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Obama's State of Confusion Address Tonight 9:00 pm eastern (US)

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:56 PM
Well, tonight Barack "Skippy" Obama gets to talk to all of us about war. (rolls eyes)

Or not.

We don't know.

Didn't Kerry's gaff yesterday bring about a different aspect to this entire cluster-flock?

If Assad gives up his chemical weapons, will that mean only the rebels will have them?

Too much political bull-stink gives me a nosebleed. (frowny face)

Well ATS?

What do you think Obama is going to say tonight? I think he'll still want war. Too much domestic poo is still waiting and war would alleviate much of it, even temporarily.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm wondering if he'll throw Kerry under the bus, while Hillary watches in the wings thinking, "Better him than me."

He is no flip-flopping so much on this issue that he makes McCain look stable.

What a bunch of flippin' amateurs.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I, for one, can't wait to listen to how the plan was always to place the chemical weapons under international control. How, during the G20 summit, the POTUS convinced Putin to work with Syria to remove those weapons. How, Secretary Kerry let slip the plan in order to gain wider acceptance among the UN. How, without the threat of a missle attack, Syria wouldn't have agreed to the plan. And so on and so forth...

What a brilliant move by this administration. Just when you thought they were only out for death and destruction...WHAM...they spin that table and show you the real plan for peace. We no longer need elections, we have our Dear Leader and his plan of Pax Obama.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by beezzer

He will be reading from a teleprompter, lets take that away and see how well he does. Maybe he should show us the classified documents on why we should go, I bet we uses the word WE AMERICANS a lot tonight in one way or another.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:07 PM

I laughed. I may cry later. But for now I laugh!

What is he going to say?? Wait, I know, "I have decided to let diplomacy win. The Syrian people have agreed to let international control of their chemical weapons so I will no longer kill them".

I should be a speech writer.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:08 PM
Oh there's gonna be some self congratulating and back patting
How the pressure applied by threats of strikes has resulted in possible chemical disarmament

followed by more ultimatums and threats, an emotional reminder of the atrocities and a reminder of the USA's obligation to act

And lots of the 1000 yard stare
edit on 10-9-2013 by Neocrusader because: Auto

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Why are you guys so hell bent on focusing on these numb nut politicians?


P.S. -I lost IQ points, the only ones i had left reading through this thread.
edit on 10-9-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by onequestion

It's not them themselves, it's watching the little fraggers squirm

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:15 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Why are you guys so hell bent on focusing on these numb nut politicians?


P.S. -I lost IQ points, the only ones i had left reading through this thread.
edit on 10-9-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

I lost IQ points also. But I'd have to blame scotch.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:16 PM

reply to post by beezzer

He will be reading from a teleprompter, lets take that away and see how well he does. Maybe he should show us the classified documents on why we should go, I bet we uses the word WE AMERICANS a lot tonight in one way or another.

I'll see your WE AMERICANS phrase and raise.

I bet he says "I" at least 20 times. I did this and I did that, yada, yada, yada.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:20 PM
He is going to ramble on a bit about something, mention Obamacare and then when he gets the signal from the sidelines, he will announce the capture or kill of Assad and his regime. He will follow that up with some short speech about high fives to the troops that did it and then switch over to a final discussion of how we have liberated Syria and can now work with them to build pipelines and form new bonds blah, blah, blah.

Well, it could happen so don't rule it out.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by evc1shop

No high fives to the military. It will be like when Osama Bin Laden was killed. "I found him, I killed HIm". He is good, he did it from his office.

UGH that man infuriates me.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by k21968
You are probably right... no high-fives then, the rest could happen though. Troops and military hardware have had time to move, for all we know, this could be the plan. Maybe he liked the way the Bin-laden /state of the union address worked out and figures his enemies wouldn't consider it happening a 2nd time. I personally am hoping for a peaceful withdrawal and maybe some kind of sanction to save face and nothing more but I really can't tell which way this will end up.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I think he came to fulfill prophecies, evil needs a messiah too.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:58 PM
" The future of the world hinges on an extremely small strike that may not happen at all."

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:20 PM
Obama : " My fellow Americans, ... it was all a Cunning plan devised by me to fool the Syrians into giving up their Chemical Weapons "

McCain : " Error .... Error .... Confusion .... Exterminate ! Exterminate ! "

Graham : " Contamination Detected ! ... Exterminate ! Exterminate ! "

Obama : " As long as Syria hands over it's Chemical Weapons , I will delay the Limited Surgical Precision Minimal Strike "

McCain : " Run away Overload Detected ! ... Emergency ! ... Exterminate ! Exterminate ! "

Graham : " Self Destruct Sequence Initiated ! ... Self Destruction in 45 Seconds ... 44 Seconds ... "


posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:31 PM
It makes sense that he is going this soft on the Syrian government. If he didn't, he would have to be just as hard on his Al-Queda rebel buddies. The man is a joke and will go down in history as a joke.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:33 PM
I love the title of the thread also! I was watching a video montage on Fox news of Obama and the clips were from Feburary of this year to just yesterday. on Syria.....I just thought to myself, "that looked like a three ring circus in 5 minutes.......LOL"

I was telling my ol man, there is something not right with a "Sarcastic" statement (made by Kerry) That now, we are going to follow it??? Can someone explain this to me??? Is this what politics are all about these days???

I for one, can't wait to see what he has to say tonight.....Last night, the interview he had with Fox, I was looking at the T.V. and was wondering if He had a round of golf in drag, cuz he looked like he had light green eyeshadow on.....Or, he should fire who does his make up for t.v., because it was really Bad.........

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Probably doesn't matter as anything he says or does will be frowned upon.

Obama says that chem weapons are bad:

-You say "No they are just weapons like anything else.

Obama says he's going to war imminently

-You say he's a war monger

Obama says No lets wait for a bit

-You say he's a coward

Kerry makes a push at last minute diplomacy

-You call it a gaffe.

Seriously your minds are made up already, so what's the point of even contemplating a response to the speech?

edit on 10-9-2013 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by canucks555

lol Calling a lying POTUS out is now Anti-American!? If you say it's racist you will have covered all the bases by people with no argument!

He was lying to try to achieve something in Syria, what, we'll never know. He got caught and the majority of the public wouldn't put up with it nor would congress so now he must try to save face. He is an idiot and way over his head.

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