posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:46 AM
Hello Mr. Overlord,
First, forgive me if I don't know the terminology of the buttons, etc. With that said, on the old layout, at the bottom-right of the screen, there
was a button you pressed that would bring up the, I guess this would be the ribbon, and it would appear at the very bottom of the page. Within this,
there was a link that when pressed, a new window would pop up and it had 20 or so links to Threads.
If you know what the heck I'm referring to, where is that section now with those Threads? That was a very handy section as it showed me the
most...recent Threads I guess they were.
Thank you for your time.
By the way, I'm glad you got rid of the white pages with black font and went back to this current design of the black background and white/gray
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