almost everyone I meet. The only uncomfortable experience was a criticism made by a gentleman I met at a local pub. We just happenened to share a profession. When he told me how much the average pay was for the job in England, I commented on the huge difference. I didn't mean to come off sounding superior, or belittling, but I think I did, even without meaning to. He made a nasty comment about Americans and our love for money with no concept of the true value of life or basic joys. He said Americans work to accumulate money, and found joy in the ownership of money, and lived for their jobs. He said where it is common for most people to take at least a month holiday a year; greedy Americans may take a week, while most don't any at all, so what is the purpose of collecting all that money if you can't enjoy it or sacrifice your family for it. What he said stung, and there was some truth in it. I wasn't looking for an argument. I agreed with him, apologized for making him think I was claiming bragging rights and we went on to speak of things more interesting and safer things.

The point I was trying to make was, I think most people don't have problems with Americans as individuals, it is when they view us as a collective that they have a problem with us.

It is like the bigot guy you know; he doesn't think he is a bigot because he has one Black friend. Most countries can take us one on one, it is when they look at us as a group that things start to go sour.


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I totally agree, only an idiot would blame the US people for the wrongs of the successive governments.
It's easier to say "Oh, I hate Americans", or "The Yanks are guilty of this or that".
The truth of it is that people in UK know that it's not the public in general that are guilty, but the powers that be.

Well, that's what we hope, anyway.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:49 AM


Hoosierdaddy71Well as far as bill maher being right in the video, every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut. I also feel that the us should stay out of other countries civil wars. We are trying to sway the
Politics of these countries to favor us but it only causes resentment. We kept the shaw [Shah] of Iran in power and they finally booted him, and Iran hates us. That will happen again after we mess around in Syria.

If I may - I'd like to weigh in here respecting the notion of "credit where its due" and BM certainly deserves proper credit for being (at the present time) one of the best political satirists in the business. He brings to mind the kindred spirits of comedey specialists (to include comedic talk show hosts) of an earlier generation including Dick Cavett, Mort Sahl, Jack Paar, Alan King, Gary Shandling, Pat Paulson and finally (because of his outspokenness) in some small respect - the late great George Carlin.

For myself I am somewhat surprised that I would have come to Bill Maher's defense at all given the fact that I don't appreciate his God-awful liberalism and support of BHO, and the fact that he's not all that honest in his dealings with his audience - which is wide and broad. Why? Becuase I think that the million dollar donation deal to BHO's campaign was a set-up - a hype - a lie. Nuff said

edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

I would think a political satirist slams both sides not just the right side.

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