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"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" It's not rocket science-COMMON SENSE!! VS DENIAL!!

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by sealing

clean up crews flooded in. So they admittedly "pulled it" at 5:00pm.

Hang on a minute, so you are saying that the pulled it at 17:00

but it didn't collapse until 17:20 so how do you explain that?

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:50 PM

reply to post by sealing

clean up crews flooded in. So they admittedly "pulled it" at 5:00pm.

Hang on a minute, so you are saying that the pulled it at 17:00

but it didn't collapse until 17:20 so how do you explain that?

Its not like Larry Silverstein had his finger on some demolition button when he said "pull it"... It just means they determined at that point that they were moving forward with the planned controlled demolition, the 20 minutes difference really doesnt refute the claim being made.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

the 20 minutes difference really doesnt refute the claim being made.

That is not the point

The point is, that ATS is full of people who believe 9/11 was a false flag yet many of them clearly don't even have a basic understanding of the facts pertaining to the official story. How can these people possibly presume that the offical narrative is a lie when they dont even know the most basic details of it?

Now yes, I know this does not apply to everyone who refutes the offical story, I am not saying that, all i am trying to say is that some of you really need to go and review the facts for yourselfs.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:02 PM
I'm not highjacking the thread at all. I have seen all this garbage for more than a decade now and some of it is so silly every time you point that out truthers change the subject. Not only that but they also believe anything and everything pushed by so called 9/11 truth sites. It has gotten to the point that it's like the old Richard Prior comedy routine about which brother can out do the others lie.

Two bro's walking across the Golden Gate Bridge they see all that water and need to take a leak
One of the says 'woo that water's cold' other responds 'yea and it deep too'

That is really the essence of the whole thing. Just make up the silliest thing you can think of and watch and laugh at people who not only believe it, they pay money for it. That video embedded in the OP says that the 1100 bodies that were not identified were 'hidden' by the conspirators because they had 'bomb residue' on them.
Now without changing the subject,start talking about building 7 or bring up something about President Bush tell me that you really believe that.

Also, do you honestly believe that elevator repairmen 'set a few backpacks around' to implode a building of 106 stories or so in which each story is more that an acre in size. That an ACRE in size not feet or yards. 5 houses can be built on an acre. That building was huge. Again, don't change the subject or talk about something else, just tell me you really believe it's true.

I have always though that people who defend these 'truth videos' never even bother to watch them. They know deep inside how ridiculous most of this is-they just want something to accuse the government of-it makes their own sad lives seem somewhat less miserable.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:11 PM
thank you op...after watching the first DVD...i have to add...thank you mr.internet.

No doubt left...

It's like you I want to watch the other ones.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:08 PM

reply to post by jhn7537

the 20 minutes difference really doesnt refute the claim being made.

That is not the point

The point is, that ATS is full of people who believe 9/11 was a false flag yet many of them clearly don't even have a basic understanding of the facts pertaining to the official story. How can these people possibly presume that the offical narrative is a lie when they dont even know the most basic details of it?

Now yes, I know this does not apply to everyone who refutes the offical story, I am not saying that, all i am trying to say is that some of you really need to go and review the facts for yourselfs.

Just curious but did you agree with the NIST report?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Broadly speaking i agree with the findings of NIST although I do have some questions and if evidence was to come into light that offered up a different explanation of the demise of WTC-7 I would look into it. However so far the 9/11 truth movement, while asking some very good questions, has failed to provide a reasonable alternative to the NIST explanation and that explanation itself has yet to be "debunked" by any serious source.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:23 PM
I don't see anything esoteric or mysterious about the official story.

Obviously, you have a problem envisioning that hijackers can INDEED hijack a plane and slam it into a building. Rocket science? It doesn't need rocket science to understand that. It's actually scarily simple HOW the attacks happened.

In contrast to the official story, which AS A WHOLE, is entirely plausible, I haven't come across one good, credible and plausible alternative story.

Also...why do you think that the US or whoever needed to fabricate such an event...don't you think that "they" cold have pulled a MILLION of reasons out of a hat when they really wished to go to AFGHANISTAN? Do you really think they would have needed to create some spectacle for this and would not have any other means to find a reason or two to go?

Yes, also, please, read again. AFGHANISTAN

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:34 PM
appear in the rubble of all the "supposed" terrorist attacks that occurred that day. This is not to say that real people did not die that day, I know they did, I just don't think the actual number is truthful in every instance, nor do I think that there were any actual passengers on any of the planes that they say were used that day...witness protection programs for anyone involved is quite possible.

If your alternate explanation is more bizarre and less plausible, thank you, I stick with the official one. This is similar to the extremely non-plausible theory we never landed on the moon, alleging that thousands of NASA employees are all in on it in a gigantic conspiracy. Problem only, this will never work since sooner or later one person may well leak. The gvt would have 1000s better ways to find a reason to go to war BUT than a giant act involving hundreds/thousands of people where any single one may POTENTIALLY talk at some point: The idea is absurd.

Also..your assumption the number of death is not astonishing.Why don't you ask people who were THERE, like fire fighters and rescue personal? In fact, your speculation that MUCH LESS than the 2000 (?) or so actually died is also less plausible and less likely...since it would require a lot of absurd preparation to keep the numbers low. Your conspiracy nut's problem is that YOUR theories don't make any sense and are much, much more less plausible and logical than the official explanation.
edit on 22013R000000TuesdayAmerica/Chicago21PMTuesdayTuesday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:46 PM


I did that on purpose...they were fabricated so why does it matter.......


If you're going to tell everyone that the official story is a lie, it would be more convincing if you showed that you had some idea what that lie was in the first place, before you tell us that it is obviously false.

After all, how can the official story be obviously false, if you don't even know what it says?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:48 PM

I have always though that people who defend these 'truth videos' never even bother to watch them. They know deep inside how ridiculous most of this is-they just want something to accuse the government of-it makes their own sad lives seem somewhat less miserable.

So you are saying that anyone that questions 9/11, people who don't fully understand it, people who want more information, people who are skeptics, they all just have a miserable life and need this event to brighten up their own lives?

Seriously, take a look at your own avatar. Questioning things is not a crime, nor it is a mental disorder.

I have seen a ton of them, and many are ridicules to say atleast, i'll give you that. But who in their right mind would defend them?
Then there are a lot of other serious videos asking tough questions. As you know, many of those questions are brought here to ATS, so we all can debate them. I guess this was the OP's intention with this post.
It's ok you don't give a rat's a$$, but don't judge other people based on your assumptions please

edit on 10/9/2013 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:01 PM


I have always though that people who defend these 'truth videos' never even bother to watch them. They know deep inside how ridiculous most of this is-they just want something to accuse the government of-it makes their own sad lives seem somewhat less miserable.

I have seen a ton of them, and many are ridicules to say atleast, i'll give you that. But who in their right mind would defend them?

Just check out the 9/11 forums and you'll find a lot of posters who will defend just about any 9/11 conspiracy theory.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

Sadly you are correct. Either you stick to facts, or you just jump the gun. I've jumped the gun in the past on this issue, and boy did i get laughed at!. And it served me right, because i didn't take the time to check facts. I learned that now.
Debating this issue a lot all over the web, and IRL since 2003. There are many misinformed people. No wonder, with all that misinformation there is

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:48 PM

reply to post by Alda1981

Sadly my dear there are many who still think the official version happened. I will say to the day I leave this planet that this was a complete and totally fabricated event.

So I guess you don't believe the Holocaust took place either huh........ And you say I have wool over my eyes lol..

Give me a brea

The Bot

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:52 PM

reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

I've noticed that in almost every 9/11 thread, one of the first few posts has to do with an issue other than the one being presented in the OP.

In some cases, this attempt to derail the thread is blatant while in other instances, it may be a legitimate question/concern.

Try not to get drawn into it.

Great site by the way, S + F.

Also, if you want to embed the video here, simply click on the youtube button and insert everything after the = from the youtube link:

edit on 10-9-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

Thank you very much. They are in denial. I wouldn't expect everyone to think this very volatile experience that occurred that day was possibly a complete fabrication...many of them did not watch what happened in real time, but I will say this...I did...I remember exactly where I was and I will never forget...what they wanted us to see and believe they accomplished and the reasons behind it had nothing to do with terrorism...that was just a convenient cover story...I would like one of these deniers of ignorance to show me a video or an article that purports to show the official story is in any way shape or form possible...forget the me another building that has the free fall these 2 had without controlled me an amateur pilot without any experience in a 747,757,767 that could slam into the Pentagon the way they supposedly did....tell me why the jet that crashed in Pennsylvania created a 15 ft. hole and no visible wreckage....instruct me how to place a cell phone call from above 10,000 ft....the list is endless.

It is really easy for people to just say, rubbish, the Nist report is spot on.....HAHA...DENAL over COMMON SENSE.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:37 PM
My signature explains my stance..... please see signature. It's short & direct and makes one THINK.
edit on 10-9-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:28 PM
good thread, but no need to bring up speculation like there not being anyone on the planes themselves, and witness protection programs, when many other facts you would argue are provable.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by ninepointfive

And NOW, in light of the Russian revelation of 9/11 was an inside job, the gloves will come off worldwide on this subject. Perhaps now our media's obvious bias and protection of those criminals at the highest levels of our government that day will be exposed too. Plus, just like the Riechstag (sp?), they were playing the citizens for rubes. As an honest to God chemist, I have some experience in the field of melting points of iron/steel metals which is way above any temp that day, just way above it. I have also seen quite a few demolitions in my life, some at close range. Making me think that I saw all 3 bldgs were indeed felled by controlled demolition. I know what a squib looks like from past events so I feel I too can confirm those observations of squibs on that fatal day. I also saw the steel pouring at an obviously high temp in the minutes after the collapse. And I think it is fair to say there is solid evidence of the thermite to me. All of this moltent steel and imploding in the footprint with precise squib like events just could not be true if it was jet fuel and furniture fires. There simply is no physical way in my experiences.

The moral to this story is that those of you who avoided math and science are easily duped by the media who lie, to further some "worthy" agenda, with such a straight face most WANT to believe them rather than what they're so called "lying eyes" just showed them. Hard to challenge a math and physics liar if you don't understand math and physics as 99% don't. Those that say scientist said the OS was true were not aware or willing to believe that those scientist were allowed to speak while the enormous number of dissenters were not. Kind of like the man made global warming now climate change debate even in light of more ice and CO2 rising while the temp didn't.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Justoneman

With respect, the heat from the burning jet fuel did not need to melt the structural steel work of the twin towers, only heat it enough to soften the metal, causing buckling and distortion, after that the weight of the building above the aircraft impact area did the rest of the job... No barmy conspiracy theory required to explain this.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:05 AM
I can see that perhaps the USA had got sloppy on homeland security because of being on a huge isolated landmass. However, I do think that common sense alone would say that this was a huge plot and had to have a number of people involved in the planning and actually carrying out of the plan's objectives. I doubt that someone would not have leaked this dreadful objective due simply to their conscience. Also the security forces would have likely known about this or at least had wind of it.

I also think that there was at least some kind of either tacit turning a blind eye or collusion of some kind. I do not believe that the USA would not have launched fighter jets to have destroyed the planes before they hit their targets; I also hope and think it logical that there would be a call-sign in place to alert an airport tower of a highjack in progress by the use of some innocent phrase being called by the pilot.

I believe a video I saw made by a group of architects and engineers who said it was physically impossible for the towers to have fallen as they did. There was a third tower I believe that also collapsed - when I saw that fall it was as though they had blown an old tower block built in the 60's because it literally imploded. There are also first hand witnesses from the fire department who said that they smelled explosives (semtax) I think when they entered the building.

This single happening has ruined a part of our world due to the suppressive measures against our freedoms and privacy and that simply benefits government and those who seek to use government to control and extract wealth from those they govern. The world is a darker place for all of these happenings and power has been concentrated into some of the most corrupt and also stupid hands believable.

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